1 أَثَرَ خُفَّ البَعِيرِ , aor. اَثُرَ , inf. n. أَثْرٌ, He made an incision in the foot of the camel [in order to know and trace the footprints]; as also ↓ أثّرهُ . (M.) And أَثَرَ البَعِيرِ He made a mark upon the bottom of the camel's foot with the iron instrument called مِئْثَرَة in order that the footprints upon the ground might be known: (T, TT:) or he scraped the inner [i. e. under] part of the camel's foot with that instrument in order that the footprints might be traced. (S.) -A2- أَثَرَ الحَدِيثَ, (T, S, M, A, &c.,) عَنِ القَوْمِ, (M,) aor. اَثُرَ (S, M, Msb, K) and اَثِرَ , (M, K,) inf. n. أَثْرٌ(T, S, M, Msb, K) and أَثَارَهٌand أُثْرَهٌ, (M, K,) the last from Lh, but in my opinion, [says ISd,] it is correctly speaking a subst., and syn. with مَأْثُرَهٌand مَأْثَرَهٌ, (M,) He related, or recited, the tradition, narrative, or story, as received, or heard, from the people; transmitted the narrative, or story, by tradition, from the people: (T, S, * M, A, L, Msb, * K: *) or he related that wherein they had preceded [as narrators: so I render أَنْبَأَهُمْ بِمَا سَبَقُوا فِيهِ, believing همto have been inserted by a mistake of a copyist in the M, and hence in the L also:] from الأَثَرُ. (M, L.) [See أَثَرٌ.] You say also, أثَرَ عَنْهُ الكَذِبَ, meaning He related, as heard from him, what was false. (L, from a trad.) ― -b2- أَثْرٌ, aor. اَثُرَ , (M,) inf. n. أَثْرٌ, (M, K.) also signifies Multum inivit camelus camelam. (M, K.) -A3- أَثِرَ لِلْأَمْرِ, aor. اَثَرَ , He applied, or gave, his whole attention to the thing, or affair, having his mind unoccupied by other things. (K.) -A4- أَثِرَ عَلَي الْأَمْرِ He determined, resolved, or decided, upon the thing, or affair. (T, K.) -A5- لَقَدْ أَثِرْتُ أَنْ أَفْعَلَ كَذَا و كَذَا, (Lth, T, L,) inf. n. أَثْرٌand أَثَرٌ, (L,) I have assuredly purposed to do such and such things. (Lth, T, L.) -A6- See also 4. -A7- And see 10. 2 أثّر فِيهِ  , inf. n. تَأْثِيرٌ, He, or it, made, (Msb,) or left, (M, K,) or caused to remain, (S,) an impression, or a mark, or trace, upon him, or it. (S, * M, Msb, K. *) It is said of a sword, [meaning It made, or left, a mark, or scar, upon him, or it,] and in like manner of a blow. (T, TA.) [Whence,] أَثَّرَ فِى عِرْضِهِcross; [He scarred his honour]. (K in art. وخش.) You say also, أَثَّرَ بِوَجْهِهِ وَبِجَبِينِهِ السُّجُودُ[Prostration in prayer made, or left, a mark, or marks, upon his face and upon his forehead]. (T, * TA.) See also 1, first sentence. -A2- He, or it, made an impression, or produced an effect, upon him, or it; impressed, affected, or influenced, him, or it. (The Lexicons passim.) -A3- أَثَّرَ كَذَا بِكَذَا, (T, TT,) or ↓ آثَرَ , (K,) He, or it, made such a thing to be followed by such a thing. (T, TT, K. *) 4 آثَرَ see 2, last sentence. -A2- [Hence, app.,] آثرهُ, (As, T, M, Msb,) inf. n. إِِيثَارٌ, (As, T,) He preferred him, or it. (As, T, M, Msb, TA.) You say, آثرهُ عَلَيْهِ He preferred him before him: so in the Kur xii. 91. (As, M.) And آثَرْتُ فُلاَنًا عَلَى نَفْسِى[I preferred such a one before myself], from الإِِيثَار. (S.) And قَدْ آثَرْتُكَ I have preferred for thee it; I have preferred to give thee it, rather than any other thing. (T.) And آثَرَ أَنْ يَفْعَلَ كَذَا He preferred doing such a thing; as also ↓ أَثِرَ , inf. n. أَثَرٌ; and أَثَرَ. (M.) -A3- آثرalso signifies He chose, or elected, or selected. (K.) -A4- And آثِرهُ He honoured him; paid him honour. (M, K.) 5 تأثّر  It received an impression, or a mark, or trace; became impressed, or marked. (Msb.) -A2- He, or it, had an impression made, or an effect produced, upon him, or it; became impressed, affected, or influenced. (The Lexicons passim.) -A3- See also 8. 