1 صَعِدَ فِى السُّلَّمِ  , (S, A, Msb, K,) aor. صَعَدَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. صُعُودٌ (S, Msb, K) and صَعَدٌ and صُعُدٌ; (Ham p. 407;) and ↓ تصعّد , (A,) or اِصَّعَّدَ, (L,) inf. n. اِصَّعُّدٌ; (K;) and ↓ تصاعد , (A,) or اِصَّاعَدَ, (L,) inf. n. اِصَّاعُدٌ; (K;) and ↓ اصطعد ; (K;) He ascended, or went up, the ladder, or stair: (L, Msb, K:) and so the verb is used of ascending a thing similar to a ladder, or stair: but in a case of this kind one should not say اصعد. (L.) And صَعِدَ السَّطْحَ and إِِلَى السَّطْحِ (A, Msb) He ascended, or ascended to, the flat house-top. (Msb.) And صَعِدَ المَكَانَ, and فِى المَكَانِ, and ↓ اصعد , and ↓ صعّد , He ascended the place, or upon the place. (L.) And فِى صعّد الجَبَلِ, (S, A, Msb, K,) and عَلَى الجَبَلِ, inf. n. تَصْعِيدٌ; (S, K;) and صَعِدَ فِيهِ, a form rarely used, (Msb,) disallowed by AZ, (S, TA,) and said by him to have been unknown, (S,) or unheard, (K,) but he afterwards authorized it, and it is also authorized by IAar and ISk, (TA,) and صَعِدَ الجَبَلَ; (S in art. دخل; [for صَعِدَ فِى الجَبَلِ, see دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ;]) and فِيهِ تصعّد , (MF, from a trad.,) and اِصَّعَّدَ فِيهِ, (AZ,) inf. n. اِصِّعَّادٌ; (TA; [app. a mistranscription for اِصَّعُّدٌ; or اِصَّعَّدَ may be a mistranscription for ↓ اِصَّعَدَ , a var. of اِصْطَعَدَ, and its inf. n. is اِصِّعَادٌ;]) He ascended the mountain. (Msb, K.) And فِى الأَرْضِ صعّد He ascended the land. (AZ, TA.) One says, طَالَ فِى الأَرْضِ تَصْوِيبِى وَتَصْعِيدِى [Long have continued my descending, or going down, and my ascending, or going up, in the land]. (A. [There immediately following صَعَّدَ فِى الجَبَلِ, expl. above: see also رَكَبٌ مُصَعِّدٌ.]) -A2- See also 4, last sentence. 2 صعّد  , inf. n. تَصْعِيدٌ, as intrans.: see above, in four places. ― -b2- And see also 4, in four places. -A2- صعّدهُ He made him, or caused him, to ascend, or mount; syn. عَلَّاهُ; (K and TA in art. علو;) and رَقَّاهُ; (TA in art. رقى;) [and so ↓ اصعدهُ ; and ↓ استصعدهُ ; like as one says in the contr. sense نَزَّلَهُ and أَنْزَلَهُ and اِسْتَنْزَلَهُ.] You say, صعّدهُ جَبَلًا and دَابَّةٌ [He made him to ascend, or mount, a mountain and a beast]. (TA in art. علو.) And فِى الجَبَلِ يُصْعِدُونَهَا is said with reference to wild bulls or cows [as meaning They make them to ascend upon the mountain]. (S and TA in art. سلع.) ― -b2- [Hence,] one says also, صَعَّدَ فِىَّ النَّظَرَ وَصَوَّبَهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He looked at me from head to foot, contemplating me. (L, from a trad. [And a similar phrase occurs in Har p. 640.]) ― -b3- [صعّدهُ, inf. n. تَصْعِيدٌ, (the latter as used in the K voce كَافُورٌ,) also signifies (assumed tropical:) He sublimated it: often occurring in medical books, and used in this sense in the present day.] ― -b4- And تَصْعِيدٌ signifies also The act of liquifying, melting, or dissolving. (K.) -A3- See also 4, last sentence. 4 اصعد فِى المَكَانِ  : see 1. ― -b2- [Hence,] اصعد فِى الأَرْضِ He went through the land towards a land higher than the other [from which he came]: (A, TA:) taken from the saying of Lth, that اصعد, inf. n. إِِصْعَادٌ, signifies He went towards a declivity, or a river, or a valley, higher than the other [from which he came]. (TA.) And اصعد فِى البِلَادِ He went up, or upwards, through the countries, or lands. (AA, Msb.) And اصعد مِنْ بَلَدِ كَذَا إِِلَى بَلَدِ كَذَا He journeyed [upwards] from such a region, or town, to such another region, or town; from