1 جَرَمَهُ جرم جرمه جرمة , aor. جَرِمَ , (K,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (S,) [like جَزَمَهُ,] He cut it, or cut it off. (S, K.) ― -b2- جَرَمَ الشَّاةَ, (K,) or جَرَمَ صُوفَ الشَّاةِ, (S,) inf. n. as above, (TA,) He shore, or sheared, or cut off the wool of, the sheep. (S, K, * TA.) And جَرَمْتُ مِنْهُ I took [or clipped somewhat] from it; [namely, the wool;] like جَلَمْتُ. (S.) ― -b3- جَرَمَ النَّخْلَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ (K) and جَرَامٌ and جِرَامٌ, (S, * K,) He cut the palm trees; (Msb;) [meaning] he cut off the fruit of the palm-trees; (S, K;) as also ↓ اجترمهُ : (S:) and in like manner, جَرَمَ التَّمْرَ he cut off the dates. (TA.) You say, هٰذَا زَمَنُ الجَرَامِ and الجِرَامِ, (S,) i. e. [This is] the time of the cutting off of the fruit of the palm-trees. (TA.) ― -b4- And جَرَمَ النَّخْلَ, inf. n. جَرْمٌ, He computed by conjecture the quantity of fruit upon the palm-trees; (K;) and so ↓ اجترمهُ : (Lh, K:) [like جَزَمَهُ and اجتزمهُ.] -A2- جَرَمَ, (S, K,) aor. جَرِمَ , (S,) inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (TK,) also signifies He gained, acquired, or earned, [wealth, &c.,] (S, K,) لِأَهْلِهِ for his family; and so ↓ اجترم . (K.) And you say, خَرَجَ يَجْرِمُ لِأَهْلِهِ and يَجْرِمُ أَهْلَهُ, meaning He went forth seeking [sustenance], and practising skill, or artifice, for his family. (TA.) ― -b2- وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ, in the Kur [v. 3 and 11], is explained by some as meaning And let not a people's hatred by any means occasion you. or cause you: or it means let not a people's hatred by any means induce you, or incite you. (S, TA.) Some read ↓ لا يُجْرِمَنَّكُمْ , with damm to the ى; and Zj says that جَرَمْتُ and أَجْرَمْتُ signify the same: but some say that the meaning is, let it not by any means lead you into crime, or sin; أَجْرَمْتُهُ being like آثَمْتُهُ, I led him into sin, &c. (TA.) ― -b3- Fr says that the asserting جَرَمْتُ to mean حَقَقْتُ [or rather حُقِقْتُ, for this is evidently, I think, the right reading, though I find حَقَقْتُ in the TA as well as in a copy of the S, in another copy of which I find جَرَمَتْ and حَقَّقَتْ, suggesting that the right reading may perhaps be جَرَمَتْ and حُقَّتْ,] is nought: they who so explain it having been confused in their judgment by the saying of the poet Aboo-Asmŕ, (S, TA,) or, as some say, El-Howfazán, (TA,) or, accord. to some, 'Ateeyeh Ibn-'Ofeyf, (IB, TA,) “ وَلَقَدْ طَعَنْتُ أَبَا عُيَيْنَةَ طَعْنَةً
جَرَمَتْ فَزَارَةَ بَعْدَهَا أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا
” in which they made فزارة to be in the nom. case, as though the meaning were حُقَّ لَهَا الغَضَبُ [it was right, or fit, or proper, for it, (the tribe of Fezárah,) to be angry; nearly agreeing with an explanation of جَرَمَ given by Golius as on the authority of Ibn-Maaroof, namely, “ meritus, dignus fuit ”]: but, he says, فزارة is in the accus. case; the meaning being, جَرَمَتْهُمُ الطَّعْنَةُ أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا [which will be found explained, on the authority of IB, in what follows]: AO says that the meaning is, أَحَقَّتْ عَلَيْهِمُ الغَضَبَ, i. e., أَحَقَّتِ الطَّعْنَةُ فَزَارَةَ أَنْ يَغْضَبُوا, and حَقَّت also, [both having the same signification, i. e., the thrust required Fezá- rah to be angry,] from لَا جَرَمَ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا meaning حَقًّا [Verily I will do thus]: (S, TA:) accord. to Fr, the meaning is, كَسَبَتْ فَزَارَةَ الغَضَبَ عَلَيْكَ, the right reading being, وَلَقَدْ طَعَنْتَ, with fet-h to the ت; [so that the verse means And verily thou didst thrust Aboo-'Oyeyneh with a thrust of thy spear that occasioned, or caused, Fezárah, after it, to be angry against thee:] for he is addressing Kurz El-'Okeylee, bewailing his death; and Kurz had thrust Aboo-'Oyeyneh, who was Hisn Ibn-Hudheyfeh Ibn-Bedr El-Fezáree. (IB, TA.) ― -b4- And جَرَمَ, (S, Msb, K,) aor. جَرِمَ , inf. n. جَرْمٌ, (Msb,) He committed a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience; (S, Msb, K;) syn. أَذْنَبَ, (Msb, K,) and اِكْتَسَبَ الإِِثْمَ; (Msb;) [perhaps because he who does so brings upon himself the consequence thereof; as though originally جَرَمَ نَفْسَهُ اولِنَفْسِهِ أَثَرَ جُرْمٍ he drew upon himself the effect of a sin, &c.; (compare كَسَبَ and اِكْتَسَبَ;)] as also ↓ اجرم , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِِجْرَامٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ اجترم ; (S, K;) and ↓ تجرّم . (El-'Okberee, Har p. 207.) You say, جَرَمَ عَلَيْهِمْ جَرِيمَةً, and إِِلَيْهِمْ, (K,) and بِهِمْ, used by a poet for عليهم or اليهم, (IAar, TA,) He committed against them a crime, or an offence for which he should be punished; as also ↓ اجزم . (K.) They said also, الذَّنْبَ اجرم [He committed the sin, or crime, amp;c.]; making the verb trans. (TA.) And a poet says, “ وَتَرَى اللَّبِيبَ مُحَسَّدًا لَمْ يَجْتَرِمْ
عِرْضَ الرِّجَالِ وَعِرْضُهُ مَشْتُومٌ
” [And thou seest the intelligent envied, or much envied: he has not injured the honour of men, while his honour is reviled]. (Th, TA.) -A3- جَرِمَ, aor. جَرَمَ , (K,) inf. n. جَرَمٌ, (TK,) He (a man, TA) betook himself to eating the جُرَامَة [in the CK, erroneously, جَرامَة,] of the palm-trees, (AA, K,) [i. e., the dates which had fallen in the cutting, and] which were among the branches. (AA, TA.) -A4- جَرِمَ, said of a man, also signifies عَظُمَ جُرْمُهُ [His sin, or crime, &c., was, or became, great]; and so جَرُمَ, like كَرُم: [both are thus explained, in different places in this art, by the author of the TA; and the explanation in the latter case is followed by اى اذنب, i. e., he committed a six, &c.; probably added by him to show that the reading found by him was جُرْمُهُ, not جِرْمُهُ: but [think that the right reading is عَظُمَ جِرْمُهُ his body became great; and this is confirmed by what here follows:] ↓ اجرم explained in the copies of the K by عَظُمَ [in the TK عظم يعنى جرمه وجسده] should be جَرِمَ, a triliteral; and the meaning is عَظُمَ جُرْمُهُ: and in like manner, the three significations here following, assigned in the K to ↓ اجرم , belong to جَرِمَ. (TA.) -A5- It (his colour) was, or became, clear. (K, * TA.) ― -b2- He (a man, TA) was, or became, clear in his voice. (K, * TA.) -A6- جَرِمَ بِهِ It (blood) stuck to him, or it: (K, * TA, and so in a marginal note in a copy of the S:) and in like manner, tar to a camel. (The same marginal note.)

