1 رَمَحَهُ  , (S, A, L, K,) aor. رَمَحَ , (L, K,) inf. n. رَمْحٌ, (L,) He thrust him, or pierced him, with a رُمْحٌ [i. e. spear, or lance]. (S, A, L, K.) ― -b2- And رَمَحَ, aor. and inf. n. as above, He (a solid-hoofed animal) struck with his hind leg. (Msb.) You say, of a horse, (S, A, K,) and of an ass, and of a mule, (S, A, *) or any solid-hoofed animal, (TA,) رَمَحَهُ, (S, A, K,) aor. as above, (K,) and so the inf. n., (TA,) He kicked him; (K;) or struck him with his hind leg, (S, A, TA,) or with both his hind legs: (TA:) and accord. to Az, it is sometimes metaphorically said of a camel, (Msb, TA,) and رَمَحَتْ is sometimes said of a she-camel. (TA.) ― -b3- [In the vulgar modern language, it means He (a horse or the like) galloped.] ― -b4- [Hence,] said of the [locust termed] جُنْدَب, (tropical:) It struck the pebbles: (so in three copies of the S:) or it struck the pebbles with its hind leg, (L and A, and so, accord. to the TA, in the S,) or with its two hind legs. (K.) ― -b5- And, said of lightning, (tropical:) It gleamed (A, K) with gleams slight and near together. (A.) 3 رامحهُ  , inf. n. مُرَامَحَةٌ, He contended with him in thrusting, or piercing, with the spear, or lance. (A, TA. [The meaning is indicated in both, but not expressed.]) 6 ترامحوا  They contended, one with another, in thrusting, or piercing, with the spear, or lance. (A, TA. [The meaning is indicated in both, but not expressed.]) رُمْحٌ  A certain weapon, (L, TA,) well known; (L, Msb, K;) [i. e. a spear, or lance; one with which one thrusts, not which one casts; accord. to El-Hareeree, (cited by De Sacy in his “ Chrest. Ar, ” sec. ed., ii. 332,) not so called unless having its iron head mounted upon it:] pl. رِمَاحٌ and أَرْمَاحٌ, (S, L, Msb, K,) the former of mult. and the latter of pauc. (L.) [Hence the saying,] كَسَرُوا بَيْنَهُمْ رُمْحًا [lit. They broke a spear between them, or among them; meaning] (tropical:) evil, or mischief, [or enmity, or contention,] happened between them, or among them. (A, TA.) And مُنِينَا بِيَوْمٍ كَظِلِّ الرُّمْحِ (tropical:) We were tried with a long and distressing day. (A, TA.) And هُمْ عَلَى بَنِى فُلَانٍ رُمْحٌ وَاحِدٌ (tropical:) [They are in league against the sons of such a one as one man]. (A, TA.) And كَأَنَّ عَيْنَيْهِ فِى رُمْحَيْنِ [As though his two eyes were upon two spears] is said of one in fear and fright, and looking hardly, or intently; and sometimes of one in anger. (TA.) [The dim. is ↓ رُمَيْحٌ . And hence the saying,] أَخَذَ رُمَيْحَ أَبِى سَعْدٍ (assumed tropical:) He (a man, K, TA, or an old man, TA) stayed himself upon a staff by reason of extreme old age, or decrepitude: by ابوسعد is meant Lukmán the Sage, (K, TA,) who is mentioned in the Kur-án: (TA:) or Marthad Ibn-Saad: or it is a surname applied to old age, and decrepitude. (K, TA.) ― -b2- See also رَامِحٌ. ― -b3- [As a measure in astronomy, accord. to modern Arabian astronomers, it is Four degrees and a half; the eightieth part of a great circle; and accord. to various works on practical law, it consists of twelve أَشْبَار (or spans): but there is reason to believe that ancient usage differed from the modern, with respect to both these measures, and was not precise nor uniform: in an instance mentioned voce زُبَانَى, it appears to be about twice the measure stated above; i. e., about nine degrees; and to consist of five cubits, a measure perhaps equal to twelve spans.] ― -b4- أَخَذَتْ رِمَاحَهَا, said of the [species of barley-grass called] بُهْمَى, (T, S, A, TA,) and of any similar pasture, (T, TA,) (tropical:) It assumed, or put forth, its prickles, (A, * TA,) or became dry in its prickles, (T, TA,) and thus (T, A, TA) resisted the attempts of animals to pasture upon it. (T, S, A, L, TA.) Also, said of camels, (tropical:) They became fat, (S, K, TA,) or yielded milk plentifully; (S, TA;) as though they prevented one's slaughtering them; (K;) or because their owner is prevented from slaughtering them: (S:) or they became goodly in the eye of their owner so that he was prevented from slaughtering them; (A, * TA;) and so أَخَذَتْ أَسْلِحَتَهَا. (TA.) One says also نَاقَةٌ ذَاتُ رُمْحٍ (tropical:) A fat she-camel; and إِِبِلٌ ذَوَاتُ رِمَاحٍ (tropical:) fat camels; because their owner, when desiring to slaughter them, looks at their fatness and their goodly appearance, and is prevented from slaughtering them. (A, * TA.) ― -b5- رِمَاحُ الجِنِّ (tropical:) [The pestilence termed] الطَّاعُونُ. (A, K.) [See the following verses.] ― -b6- رِمَاحُ العَقْرَبِ i. q. شَوْلَاهَا [evidently a mistranscription for شَوْلَاتُهَا, i. e. (assumed tropical:) The stings of scorpions, with which they strike; العقرب being here used, as it seems to be in some other instances, as a coll. gen. n.: that such is the case is shown by the verses here following, quoted in the TA as an ex. of رِمَاحُ الجِنِّ]. (K.) A poet, cited by Th, says, “ لَعَمْرُكَ مَا خَشِيتُ عَلَى أُبَىٍّ
