عَجڤزَ The primary signification of
عَجْزٌ [an inf. n. of
عَجَزَ] is The being, or becoming,
behind, or behindhand, or backward, with respect to a thing;
or holding back, hanging back, or abstaining, from it: and its
happening at the latter, or last, part, or at the end, of an
affair: and hence, in common conventional language, it has the signification
shown by the explanation here next following. (Er-Rághib, B, &c., and
TA.) ― -b2-
عَجَزَ, aor.
عَجِزَ , inf. n.
عَجْزٌ and
مَعْجَزَةٌ and
مَعْجِزَةٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and
مَعْجَزٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is agreeable with rule, (S,) and
مَعْجِزٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) which is extr., (Sb, TA,) and
عَجَزَانٌ and
عُجُوزٌ; (O, K;) and
عَجِزَ, aor.
عَجَزَ , (O, Msb, K,) inf. n.
عَجَزٌ, (Msb,) said by IKtt to be mentioned by Fr, as of the dial. of
some of the tribe of Keys, but by others [and among them Sgh in the O] said to
be a bad form, (TA,) or mentioned by AZ, as of the dial. of some of the tribe of
Keys- 'Eylán, but not known to them, and said by IF to be disallowed by IAar in
the sense here immediately following; (Msb;) He lacked
strength, or power, or ability; he was, or became,
powerless, impotent, or unable. (S, * Msb, * K, TA.) You say,
كَذَا, (S, A, O, Msb, TA,) and accord. to some, as shown above,
عَنْهُ, (Msb, TA,) He lacked strength, or power, or
ability, for, or to do, effect, accomplish, achieve, attain, or
compass, such a thing; he was unable to do it: (S, * O, * Msb, * TA:) or
(tropical:) he was too old to do it. (A, TA.) And it is said in a trad.,
(S, * Mgh,) of 'Omar, (TA,)
مَعْجَزَةٍ, meaning Remain ye not in a country, or
district, or town, where ye are unable to gain your livelihood. (S,
A, Mgh, * TA.) You say also,
عَنْكَ (tropical:) [app. A thing will not suffice me when it
cannot thee]. (A, TA.) And
عَنْهُ (tropical:) [They came with an army which the earth had not
strength to bear, or scarce sufficed to contain]. (A, TA.) ― -b3-
كَذَا also signifies He, or it, lacked such a thing:
see an ex. voce
عَرْفٌ.] ― -b4- [Hence,]
عَجَزَتْ, (S, O, Msb, K,) aor.
عَجُزَ , (S, O, K,) or
عَجِزَ , (Msb,) inf. n.
عُجُوزٌ (S, O, K) and
عَجْزٌ, (TA,) She (a woman, S, O, Msb) became aged; (S,
O, Msb, K;) [because the aged lacks strength;] as also
عَجُزَتْ, aor.
عَجُزَ ; (O, K;) and ↓
عَجَّزَتْ , inf. n.
تَعْجِيزٌ. (S, O, K.) -A2-
عَجِزَتْ, aor.
عَجَزَ , (S, O, K,) inf. n.
عَجَزٌ and
عُجْزٌ, (S, K,) [or the latter is a simple subst.,] or
عَجْزٌ and
عُجْزَانٌ, (O,) She (a woman, S) became large in the hinder
parts, or posteriors; (S, O, K;) as also ↓
عُجِّزَتْ , inf. n.
تَعْجِيزٌ: (Yoo, O, K:) and
عَجِزَ, inf. n.
عَجَزٌ, he (a man) became large therein: (Msb:) accord.
to IAar, as related by Th, one does not say thus of a man except in this sense.
(S, O.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
الرَّمْلَةُ (assumed tropical:) The piece of sand became high.
(IKtt, TA.) -A3-
عُجِزَ He (a man) was importuned for his property:
part. n. ↓
مَعْجُوزٌ . (O.) -A4-
فَعَجَزْتُهُ: see 3. 2
عجّزهُ , (Msb,) inf. n.
تَعْجِيزٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) He attributed, or imputed, to
him lack of strength or power or ability; i. e., inability,
or impotence: (S, * O, * K, * TA:) he asserted him to be, or
called him, or made him, (جَعَلَهُ,)
unable, or impotent. (Msb.) [Compare 4, in a sense given below
from the B.] You say also,
فُلَانٍ Such a one attributed, or imputed, the opinion of
such a one to littleness of good judgment, or of prudence; as though
he attributed it to inability. (TA.) ― -b2- Also He withheld him, or
kept him back, or diverted him, (S, K,) from (عَنْ)
a person or thing: (TA:) [as though he made him unable to attain his object:
compare 4.] -A2-
عَجَّزَتْ, said of a woman: see 1, latter part. -A3-
عُجِّزَتْ, said of a woman: see 1, latter part. ― -b2-
دَابَّتَهُ He put the
حَقِيبَة [q. v.] upon his beast. (Sgh, TA.) ― -b3-
الشَّاعِرُ The poet uttered, or wrote, the
عَجُز, or last foot, of the verse. (TA.) 3
عاجزهُ : see
أَعْجَزَهُ. -A2- ↓
فَعَجَزْتُهُ , (A, K,) aor. of the latter
عَجُزَ , (TA,) I contended with him in a race, and I
outstripped him. (A, O, K.) ― -b2- And
عاجز (inf. n.
مُعَاجِزَةٌ, TA) He outstripped, and was not reached; as also
اعجز : (A:) or he went away, and was not reached: (S, O,
K:) or he fled, and could not be caught. (Msb.) -A3-
ثِقَةٍ He inclined to a trusty person, (S, A, O, K,) and
had recourse to him for refuge. (A.) [Hence,]
البَاطِلِ Such a one declines from the truth to falsehood, and has
recourse to the latter for protection. (A, TA.) ― -b2- And
القَوْمُ The people, or company of men, left a thing and
began another. (TA.) 4
اعجزهُ He found him to be without strength, or
power, or ability; to be unable, or impotent. (S, O, Msb, K.)
― -b2- He, or it, made him to be (جَعَلَهُ)
without strength or power or ability, to be unable, or
impotent; disabled him; or incapacitated him; as also ↓
عاجزهُ . (B, TA.) [For an illustration of the latter verb, see
its act. part. n., below: and compare 2, in a sense given above from the Msb.
You say,
الأَمْرِ He, or it, rendered him unable to do, effect,
accomplish, achieve, attain, or compass, the affair.] ― -b3- He,
or it, rendered him (صَيَّرَهُ)
unable (TS, K, TA) to attain, or overtake, him: (TS, TA:) ―
-b4- and [thus, by an inversion, it also signifies] he was unable to reach,
or overtake, him. (Lth, TA.) ― -b5- [It frustrated his power or
ability, or his skill, or endeavours.] ― -b6- It escaped
him, so that he was unable to attain it, or to do it, or to
accomplish it: (S, O, Msb, K:) and simply, he was unable to attain it,
or to do it, or to accomplish it. (TA.) ― -b7- See also 3. 5
البَعيرَ He rode upon the hinder part, or rump,
of the camel. (Yaakoob, S, A, O, K.)
عَجْزٌ : see
عَجُزٌ. ― -b2- Also, [said in the TA to be written by Sgh
عَجَز, but it is written
عَجْز in the O, and is thus accord. to the K,] A disease in the
hinder part of a horse or the like, rendering him heavy. (O, K.)
عُجْزٌ Old age of a woman: a simple subst. (TA.) You
وَعُجْزِكِ Fear thou God in thy youth and [thine old age,
or] when thou becomest an old woman. (TA. [But
اتّق is there put for
اِتَّقِى: and in the explanation,
تَصِيرُ for
تَصِيرِينَ. See
عَجَزَتْ.]) -A2- See also
عَجُزٌ. ― -b2- [And see
عِجْزٌ : see the next paragraph.
