1 حَبَرَهُ حبر حبره حبرة , (S, Msb, TA,) aor. حَبُرَ , (Msb,) inf. n. حَبْرٌ; (S, Msb, TA;) and ↓ حبّرهُ , (TA,) inf. n. تَحْبيرٌ; (S, K, TA;) or the latter has an intensive signification; (Msb;) He made it beautiful, beautified it, (S, K, TA,) or adorned it, or embellished it, (Msb,) and made it plain; (TA;) namely, handwriting, and poetry, &c., (S, K, both in relation to the latter verb, and TA in relation to both verbs,) such as language, or speech, and science, (S, TA,) and pronunciation, and a recitation; meaning, with respect to the last, the voice [with which he recited]. (TA.) ― -b2- Also حَبَرَهُ, (S, A, L, Msb, but in the Msb “ or, ” not “ also, ”) aor. حَبُرَ , inf. n. حَبْرٌ (S, Msb) and حَبْرَةٌ; (S;) and ↓ احبرهُ ; (K;) and in an intensive sense ↓ حبّرهُ ; (Msb;) He, (God, A,) or it, (a thing, or an affair or event, S, L,) made him happy, joyful, or glad; (S, A, L, Msb, K;) affected him with a happiness, joy, or gladness, that made his face to shine, or of which the mark, or sign, (حَبَار, i. e. أَثَر,) appeared upon his countenance; (Bd in xliii. 70, in explanation of the pass. form of the first of these verbs;) he made him to enjoy a state of ease and plenty; and treated him with honour: (Lth and S in explanation of the pass. form of the first verb as used in the Kur xxx. 14:) or treated him with extraordinary honour. (Bd in xliii. 70, and TA.) [حُبِرَ, properly signifying He was made happy, &c., may be used as meaning he was, or became, happy, &c.; like سُرَّ; and حُبُورٌ, and its syns. mentioned with it below, may be regarded as its inf. ns. Golius, app. from his finding حَبَرٌ explained in the KL as an inf. n. meaning The being happy, &c., (شَادْ شُدَنْ,) assigns to حُبِرَ جِلْدُهُ, as on the authority of that lexicon, the meaning of “ hilaris lætusque fuit; ” but I have not found this verb in any Arabic work.] -A2- حُبِرَ جِلْدُهُ His skin was beaten so that there remained the mark of the beating. (K.) -A3- حَبِرَ الجُرْحُ, (S, K,) aor. حَبَرَ , (K,) inf. n. حَبَرٌ, (S,) The wound broke out afresh: (S, K:) or became healed, but left scars. (Ks, S, K.) ― -b2- حَبرَتْ أَسْنَانُهُ, aor. حَبَرَ , (S, A, * Msb, K,) inf. n. حَبَرٌ, (S, Msb, *) His teeth became of a yellow colour mingled with the whiteness: (K:) or became yellow; (A, Msb;) syn. قَلِحَتْ. (S.) [See also حِبِرٌ.] 2 حبّرهُ حبر حبره حبرة : see 1, in two places. ― -b2- Also, inf. n. تَحْبِيرٌ, He pared it well; namely, an arrow. (TA.)