رِمَاحَ بَنِى مُقَيِّدَةِ الحِمَارِ
وَلٰكِنِّى خَشِيتُ عَلَى أُبَىٍّ
رِمَاحَ الجِنِّ أَوْ إِِيَّاكَ حَارِ
” [By thy life, or by thy religion, I feared not, for Ubeí, the stings of the scorpions; but I feared, for Ubeí, the pestilence, or thee, O Harith; حَارِ being for حَارِثُ]; by بنى مقيّدة الحمار he means the scorpions. (TA.) ― -b7- [The dim.] ↓ رُمَيْحٌ is a proper name of (assumed tropical:) The penis; (K, * TA;) like as شُرَيْحٌ is a proper name for “ the vulva of a woman. ” (TA.) ― -b8- ↓ ذُو الرُّمَيْحِ means (assumed tropical:) A species of jerboa, (K, TA,) long in the hind legs, in the middle [?] of each وَظِيف [here meaning metacarpus] having a nail in excess [of those of the hind feet; for the fore feet have each five toes of which one only has no nail, and the hind feet have each but three toes, all of which have nails]: or it means any jerboa: and its رمح [evidently a mistranscription for رُمَيْح] is its tail. (TA. [It is there added, ورماحه شولاتها; another mistranscription, and an obvious solecism; or probably some words which should have preceded these have been omitted by the copyist.]) رَمْحَةٌ ذ : see رَمَّاحٌ: ― -b2- and see also the paragraph here following. رِمَاحٌ ذ a pl. of رُمْحٌ. (S &c.) -A2- Also [The vice of kicking, or striking with the hind leg or with both the hind legs;] a subst. from رَمَحَ said of any solid-hoofed animal: (Msb, TA:) it is a vice for which an animal that has been sold may be returned. (TA.) One says, هُوَ ذُو رِمَاحٍ [He has a vice of kicking]. (A.) And أَبْرَأُ إِِلَيْكَ مِنَ الجِمَاحِ وَالرَّمَاحِ [I am irresponsible to thee for the vice of overcoming the rider and running away with him, and the vice of kicking]. (TA.) [And ↓ رَمْحَةٌ , in like manner, signifies A trick of kicking: see an ex. voce جَمْحَةٌ.] رَمُوحٌ  and ↓ رَمَّاحٌ [A horse, or the like, that has a habit of kicking]. You say دَابَّةٌ رَمُوحٌ عَضُوضٌ and عَضَّاضَةٌ رَمَّاحَةٌ , [A kicking, biting, beast]. (A.) And نَاقَةٌ رَمُوحٌ (tropical:) A kicking she-camel. (TA.) رُمَيْحٌ  : see رُمْحٌ, [of which it is the dim.], in three places. رِمَاحَةٌ  , The art of making رِمَاح [spears, or lances]. (S, A, * K.) See the next paragraph. رَمَّاحٌ  A maker of رِمَاح [spears, or lances]. (S, A, * Msb, K.) You say, هُوَ رَمَّاحٌ حَاذِقٌ فِى الرِّمَاحَةِ [He is a maker of spears or lances, skilful in the art of making them]. (A.) ― -b2- See also رَامِحٌ. -A2- See also رَمُوحٌ, in two places. ― -b2- قَوْسٌ رَمَّاحَةٌ A bow that propels [the arrow] vehemently. (K.) The word رمّاحة used [app. in this sense, without a subst.,] by Tufeyl El-Ghanawee is expl. by some as meaning A thrust, or piercing, with the رُمْح; but no way of resolving this is known, unless it be used in the place of ↓ رَمْحَةٌ , as the inf. n. of un. of رَمَحَ. (L.) -A3- Also (tropical:) Poverty, need, or want. (K, TA. [This meaning is erroneously assigned in Freytag's Lex. to رُمْحٌ.]) رَامِحٌ  Thrusting, or piercing, another with a رُمْح [i. e. spear, or lance]. (S, Msb.) ― -b2- Also (S [in the Msb “ or ”]) A man having a رُمْح [spear, or lance]; (S, Msb, K;) and so ↓ رَمَّاحٌ : (L:) the former an epithet [of the possessive kind,] similar to لَابِنٌ and تَامِرٌ, having no verb. (S.) ― -b3- السِّمَاكُ الرَّامِحُ is the name of (tropical:) [The star Arcturus;] a certain star, before, or preceding, الفَكَّة [or Corona Borealis], preceded by another star, [the star η in the left leg of Bootes,] which is called its رُمْح [or spear, i. e. رُمْحُ السِّمَاكِ and simply الرُّمْحُ], (S, K,) whence its name: it is one of two stars which are together called السِّمَاكَانِ; and is not one of the Mansions of the Moon: (S:) it is also called السِّمَاكُ المِرْزَمُ: (Az, TA:) the other سماك [is Spica Virginis, the Fourteenth Mansion of the Moon, and] is called الأَعْزَلُ, because it has no star [near] before it: الرامح is more red. (TA.) ― -b4- رَامِحٌ also signifies (tropical:) A bull; so called because of his pair of horns: (A:) [i. e.] a wild bull; thought by ISd to be so called because of his horn: (TA:) or ثَوْرٌ رَامِحٌ signifies a [wild] bull having a pair of horns. (S, K.) Credit: Lane Lexicon