one that was lower to one that was higher. (Msb.) [And hence,] اصعد, inf. n. إِِصْعَادٌ, He journeyed, or went, towards Nejd, and El-Hijáz, and El-Yemen: [or towards a higher region:] and اِنْحَدَرَ signifies “ he journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák, and Syria, and 'Omán: ” (ISk, on the authority of 'Omárah:) or the former, he journeyed, or went, towards the Kibleh: and the latter, “ he journeyed, or went, towards El-'Irák: ” (Aboo- Sakhr, T:) or the former, he came to Mekkeh; (K;) but this is a defective explanation: (TA:) and مُصْعَدٌ, also, is used as an inf. n. of this verb; and مُنْحَدَرٌ, as an inf. n. of انحدر: (T, TA:) or اصعد, inf. n. إِِصْعَادٌ, he commenced a journey, or went forth; as from Mekkeh, and from ElKoofeh to Khurásán, and the like: (Fr:) or he commenced a journey, or the like, in any direction: and انحدر signifies “ he returned, from any town or country. ” (Ibn-'Arafeh.) And اصعد فِى الأَرْضِ, (Akh, S, K,) or فى البِلَادِ, (Akh accord. to the T,) He went away, and journeyed, through the land, (Akh, S, K,) or through the countries, (Akh, T,) in any direction. (L.) And اصعدت السَّفِينَةُ, inf. n. إِِصْعَادٌ; (L;) or ↓ صعّدت ; (A;) The ship spread her sail, and was borne along by the wind, (A, L,) upwards [app. meaning up a river or the like]. (L.) ― -b3- اصعد فِى الوَادِى; (Akh, S, L, K;) and فِيهِ صعّد , inf. n. تَصْعِيدٌ; (Akh, S, Msb, K;) and ↓ اِصَّعَّدَ , (Lth,) but this last is disapproved by Az; (TA;) He descended, or went down, into the valley, (Akh, S, L, Msb, K,) from the part whence the torrent comes; not going to the bottom of the valley: and in like manner, اصعد فِى الأَرْضِ He descended, or went down, into the land: (L:) and فِى الجَبَلِ صعّد He descended the mountain; as well as he ascended it. (IB, L.) Akh cites the following words of 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Hemmám Es-Saloolee, “ طَوْرًا فِى البِلَادِ وَأُفْرِعُ أُصَعِّدُ
” (S, L,) as meaning I descending, or going down, at one time, through the countries, and [another time] ascending, or going up: this, says IB, is what induced Akh to explain صعّد as he has done; but it presents no proof, because إِِفْرَاعٌ has two contr. significations, that of إِِصْعَادٌ and that of اِنْحِدَارٌ: and accord. to AZ, by أُصَعِّدُ the poet means I ascending, or going up, to high places; and by أُفْرِعُ, the contrary. (L.) ― -b4- اصعد also signifies He advanced towards another. (L.) ― -b5- And He went far; syn. أَبْعَدَ. (Ham p. 22.) ― -b6- And اصعد فِى العَدْوِ He exerted himself vehemently in running. (L.) -A2- اصعد as trans.: see 2, in two places. -A3- اصعدت She (a camel) became such as is termed صَعُود [q. v.]. (S, L, K.) ― -b2- And أَصْعَدْتُ النَّاقَةَ, (S, L, K,) and ↓ صَعَدْتُهَا , [probably imperfectly transcribed for ↓ صَعَّدْتُهَا ,] (L,) I made the she-camel to be, or became, such as is termed صَعُود. (IAar, S, L, K.) 5 تصعّد  , and its var. اِصَّعَّدَ: see 1, in two places: ― -b2- and see also 4. ― -b3- تصعّد النَّفَسُ The breath passed forth with difficulty. (L.) -A2- تصعّدهُ (S, A, K) and ↓ تصاعدهُ (A, K) It (a thing, S, K, or an affair, A) was, or became, difficult, or distressing, to him; it distressed, or afflicted, him: (A'Obeyd, S, A, K:) from صَعُودٌ as signifying “ a mountain-road difficult of ascent: ” (A' Obeyd:) or from الصَّعُودٌ as the name of “ a certain mountain in Hell. ” (TA.) 6 تصاعد  , and its var. اِصَّاعَدَ: see 1: -A2- and see also 5. 8 اصطعد  , and its var. اِصَّعَدَ: see 1, in two places. 