Q. 1 قَنْطَرَ الشّىْءِ  i. q. عَقَدَهُ وَأَحْكَمَهُ [He tied, or knit, the thing; or, agreeably with modern usage, he arched, or vaulted, it; and made it firm, or strong]. (Zj.) Hence what is called a قَنْطَرَة is thus called because of its being firmly, or strongly, knit together, or arched, or vaulted, لِإِِحْكَامِ عَقْدِهَا. (MF.) [It seems to signify He compacted the thing. ― -b2- Also, He collected the thing together into one aggregate; he aggregated it. See the pass. part. n., below.] -A2- قَنْطَرَ He (a man, TA) possessed property by the قِنْطَار: (K:) or became possessed of a قنطار of property: (TA:) or possessed large property, as though it were weighed by the قنطار. (ISd, TA.) 2 تَقَنْطَرَ بِهِ فَرَسُهُ  , for تَقَطَّرَ به: see قَطَّرَهُ. قَنْطَرَةٌ ذ [accord. to the Msb, of the measure فَنْعَلَةٌ, belonging to art. قطر, the ن being augmentative; and the same is perhaps meant to be indicated by the place in which it is mentioned in the S and some other lexicons; but accord. to the K, the ن is a radical letter; A bridge;] what is built over water, for crossing or passing over (Mgh, Msb) upon it; (Msb;) an أَزَج [or oblong arched or vaulted structure], built with backed bricks or with stones, over water, upon which to cross or pass over: (Az, TA:) or i. q. جِسْرٌ: (S, K:) or this latter is a more common term; (Mgh, * Msb;) for it signifies that which is built and that which is not built: (Msb:) a lofty structure: (K:) [pl. قَنَاطِرُ.] See 1. قِنْطَارٌ  [accord. to the Msb, of the measure فِنْعَالٌ, belonging to art. قطر, the ن being augmentative; and the same is perhaps meant to be indicated by the place in which it is mentioned in the S and some other lexicons; but accord. to the K, the ن is a radical letter;] A certain مِعْيَار [or standard of weight or measure]: (S, TA:) or, accord. to some, a quantity of no determinate weight: (Msb:) or a large unknown quantity or aggregate, of property: (TA:) or much property heaped up: (Msb:) or four thousand deenárs: (Th, Msb:) this is what most of the Arabs hold to be the truth: (Th:) or four thousand dirhems: (Th:) or one thousand two hundred ookeeyehs: (A 'Obeyd, S, K:) so accord. to Mo'ádh Ibn-Jebel: (S:) or [which is the same] a hundred ritls: (Msb:) [this is its weight in the present day; i. e., a hundredweight, or a hundred pounds:] or a hundred ritls of gold or of silver: (Es-Suddee, K:) or a hundred and twenty ritls: (S, L:) or a thousand ookeeyehs of gold: or of silver: (Th:) or twelve thousand ookeeyehs, accord. to Aboo-Hureyreh, on the authority of the Prophet: (TA:) or a hundred ookeeyehs of gold: or of silver: (Th:) or a hundred mithkáls; (I 'Ab, Msb, TA;) the mith- kál being twenty keeráts: (I 'Ab, TA:) or forty ookeeyehs of gold: (K:) or one thousand two hundred deenárs: (K:) or one thousand one hundred deenárs: (L:) or seventy thousand deenárs: (K:) or, in the language of Barbar, a thousand mithkáls of gold or of silver: (TA:) or eighty thousand dirhems: (I 'Ab, K:) or a hundred dirhems: (Msb:) or a hundred menns: (Msb:) or a quantity of gold, (S, K,) or of silver, (K,) sufficient to fill a bull's hide: (S, K:) so in the Syriac language, accord. to Es-Suddee: (TA:) and there are other definitions of the word: (S:) pl. قَنَاطِيرُ. (S.) مُقَنْطَرٌ  Collected together into one aggregate; aggregated; made up; or completed; syn. مُكَمَّلٌ. (K.) You say قَنَاطِيرُ مُقَنْطَرَةٌ, (S,) meaning, Much riches collected together: (Jel. in iii. 12:) the latter word is a corroborative. (Bd. ibid.) Credit: Lane Lexicon