2 جَرَّمَ [جرّم He cut off vehemently, or much. (Golius, on the authority of a gloss in the KL.)] ― -b2- جَرَّمْنَا هُمْ, inf. n. تَجْرِيمٌ, We went forth from them. (Lth, K.) ― -b3- جَرَّمْنَا الشِّتَآءَ We completed the winter. (TA.) [See also 5.] 4 اجرم التَّمْرُ اجرم التمر The dates attained to the time for their being cut off. (TA.) -A2- See also 1, in six places. 5 تجرّم أجرم جرم تجرم [It became cut off. ― -b2- And hence,] (tropical:) It (a year, حَوْلٌ) became completed; (Az, K, TA;) as though it became cut off from the preceding year: (Az, TA:) it ended; (S;) and so the winter: (TA:) and it (a night) passed away, (S, K,) and became completed; (K;) it ended. (TA.) -A2- تجرّم ثَمَانِيًا, a phrase used by Sá'ideh Ibn-Ju-eiyeh, means He passed eight nights. (TA.) [See also 2] -A3- تجرّم عَلَيْهِ He accused him of a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience, (Abu-l-'Abbás, S, K,) which he had not committed, (Abu-l-'Abbás, S,) or though he had not committed any (K.) ― -b2- And تجرّم He guarded against the commission of sin, or crime, &c; like تأثّم. (Har p. 207.) ― -b3- See also 1. -A4- Also He called, cried out, shouted, or vociferated; from جِرْمٌ meaning صَوْتٌ. (Har p. 207. [But see جِرْمٌ.]) 8 إِِجْتَرَمَ see 1, in five places. جَرْمٌ جرم Hot; syn. حَرٌّ, (S,) or [rather] حَارٌّ; (K;) contr. of صَرْدٌ; (Lth, TA;) a Persian word, (S,) arabicized; (S, K;) originally گَرْم. (TA.) You say أَرْضٌ جَرْمٌ A warm land: (AHn, TA:) or a hot land: (IDrd, TA:) or a vehemently hot land: (K:) pl. جُرُومٌ, (AHn, TA,) which, applied to countries, or regions, means the contr. of صُرُودٌ. (S.) -A2- A boat (زَوْرَقٌ) of El-Yemen; (K;) also called نَقِيرَةٌ: (TA:) pl. as above. (K.) [In the dial. of Egypt, The largest kind of Egyptian boat used on the Nile for the conveyance of grain and merchandise in general, but used only when the river is high, and also in the coastingtrade, and generally carrying from 5,000 to 15,000 bushels of grain.] جُرْمٌ جرم A sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience, syn. ذَنْبٌ, (S, Msb, * K,) whether intentional or committed through inadvertence; (Kull voce إِِثْمٌ;) as also ↓ جَرِيمَةٌ ; (S, Msb, K;) and ↓ جَرِمَةٌ : (K:) transgression: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَجْرَامٌ and [of mult.] جُرُومٌ, (K,) both of جُرْمٌ: the pl. of جَرِيَمةٌ is جَرَائِمُ. (TA.) -A2- See also جَرَامٌ. -A3- لَا جُرْمَ: see لَا جَرَمَ. جِرْمٌ جرم The body; syn. جَسَدٌ; (S, Msb, K;) or بَدَنٌ; (Th, TA;) as also ↓ جِرْمَانٌ : (K:) or the أَلْوَاحِ [pl. of لَوْح q. v.] and جُثْمَان [q. v.] of the جَسَد: (T, TA:) pl. (of pauc., TA) أجْرَامٌ, (Msb, K,) which is also used as a sing., (TA,) and (of mult., TA) جُرُومٌ and جُرُمٌ. (K.) أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ أَجْرَامَهُ is a phrase mentioned, but not explained, by Lh: ISd thinks that it means He threw upon him the weight of his body; as though the term جِرْمٌ applied to each separate part of his body. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] الأَجْرَامُ الفَلَكِيَّةُ The [heavenly] bodies that are above the عَنَاصِر, of the orbs and stars. (KT.) -A2- The throat, or fauces; syn. حَلْقٌ. (K.) The phrase يَضِيقُ بِهِ الجِرْمُ, used by the poet Maan Ibn-'Ows, means (assumed tropical:) It is a great, or formidable, thing, or matter: [properly,] the throat (الحَلْقُ) will not easily swallow it. (TA.) ― -b2- The voice; (S, K;) mentioned by ISk and others; (S;) and so explained as used in the phrase إِِنَّ فُلَانًا لَحَسَنُ الجِرْمِ [Verily such a one is good in respect of voice]: (TA:) or highness, or loudness, of the voice: (K, TA:) you say, مَا عَرَفْتُهُ إِِلَّا بِجِرْمِهِ [I knew him not save by his voice, or his highness, or loudness, of voice]: but some disapprove this: (TA:) AHát says that the vulgar are addicted to saying, فُلَانٌ صَافِى الجِرْمِ Such a one is clear in voice, or in throat: but it is a mistake. (S, TA.) -A3- Colour. (IAar, S, Msb, K.) One may say, of نَجَاسَة [or filth], لَا جِرْمَ لَهَا, meaning It has no colour. (Msb.) -A4- الأَجْرَامُ (app. as pl. of جِرْمٌ, TA) The utensils, or apparatus, of the pastor. (K.) لَا جَرَمَ لا جرم (S, Msb, K, &c.) and لَا ذَا جَرَمَ, (IAar, K,) ذا being here a redundant connective as in several other instances, (IAar, TA,) and لَا أَنْ ذَا جَرَمَ and لَا عَنْ ذَا جَرَمَ (K) and لَا جَرَ, (Ks, K, [in the CK لا جَرْمَ,]) in which the م is elided in consequence of frequency of usage, as the ى is in حَاشَ لِلّهِ for حَاشَى لِلّٰهِ, and the ى and ' in أَيْشَ for أَىُّ شَىْءٍ, (Ks, TA,) and لَا ذَا جَرَ (IAar, TA) and ↓ لَا جَرُمَ and ↓ لَا جُرْمَ , (K,) originally i. q. لَا بُدَّ and لَامَحَالَةٌ [There is no avoiding it; it is absolutely necessary; &c.]: then, by reason of frequency of usage, employed in the manner of an oath, as meaning حَقًّا [verily, or truly]; wherefore, as in the case of an oath, ل is prefixed to its complement, (Fr, S, Msb, K, *) so that they say, لَا جَرَمَ لَآتِيَنّكَ [Verily I will come to thee], (Fr, S, K,) and لَا جَرَمَ لَأَفْعَلَنَّ كَذَا [Verily I will do thus], (S, Msb, *) and لَا جَرَمَ لَقَدْ كَانَ كَذَا and لَا ذَا جَرَمَ and لَا ذَا جَرَ [Verily it was thus, or verily such a thing happened]: (IAar, TA:) ISd says, Kh asserts that جَرَمَ [or لَا جَرَمَ] is only a reply to something said before it; as when a man says, “ They did such a thing, ” and you say, لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّهُمْ سَيَنْدَمُونَ, or أَنَّهُ سَيَكُونُ كَذَا وَكَذَا; and Az says that لا in لَا جَرَمَ is said to be a [mere] connective; and the meaning [of the former of the last two phrases] is كَسَبَ لَهُمْ عَمَلُهُمُ النَّدَمَ [It (their deed) will earn for them, or occasion them, repentance; and that of the latter, it will occasion that such and such things shall happen]: and some say that جَرَمَ means وَجَبَ, and حَقَّ, and that لا is a contradiction to the words preceding it, and that a new proposition then begins; as in the Kur [xvi. 64] where it is said, لَا جَرَمَ أَنَّ لَهُمُ النَّارَ, i. e., [Nay, or] the case is not as they have said: the fire [of Hell] is their due. (TA.) لَا جَرُمَ لا جرم : see the paragraph next preceding. جِرْمَةٌ جرم جرمه جرمة People cutting off the fruit of palmtrees. (S, K, TA.) [In this sense it is app. a pl. of pauc., or a quasi-pl. n., of جَارِمٌ, q. v.] ― -b2- Also Ripening dates cut off from the trees: and this sense, not the former as is implied in the S, is meant by Imra-el-Keys, where he says, “ عَلَوْنَ بِأَنْطَاكِيَّةٍ فَوْقَ عِقْمَةٍ
كَجِرْمَةٍ نَخْلٍ أَوْ كَجَنَّةِ يَثْرِبَ