10 استصعدهُ  : see 2. ― -b2- استصعد البَرِيرَ He plucked or gathered, the fruit of the أَرَاك to eat. (TA in art. بر.) صُعْدٌ  : see صُعُدٌ. صَعَدٌ  : see صَعُودٌ, in two places. ― -b2- عَذَابٌ صَعَدٌ A vehement, severe, rigorous, or grievous, punishment; (S, A, K;) i. e. ذُو صَعَدٍ: (TA:) or a distressing, or an afflicting, punishment, (Bd and Jel in lxxii. 17,) that shall overcome the sufferer thereof, the latter word being an inf. n. used as an epithet. (TA.) صُعُدٌ  an inf. n. of صَعِدَ [q. v.]. (Ham p. 407.) [Hence,] ذَهَبَ السَّهْمُ صُعُدًا [The arrow went upwards]. (A.) And هٰذَا النَّبَاتُ يَنْمِى صُعُدًا This plant increases in height. (S.) And تَنَفَّسَ صُعُدًا: see صُعَدَآءُ. And ↓ مِنْ صُعْدٍ [used by poetic license for من صُعُدٍ], said of a thing falling, i. e. From above; from a higher place. (Ham p. 349.) -A2- Also a pl. of صَعُودٌ: and of صَعِيدٌ. (S, L, K.) -A3- صُعُدٌ, thus, with two dammehs, is also the name of A certain tree from which pitch is melted forth. (L.) صَعْدَةٌ  A high, or an elevated, piece of land or ground; contr. of هَبْطَةٌ. (Mgh in art. هبط.) And صَعْدَةُ is said to be a proper name for The earth. (Ham p.22.) ― -b2- And A she-ass: (L, K:) or a long-backed she-ass: (L:) or long [in the back], applied to a she-ass as an epithet, and therefore the pl. is صَعْدَاتٌ, with the ع quiescent. (Ham p. 385.) And بَنَاتُ صَعْدَةَ Wild asses: (S, K:) said to be so called from صَعْدَةُ meaning as expl. above; and if this be correct, it is like the appellation بَنَاتُ البَرِّ: (Ham p. 22:) or as being likened to the women [or rather woman (as will be shown in what follows)] termed صعدة; and in like manner, أَوْلَادُ صَعْدَةَ: (Har p. 471:) the rel. n. [applied to a single wild ass] is ↓ صَاعِدِىٌّ , (S, L, K,) irregularly formed: thus in the saying of Aboo-Dhu-eyb, “ فَرَمَى فَأَلْحَقَ صَاعِدِيًّا مِطْحَرًا
بِالكَشْحِ فَاشْتَمَلَتْ عَلَيْهِ الأَضْلُعُ
” [And he shot, and made a far-flying arrow to reach a wild ass in the flank, and the ribs enclosed it]. (S, L.) ― -b3- And A spear, or spear-shaft; syn. قَنَاةٌ: (L:) a spear-shaft (قَنَاةٌ) straight by its growth, (S, L, K,) not requiring to be straightened: (S, L:) and a kind of أَلَّة [or broad-headed dart], which is smaller than a حَرْبَة: (L:) or [simply] an أَلَّة: (K, TA:) [in the CK اٰلَة: and] in some copies of the K أَكَمَة, which is a mistranscription: (TA:) pl. صِعَادٌ and صَعَدَاتٌ; (L;) the latter with fet-h to the ع because it is a subst. (Ham p. 385.) One says, تَطَاعَنُوا بِالصِّعَادِ i. e. [They thrust, or pierced, one another] with the spears. (A.) ― -b4- [Hence,] جَارِيَةٌ صَعْدَةٌ (tropical:) A girl, or young woman, straight in figure, (A, L,) like a spear, or spear-shaft: (L:) pl. جَوَارٍ صَعْدَاتٌ, the latter word with the ع quiescent, (A, L,) because it is an epithet. (L.) صُعْدَةٌ  : see صَعِيدٌ, last sentence but one. صَعْدَآءُ  : see صَعُودٌ, in two places. صُعَدَآءُ  A sigh, or sighing; a breathing with an expression of pain, grief, or sorrow: or with difficulty: (L:) a long breathing: (K:) or a prolonged breathing: (S:) or a loud breathing: (A:) accord. to some, a breathing emitted upwards. (L.) You say, تَنَفَّسَ الصُّعَدَآءَ, (L,) or تنفّس صُعَدَآءَ, (A,) and ↓ تنفّس صُعُدًا , (L,) He sighed; uttered a sigh or sighing; or breathed with an expression of pain, grief, or sorrow: (L:) [or uttered a prolonged breathing:] or breathed loudly. (A.) ― -b2- [Hence,] فُلَانٌ يَتْبَعُ صُعَدَآءَهُ, (A,) or يَتَتَبَّعُ صُعُدَآءَهُ, (L, [in which the noun is evidently