4 احبرهُ احبره احبرة أحبره حبر : see 1. -A2- احبر بِهِ He, or it, left a mark upon him, or it. (TA.) And احبرِت الضَّرْبَةُ جِلْدَهُ and بِجِلْدِهِ The blow made a mark, or marks, upon his skin. (TA.) حَبْرٌ حبر : see حُبُورٌ, in two places: ― -b2- and حِبْرٌ, in two places: ― -b3- and حِبِرٌ. -A2- Also حَبْرٌ and ↓ حِبْرٌ ; (S, A, Msb, K, &c.;) but As says, I know not whether it be the former or the latter: (S:) IAar says both: A 'Obeyd says that some of the lawyers say the former; and some, the latter; (TA;) and that in his opinion it is the former: (S, TA:) AHeyth, that it is the former only: (TA:) Th mentions the former only: (Msb:) Fr says it is the latter only: (TA:) and the latter is [said to be] the more chaste because the pl. is of the measure أَفْعَالٌ, and not فُعُولٌ: (S, TA:) [but a pl. of the latter measure is also mentioned:] A learned man (As, S, Msb, K) of the Jews: (S, A:) or whether he be a Christian or Jewish or Sabean subject of a Muslim government, who pays a poll-tax for his freedom and toleration, or one who, having been such, has become a Muslim: or one skilled in the beautifying of language: (A 'Obeyd, S:) or a good, or righteous, man: (Kaab, K, TA:) pl. (of the former, Msb) حُبُورٌ, (Msb, K,) [but this is seldom used,] and (of the latter, Msb) أَحْبَارٌ. (IDrst, S, A, Msb, K, &c.) حِبْرٌ حبر Ink, syn. مَدَادٌ, (Msb,) and نِقْسٌ, (K,) with which one writes: (S, Msb:) so called because it is one of the means of beautifying writings; (Mohammad Ibn-Zeyd, TA;) or because it beautifies, and makes plain, handwriting; (Hr, TA;) or because of the marks that it leaves: (As, TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَحْبَارٌ (IDrst, TA) and [of mult.] حُبُورٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- I. q. وَشْىٌ [The variegation, or figuring, of cloth or of a garment; or a kind of variegated, or figured, cloth or garment]: (IAar, K:) pl. حُبُورٌ. (K, * TA.) [See also حِبَرَةٌ.] ― -b3- A mark, or sign, of the enjoyment of ease and plenty: (As, S, K: [in one copy of the S, and in the CK, for أَثَرُ النَّعْمَةِ, I find, erroneously, أَثَرُ النِّعْمَةِ:]) and [hence,] beauty; (As, S, A, K;) beauty of aspect; or a beautiful and pleasing aspect, that satisfies the eye by its comeliness: (As, S, TA:) colour; complexion: (Fr, IAar, S, TA:) pl. أَحْبَارٌ (S) and حُبُورٌ. (K, * TA.) One says, إِِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الحِبْرِ وَالسِّبْرِ Verily he is beautiful, and of goodly appearance: (As, S:) or of beautiful complexion. (IAar.) And ذَهَبَ حِبْرُهُ وَسِبْرُهُ His colour, or complexion, (Fr, S,) or beautiful, (A,) and goodliness of form or aspect, departed: (Fr, S, A:) from the saying, جَآءَتِ الأَبِلُ حَسَنَةَ الأَحْبَارِ وَالأَسْبَارِ [The camels came beautiful in colours and in appearances]. (Fr, S, A. *) One says also, وَالسَّبْرِ فُلَانٌ حَسَنُ الحَبْرِ : where حبر seems to be the inf. n. of حَبَرْتُهُ “ I made him, or it, beautiful. ” (S.) ― -b4- Also, (S, K,) and ↓ حَبْرٌ (TA) and ↓ حَبَرٌ (K) and ↓ حَبَارٌ (S, K) and ↓ حِبَارٌ , (A, K,) A mark, or trace, (S, A, K,) of beating, (A,) or of a blow that has not brought blood, or of a healed wound, (TA,) or of work, or labour: (A, TA:) pl. of the first [or second] حُبُورٌ (Yaakoob, S, K) and [of the first and third, accord. to analogy,] أَحْبَارٌ; (TA;) and of the fourth حَبَارَاتٌ, (Yaakoob, S, TA,) it having no broken pl. (TA.) One says, بِهِ حُبُورٌ Upon him are marks [of beating, &c.]