” [They mounted, at Antioch, upon a variegated cloth, like the ripening dates cut off from palmtrees, or like the garden of Yethrib]: he likens the variegated cloth and wool upon the هَوْدَج to red and yellow ripening dates, or to the garden of Yethrib because it abounded with palm-trees. (TA.) جَرِمَةٌ جرم جرمه جرمة : see جُرْمٌ. جِرْمَانٌ جرم جرمان : see جِرْمٌ. جَرَامٌ جرام (erroneously said in the K to be [جُرَامٌ] like غُرَابٌ, TA) and ↓ جَرِيمٌ Dry dates: (AA, S, M, K:) mentioned by ISk among [syn.] words of the measures فَعَالٌ and فَعِيلٌ, like شَحَاحٌ and شَحِيحٌ, and بَجَالٌ and بَجِيلٌ, &c. (S.) ― -b2- Also, both these words, (AA, S, K, *) but the former not heard in this sense by ISd, (TA,) Datestones; (AA, S, K;) and so ↓ جُرْمٌ : (mentioned in one copy of the S, but not in the TA, [probably an interpolation in the copy of the S above mentioned:]) and ↓ جَرِيمَةٌ a date-stone; as in the saying of 'Ows Ibn-Háritheh, لَا وَالَّذِى أَخْرَجَ العَذْقَ مِنَ الجَرِيمَةِ وَالنَّارَ مِنَ الوَثِيمَةِ [No, by Him who has produced the palm-tree with its fruit from the date-stone, and fire from broken stones]. (TA.) جَرِيمٌ جريم Dates (تَمْرٌ) cut off from the tree; (S, TA;) as also ↓ مَجْرُومٌ . (TA.) And شَجَرَةٌ جَرِيمَةٌ A cut tree. (TA.) ― -b2- See also جَرَامٌ, with which it is syn. in two senses: in the latter sense having جَرِيمَةٌ for its n un. ― -b3- Also A thing with which date-stones are brayed, or crushed. (TA.) -A2- See also مُجْرِمٌ. -A3- Also Large-bodied; (S, * K;) and so ↓ مَجْرُومٌ : (K:) pl. (of the former, S) جِرَامٌ. (S, K.) The fem. of the former is with ة: (K:) [but] one says also جِلَّةٌ جَرِيمٌ, meaning Largebodied camels advanced in age. (S.) -A4- In El- Hijáz, The [measure commonly termed] مُدّ is thus called; accord. to Z, the مُدّ of the Prophet. (TA.) جُرَامَةٌ جرام جرامه جرامة i. q. جُذَامَةٌ; (K;) i. e., (TA,) The dates that have fallen when they are cut off from the tree: (S, TA:) so says As: (TA:) [but see the latter word as explained on the authority of the S in art. جذم:] and, (K,) or as some say, (TA,) dates cut off from the tree: or what are gotten (يُجْرَمُ) thereof, after their being cut off, being picked up from the lower ends of the branches. (K, TA. [See جَرِمَ.]) And The قَصَل of wheat and barley; i. e., the extremities thereof, which are bruised, and then cleared, or picked: (K, TA:) but the term more known is جُذَامَةٌ, with ذال. (TA.) جَرِيمَةٌ جريمه جريمة The last of one's offspring: (K:) as though there were a cutting off after it. (TA.) -A2- See also جَارِمٌ: -A3- and see جُرْمٌ: -A4- and جَرَامٌ. جَارِمٌ جارم Cutting off, or one who cuts off, the fruit of the palm-tree: pl. جُرَّمٌ and جُرَّامٌ. (S.) [See also جِرْمَةٌ.] -A2- جَارِمُ أَهْلِهِ (TA) and أَهْلِهِ جَرِيمَةُ (S, K *) The gainer, acquirer, or earner, [of the sustenance] of his family. (S, K, TA.) -A3- See also مُجْرِمٌ, in two places. مُجْرِمٌ مجرم A sinner; a criminal; committing, or a committer of, a sin, a crime, a fault, an offence, or an act of disobedience; as also ↓ جَرِيمٌ (K) and ↓ جَارِمٌ : (TA:) and المُجْرِمُونَ particularly signifies the unbelievers: (Zj, K:) so in the Kur vii. 38. (Zj, TA.) You say, عَلَى نَفْسِهِ هُوَ جَارِمٌ وَقَوْمِهِ, [as also مُجْرِمٌ,] He is committing a crime, or an offence for which he should be punished, against himself and his people or party. (TA.) مُجَرَّمٌ مجرم , (fem. with ة, S,) A complete year (S, K) and month; (Ibn-Háni, TA;) a year past, completed. (AZ, TA.) مَجْرُومٌ مجروم : see جَرِيمٌ, in two places. Credit: Lane Lexicon