8 ائْتَثَرَهُ  , [written with the disjunctive alif اِيتَثَرَهُ,] and ↓ تأثّرهُ , He followed his footsteps: (M, K:) or did so diligently, or perseveringly. (TA.) 10 استأثر عَلَى أَصْحَابِهِ  ; (ISk, S, K;) and عَلَيْهِمْ أَثِرَ , aor. اَثَرَ ; (K;) He chose for himself [in preference to his companions] (ISk, S, K) good things, (K,) in partition, (TA,) or good actions, and qualities of the mind. (ISk, S.) And استأثر بالشَّىْءِ, (S, K,) or الشَّىْءَ, (Msb,) He had the thing to himself, with none to share with him in it: (S, Msb, K:) and the former signifies he appropriated the thing to himself exclusively, (M, K,) عَلَى غَيْرِهِ in preference to another or others. (M.) It is said in a trad., إِِذَا اسْتَأْثَرَ اللّٰهُ بِشَىْءٍ فَالْهَ عَنُهُ When God appropriateth a thing to Himself exclusively, then be thou diverted from it so as to forget it. (M.) And one says, اِسْتأْثَرَ اللّٰهُ بِفُلَانٍ, (and فُلَانًا, TA,) [God took such a one to Himself,] when a person has died and it is hoped that he is forgiven. (S, M, A, K.) أَثْرٌ  , (AZ, T, S, A, L, K, &c.,) said by Yaakoob to be the only form known to As, (S,) and ↓ أَثَرٌ , which is a form used by poetic licence, (M, L,) and ↓ أثْرَةٌ , (M, L, K,) and ↓ أُثُرٌ , (M,) and ↓ أُثُرٌ , which is in like manner a sing., not a pl., (T, L,) and ↓ أثْرَةٌ , (El-Leblee,) and ↓ أَثِيرْ , (K,) The diversified wavy marks, streaks, or grain, of a sword; syn. فِرِنْدٌ; (As, T, S, M, A, L, K;) and تَسَلْسُلٌ; and دِيبَاجَةُ; (AZ, T;) and its lustre, or glitter: (M, L:) pl. [of the first] أُثُرْ: (T, M, L, K:) the pl. of أُثْرَةٌis أُثَرٌ. (El-Leblee.) Khufáf Ibn-Nudbeh Es-Sulamee says, [describing swords,] “ جَلَاهَا الصَّيْقَلُونَ فَإَِخْلَصُوهَا
خِفَافاً كُلُّهَا يَتْقِى بِأَثْرِ
” [The furbishers polished them, and freed them from impurities, making them light: each of them preserving itself from the evil eye by means of its lustre]: i. e., each of them opposes to thee its فِرِنْد: (S, L:) يَتْقِىis a contraction of يَتَّقِى; and the meaning is, when a person looks at them, their bright rays meet his eye, so that he cannot continue to look at them. (L.) أُثْرٌ The scar of a wound, remaining when the latter has healed; (As, Sh, T, S, M, K;) as also ↓ أُثُرٌ (S, K) and ↓ أَثَرٌ : (Sh, T:) pl. آثَارٌ, though properly إِِثَارٌ, with kesr to the ا [but why this is said, I do not see; for آثَارٌis a regular pl. of all the three forms of the sing.;] and إُِثُورٌmay be correctly used as a pl. (Sh, T, L.) -A2- A mark made with a hot iron upon the inner [i. e. under] part of a camel's foot, by which to trace his footprints: (M, K:) pl. أُثُورٌ. (M.) [See also أُثْرَةٌ.] -A3- Lustre, or brightness, of the face; as also ↓ أُثُرٌ . (M, K.) -A4- See أَثْرٌ. -A5- See also إِِثْرٌ. إِِثْرٌ أثار أثر أثرى إِثر اثر ثار ثر ثري وثر آثر : see أَثَرٌ, in three places: ― -b2- and أَثْرٌ: ― -b3- and see آثِرٌ, in two places. -A2- Also, (S, M, K,) and ↓ أُثْرٌ , (M, K,) but the latter is disallowed by more than one authority, (TA,) What is termed the خُلَاصَة[q. v.] of clarified butter: (S, M, K:) or, as some say, the milk when the clarified butter