فَشِلَ , (S, O, Msb, K,) aor
فَشَلَ , (O, Msb, K,) inf. n.
فَشَلٌ; (S, O, Msb;) a verb of which exs. occur in the Kur iii. 118
and viii. 48; and
فَشَلَ, aor.
فَشُلَ ; and
فَشَلَ, aor.
فَشِلَ ; two dial. vars., the former of these agreeable with a
reading of the latter verse of the Kur-án, and the latter agreeable with a
reading of the same verse by El- Hasan El-Basree; (O;) He was, or
became, cowardly, (S, O, Msb, K,) and weak, (O, K,) or
weak-hearted, (Msb,) and flagging, remiss, or languid, (K,)
and timorous. (TA.) -A2-
فَشَلَتْ, and
مِفْشَلَهَا, (O,) or
فِشْلَهَا, (K, * TA, [in the CK ↓
فَشَّلَتْهُ , the pronoun relating to
الفِشْل,]) inf. n.
فَشْلٌ; (TA;) and ↓
اِفْتَشَلَتْهُ , (O, K, * TA,) thus accord. to the M as well as
the O, (TA,) i. e.
مِفْشَلَهَا, (O,) or
فِشْلَهَا; (TA;) [in the K
اِفْتَشَلَتْ alone, i. e. without any complement, as though it were
intrans.; or ↓
افشلت , which is said in the TA to be the reading in the copies
of the K, but which I have not found in any;] and ↓
تفشّلت [mentioned without any complement, as though intrans.];
(K, TA;) said of a woman, (O, K, TA,) in relation to the
فِشْل, (K,) which is also called
مِفْشَل, (IAar, O,) meaning She hung a
ثَوْب [or piece of cloth] (thus in the O, in the TA her
ثوب,) upon the [camel-vehicle called]
هَوْدَج, then put it [or drew it, or the main part
thereof,] within it, and bound its extremities to the
قَوَاعِد [or four pieces of wood that form a square frame upon
which it is fixed (see its sing.
this being [beneath her (see
فِشْلٌ) so as to be to her] a preservative from the heads of the
[curved pieces of wood called]
أَحْنَآء [pl. of
حِنْوٌ q. v.] and the [apparatus called]
أَقْتَاب [pl. of
قِتْبٌ q. v.] and the knots of the cord called
عُصْم [pl. of
عِصَامٌ q. v.]: (O, TA:) so says ISh. (TA.) 2
فَشَّلَ and 4: see the preceding paragraph. 5
تفشّل , said of water, It flowed. (S, O, K.) -A2- And He
took a wife (ISh, O, K)
مِنْهُمْ [from among them, probably meaning persons not of his
own kindred: see
مِفْشَلٌ]. (ISh, O.) -A3- See also 1. 8
إِِفْتَشَلَ see 1, latter sentence.
فَشْلٌ Weak; (S, O, K;) or weak-hearted; (Msb;)
cowardly; (S, Msb, K;) flagging, remiss, or languid; (K;) and
accord. to the K, ↓
فَشِلٌ signifies the same, and one says,
فَشْلٌ and ↓
فَشِلٌ ; but [SM says that] this is a mistake, and [incorrectly]
taken from a passage of the M, in which it is stated that one says
فَشْلٌ and
فَسْلٌ; i. e., with
ش in both and with
س in both; not that it is with fet-h in both and like
كَتِفٌ: (TA:) [I find, however, ↓
فَشِلٌ mentioned in art.
خشل in the K, and also, as from Ibn-'Abbád, in the same art. in the
O; and as ↓
فَشِلٌ is agreeable with a general rule as part. n. of
فَشِلَ, I think it probably correct;] the pl. is
أَفْشَالٌ, (S,) or
فُشْلٌ, (K,) or both. (TA.) In the following verse, occurring in a
trad. respecting the prayer for rain, (O, TA,) uttered to the Prophet by an Arab
of the desert, (O,) “
” by
الفَشْلِ is meant
وَمُدَّخِرُهُ, i. e.
الضَّعِيفِ; (O, TA; *) the phrase being like
المَلْعُونَةَ in the Kur [xvii. 62], i. e.,
آكِلُوهَا: [so that the verse means, And there is nothing, of what
men eat, in our possession, save the colocynth that is a year old, and therefore
dry, or that has been laid up for the year of drought or
barrenness, and the food made of blood and the fur of camels, the eater, and the
storer, whereof is weak]: (O, TA:) but it is also related with
س, [i. e.
الفَسْلِ,] and thus does not need any paraphrastic interpretation.
(TA.) -A2- See also what next follows.
فِشْلٌ (O, K,) or ↓
فَشْلٌ , (S,) [but said to be] with kesr, (O, K,) A certain
thing (S, K) of the apparatus of the [women's camel-vehicle called]
هَوْدَج, (S,) which the woman puts beneath her in the
هودج: (K:) or the curtain (سِتْر)
of the
هودج; as also ↓
مِفْشَلٌ . (IAar, O, K.) [See a description thereof in the latter
sentence of the first paragraph.]
فَشِلٌ : see
فَشْلٌ, in four places.
فَيْشِلٌ : see the paragraph here following.
الفَيْشَلَةُ The
حَشَفَة; (K;) [i. e.] the head [or glans] of the
penis: (S, O:) and the head of any
مُحَوَّق [or penis having a large glans]: (CK: in the text of
the K as given in the TA,
مُجَوَّف: [and thus in my MS. copy of the K; but it has been there
altered, app. to agree with the TA, as have many other words in that copy; and
the former reading is evidently, I think, the right:] some say that its
ل is augmentative, like the
ل in
عَبْدَلٌ and in [the proper name]
زَيْدَلٌ: but it may be from some other word than
فَيْشَةٌ, though this has nearly the same meaning, [or, as is said in
the TA in art.
فيش, both have the same meaning,] and, if so, the
ى may be augmentative, which is more agreeable with analogy: (TA:)
the pl. is
فَيَاشِلُ, (K,) and ↓
فَيْشَلٌ is another pl. [or rather a coll. gen. n.] thereof, used
as such in a verse of Jereer. (TA.) ― -b2- [The pl.]
فَيَاشِلُ signifies also a name of Certain trees. (K.) ― -b3-
[Freytag adds as other meanings what belong to a description of the proper name
of a certain water and of hills surrounding it, called
تَفْشِيلٌ Milk remaining in the udder: (Fr, O, K:) and so
تَمْشِيلٌ. (Fr, O.)
مِفْشَلٌ : see
فِشْلٌ. -A2- Also One who takes a wife from among persons not of
his own kindred, lest the offspring should come forth spare in body, or
weak. (IAar, O, K, TA.)
مِفْشَلَةٌ The
كيارجة [i. e.
كَيَارِجَة], (ISh, TA,) which is an arabicized word from the Pers.
كراجه, in Turkish
قورسق [also written
قُورْصَق, i. e. the gizzard, or the crop, of a bird]. (TK
مِشْفَلَةٌ [which is said in the K to signify thus, and also the
stomach of a ruminant animal: one of the two words thus expl. may be a
mistranscription for the other].) Credit:
Lane Lexicon