1 نَفَرَ , (T, M, L, Msb, K,) aor. نَفِرَ , (T, M, K,) and نَفُرَ , (M, K,) inf. n. نَفْرٌ and نَفَرَانٌ (M, K) or نُفُورٌ, (Msb,) said of a wild animal, (T, Msb,) a gazelle, (M, K,) or other beast, (M,) He took fright, and fled, or ran away at random; or became refractory, and went away at random; or ran away, or broke loose, and went hither and thither by reason of his sprightliness; syn. شَرَدَ; (M, K;) as also ↓ استنفر ; (T, Msb, K;) and so the former verb in speaking of a camel, or a beast: (L, art. شرد:) you say, نَفَرَتِ الدَّابَّةُ, (T, S, M, A, K,) aor. نَفِرَ and نَفُرَ , (T, S, M, K,) inf. n. نُفُورٌ and نِفَارٌ (T, S, M, A, K) and نَفْرٌ: (A:) or this signifies the beast was, or became, impatient (A, K, TA) of or at a thing, (TA,) [or shied at it,] and retired to a distance; (A, K, TA;) and ↓ إِِسْتِنْفَارٌ signifies the same as نُفُورٌ: (S:) or نَفَرَ, inf. n. نِفَارٌ [and نُفُورٌ], signifies he fled, and went away or aside or apart or to a distance. (M.) ― -b2- [Hence, نَفَرَ, aor. نَفِرَ and نَفُرَ , inf. n. نُفُورٌ and نِفَارٌ and نَفْرٌ and نَفِيرٌ, as used in the following phrases.] نَفَرْتُ مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ (tropical:) I shrank from this thing or affair; was averse from it; did not like or approve it. And نَفَرَ فُلَانٌ مِنْ صُحْبَةِ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) [Such a one shrank, or was averse, from the companionship of, or the associating with, such a one]. And نَفَرَتِ المَرْأَةُ مِنْ زَوْجِهَا (tropical:) [The woman was averse from her husband; or shunned or avoided him]. (All from the A.) And you say of a man's disposition, عَنِ الحَقِّ ↓ تَنَفَّرَ (tropical:) [It shunned, or was averse from, the truth] (Bd, lxvii. 21.) ― -b3- إِِلَّا نُفُورًا, in the Kur, [xvii. 43, and xxxv. 40,] means (tropical:) Save in aversion and نَفِيرٌ is like نُفُورٌ: and the subst. is نَفَرٌ, with two fet-hahs. (Msb) ― -b4- نَفَرَ الشَّىْءُ مِنَ الشَّىْءِ inf. n. نِفَارٌ [and نُفُورٌ], The thing receded, withdrew, removed, or became remote or aloof, from the thing. (A'Obeyd, T, S.) [See also 3.] ― -b5- Hence it is, I think, that نَفَرَ is used as signifying (tropical:) It became swollen, in the following words of a trad. of 'Omar: تَخَلَّلَ رَجُلٌ فِى زَمَانِهِ بِالقَصَبِ فَنَفَرَ فُوهُ (tropical:) A man, in his time, picked his teeth with reeds, and in consequence his mouth became swollen: as though the flesh, disliking the disease, receded from it, and so became swollen. (A'Obeyd, T, S. *) You say also, نَفَرَتِ العَيْنُ, aor. نَفِرَ and نَفُرَ , inf. n. نُفُورٌ. (tropical:) His eye became inflamed and swollen: and so you say of other parts of the person. (M, K. *) And نَفَرَ الجُرْحُ, inf. n. as above, (tropical:) The wound became swollen: (T, Msb:) or it became so after healing. (W, i. 42.) And نَفَرَ الجِلْدُ (tropical:) The skin became swollen, (S, A,) and the flesh receded from it. (A.) [All these significations seem to be derived from the first in this art.: and so several others which follow.] ― -b6- نَفَرْتُ إِِلَى ا@للّٰهِ, inf. n. نِفَارٌ, I betook myself to God by reason of fear, seeking protection. (IKtt) ― -b7- نَفَرُوا, (Msb,) inf. n. نَفْرٌ, (M, Msb, K,) They became separated, or dispersed: (M, * Msb, K: *) and so نَفَرتْ, said of camels. (TA.) Hence, (M,) the saying, لَقِيتُهُ قَبْلَ كُلِّ صَيْحٍ وَنَفْرٍ, (S, M, A.) a proverb, in which the last word is used tropically; (A;) explained in art. صيح, q. v. (S.) [And غَضِبَ مِنْ غَيْرِ صَيْحٍ وَلَا نَفٍرْ; explained in the same art.] ― -b8- نَفَرَ الحَاجُّ مِنْ مِنًى, (M, Msb, K,) aor. نَفِرَ , (S, M, K,) inf. n. نَفْرٌ (M, Msb, K) and نَفَرٌ (M) and نُفُورٌ (K) [and نَفِيرٌ], The pilgrims removed from Minč. (Msb.) Hence, يَوْمُ النَّفْرِ, and النَّفَرِ, and النَّفُورِ, and النَّفِيرِ, (S, M, K,) and لَيْلَةُ النَّفْرِ, (S, TA,) and النَّفَرِ, (TA,) [The day of, and the night immediately preceding, the removing from Minč]; after the day called يَوْمُ القَرِّ: (S;) [therefore. the twelfth of Dhu-l-Hijjeh:] or there are two days thus called: (Msb:) يَوْمُ النَّفْرِ الأَوَّلُ is [the day above mentioned,] the second of the days called أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ; (IAth, Msb;) and يَوْمُ النَّفْر الاّخِرُ, (IAth,) or الثَّانِى, (Msb,) is the third thereof: (IAth, Msb:) the order is this; يَوْمُ النَّحْرِ, then يَوْمُ القَرِّ, then يَوْمُ النَّفْر الأَوَّلُ then يَوْمُ النَّفْرِ الآخِرُ. (T, L) ― -b9- نَفَرُوا فِى الأَمْرِ, (S, M.) or لِلْأَمْرِ, (K,) aor. نَفِرَ , (M, K.) inf. n. نُفُورٌ (S, M, K) and نِفارٌ (M, K) and نَفِيرٌ; (Zj, M, K;) and ↓ تنافروا ; (M, K;) They went, or went away, to execute the affair: (M, K:) and in like manner, فِى القِتَالِ to fight. (M.) And نَقَرُوا, alone, They went forth to war against unbelievers or the like. So in the Kur, is 82. وَقَالوا لَا تَنْفِرُوا فى الحرِّ قُلْ نَارٌ جَهَنَّمَ أَشَدٌ حَرَّا [And they said, Go not ye forth to war against the unbelievers in the heat: say, The fire of hell is hotter]: and so in the same chap. v. 39: (Jel:) and in the same book, iv. 73. (Bd.) You say also, نَفَرُوا لَهُمْ They went forth to fight them. (TA, from a trad.) And تَفَرُوا إِِلى الحَرْب They hastened to the war, or to war. (Msb.) ― -b10- [Hence,] نَفَوُا مَعَهُ; and ↓ أَنْفَرُوهُ , (M, K,) inf. n. إِِنْفَارٌ; (TA;) They aided and succoured them: (M, K:) or the former verb, alone, they, being asked to do so, complied, and went forth to aid. (TA.) ― -b11- نَفرَبِنَا: see 2. 2 نَفّر , (T, M, A, Msb,) inf. n. تَنْفيرٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ انفر ; (T, K;) and ↓ اشتنفر ; (T, M, A, Msb;) He made (wild animals, T. Msb, or an antelope. K, or a beast of carriage. M,) to take fright, and flee, or run away at random: (K, TA:) or he made a beast of carriage to become impatient, and to retire to a distance: (A:) or he scared away; or made to flee, and go away, or aside, or apart, or to a distance: (so accord. to an explanation of the intrans. v. from which it is derived, in the M:) you say نَفَّرْتُهُ and ↓ اِسْتَنْفَرْتُهُ and ↓ أَنْفَرُتُهُ : and in like manner, نَفَّرَ عَنْهُ, and أَنْفَرَ عَنْهُ, [meaning, he scared away, or made to take fright and flee, &c., from him or it:] (TA:) الإِِنْفَارُ عَنِ الشَّىْءِ, and التَّنْفِيرُ عَنْهُ, and الاِسْتِنْفَارُ, all signify the same, [i. e., the scaring away, &c. from a thing.] (S.) It is said in a trad. of Zeyneb, the daughter of Mohammad, فَأَنْفَرَ بِهَا المُشْرِكُونَ بَعِيرَهَا حَتَّى سَقَطَتْ And the polytheists made her camel to take fright and run away at random with her, so that she fell. And in like manner you say, أُنْفِرَبِنَا, and نُفِرَبِنَا, [or نُفَّرَبِنَا Our camels were scared away with us; or made to take fright and run away at random with us: or] we were made to be persons having camels taking fright and running away at random. And تَنْفِيرٌ signifies The chiding camels or sheep or goats, and driving them from the pasturage. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence] بَشِّروا وَلا تُنَفِّرُوا (assumed tropical:) [Rejoice people by what ye say. and] do not encounter them with [roughness and violence and] that which will incite them to نُفُور [i. e. flight or aversion]. (TA.) See the act. part. n., below. ― -b3- [Hence also,] نَفِّرْ عَنْهُ, (S, K,) inf. n. تَسنْفِيرٌ. (TA.) (assumed tropical:) Give thou to him a لَقَب [meaning a nickname or name of reproach], (S,) or a لَقب that is disliked: (K:) as though they held such to be تَسْفِيرٌ لِلْجِنِّ وَالعَيْنِ عَنْهُ [a means of scaring away the jinn, or genii, and the evil eye, from him]. (S, K.) An Arab of the desert said, When I was born, it was said to my father, نَفِّرْ عَنْهُ: so he named me قُنْفُد [hedge-hog], and surnamed me أَبو العَدّآءِ [father of the quick runner]. (S.) 3 نَاْفَرَ [نَافَرَا, inf. n. مُنَافَرَةٌ, (tropical:) They shunned or avoided each other; regarded each other with aversion. But perhaps this signification is only post-classical. ― -b2- And hence, (tropical:) They (two things) were incongruous, or discordant, each with the other. But perhaps this signification, also, is only post-classical. See also 6.] 4 أَنْفَرَ see 2, in several places. ― -b2- أَنْفَرُوا Their camels took fright and ran away at random, (نَفَرَت, K, TA,) and became separated or dispersed. (TA.) ― -b3- See also 1, last signification. 5 تنفّر عَنِ الحَقِّ : see 1. 6 تَنَاْفَرَ [تنافروا (tropical:) They shunned or avoided one another; regarded one another with aversion. But perhaps this signification is only post-classical. ― -b2- And hence, تنافرت الأَشْيَآءُ (tropical:) The things were incongruous, or discordant, one with another. But perhaps this signification, also, is only postclassical. See also 3.] ― -b3- تنافروا فِى الأَمْرِ, or لِلْأَمْرِ: see 1, towards the end. See also تَنَافَرَا in the K: and compare 6 in arts. نفد and نفذ. 10 إِِسْتَنْفَرَهُمْ He (the Imám) incited, and summoned or invited them to go forth, لِجِهَادِ العَدُوِّ to war against the enemy: (T, Mgh:) or imposed upon them the task of going forth to war, light and heavy: [see Kur, ix. 41:] (A:) or he demanded, sought, or desired, of them aid. (M, * K, TA.) ― -b2- See also 2. in three places. ― -b3- And see 1, in two places, near the beginning. نَفْرٌ : see نَافِرٌ, of which it is a quasi-pl.: ― -b2- and نَفِيرٌ: ― -b3- and نَفَرٌ. نِفْرٌ an imitative sequent to عِفْرٌ, (T, M, K,) and so is ↓ نَفِرٌ to عَفِرٌ, (Sgh, K, but omitted in some copies of the K,) and ↓ نِفْرِيَةٌ to عِفْرِيَةٌ, (T, M, K,) and ↓ نِفْرِيتٌ to عِفْرِيتٌ, (T, S, M, K,) and ↓ نُفَارِيَةٌ to عُفَارِيَهٌ, (T, M, K,) and ↓ نِفْرِيتَةٌ to عِفرِيتَةٌ; (K;) denoting corroboration. (S.) نَفَرٌ ذ A number of men, from three to ten; (S, Msb;) as also ↓ نَفْرٌ and ↓ نَفْرَةٌ and ↓ نَفِيرٌ : (S:) or to seven: (so in a copy of the Msb, [but probably سبعة is a mistake for تسعة nine: this appears likely from what here follows:]) or a number of men less then ten; (AZ, T, M, K;) as also ↓ نَفِيرٌ ; (K;) and so رَهْطٌ; (AZ, T;) and some add, excluding women: (TA:) accord. to Fr, (S,) a man's people or tribe consisting of his nearer relations; as also ↓ نَفْرَةٌ ; syn. رَهْطٌ, (S, IAth,) and عَشِيرَةٌ: (IAth:) [see also نَفْرَةٌ:] accord. to Kr, (M,) all the men or people: (M, K:) accord. to Lth, you say, هٰؤُلَآءِ عَشَرَةُ نَفَرٍ, i. e. these are ten men: but one does not say, عِشْرُونَ نَفَرًا, nor more than عَشَرَة: and Abu-l- 'Abbás says, that نَفَرٌ, like قَوْمٌ and رَهْطٌ, has a pl. signification, without any proper sing.; and is applied to men, exclusively of women: (T:) it is a quasi-pl. n.: (TA:) and its pl. is أَنْفَارٌ; (M, K;) occurring in a trad., in the phrase أَحَدٌ مِنْ أَنْفَارِنَا, which IAth explains as meaning any one of our people; syn. قَوْمِنَا: (TA:) and ↓ نَفِيرٌ , occurring, in the accus. case, in the Kur, xvii. 6, is, accord. to Zj, a pl. [or rather quasipl. n.] of نَفَرٌ, like عَبِيدٌ and كَلِيبٌ. (M.) [See also نَفِيرٌ, below.] Imra-el-Keys says, describing a man as an excellent archer, “ فَهْوَ لَا تَنْمِى رَمِيَّتُهُمَا لَهُ لَا عُدَّ مِنْ نَفَرِهْ
” (S,) And he is such that the animal shot by him does not go away after it has been shot and then die. What aileth him? May he be killed, so as not to be numbered among his people. The latter hemistich is a proverb. (Meyd.) The poet here utters an imprecation against the man, but in so doing praises him; as when you say, of a man whose action pleases you, مَا لَهُ قَاتَلَهُ ا@للّٰهُ and أَخْزَاهُ اللّٰهُ [q. v.]. (S.) The rel. n. is ↓ نَفَرِىٌّ . (Sb, M.) -A2- [Accord. to the Msb, it is also a simple subst. from نَفَرَ: and app. as signifying especially Aversion.] نَفِرٌ : see نِفْرٌ. نَفْرَةٌ : see نَفِيرٌ. ― -b2- A man's near kinsmen; syn. أُسْرَةٌ (T, K) and فَصِيلَةٌ; (K;) who are angry on account of his anger; (K;) as also ↓ نُفْرَةٌ , mentioned by Sgh and others, (TA,) and ↓ نُفُورةٌ (T. K) and ↓ نَافِرَةٌ (A, * K) and ↓ نَفَرٌ : (T:) and نُفُورَةٌ signifies a man's near kinsmen (أُسْرَة) who go forth with him to war when an event befalls him or oppresses him severely or suddenly. (TA.) You say, جَآءَنَا فِى نَفْرَتِهِ and ↓ نَفَرِهِ , (T, TA,) &c., (TA,) He came to us among his near kinsmen, (T, TA,) &c. (TA.) And, غَلَبَتْ نُفُورَتُنَا نُفُورَتَهُمْ Our near kinsmen overcame their near kinsmen. (T, TA.) See also نَفَرٌ, in two places: and see نَفِيرٌ. نُفْرَةٌ (Sgh, K) and ↓ نُفَرَةٌ (K) A thing that is hung upon a child for fear of, (K,) or to repel, (Sgh,) the evil eye. (Sgh, K.) -A2- See also نَفْرَةٌ. نَفَرِىٌّ : see نَفَرٌ, last sentence but one. نِفْرِيَةٌ and نِفْرِيتٌ and نِفْرِيتَةٌ: see نِفْرٌ. نِفَارٌ ذ a subst. from نَفَرَتِ الدَّابَّةُ. Ex. فِى الدَّابَّةِ نِفَارٌ [In the beast of carriage is a disposition to take fright and run away at random]. (S.) And in like manner, from نَفَرَ said of a wild animal. (Msb.) نَفُورٌ : see نَافِرٌ. نَفِيرٌ A people hastening to war, or to some other undertaking: an inf. n. used as a subst.: (Msb:) or a people going to execute an affair: (S:) or a people going with one to fight; as also ↓ نَفْرَةٌ [q. v.] and ↓ نَفْرٌ : (M, K:) each is a noun having a pl. signification: (M:) or the first and last signify a company of men: and the pl. of each is أَنْفَارٌ: (M:) or the first, (S,) or all, (K,) a people, (S,) or company, (K,) preceding in an affair: (S, K:) or the first, those of a man's people who go forth with him to war: or it is a pl. [or quasi-pl.] of نَفَرٌ, signifying men assembled to go to the enemy: (Bd, xvii. 6:) or aiders, or assistants. (M.) [See نَفَرٌ, in two places.] You say, جَآءَتْ نَفْرَةُ بَنِى فُلَانٍ, and نَفِيرُهُمْ, The company of the sons of such a one, that came forth to execute an affair, arrived. (S, TA.) نَفِيرُ قُرَيْشٍ means Those of Kureysh who went forth to Bedr to defend the caravan of Aboo-Sufyán, (M,) which was coming from Syria. (T.) Hence the proverb, فُلَانٌ لَا فِى العِيرِ وَلَا فِى النَّفِيرِ [Such a one is neither in the caravan nor in the company going forth to fight]: applied to him who is not regarded as fit for a difficult undertaking: because none held back from the caravan and the fight except him who was crippled by disease and him in whom was no good; (TA:) or the original words of the proverb are لا فِى العِيرِ وَلَا فِى النَّفِيرِ: and these words were first said by Aboo-Sufyán, with reference to the Benoo-Zuhrah, when he found them turning back towards Mekkeh; and, accord. to As, are applied to a man who is held in low and little repute. (Mgh.) [See also Freytag's Arab. Prov., ii. 500.] نُفُورَةٌ : see نَفْرَةٌ, in three places. نُفَارِيَةٌ : see نِفْرٌ. نَافِرٌ [and ↓ نَفُورٌ ] and ↓ مُسْتَنْفِرٌ signify the same; [i. e., Taking fright, and fleeing, or running away at random: or being, or becoming, impatient, of or at a thing, and retiring to a distance: or fleeing, and going away or aside or apart or to a distance: or the second, being of an intensive form, signifies, as also ↓ يَنْفُورٌ , that does so much or often; or wont or apt to do so:] (TA:) and نَفْرٌ is a pl. of نَافِرٌ, (K,) or [rather] a quasi-pl., like as صَحْبٌ is of صَاحِبٌ, and زَوْرٌ of زَائِرٌ. (M.) You say, دَابَّةٌ نَافِرٌ, and ↓ نَفُورٌ , [A beast that takes fright and runs away at random: &c.:] (M, K:) accord. to IAar, one should not say نَافِرَةٌ (M) [unless using it as an epithet applied to a broken pl. of a subst., as will be seen below]. It is said in a proverb, ↓ كُلُّ أَزَبَّ نَفُورٌ [Every one, of camels, that is hairy on the face is wont to take fright and run away at random: see art. زب]. (M.) You say also ↓ ظَبْىٌ يَنْفُورٌ , (M, K, *) in some copies of the K, نيفور, (TA,) A gazelle that takes fright and flees much or often; or that is wont to do so. (M, K. *) And it is said in the Kur, [lxxiv. 51,] فَرَّتْ مِنْ ↓ كَأَنَّهُمْ حُمُرٌ مُسْتَنْفِرَةٌ قَسْوَرَةٍ, i. e., نَافِرَةٌ, [As though they were asses taking fright and running away at random, that have fled from a lion:] and (accord. to one reading, T) ↓ مُسْتَنْفَرَةٌ , (T, S,) meaning, made to take fright and run away at random; (T;) or frightened, or scared. (S.) ― -b2- أَنَا نَافِرٌ مِنْ هٰذَا الامر (tropical:) I shrink from this thing or affair; am averse from it; do not like or approve it. And هِىَ نَافِرَةٌ مِنْ زَوْجِهَا (tropical:) [She is averse from her husband; she shuns or avoids him]. (A.) نَوْفَرٌ : see art. نيلوفر. نَافِرَةٌ : see نَفْرَةٌ. مُنَفِّرٌ act. part. n. of 2, q. v. ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) One who encounters people with roughness and violence [and that which incites them to flight or aversion: see 2]. (TA, from a trad.) مُسْتَنْفِرٌ : see نَافِرٌ; the first and third in two places. مُسْتَنْفَرٌ : see نَافِرٌ; the first and third in two places. يَنْفُورٌ : see نَافِرٌ; the first and third in two places. Credit: Lane Lexicon