. (S.) And الضَّرْبِ بِجِلْدِهِ حِبَارُ Upon his skin is the mark of beating. (A.) And العَمَلِ بِيَدِهِ حِبَارُ Upon his hand is the mark of work, or labour. (A.) ― -b5- See also حِبِرٌ. ― -b6- And see حُبُورٌ. -A2- Also, [like the Hebrew ?, and the Chaldee ?,] A like; an equal; a fellow. (K.) ― -b2- See also حَبْرٌ. حَبَرٌ حبر : see حُبُورٌ: -A2- and حِبْرٌ: ― -b2- and حِبَرَةٌ. حَبِرٌ حبر : see حَبِيرٌ. حِبَرٌ حبر : see حِبَرَةٌ. حِبِرٌ حبر , (Msb, K,) the only subst. of this form beside إِِبِلٌ, (Msb,) [and a few rare dial. vars.,] and ↓ حِبْرٌ (K) and ↓ حَبْرٌ (A, K) and ↓ حِبِرَةٌ (S, Msb, K) and ↓ حَبْرَةٌ (A, K,) and ↓ حُبْرَةٌ ; (K;) or حِبِرٌ, without ة, [as also حِبْرٌ and حَبْرٌ,] is a pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.], (S,) and with ة it is said to be a n. un. ; (Msb;) A yellowness that mingles with the whiteness of the teeth; (K;) a yellowness of the teeth; (Sh, A, Msb;) what is termed قَلَحٌ in the teeth: (S:) or قَلَحٌ is when they become green: and when the crust increases so as to encroach upon the gums, and to make the roots of the teeth to appear, this is what is termed حَفْرٌ and حَفَرٌ: (Sh, Msb, TA:) pl. حُبُورٌ. (K.) حَبْرَةٌ حبر حبره حبرة : see حُبُورٌ, in three places. ― -b2- Also Extraordinariness (مُبَالَغَةٌ) in a thing that is described as beautiful. (K.) [See 1.] ― -b3- A musical performance, or concert, instrumental or vocal or both, (سَمَاعٌ,) in Paradise; (Zj, K;) agreeably with which signification Zj explains [the verb in] the verse of the Kur [xxx. 14, or xliii. 70]: (TA:) and any sweet melody. (K.) -A2- See also حِبِرٌ. حُبْرَةٌ حبر حبره حبرة : see حِبِرٌ. حَبَرَةٌ حبر حبره حبرة : see حُبُورٌ: -A2- and see also the next paragraph, in two places. حِبَرَةٌ حبر حبره حبرة (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and ↓ حَبَرَةٌ (K) A [garment of the kind called] بُرْد, (S, Mgh,) or a sort of بُرْد, (K,) of the fabric of El-Yemen, (S, Mgh, K,) striped (مُنَمَّرٌ [or this word, q. v., may perhaps signify spotted]); (TA;) a kind of garment of the fabric of El-Yemen, of cotton or linen, striped (مُخَطَّطٌ): (Msb:) pl. حِبَرٌ and حِبَرَاتٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and حَبَرٌ and حَبَرَاتٌ: (TA:) [or rather ↓ حِبَرٌ and ↓ حَبَرٌ are coll. gen. ns.] Accord. to Lth, (Az, Mgh, TA,) حبرة is not a place, nor a known thing, but only signifies وَشْىٌ [see حِبْرٌ]; (Az, Mgh, Msb, TA;) and one says بُرْدٌ حِبَرَةٌ (Msb, TA) and بُرُودٌ حِبَرَةٌ, (TA,) and بُرْدُ حِبَرَةٍ (Mgh, Msb, TA) and بُرُودُ حِبَرَةٍ, (Mgh, TA,) like as one says ثُوْبُ قِرْمِزٍ, the word قرمز signifying a certain dye. (Az, Msb, TA.) [The term ↓ حَبَرَةٌ is now applied in Egypt to A lady's outer covering of silk, black for the married, and white for the unmarried, worn in ridding and walking abroad; the former worn also by concubine slaves. See also حَبِيرٌ.] حِبِرَةٌ حبر حبره حبرة : see حِبِرٌ. حِبْرِىٌّ حبر حبرى حبري A seller of ink. (K.) ↓ حَبَّارٌ , also, is mentioned as having the same signification; and some say that analogy is a sufficient authority for it: but it is disallowed by F. (TA.) حِبَرِىٌّ حبر حبرى حبري , not ↓ حَبَّارٌ , (K,) or the latter is allowable on the ground of analogy, (MF,) A seller of the garments called حِبَرٌ. (K.) [See حِبَرَةٌ.] حُبْرُورٌ حبرور (Msb, K) and ↓ حِبْرِيرٌ and ↓ حَبَرْبَرٌ and ↓ حُبُرْبُورٌ and ↓ يَحْبُورٌ [in the CK بَحْبُورٌ] and ↓ حُبُّورٌ (K) The young one of the حُبَارَى: (Msb, K:) pl. حَبَارِيرُ and حَبَابِيرُ. (K.) [See also يَحْبُورٌ below.] حِبْرِيرٌ حبرير : see what next precedes. حَبَرْبَرٌ حبربر : see what next precedes. حُبُرْبُورٌ حبربور : see what next precedes. حَبَارٌ حبار : see حِبْرٌ. ― -b2- Also The هَيْئَة [i. e. form, or aspect, or the like, or goodliness of form or aspect,] of a man. (Aboo-Safwán, Lh.) حِبَارٌ حبار : see حِبْرٌ, in three places. حُبُورٌ حبور and ↓ حَبْرٌ , (S, K,) or ↓ حِبْرٌ , with kesr, (Msb,) and ↓ حَبَرٌ , which last occurs in a verse of El-'Ajjáj, for حَبْرٌ, [by poetic license,] (S,) and ↓ حَبْرَةٌ (A, K) and ↓ حَبَرَةٌ , (K,) Happiness, joy, or gladness: (S, Msb, K:) or the first signifies cheerfulness; i. e. pleasure, or delight, and dilatation of the heart, which has a visible effect in the aspect: (TA voce سُرُورٌ:) and the same word (IAth) and ↓ حَبْرَةٌ (Az, IAth, K) and ↓ حَبْرٌ , (K,) a state of ease and plenty; syn. نَعْمَةٌ: (IAth, K: [in the CK and in a MS. copy of the K, erroneously, نِعْمَة:]) or a state of complete, or perfect, ease and plenty: (Az:) and ampleness of the circumstances of life. (IAth.) [See 1. Hence the saying,] بَعْدَهَا عَبْرَةٌ كُلُّ حَبْرَةٍ [After every state of happiness, or joy, &c., is a tear]. (A.) حَبِيرٌ حبير A [garment of the kind called] بُرْد, variegated, (مُوَشَّىِ,) (K,) [i. e.] striped. (TA.) One says بُرْدٌ حَبِيرٌ and بُرْدُ حَبِيرٍ. (TA.) [See also حِبَرَةٌ. Hence the saying,] لَبِسَ حَبِيرَ الحُبُورِ وَا@سْتَوَى عَلَى سَرِيرِ السُّرُورِ (tropical:) [He clad himself with the mantle of cheerfulness, and seated himself firmly upon the couch of happiness]. (A.) ― -b2- Also, applies to a garment, or piece of cloth, New: (S, K:) and soft and new; (K, TA;) applied to the same; (TA;) and so ↓ حَبِرٌ ; (K;) which also signifies a soft thing: (TA:) pl. of the former حُبْرٌ. (K.) ― -b3- And Clouds; syn. سَحَابٌ: (S:) or clouds spotted (مُنَمَّرٌ); (K;) in which one sees what resembles تَنْمِير, by reason of the abundance of their water; but Er-Riyáshee disapproves of this. (TA.) حُبَارَى حبار حبارى حباري [a word respecting which J says,] its alif [written ى] is not the fem. alif nor the alif of quasi-coordination; [as F says of the alif of قَبَعْثَرًى, though he finds fault with J for saying thus of the alif of حُبَارَى; (see أَلِفُ التَّكْثِيرِ, in art. ا)] the name [says J] being only composed with it, so that it is as it were a part of the word itself, which is imperfectly decl. when determinate and when indeterminate; i. e., without tenween: (S:) but its alif is the fem. alif; for were it not so, it would be perfectly decl.; (K;) and J says that it is imperfectly decl.: (TA:) and his saying that the alif is [as it were] a part of the word itself is a strange expression, for which it would be difficult to give an answer, and which therefore requires not exorbitance: but “ it is sufficient excellence for a man that his faults may be counted: ” (M:) [A species of bustard;] a certain bird, (S, Msb, K,) well known, of the form of the goose, with a dustcolour upon its head and belly, and the back and wings of which are for the most part of the colour of the quail; (Msb;) or it is a long-necked bird, of an ash-colour, of the form of the goose, with a beak somewhat long, and that is preyed upon, but does not itself prey: Az says that it does not drink water, and that it lays its eggs in distant sands: [the truth is, that it drinks seldom: the male bird has a pouch, extending from beneath the tongue to the breast, said to be large enough to contain seven quarts of water; and it has been supposed by some that he fills this with water for the supply of himself and his mate:] and Az further says, We used, when we journeyed, to proceed in the mountains of EdDahnà, and sometimes we picked up in one