عَجُزٌ (S, A, O, L, Msb, K) and ↓
عَجْزٌ (O, L, Msb, K) and ↓
عُجُزٌ (L, Msb) and ↓
عُجْزٌ (O, L, Msb, K) and ↓
عَجِزٌ (O, L, K) and ↓
عِجْزٌ , (K,) but the first form is the most chaste, (Msb,) fem.
and masc., (S, O, Msb, K,) in the first of the following senses, i. e., in the
general application; and in the second, or restricted application, fem., but
made masc. by the Benoo- Temeem, (Msb,) or, accord. to El-Heythemee, fem. only,
(TA,) The hinder part of a thing; (S, A, O, L, Msb, K;) i. e., of
anything: (Msb:) and particularly the hinder parts, posteriors, buttock,
or buttocks, rump, or croup, (S, * O, *) or what is between the
two hips, (Mgh, Msb,) or what is after the back, (TA,) of a man, and
of a woman; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, TA;) [and of a camel, &c.;] and ↓
عَجِيزَةٌ signifies the same, but of a woman only, (S, O, Msb,
K,) in its proper application, though sometimes of a man also by way of
comparison: (IAth, Mgh, TA:) pl. of
عَجُزٌ, (S, Msb, K,) and of its variants, (Msb, K,)
أَعْجَازٌ, (S, Msb, K,) the only pl. form: (TA:) and of ↓
عَجِيزَةٌ ,
عَجِيزَاتٌ: they do not say
عَجَائِزُ, [the regular form of pl. of
عجيزة,] for fear of confusion [as it is pl. of
عَجُوزٌ or of
عَجُوزَةٌ]. (TA.) One says also,
الأَعْجَازِ Verily she is large in the hinder parts: as though
the term
عَجُزٌ were applicable to every portion thereof. (Lh, TA.) And
الإِِبِلِ He exposed himself, in seeking [a thing], to
abasement and difficulty and patient endurance, and exerted unsparingly his
power or ability, (K, TA,) not caring for undergoing long
night-journeying. (TA.) Thus expl. in a saying of 'Alee:
السُّرَى [There is a right belonging to us: if we be given it, we
take it: and if we be refused it, we expose ourselves to abasement, &c.,
though the night-journeying be long]: (O, * TA:) or, accord. to Az, he does
not mean this, but alludes to others' having precedence in respect of his right,
and his being himself kept back from it. (TA.) One also says,
الإِِبِلِ The sons of such a one are in a state of abasement,
dependents of others: or experience difficulties; because the rump,
or croup, of the camel is a difficult place to ride upon. (A.) And it is said by
one of the wise, (Aktham Ibn-Seyfee, T, in TA, art.
صُدُورُهَا, (TA, in this art., and O,) or
تَتَدَبَّرُوا, (T, in TA, art.
دبر,) (tropical:) [Think ye not upon the ends of things whereof
the beginnings have passed:] meaning, when a thing has passed, make not your
minds, or desires, to follow after it, regretting what has passed, but be
consoled for it, placing your reliance upon God: (O, TA:) and, as IAth says, it
is intended to incite to the consideration of the results, or issues, of affairs
before the entering upon them. (TA.) [See also
دَبَّرَ.] ― -b2-
نَخْلٍ The trunks of palm-trees. (S, O, K.) [See Kur liv. 20
and lxix. 7.) And
الصِّلِّيَانِ [The stems of the
صِلِّيَان]. (AHn, M in art.
صل.) ― -b3-
عَجُزٌ also signifies The last foot of a verse; contr. of
صَدْرٌ. (TA.) And The latter hemistich of a verse: the former
hemistich is termed
صَدْرٌ. (O.) [And The last word of a clause of rhyming prose.
And the latter part of a word.] -A2- See also
عَاجِزٌ. -A3-
العَجُزِ: see
عَجِزٌ : see
عَجُزٌ: -A2- and see also
عُجُزٌ : see
عُجْزَةٌ : see the next paragraph.
عِجْزَةٌ The last of the children of a man; (S, O,
K;) as also ↓
عُجْزَةٌ . (IAar, O, K.) You say,
أَبَوَيْهِ Such a one is the last of the children of his parents;
and in like manner you say of a female, and of a plural number: (S, O, TA:) and
so, [accord. to some,]
أَبَوَيْهِ. (TA.) You say also,
لِعِجْزَةٍ He was born after his parents had become old: and
such you term
العِجْزَةِ. (O, TA.)
عَجُوزٌ i. q.
عَاجِزٌ, q. v. (K.) ― -b2- An old, or aged, woman: (S,
O, Msb, K:) a woman extremely old; or old and weak: so called
because of her inability to do many things: (TA:) [this is the most common
signification of the word:] accord. to ISk, (S, O, Msb,) you should not say ↓
عَجُوزَةٌ ; (S, O, Msb, K;) or this is bad; (K;) and is said by
the vulgar; (S, O;) but IAar authorizes it; (O;) and IAmb allows it, to
demonstrate its being fem.; and Yoo is related to have heard it from the Arabs:
(Msb:) pl.
عَجَائِزُ, (S, O, Msb, K,) or this is pl. of
عَجُوزَةٌ; (R, TA;) and
عُجُزٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and
عُجْزٌ, a contraction of
عُجُزٌ, occurring in traditions. (TA.) ― -b3- A man's wife,
whether old or young: (Az, O, K, * TA:) and in like manner, the husband, though
young, is called
شَيْخٌ. (Az, O, TA.) ― -b4- An old, or aged, man: (O,
TA:) a man extremely old; or old and weak. (TA.) -A2- (tropical:)
Wine; (S, O, K;) because of its oldness: (S, O:) or old wine. (A,
TA.) -A3- A certain nail in the hilt of a sword, (IAar, O, K,) with
which is another nail called
الكَلْبُ. (IAar, O, TA.) Az approves of this explanation. (O.) ― -b2-
A sword-blade. (Lth, S, O, K.) ― -b3- A sword. (O, TA.) ― -b4- [It
has a great variety of other significations; but these are of very rare
occurrence, and are therefore to be mentioned (ان
اللّٰه) in Book II.] -A4-
العَجُوزِ; (S, O, K;) also called ↓
العَجُزِ , because they come in the latter part (عَجُز)
of winter; but the former is the correct appellation; (MF;) accord. to the usage
of the Arabs, Five days, the names of which are
صِنٌّ and
صِنَّبْرٌ and
وَبْرٌ and
الجَمْرِ and
الظَّعْنِ; said by Ibn-Kunáseh to be of the
نَوْء of
الصَّرْفَة [by which is meant the auroral setting of the Twelfth
Mansion of the Moon, which, in Central Arabia, about the commencement of the era
of the Flight, happened on the 9th of March O. S.: in the modern Egyptian
Almanacs, the
العجوز are said to commence now on the 9th of March N. S., which is
now the 26th of February O. S.]: (S, O, TA:) or, accord. to Abu-l-Ghowth, (S,)
they are seven days, (S, K,) named
صِنٌّ and
صِنَّبْرٌ and
وَبْرٌ and
الآمِرُ and
المُؤْتَمِرُ and
المُعَلِّلُ and
الجَمْرِ, or
الظَّعْنِ: (K:) and some reckon
الظعن an eighth: but most authors hold these names to be
post-classical: (MF:) accord. to Esh-Shereeshee, they are seven days; four of
the last [days] of February, and three of the first [days]
of March: (Har p. 295:) during these days blew the wind by which the
tribe of 'Ád was destroyed: and they are thus called because they are [in] the
latter part (عَجْز)
of winter; or because an old woman (عَجُوز)
of 'Ád concealed herself in a subterranean excavation, from which the wind
dragged her forth on the eighth day, and destroyed her: (Bd in lxix. 7:) or
آمِرٌ and
مُؤْتَمِرٌ are the names of the last two days; (K in art.
امر;) the former being the sixth, and the latter the seventh. (M in
that art.) Ibn-Ahmar says, (S,) or, accord. to IB, not Ibn-Ahmar, but Aboo-Shibl
'Ásim Ibn-el-Aarábee, as Th says, on the authority of IAar, (TA,) or Aboo-Shibl
'Osm Ibn-Wahb Et-Temeemee, (O,) “
” [The winter is driven away, or is closed, by seven dusty (days),
our old woman's days of the month; and when her days come to an end, and Sinn
and Sinnabr, with El-Webr, and with Ámir and his little brother Mu-temir, and
Mo'allil, and with Mutfi-el-Jemr, pass, the winter goes away, retiring quickly,
and a burning wind (رِيحٌ
being understood) comes to thee from the first day of the ensuing
month, or, accord. to a reading which I find in one copy of the S, from
the sea,
البَحْرِ]. (S, O, TA.)
عَجِيزٌ One who does not come to women [by reason
of impotence]: (S, K:) and so
عَجِيرٌ, (S, TA,) and
عَجِيسٌ. (TA.) And A stallion impotent to cover: as also
عَجِيسٌ. (IDrd, O, TA.)
عِجَازَةٌ : see
إِِعْجَازَةٌ. ― -b2- Also The
دَابِرَة [in the CK (erroneously)
دائِرَة], (O, K, TA,) i. e. backtoe, (O, TA,) of a bird. (O,
K, TA.)
عَجُوزَةٌ : see
عَجِيزَةٌ : see
عَجُزٌ, in two places.
عَاجِزٌ Lacking strength, or power, or
ability; powerless, unable, or impotent; (K, * TA;) as also ↓
عَجُوزٌ , (K,) and ↓
عَجِزٌ and ↓
عَجُزٌ : (TA:) pl. of the first [عَاجِزُونَ,
عَجَزٌ, [or rather this a quasi-pl. n.,] like as
خَدَمٌ is of
خَادِمٌ, (TA,) and
عَوَاجِزُ, (O, K,) but this is only in the dial. of Hudheyl, and,
applied to men, is anomalous. (O, TA.) You say also,
عَاجِزٌ A woman lacking strength, or power, or
ability, to do a thing; unable to do a thing. (IAar, TA.) And it is said in
a trad., respecting Paradise,
وَعَجَزُهُمْ [There shall not enter me save the mean of mankind,
and] those lacking in intelligence and in power with respect to worldly
things. (TA.) ― -b2-
عَاجِزٌ (tropical:) A garment that is [too] short:
(A, O, TA:) or narrow, or scanty. (O.)
أَعْجَزُ : fem.
عَجْزَآءُ. ― -b2- The latter signifies A woman large in the hinder
parts, or posteriors; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓
مُعْجِزَةٌ ; (TA;) [unless this be a mistake for ↓
مُعَجَّزَةٌ , from
عُجِّزَتْ:] or wide in the belly, heavy in the flesh upon the
hips, and consequently large in the hinder parts. (TA.) ― -b3- And each,
Having the disease termed
عَجْزٌ [q. v.]. (O, TA.) ― -b4- And the fem., An eagle (عُقَابٌ)
short in the tail, (S, O, K, TA,) and deficient therein: (TA:) and
(some say, O) having in its tail a white feather, (O, K,) or two [white]
feathers: (O:) or having a whiteness, or a colour differing
[from the rest], in its hinder part: (TA:) and (some say, O)
strong in the
دَابِرَة (O, K, TA, in the CK [erroneously]
دائِرَة,) of the
كَفّ, (K, TA,) i. e. in the back-toe: (TA:) so says IDrd. (O.)
