o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Root: ك ل ب Parable of Sled-Dog for a religious scholar Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan: a) Total occurrences: 6 b) No of constructions: 4 The basic perception infolded in the Root, in the words of Ibne Faris [died 1005] is: الكاف واللام والباء أصلٌ واحد صحيح يدلُّ على تَعلُّق الشَّيء بالشَّيء في شِدَّة وشدَّة جَذْب. من ذلك الكَلْب، وهو معروف، والجمع كِلابٌ وكَليب. والكَلاَّب That it leads to the perception of relation of a thing with another in a manner of acuity, rigidity and attraction, drawing, or engaging. The well known word, "the dog" is from this Root. Grand Qur'aan has used this Root only to refer to the well known animal, i.e. dog, and hunter.
On subjecting to lift load
his reaction is that he:
This is an informative statement-a proposition that if the dog is treated as beast of burden and is subjected to carry a load he would pant. Therefore, it was understandable even to those people in time-line who did not know that certain dogs are used as beast of burden in some areas of the world. The Grand Qur'aan was providing to the Arabs of Hijaz-desert people information relating to the entire Globe; that was soon to become like a Village for humanity. One reason that causes the dog to pant is the stress, exercise and fatigue. However, the act of panting is there in normal situation also without subjecting him to burdensome obligations. The dog pants to "cool" himself, have feel of comfort. As a part of its cooling system, the dog cools its body by cooling the fluids in its mouth by providing a steady stream of air against the tongue. This cools the blood vessels in the dog's head area. Although a dog's body does have sweat glands located on the pads on a dog's feet and ears, the dog's body is cooled off mainly through its tongue.
Please keep these facts in mind about the Sled-Dog and also that all animals prostrate to Allah the Exalted. Therefore, its mention is not for ridicule or diminutive. This incidence is quoted for a purpose. Let us ponder objectively; about the psychology and behaviour of apparently a learned-knowledgeable-religious mentor for whom this parable has been brought to our notice, to recognize and distance ourselves away from him, if such a person exists/existed in our vicinity/area. o
........... Sled Dog: working dog used for pulling people or loads over snow and ice.
Sled dogs carrying load and panting Sled dog-relieved of load but still panting