mistranscribed,]) (tropical:) Such a one raises his head, and does not stoop it, by reason of pride: (A:) or does not raise his head nor stoop it. (L. [The former explanation seems to be the right.]) ― -b3- See also صَعُودٌ, in four places. صُعْدُدٌ ذ : see the next paragraph. صَعُودٌ ذ An acclivity; contr. of هَبُوطٌ, (S, L, K,) or of حَدُورٌ; (Msb;) and ↓ صَعَدٌ is [syn. therewith, being] contr. of صَبَبٌ: (L:) pl. صَعَائِدُ and صُعُدٌ. (S, K.) An ascending road: of the fem. gender: pl. [of pauc.] أَصْعِدَةٌ and [of mult.] صُعُدٌ. (L.) A mountain-road difficult of ascent; (S, A, L, K;) as also ↓ صَعُودَآءُ , (L, K,) and ↓ صُعَدَآءُ : (L in art. كأد:) a difficult place of ascent. (L in that art.) [Hence,] الصَّعُودُ A certain mountain in Hell, (L, K, MF,) consisting of fire, which the unbeliever will ascend during a period of seventy years, after which he will fall down it, and thus he will do for ever: (MF:) it is of one live coal; the unbeliever will be compelled to ascend it, and will be beaten with مَقَامِع [pl. of مِقْمَعَةٌ, q. v.]; and whenever he puts his leg upon it, it will dissolve as high as the lower part of his hip, and will then become replaced whole and sound. (L.) ― -b2- [Hence also,] (tropical:) Difficulty, grievousness, distress, affliction, or trouble; (A, L, Msb;) as also ↓ صَعَدٌ (L) and ↓ صَعْدَآءُ , (K,) or ↓ صُعَدَآءُ , (L,) and ↓ صُعْدُدٌ . (K.) You say, أَرْهَقْتُهُ صَعُودًا (tropical:) I made him, or constrained him, to do a difficult, grievous, distressing, afflicting, or troublesome, thing: (A:) or I imposed upon him such a punishment. (L.) And ↓ لِلسِّيَادَةِ صَعْدَآءُ [or ↓ صُعَدَآءُ ? (see above)] (tropical:) There is a difficult, or distressing, ascent to lordship, or mastery. (A.) And أَكَمَةٌ ذَاتُ صُعَدَآءَ (assumed tropical:) A hill difficult to ascend. (L.) ― -b3- Also A she-camel that brings forth a young one imperfectly formed, (As, S, K,) after six or seven months, (As,) and is made to take an affection to the young one of the preceding year, (As, S,) or and takes an affection to the young one of the preceding year: (K:) or a she-camel whose young one dies, and which returns to her former young one, and yields it milk: when she does this, her milk is the sweeter: (Lth:) or a she-camel that brings forth her young one after its hair has grown, and then takes an affection to her former young one, or to the young one of another: pl. صَعَائِدُ and صُعُدٌ; but this latter pl. is disapproved by Sb. (L.) صَعِيدٌ  High, or elevated, land or ground: or high, or elevated, land or ground, above such as is low, or depressed: or even land or ground: (L:) or even land or ground, without any trees: (Lth, L:) or a [desert such as is termed] صَحْرَآء: (A:) or the surface of the earth; (Th, Zj, S, A, Msb, K;) whether it be dust or earth, or otherwise: Zj says, I know not any difference of opinion among the lexicologists on this point: (Msb:) [such is said to be its meaning in the Kur iv. 46 and v. 9; and therefore in performing the act termed التَّيَمَّم,] a man should strike his hands upon the surface of the earth, and not care whether there be in chat place dust or not: (Zj:) [hence] one says, طَارَ صِيتُكَ فِى القَرِيبِ وَالبَعِيدِ وَبَلَغَ مُنْتَهَى الصَّعِيدِ [Thy fame has flown through the near and the distant regions, and reached the extremity of the surface of the earth]: (A:) or صَعِيدٌ signifies the earth, or ground, itself; (IAar, A, L;) as in the saying عَلَيْكَ بِالصَّعِيدِ, meaning Sit thou upon the earth, or ground: (A:) or good earth