1 شَكَّ  is intrans. by itself, and trans. by means of the particle فى: ― -b2- one says شَكَّ الأَمْرُ, aor. يَشُكُّ [contr. to analogy in the case of an intrans. verb of this class], inf. n. شَكٌّ, The thing, or case, or affair, was, or became, dubious, or confused: (Msb:) ― -b3- and شَكَّ فِيهِ, (MA, K,) first pers. شَكَكْتُ فيه, (S, Msb,) aor. as above, (JM, PS, &c.,) and so the inf. n., (MA, &c.,) He doubted, wavered or vacillated in opinion, or was uncertain, respecting it; (MA, Msb, and so accord. to explanations of شَكٌّ [q. v. infrŕ] in the S and Msb and K &c.;) syn. اِرْتَابَ; (Msb;) and ↓ تشكّك signifies the same. (S, K.) ― -b4- شَكَّ عَلَىَّ الأَمْرُ means شَقَّ [i. e. The case, or affair, was difficult, hard, distressing, &c., to me]: (O, TA:) or, as some say, [was such that] I doubted (شَكَكْتُ) respecting it. (TA.) -A2- شَكَّ said of a camel, (IAar, S, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (S,) He limped, or halted; or had a slight lameness, (IAar, S, TA,) of his hind leg: (IAar, TA:) or his arm stuck to his side, (K, TA,) and he had a slight lameness in consequence thereof: (TA:) and ↓ اشتكّ , likewise said of a camel, he had a slight lameness; (Ibn-'Abbád, O, TA;) like شَكَّ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.) ― -b2- شَكٌّ also signifies The cleaving or sticking [of a thing to another thing]. (S, O, TA.) So in a verse of Aboo-Dahbal El-Jumahee cited voce يَلَبٌ. (S.) And one says, شَكَّتِ الرَّحِمُ The relationship was, or became, closely united. (O, TA. [See رَحِمٌ شَاكَّةٌ, voce شَاكٌّ.]) ― -b3- شَكَّ فِى السِّلَاحِ, (K, TA,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (TA,) He put on [or around him,] or attired himself with, the arms, or weapons, completely, not leaving any of them; (TA;) [as though] he entered amid them. (K, TA.) -A3- شَكَكْتُهُ بِالرُّمْحِ, (S, O, Msb, in the K شَكَّهُ,) and بِالسَّهْمِ, and the like, aor. as above, (TA,) and so the inf. n., (Msb, TA,) I pierced, or transpierced, him, or it, (طَعَنْتُهُ, Msb, or خَزَقْتُهُ, O, and in like manner in the TA, but in my copies of the S خَرَقْتُهُ [meaning I made a hole in him, or it], and thus in one place in the TA, and اِنْتَظَمْتُهُ, S O, and in like manner in the K,) with the spear, (S, O, Msb, K,) and with the arrow, &c.: (TA:) but IDrd says that, accord. to some, شَكٌّ is only by the conjoining two things with an arrow or a spear: (O, TA:) [thus,] فَشَكَّ رِجْلَهُ مَعَ رِكَابِهِ means And he clave and transpierced his leg, or foot, together with his stirrup. (Mgh.) ― -b2- [Hence,] شَكَكْتُ إِِلَيْهِ البِلَادَ I traversed, or crossed, or cut through, the countries, or districts, to him. (O, TA.) ― -b3- And شُكَّ عَلَيِه الثَّوْبُ The garment was put [or drawn] together upon him, and fastened with a thorn or a wooden pin: or was let down, or made to hang down, upon him. (TA.) ― -b4- شَكُّوا بُيُوتَهُمْ They placed their tents in one row, or series, (O, Msb, K,) in one regular order, (T, TA,) near together. (Msb.) ― -b5- Hence; شَكُّوا الأَرْحَامَ They made the relationships to be closely connected. (Msb.) And شُكَّ He was made, or asserted, to be connected with the lineage of another. (IAar, O.) ― -b6- And شَكَكْتُهُ said of anything means I drew and joined, or adjoined, it [to another thing]. (Msb.) [And I infixed it in, or thrust it into, another thing.] ― -b7- مَا شَكَّ كَفِى خَلِيلُهَا, [or, more probably, ما شُكَّ,] a phrase in a verse of El-Farezdak,] in which it forms an apodosis,] means مَا قَارَنَ [i. e., app., Its friend (the sword, or the spear, both of which are meanings of الخَلِيل,) would not be conjoined (or grasped) with my hand]. (TA.) ― -b8- شَكَّ الثَّوْبَ He (the sewer) made the stitch-holes far apart [in sewing the garment, or piece of cloth]. (O, TA.) [Thus the verb has two contr. meanings.] -A4- شَكِكْتُ إِِلَيْهِ, with kesr, and شَكِكْتُهُ, (Ibn- 'Abbád, O, and so in the K accord. to the TA, as also in the TK, in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K شَكَكْتُهُ and اليه,) I inclined to him, or it; or trusted to, or relied upon, him, or it, so as to be, or become, easy, or quiet, in mind; or leaned, rested, or relied, upon him, or it; syn. رَكَنْتُ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) 2 شكّكنى فِيهِ  , (S, O, K, *) inf. n. تَشْكِيكٌ, (O,) He made me to doubt, to waver or vacillate in opinion, or to be uncertain, respecting it; (S, K, TA;) he threw me, or made me to fall, into doubt, &c., respecting it. (O.) 5 تَشَكَّ3َ see the first paragraph. 8 إِِشْتَكَ3َ see the first paragraph. شَكٌّ  [used as a subst.] signifies Doubt; (Msb; [see 1;]) or the contr. of يَقِينٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) by which explanation is meant a wavering or vacillation in opinion between two things, whether they be equal [in probability] or such that one of them outweighs [therein] the other; or, as the expositors explain its meaning in the Kur x. 94, uncertainty: (Msb:) or a wavering or vacillation in opinion, between two inconsistent things, without making either of them to outweigh the other in the estimation of him who conceives the شَكّ: or, as some say, a pausing, or hesitation, between two extremes that are equal [in probability], without the mind's inclining to either of them: when one of them is made to outweigh, without the other's being rejected, it is ظَنٌّ: (KT:) accord. to Er-Rághib, it is the alternation, or confusedness, of two inconsistent things, in the judgment of a man, and their being equal: this is sometimes because of there being two indications, equal in his judgment, of the two inconsistent things; or of there being no indication thereof: and sometimes it relates to the question whether a thing be, or be not; and sometimes, to the question of what kind it is; and sometimes, to some of its qualities; and sometimes, to the accident that is the cause of its being: it is a species of جَهْل; but is more special than this; for جهل is sometimes the utter nonexistence of knowledge of the two inconsistent things; so that every شكّ is جهل, but every جهل is not شكّ: (TA:) accord. to some, the primary meaning is a state of commotion, or disturbance, of the heart and mind: (Msb:) pl. شُكُوكٌ. (K.) ― -b2- [Hence, يَوْمُ الشَّكِ The day of which one doubts whether it be the last of one month or the first of the next month: and generally, whether it be the last of Shaabán or the first of Ramadán; and to fast on this day is forbidden.] -A2- Also A small crack in a bone. (K.) ― -b2- And A seam, or line of sewing, of a garment. (L in art. صوح.) ― -b3- [And accord. to Freytag, A coat of mail composed of narrow rings: but he names no authority for this.] -A3- And [Arsenic;] a certain medicament, that destroys rats; brought from Khurásán, from the mines of silver; (K, TA;) of two kinds, (TA,) white and yellow; (K, TA;) now known by the name of سَمُّ الفَأْرِ [ratsbane]. (TA.) شِكٌّ  A covering (حُلَّة) that is put upon the backs of the two curved extremities of the bow: (K:) so says ISd. (TA.) شَكَّةٌ  [an inf. n. of un.] A single piercing through two men on a horse. (Ham p. 271.) شُكَّةٌ  i. q. شُقَّةٌ: (O, K:) so in the saying, إِِنَّه لَبَعِيدُ الشُّكَّةِ [Verily he is one whose region to which he directs himself is far distant]. (O.) شِكَّةٌ  Arms, or weapons, (S, K, TA,) that are worn. (TA.) ― -b2- And A broad piece of wood, (K,) or small broad piece of wood, (S, O,) that is put into the hole (خُرْت) [in which is inserted the end of the handle] of the axe, or adz, and the like, in order to narrow it. (IDrd, S, O, K.) -A2- رَجُلٌ مُخْتَلِفُ الشِّكَّةِ means A man discordant in natural dispositions. (TA.) شَكِكٌ  A camel having a slight lameness; that limps, or halts. (TA.) شُكُكٌ  , with two dammehs, [a pl. of which the sing., in the sense here indicated, is not mentioned,] i. q. أَدْعِيَآءُ [Persons who make a claim in respect of relationship; or who claim to be sons of persons not their fathers; or who are claimed as sons by persons not their father; or adopted sons: pl. of دَعِىٌّ]. (IAar, TA.) -A2- [Also said to be pl. of شَكِيكَةٌ, q. v.] شِكَاكٌ  Tents arranged in a row: (O, K:) one says, ضَرَبُوا بُيُوتَهُمْ شِكَاكًا They pitched their tents in one row: but accord. to Th, it is سِكَاكًا, [q. v.], from السِّكَّةُ. (TA.) شَكُوكٌ  (tropical:) A she-camel of which one doubts whether she be fat or not (S, K, TA) in her hump, (K, TA,) by reason of the abundance of her fur, wherefore her hump is felt: (S, TA:) pl. شُكٌّ. (K.) شُكُوكٌ  Sides; syn. جَوَانِبُ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, TA.) [Perhaps pl. of شَكَاكَةٌ (q. v.), next after which it is mentioned in the O; like as صُلِىٌّ (originally صُلُوىٌ) is pl. of صَلَايَةٌ.] شَكَاكَةٌ  A region, quarter, or tract, syn. نَاحِيَةٌ, of the earth. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K.) شَكِيكَةٌ  A party, sect, or distinct body or class, (AA, S, O, K,) of men: (AA, S, O:) pl. شَكَائِكُ; (AA, S;) [and app. شِكَكٌ also, for,] accord. to IAar, شِكَكٌ signifies distinct bodies of soldiers. (TA.) -A2- A way, course, mode, or manner, of acting or conduct or the like: (IDrd, O, K:) thus in the saying, دَعْهُ عَلَى شَكِيكَتِهِ [Leave thou him intent on pursuing his way, &c.]: (IDrd, O:) pl. شَكَائِكُ (IDrd, O, K) and شُكُكٌ, (so in copies of the K,) or شِكَكٌ; if the latter of these two, extr. [with respect to analogy]. (TA.) ― -b2- And Natural disposition; syn. خُلُقٌ. (TK, as from the K. [The only reading that I find in copies of the K is with ح in the place of خ, i. e. حَلْق; and thus, but without any vowel-sign, in the TA: but I think that the right reading is evidently that in the TK.]) -A3- Also The [kind of basket called] سَلَّة in which are [put] fruits. (Ibn-'Abbád, O, K, *) -A4- And [the pl.] شَكَائِكُ signifies The pieces of wood with which, they being joined together, are formed the tent-like tops of the vehicles called هَوَادِج [pl. of هَوْدَجٌ]. (AA, O, TA.) شُكُكَّةٌ  , applied to a woman, meaning Just in proportion, or beautiful, and slender; or light, or active, in her work; and clever; is vulgar. (TA.) شَكِّىٌّ  , (so in the O, occurring there in three instances,) or شُكِّىٌّ, (thus in the K, [but if this were the right reading, the rule of the author would require him to add “ with damm, ” therefore I suppose it to have been mistranscribed in an early copy of the K,]) applied to a لِجَام [i. e. bit, or bridle], Difficult. (O, K.) [See also شَكِّىٌّ in art. شكو and شكى.] شَكَّاكٌ  : see شَاكٌّ. شَكْشَكَةٌ  Sharp arms or weapons: (IAar, O, K:) or the sharpness of arms or weapons: (K:) or the latter should be the meaning accord. to analogy. (O.) شَاكٌّ  [act. part. n. of شَكَّ]. ― -b2- رَجُلٌ شَاكُّ السِّلَاحِ and شَاكٌّ فِى السِّلَاحِ [A man completely armed]: the former expl. as meaning a man wearing a complete set of arms, or weapons: [pl. شُكَّاكٌ, agreeably with analogy:] you say قَوْمٌ شُكَّاكٌ فِى الحَدِيدِ [a people, or party, completely clad in sets of iron arms or weapons]. (S, O. [In one of my copies of the S, بِالحَدِيدِ.]) [Accord. to the TA, one says مِنْ قَوْمٍ شُكَّاكٍ رَجُلٌ شَكَّاكٌ : but شَكَّاكٌ seems evidently to be a mistranscription for شَاكٌّ. See also شَاكُ السِّلَاحِ and شَاكِى السِّلَاحِ in arts. شوك and شكو.] ― -b3- رَحِمٌ شَاكَّةٌ Near relationship. (O, TA. [See شَكَّتِ الرَّحِمُ.]) -A2- See also what next follows. شَاكَّةٌ ذ A tumour in the fauces; (O, K;) mostly in children: (O:) pl. شَوَاكُّ: or, accord. to Abu-lJarráh, the sing. of شَوَاكُّ is ↓ شَاكٌّ , meaning the tumour. (TA.) مِشَكٌّ  The thong with which the coat of mail is [in certain parts thereof] conjoined (يُشَكُّ بِهِ): 'Antarah says, “ وَمِشَكِّ سَابِغَةٍ هَتَكْتُ فُرُوجَهَا
بِالسَّيْفِ عَنْ حَامِى الحَقِيقَةِ مُعْلَمِ
” (O, TA:) [but in the EM it is مَسَكِّ, thus with س, and with fet-h to the م; a word which I do not find in any lexicon: it is said that] مسك signifies a coat of mail narrow in the rings: and the poet means, And of many an ample coat of mail [narrow in the rings] have I rent open the middle parts with the sword, from over a man who was the defender of those who, or that which, it was his duty to defend, who was pointed to as being the cavalier of the army. (EM p. 243.) أَمْرٌ مَشْكُوكٌ  [for مَشْكُوكٌ فِيهِ] An affair, or a case, in which there is doubt. (TA.) -A2- مِنْبَرٌ مَشْكُوكٌ e. q. مَشْدُود [i. e. A pulpit made firm or strong &c.]. (TA. [See also مَسْكُوك.]) Credit: Lane Lexicon