― -b5-
عَجْزَآءُ (assumed tropical:) A high piece of sand: (S, O, K:)
or an oblong piece of sand producing plants or herbage: (M, TA:)
or a high oblong piece of sand, as though it were hard ground, not sand
heaped up, but fertile: pl.
عُجْزٌ, because it is an epithet. (T, TA.)
إِِعْجَازَةٌ A thing (S, O, K, TA) resembling a
pillow, (O, TA,) with which a woman enlarges [in appearance]
her hinder part, (S, O, K, TA,) binding it upon that part, (O,
TA,) in order that she may be thought to be large in her hinder part, (O,
K, TA,) when she is not so; (TA;) as also ↓
عِجَازَةٌ . (O, K.)
مُعْجِزٌ [act. part. n. of 4, q. v.]. ― -b2- The words of
the Kur [xxix. 21]
signify, accord. to Fr, And ye shall not escape in the earth, nor shall
those in the heaven escape: or, accord. to Aboo-Is-hák, and ye shall
not escape in the earth, nor should ye if ye were in the heaven: or,
accord. to Akh, and ye shall not escape by fleeing in the earth nor in
the heaven: but Az says that the explanation of Fr is the best known. (L.) ―
-b3- ↓
مُعْجِزَةٌ [A miracle performed by a prophet;
distinguished from
كَرَامَةٌ, which signifies one performed by a saint, or righteous
man, not claiming to be a prophet;] that by which a prophet disables the
opponent in a contest; the
ة implying intensiveness; (K;) as defined by the Muslim theologians,
an event at variance with the usual course [of nature],
produced by means of one who lays claim to the office of a prophet, in
contending with those who disacknowledge [his claim], in such a
manner as renders them unable to produce the like thereof; (O;) or an
event breaking through, or infringing, the usual course [of nature]
لِلْعَادَةِ), inviting to good and happiness, coupled with a claim
to the prophetic office, and intended to manifest the veracity of him who
claims to be an apostle of God: (KT:) pl.
مُعْجِزَاتٌ. (S, O, TA.)
مُعْجِزَةٌ : see
مُعْجِزٌ: -A2- and see also
مِعْجَزَةٌ A [zone, or waist-belt, such as
is termed]
مِنْطَقَة: so called because it is next to the
عَجُز of the person wearing it. (TA.)
مِعْجَازٌ Always lacking strength, or power,
or ability; always unable, or impotent. (TA.) -A2- Also A road.
(O, K. [In the TA,
كمحارب is erroneously put for
مَعْجُوزٌ Outstripped. (Z, TA.) ― -b2- And
Importuned by begging. (IAar, K, TA.) See also 1, last sentence but one.
مُعَجَّزَةٌ : see
مُعَجِّزٌ [act. part. n. of 2]: see
مُعَاجِزٌ. -A2- Also, (TA,) or
مُعَجِّزَةٌ, (Yoo, TA,) A woman becoming aged: (TA:) or
become aged. (Yoo, TA.)
مُعَاجِزٌ act. part. n. of 3 [q. v.]. ― -b2- In the Kur
xxii. 50 and xxxiv. 5,
مُعَاجِزِينَ signifies Fighting and contesting with the
prophets and their friends, to render them unable to perform the
command of God: (Ibn-'Arafeh, O, K:) or opposing: or striving to
outstrip, or gain precedence: (TA:) or opposing, (K,) [and]
striving to outstrip or gain precedence: (O, K:) or imagining
that they will render us unable to attain them, or that they will
escape us; (Zj, K;) for they imagined that they were not to be raised from
the dead, and that there was no Paradise nor Hell: (Zj, O, TA:) but some read ↓
مُعَجِّزِينَ , meaning, withholding, or keeping back,
or diverting, the followers of the Prophet from him and from belief in
the signs or miracles: or attributing impotence to the followers of the
Prophet. (TA.) Credit:
Lane Lexicon