has become separated from it. (M.) [See also قِشْدَةٌ.] أَثَرٌ  A remain, or relic, of a thing; (M, Msb, K;) as of a house; as also ↓ أَثَارَةٌ : (Msb:) a trace remaining of a thing; and of the stroke, or blow, of a sword: (S:) see also أُثْرٌ: a sign, mark, or trace; opposed to the عَيْن, or thing itself: (TA:) a footstep, vestige, or track; a footprint; the impression, or mark, made by the foot of a man [&c.] upon the ground; as also ↓ إِِثْرٌ : and an impress, or impression, of anything: (El-Wá'ee:) pl. آثَارٌح(M, Msb, K) and إُِثُورٌ. (M, K.) [The sing. is also frequently used in a pl. sense: and the former of these pls. is often used to signify Remains, or monuments, or memorials, of anti- quity, or of any past time.] It is said in a prov., لَا أَطْلُبُ أَثَرًا بَعْدَ عَيْنٍ I will not seek a trace, or vestige, [or, as we rather say in English, a shadow,] after suffering a reality, or substance, to escape me: or, as some relate it, لَا تَطْلُبْ seek not thou. (Har pp. 120 and 174.) And one says, قَطَعَ اللّٰهُ أَثَرَهُ [May God cut short his footsteps]: meaning may God render him crippled: for when one is crippled, his footsteps cease. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ لَيَصْدُقُ أَثَرُهُ, and أَثَرَهُ, Such a one, if asked, will not tell thee truly whence he comes: (M in art. صدق:) a prov. said of a liar. (TA.) And خَرَجْتُ, (S, M, * K,) and جَئْتُ, (El-Wá'ee, Msb,) فيِ أَثَرِهِ, and ↓, في إِِثْرِهِ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) the former of which is said by more than one to be the more chaste, (TA,) [but the latter seems to be the more common,] and عَلَى أَثَرِهِ, and ↓ على إِِثْرِهِ , (El-Wá'ee, Msb,) I went out, (S, &c.,) and I came, (El-Wá'ee, Msb,) after him: (M, A, K:) or at his heel: (Expos. of the Fs:) or following near upon him, or hard upon him, or near after him, or following him nearly: (Msb:) as though treading in his footsteps. (El-Wá'ee.) And أَثَرَ ذِى أَثِيرَيْنِ: see آثِرٌ. (K.) ― -b2- An impress or impression, a mark, stamp, character, or trace, in a fig. sense; an effect. (The Lexicons passim.) You say, عَلَى مَاشِيَتِهِ أَثَرٌ حَسَنٌ Upon his camels, or sheep, or goats, is an impress of a good state, or condition; of fatness, and of good tending; like إِِصْبَعٌ. (TA in art. صبع.) And إِِنَّهُ لَحَسَنُ الأَثَرِفِى مَالِهِ Verily he has the impress of a good state, or condition, in his camels, or sheep, or goats; like حَسَنُ الإِِصْبَعِ, and المَسِ. (TA ubi suprà.) And عَلَيْهِ أَثَرُ كَذَا He, or it, bears the mark, stamp, character, or trace, of such a thing. (The Lexicons passim.) ― -b3- [The pl.] آثَارٌalso signifies Signs, or marks, set up to show the way. (K.) ― -b4- Also the sing., i. q. أَثْرٌ, q. v. (M, L.) ― -b5- Also i. q. خَبَرٌ [both of which words are generally held to be syn., as meaning A tradition, or narration relating or describing a saying or an action &c., of Mo- hammad]: (M, K:) or, accord. to some, the former signifies what is related as received from [one or more of] the Companions of Mohammad; (TA;) but it may also be applied to a saying of the Prophet; (Kull p. 152;) and the latter, what is from Mohammad himself; (TA;) or from another; or from him or another: (Kull p. 152:) or the former signifies i. q. سُنَّةٌ[a practice or saying, or the practices and sayings collectively, of Mo- hammad, or any other person who is an authority in matters of religion, namely, any prophet, or a Companion of Mohammad, as handed down by tradition]: (S, A:) pl. آثَارٌ. (S, M.) You say, وَجَدْتُهُ فِي الأَثَرِ[I found it in the traditions of the practices and sayings of the Prophet; &c.]: and فُلَانٌ مِنْ حَمَلَةِ الآثَارِ[Such a one is of those who bear in their memories, knowing by heart, the traditions of the practices and sayings of the Prophet; &c.]