day between four and eight of its eggs: it lays four eggs, of a bluish colour, more delicious in taste than those of the domestic hen and than those of the ostrich: and others say that it brings its food from a greater distance than any other bird; sometimes from a distance of many days' journey: also, that it is constantly provided with a thin excrement, or dung, which it voids upon the hawk when pursued by the latter; thus saving itself, by preventing the hawk from continuing its flight, and, as some say, causing its feathers to drop off: whence the prov., أَسْلَحُ مِنْ حُبَارَى: [see art. سلح:] (TA:) حُبَارَى is applied alike to the male and the female, and used as sing. and pl.: (S, K:) but it has pl. forms, (TA,) namely, حُبَارَيَاتٌ (S, Msb, K, TA) and حُبَارَاتٌ: (TA:) accord. to Sb, it has not حَبَارٍ, [in the TA incorrectly written حَبَارِى, as though it had the article ال prefixed to it, or were prefixed to another noun,] nor حَبَائِرُ, [though both of these are mentioned as pls. of it in several of the grammars of the Arabs,] in order to distinguish between حُبَارَى and nouns of the measures فَعْلَآءُ and فِعَالَةٌ and the like. (TA.) It is said in a prov., “ وَكُلُّ شَىْءٍ قَدْ يُحِبُّ وَلَدَهْ
حَتَّى الحُبَارَى وَتَطِيرُ عَنَدَهُ
” [And everything certainly loves its offspring: even the bustard; and it flies by its side]: (S, Mgh: *) [in the TA, وَيَدِفُّ عَنَدَهْ:] it flies by the side of its young one to teach it to fly before its wings have grown, because of its stupidity: (TA:) the حبارى is thus specially mentioned because it is proverbial for stupidity, and, notwithstanding its stupidity, loves its offspring, and teaches it to fly. (S, Mgh.) Another prov. is, فُلَانٌ مَيِّتْ كَمَدَ الحُبَارَى [Such a one is dying with the concealed grief of the bustard]: because the حبارى moults with other birds, but its new feathers are slow in coming: so when the other birds fly, it is unable to do so, and dies of concealed grief. (TA.) [See also حُبْرُورٌ, and يَحْبُورٌ.] حَبَّارٌ حبار : see حِبْرِىٌّ: ― -b2- and حِبَرِىٌّ. حُبُّورٌ حبور : see حُبْرُورٌ. حَابُورٌ حابور A sitting-place, or a company sitting together, (مَجْلِس,) of unrighteous persons [or revellers]: (S, K:) from حَبَرَهُ “ it made him happy, ” &c. (S.) مًحْبَرَةٌ محبره محبرة , (Msb, K,) which is the most approved form, (Msb, TA,) and ↓ محْبَرَةٌ , (S, Msb,) because it is an instrument, (Msb, TA,) a correct form, though said in the K to be incorrect, (TA,) and ↓ مَحْبُرَةٌ (Msb, K) and ↓ مَحْبُرَّةٌ , (K,) the last used by poetic license, (TA,) The place, (S, K,) or earthern pot, or glass bottle, (TA,) in which ink is put: (S, K, TA:) pl. مَحَابِرُ. (Msb.) -A2- Also, the first of these words, A thing, or things, in which happiness, joy, or gladness, is usually found: such are women said to be. (TA from a trad.) [A cause of happiness, joy, or gladness; agreeably with analogy: of the same class as مَجْبَنَةٌ and مَبْخَلَةٌ.] مَحْبُرَةٌ محبره محبرة : see the next preceding paragraph. مِحْبَرَةٌ محبره محبرة : see the next preceding paragraph. مَحْبُرَّةٌ محبره محبرة : see the next preceding paragraph. مُحَبَّرٌ محبر A man (T) having his skin marked by the bites of fleas. (T, K.) ― -b2- An arrow well pared. (K.) يَحْبُورٌ يحبور , applied to a man, [Very happy, joyful, glad, or cheerful;] of the measure يَفْعُولٌ from الحُبُورُ: (S:) a soft, tender, or delicate, man: pl. يَحَابِيرُ. (AA, TA.) -A2- A certain bird: or the male of the حُبَارَى: or its young one. (K.) See حُبْرُورٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon