












Lane Lexicon









Root: ع ل ق

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 7

b) No of constructions: 5

Ibn Faris stated that the basic perception infolded in the Root is to join-attach a thing with an upwardly/ elevated thing. Such attachment will give to the attached thing an appearance of a suspended/hung thing.

The Greek word "zogotus" reflects one fact of joining but Arabic word is far more accurate and nearest to the actual description of the joining of sperm at an elevated place with the female egg and its suspension. In medical science, perhaps we do not have a term to describe the fact of suspension.

Ibn Faris also said that it is used when love and affection attaches one with the other. Today we have the evidence that the sperm has attraction to the fluid surrounding the egg, an element of love/attraction. All the physical /scientific realities, relating both to matter and to life are prevalent in the basic perception and meanings of the Arabic Roots.


Noun: Definite; singular; feminine; accusative. (1)23:14=1

                                                                                                                  اسم:معرفہ باللام منصوب-واحد مؤنث


Noun: Indefinite; feminine; plural; genitive.  (1)96:02=1            اسم: مجرور- جمع -مؤنث 


 Noun: Indefinite; feminine; singular; genitive. (1)22:05(2)40:67=2 اسم:مجرور-واحد-مؤنث 


Noun: Indefinite; feminine; singular; nominative. (1)23:14(2)75:38=2



Possessive Phrase: Prefixed Exemplifying Noun "كَ" + Passive Participle: definite; feminine; singular; genitive; [تَعْلِيقٌ Verbal noun Form II].(1) 4:129=1    الإِضَافَةُ-"كَ" اسم بمعنى مثل: منصوب-/مضافاسم مفعول:معرفہ باللام-مجرور-واحد مؤنث/مضاف إليه


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