or land: or earth, or land, not mixed with sand nor with salt soil: (L:) or dust, or earth, (Fr, S, L, Msb, K,) such as is pure, upon the surface of the ground or that has come forth from within it; thus accord. to Az in the Kur iv. 46 and v. 9, in the opinion of most of the learned: (Msb:) or only earth containing dust; not applied to a coarse, nor to a fine, بَطْحَآء; nor to a coarse كَثِيب; although it be mixed with dust: (Esh-Sháfi'ee, L:) pl. صُعُدٌ and صُعُدَاتٌ, (S, L, K,) the latter a pl. pl. (Msb, TA.) ― -b2- And A wide, or an ample, place. (L.) ― -b3- And A road, (L, Msb, K,) whether wide or narrow: (L:) pls. as above (L, Msb) and صُعْدَانٌ. (L.) It is said in a trad., إِِيَّاكُمْ وَالقُعُودَ بِالصُّعُدَاتِ إِِلَّامَنْ أَدَّى حَقَّهَا, i. e. Beware ye of sitting in, or by, the roads, save he who performs the duty relating thereto: [respecting which duty see طَرِيقٌ:] صُعُدَات is here the pl. of صُعُدٌ, which is pl. of صَعِيدٌ: or, as some say, it is pl. of ↓ صُعْدَةٌ , which signifies A court, or an open space, before the door of a house, and the place through which men pass in front of it. (L.) ― -b4- Also A grave. (AA, Mtr, L, K.) إِِنَّهَا لَفِى صَعِيدَةِ بَازِلَيْهَا  (tropical:) Verily she (a camel) is near to cutting her two teeth called the بَازِلَانِ. (L, TA.) صَعُودَآءُ  : see صَعُودٌ. صُعَادِيَّةٌ  , applied to a she-camel, Tall, or long; syn. طَوِيلَةٌ. (K.) صَعَّادٌ عَلَى الجِبَالِ  One who climbs the mountains much or often. (TA in art. رقى.) صَاعِدٌ  [Ascending, &c.]. ― -b2- [Hence,] عُنُقٌ صَاعِدٌ (tropical:) A tall neck. (A, L.) ― -b3- And شَرَفٌ صَاعِدٌ (tropical:) [High nobility]. (A.) ― -b4- [Hence also,] one says, بَلَغَ كَذَا فَصَاعِدًا (tropical:) It reached such an amount and upwards: (K, TA:) and أَخَذْتُهُ بِدِرْهَمٍ فَصَاعِدًا (tropical:) I got it for a dirhem and upwards; an elliptical phrase, for أَخَذْتُهُ بِدِرْهَمٍ فَزَادَ الثَّمَنُ صَاعِدًا I got it for a dirhem and the price increased upwards, or ذَهَبَ صَاعِدًا went upwards: you may not say وَصَاعِدًا, because you do not mean to tell that the dirhem with something more made the price, as when you say بِدِرْهَمٍ وَزِيَادَةٍ; but you mention the lowest price that you offered, and mean that you then offered more and more. (Sb, L.) And قَرَأَ فَاتِحَةَ الكِتَابِ فَصَاعِدًا (assumed tropical:) He read the opening chapter of the Book [i. e. of the Kur-án] and more is a phrase of the same kind. (L.) صَاعِدِىٌّ  rel. n. of صَعْدَةُ, q. v. مَصْعَدٌ  [A place of ascent: pl. مَصَاعِدُ]. One says رُتْبَةٌ بَعِيدَةُ المَصْعَدِ and المَصَاعِدِ (tropical:) [meaning A station, or post of honour, to which the ascent and ascents (lit. the place and places of ascent) is, and are, distant]. (A.) مُصَعَّدٌ  A high mountain. (L.) And رَكَبٌ مُصَعَّدٌ, or ↓ مُصَعِّدٌ , A high, or prominent, pubes. (L.) -A2- Also Beverage, or wine, (K,) and vinegar, (TA,) prepared with pains by means of fire, or well boiled, (عُولِجَ بِالنَّارِ, K, TA,) until it becomes altered in flavour and colour. (TA.) مُصَعِّدٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph. مِصْعَادٌ  The [rope called] حَابُول, [made in the form of a hoop,] by means of which a man ascends palm-trees. (K, * TA.) ― -b2- [And A scaling-ladder. ― -b3- And, accord. to Freytag, A chain with which the feet of captives are shackled, to prevent their taking wide steps: ― -b4- and A chain upon the feet of women, serving as an ornament: in relation to which he refers to Schröder de vestitu mulierum Hebr. p. 123.] Credit: Lane Lexicon