. (A.) ― -b6- A man's origin; as in the sayings, مَا يُدْرَى لَهُ أَيْنَ أَثَرٌ It is not known where was his origin; and مَا يُدْرَى لَهُ مَا أثَرٌ It is not known what is his origin. (Ks, Lh, M.) ― -b7- The term, or period, of life: so called because it follows life: (Msb, TA:) or from the same word as signifying the print of one's foot upon the ground; because when one dies, his footprints cease to be seen. (TA.) ― -b8- [For the former of these two reasons,] آثَارَهُمْin the Kur xxxvi. 11 means The rewards and punishments of their good and evil lives. (M, L.) -A2- آثَارٌis also a pl. of ثَأْرٌ, q. v.; formed by transposition from أَثْآرٌ. (Yaa- Koob, and M in art. ثأر.) أَثُرٌ ذ A man who chooses for himself [in preference to his companions] (ISk, S, M, K) good things, (K,) in partition, (M, TA,) or good actions, and qualities of the mind; (ISk, S;) as also ↓ أَثِرٌ (M, K.) أَثِرٌ ذ : see أَثُرٌ. أُثُرٌ  : see أُثْرٌ, in two places: ― -b2- and see أَثْرٌ. أَثُرٌ  : see أَثَارَةٌ. أُثْرَةٌ  : see أَثَارَةٌ. ― -b2- A mark which is made by the Arabs of the desert upon the inner [i. e. under] part of a camel's foot; as also ↓ تَأْثُورٌ , and, accord. to some, ↓ تُؤْثُورَهُ , whence one says, رَأَيْتُ أُثْرَتَهُ, and ↓ تُؤْثُورَهُ , I saw the place of his footsteps upon the ground: (M:) or the abrasion of the inner [i. e. under] part of a camel's foot with the instrument of iron called مِئْثَرَة and تُؤْثُور, in order that his footprints may be traced. (S.) [See also أُثْرٌ.] ― -b3- See also أَثْرٌ. ― -b4- And see مَأْثُرَةٌ. ― -b5- Preference. (A.) You say, لَهُ عِنْدِى أُثْرَةٌ He has a preference in my estimation. (A.) And هُوَ ذُو أُثْرَةٍ عِنْدَ الأَمِيرِ He has a preference in the estimation of the prince, or commander. (A.) And فُلَانٌ ذُو أُثْرَةٍ عِنْدَ فُلَانٍ, (TA,) or ↓ أَثَرَةٍ , (T,) Such a one is a favourite with such a one. (T, TA.) See also أَثَرَةٌ, in two places. ― -b6- أُثْرَةَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ: see آثِرٌ. -A2- Dearth, scarcity, drought, or sterility, (جَدْبٌ[in the CK جَذْب],) and an unpleasant state or condition. (M, K.) إِِثْرَةٌ أثار أثر أثرى أثره أثرة إِثر إِثره اثره اثرة ثار ثر ثري وثر آثر آثره : see أَثَرَةٌ. ― -b2- إِِثْرَةً: see آثِرٌ. أَثَرَةٌ ذ : see أَثَارَةٌ. ― -b2- A subst. [signifying The appropriation of a thing or things to oneself exclusively: the having a thing to oneself, with none to share with him in it:] from اِسْتَأْثَرَ بِالشَّىْءِ. (S, M.) And, as also ↓ أُثْرَةٌ and ↓ إِِثْرَةٌ and ↓ إُِثْرَى , The choice for oneself [in preference to his companions] of good things, (M, * K, * TA,) in partition; (M, TA;) the choice and preference of the best of things, and taking it, or them, for oneself: (TA:) the pl. of the second is أُثَرٌ. (TA.) You say, أَخَذَهُ بِلَا أَثَرَةٍ, and ↓ بلا أُثْرَةٍ , [&c.,] He took it without a choice and preference of the best of the things, and the taking the best for himself. (T, TA.) And a poet says, “ فَقُلْتَ لَهُ يَا ذِئْبُ هَلْ لَكَ فىِ أَخٍ
عَلَيْكَ وَلَا بُخْلِ يُؤَاسِي بِلَا أُثْرَي
” [And I said to him, O wolf, hast thou a desire for a brother who will share without choice of the best things for himself in preference to thee, and without niggardness?]. (M, TA.) See also أُثْرَةٌ. أُثْرَى  : see أَثَرَةٌ, in two places. أَثِيرٌ ذ : see أَثَرَةٌ. ― -b2- [That makes a large footprint, or the like.] You say, دَابَّةٌ أَثِيَرةٌ A beast that makes a large footprint upon the ground with its hoof, (AZ, S, M, K,) or with its soft foot, such as that of the camel. (AZ, S.) ― -b3- A man possessing power and authority; honoured: pl. أُثَرَآءُ: fem. أَثِيرَةٌ. (M.) ― -b4- فُلَانٌ أَثِيرِى Such a one is my particular friend: (S, K:) or is the person whom I prefer. (A.) فُلَانٌ أَثِيرٌعِنْدَ فُلَانٍ Such a one is a favourite with such a one. (T.) ― -b5- آثِرَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ, and أَوَّلَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ, &c.: see آثِرٌ. ― -b6- شَىْءٌ كَثِيرٌ أَثِيرٌ[A thing very abundant, copious, or numerous]: اثيرis here an imitative sequent, (S, K, *) like بَثِيرٌ. (S.) -A2- الأَثِيرُ [  , The ether;] the ninth, which is the greatest, sphere, which rules over [all] the other spheres: [said to be] so called because it affects the others (يُؤَثِرُ فِى غَيْرِهِ). (MF.) [It is also called فَلَكُ الأَطْلَسِ, and فَلَكُ العَرْشِ; and is said to be next above that called فَلَكُ الكُرْسِىِّ.] أَثَارَةٌ  : see أَثَرٌ. You say, سَمِنَتِ الإِبِلُ عَلَى أَثَارَةٍ, (S, M, *) or على أَثَارَةٍ مِنْ شَحْمٍ, (A,) The camels acquired fat, upon, or after, remains of fat. (S, M, * A.) And غَضِبَ عَلَي أَثَارَةٍ قِبْلَ ذَاكَ He became angry the more, having been angry before that. (Lh, M.) And أَغْضَبَنِي فُلَانٌ عَلَى أَثَارَةِ غَضَبٍ Such a one angered me when anger yet remained in me. (A.) And أَثَارَةٌ مِنْ عِلْمٍ, and ↓ أَثَرَةٌ , (T, S, M, K,) and ↓ أُثْرَةٌ , (M, K,) or ↓ أَثْرَةٌ , (T,) the first of which is the most approved, (M,) and is [originally] an inf. n., [see أَثَرَ الآحَدِيثَ,] (T,) signify A remain, or relic, of knowledge, (Zj, T, S, M, K, and Jel in xlvi. 3 of the Kur,) transmitted, or handed down, (K, Jel,) from the former generations: (Jel:) or what is transmitted, or handed down, of knowledge: (Zj, M:) or somewhat transmitted from the writings of the former generations: (TA:) by the knowledge spoken of [in the Kur ubi suprà] is meant that of writing, which was given to certain of the prophets. (I'Ab.) آثِرٌ آثر One who relates, or recites, a tradition, narrative, or story, or traditions, &c., as received, or heard, from another, or others; a narrator thereof. (T, S, * L.) The saying of 'Omar, on his being forbidden by Mohammad to swear by his father, مَا حَلَفْتُ بِهِ ذَاكِراً وَلَا آثِرًا, means I did not swear by him uttering (the oath) as proceeding in the first instance from myself, nor repeating (it) as heard from another particular person. (A'Obeyd, T, S, TA.) ― -b2- أَفْعَلُ هذَا آثِرًا مَّا, (IAar, T, S, K,) and آثِرًاwithout ما, (IAar, T,) and ↓ آثِرَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ , (S, K,) mean I will do this the first of every thing. (S, K. *) And in like manner, after لَقِيتُهُ[I met him, or it], one says, آثِرًا مَّا, [and ↓ آثِرَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ ,] and ↓ أَوَّلَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ , (M, K,) and آثِرَ ذَاتِ يَدِى, (M,) or ذَاتِ يَدَيْنِ, (K,) and ذِى يَدَيْنِ, (IAar, M, K,) and ↓ أَثِيرَةَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ , and ↓ ذِى أثِيرَيْنِ إُِثْرَةَ , (K,) and ↓ آثِرَ ذِى أَثِيرَيْنِ , (M, as from Lh,) or ↓ ذِى أَثِيرَيْنِ أَثَرَ , (K,) and ↓ ذِى أَثِيرَيْنِ , ↓ إِِثْرَ and مَّا إِِثْرَةً : (Lh, M, K:) or, as some say, ↓ الأَثِيرُ signifies the daybreak, or down; and ↓ ذُو أَثِيرٍ , the time thereof. (M, TA.) Fr says that اِبْدَأْ بِهذَا آثِرًا مَّا, and ↓ آثِرَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ , and ↓ أَثِيرَ ذِى أَثِيرٍ , signify Begin thou with this first of every thing. (TA.) One says also, اِفْعَلْهُ, آثِرًا مَّا, (T, M, TA,) and مَّا إِِثْرًا , (M, TA,) meaning Do thou it [at least], if thou do nothing else: (T, M, TA:) or, as some say, do thou it in preference to another thing, or to other things: ماbeing redundant, but [in this case] not to be omitted, because [it is a corroborative, and] the meaning of the phrase is, do thou it by choice, or preference, and with care. (M, TA.) Mbr says that the phrase خُذْ هذَا آثِرًا مَّاmeans Take thou this in preference; i. e., I give it thee in preference; as though one desired to take, of another, one thing, and had another thing offered to him for sale: and ماis here redundant. (T, TA.) تَأْثُورٌ  : see آُثْرَةٌ. تُؤْثُورٌ  : see آثْرَةٌ, in two places: and see مِئْثَرَةٌ, in two places. مَأثُرَةٌ  (T, S, M, K, &c.) and مَأْثَرَةٌ(S, M, K) and ↓ أُثْرَةٌ (M, K) A generous quality or action; (AZ, S;) so called because related, or handed down, by generation from generation: (S:) or a generous quality that is inherited by generation from generation: (M, K:) a generous quality, or action, related, or handed down by tradition from one's ancestors: (A:) a cause of glorying: (AZ:) and precedence in أُثْرَةٌ[or grounds of pretension to respect, &c.]: pl. of the first and second, حَسَب. (AZ, T.) مِئْثَرَةٌ  and ↓ تُؤْثُورٌ An iron instrument (S, M, K) with which the bottom of a camel's foot is marked, in order that his footprints upon the ground may be known: (M:) or, with which the inner [i. e. under] part of a camel's foot is scraped, in order that his footprints may be traced: (S, K:) or ↓ تؤثور has a different meaning, explained above, voce أُثْرَةٌ. (M.) The مِيثَرَةof a horse's saddle is without hemz. (S.) مَأْثُورٌ  A camel having a mark made upon the bottom of his foot with the iron instrument called مِئْثَرَة, in order that his footprints upon the ground may be known: (T:) or having the inner [i. e. under] part of his foot scraped with that instrument, in order that his footprints may be traced. (S.) ― -b2- A sword having in its مَتْن[or broad side; or the middle of the broad side, of the blade,] diversified wavy marks, streaks, or grain, or lustre or glitter: (M, K: [in some copies of the latter of which, instead of أَثْرٌ, I find أَثَرٌ:]) or having its متن of female, or soft, iron, and its edge of male iron, or steel: (K:) or that is said to be of the fabric of the jinn, or genii; (S, M, K*) and not from الأَثْر, as signifying الفِرِنْد: (S, M:) so says As: (S:) [ISd says,] مأثورis in my opinion a pass. part. n. that has no verb: (M:) or it signifies an ancient sword, which has passed by inheritance from great man to great man. (A.) ― -b3- A tradition, narrative, or story, handed down from one to another, from generation to generation. (T, S, A.) Credit: Lane Lexicon