Root: و ت د
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 3
b) No of constructions: 2
Fix a stake in the ground. Fix a thing firmly,
pegs are the symbols of firmness and relative equilibrium.
1 |
Noun: Indefinite; broken plural;
feminine; accusative. (1)78:07=1
منصوب-جمع مكسر
مؤنث |
2 |
Noun: Definite; broken plural;
feminine; genitive. (1)38:12(2)89:10=2=1
اسم:معرفہ باللام-مجرور--جمع
مكسر مؤنث |
The firmly established
powerful ruler. |

و ت ر
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