
1 غَلُظَ  , aor. غَلُظَ ; (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K;) and غَلَظَ, aor. غَلِظَ ; (Sgh, K;) inf. n. [of the former] غِلَظٌ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K) and ↓ غِلَاظَةٌ and ↓ غِلْظَةٌ (S, * O, K, * TK) and ↓ غُلْظَةٌ and ↓ غَلْظَةٌ , (O, K, * TK,) all are inf. ns. of غَلُظَ, (O,) or the last three, the second and third of which are mentioned in the Bári', on the authority of IAar, are simple substs.; (Msb;) and perhaps غَلْظٌ may be an inf. n. [of the latter verb]; (ISd, TA;) It (a thing, Msb) was, or became, thick, gross, big, bulky, or coarse; (Mgh, Msb, K;) it (a thing) became غلِّيظ; as also ↓ استغلظ . (S.) You say, غَلُظَ جِسْمُهُ His body was, or became, thick, &c. (Mgh.) And الزَّرْعُ استغلظ i. q. غَلُظَ, (Jel in xlviii. 29,) The seed-produce became thick: (Bd:) or strong: (Msb:) or well grown and thick: and in like manner one says of any plant or tree: (TA:) and غَلُظَتِ السُّنْبُلَةُ, and ↓ استغلظت , the ear of corn produced grain. (K.) [And غَلْظَ الثَّوْبُ The garment, or piece of cloth, was thick, or coarse.] And غَلُظَتِ الأَرْضُ, inf. n. غِلَظٌ, and perhaps غَلْظٌ may be also an inf. n. [of this verb, or, more probably, of غَلَظَت], The land was, or became, rough, or rugged. (ISd. TA.) [In this sense, also, غَلُظَ is used in relation to various things.] ― -b2- [Said of a colour, It was dense, or deep: see غَلِيظٌ.] ― -b3- Also (tropical:) He was, or became, characterized by غِلْظَة, the contr. of رِقَّة, in manners, disposition, action or conduct, speech, life, and the like; (TA;) i. e., rough; coarse; rude; unkind; hard; churlish; uncivil; surly; hard to deal with; incompliant; unobsequious; evil in disposition; illnatured; or the like (S, by its explanation of غِلْظَةٌ and غِلَاظَةٌ; and Msb: *) and in like manner, [as meaning it was, or became, hard, or difficult, and the like, (see غَلِيظٌ,)] it is said of an affair: (TA:) and ↓ تغلّظ is said of a crime; meaning it was gross, or great; but this is accord. to analogy only; not on the authority of hearsay. (Mgh.) It is said in the Kur [ix. 74, and lxvi. 9], واغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ And use thou roughness towards them: (Bd in lxvi. 9:) and some read وَاغْلِظْ, with kesr to the ل. (TA.) [See also غِلْظَةٌ, below.] 2 غلّظ الشَّىْءَ  , inf. n. تَغْلِيظٌ, He made, or rendered, the thing غَلِيظ [in the proper sense, i. e., thick, gross, big, bulky, or coarse; &c.: ― -b2- and also, and more commonly, in a tropical sense, i. e., (tropical:) hard, or difficult, and the like]: (TA:) and غلّظ عَلَيْهِ الشَّىْءَ, inf. n. as abuse, (tropical:) [he made the thing hard, or difficult, or the like, to him;] and hence دِيَةٌ مَغَلَّظَةٌ, which see below. (S, TA,) [Hence also,] غَلَّظْتُ اليَمِينَ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) I made the oath strong, or forcible; I confirmed, or ratified, it: (Msb;) [and so ↓ أَغْلَظْتُهَا ; for you say,] حَلَفَ بِإِِغْلَاظِ اليَمِينِ (tropical:) [He swore, making the oath strong, &c.]. (TA.) And غَلَّظْتُ عَلَيْهِ فِى اليَمِينِ, inf. n. as above, (assumed tropical:) I was hard, rigorous, or severe, to him in the oath. (Msb.) ― -b3- تَغْلِيظٌ in pronunciation: see تَفْخِيمٌ. 3 مُغَالَظَةٌ  is similar to مُعَارَضَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [The act of mutually opposing, and app. with roughness, coarseness, or the like]: (TA:) and signifies a state of mutual enmity or hostility. (IDrd, K.) See غِلْظَةٌ, below, last sentence. 4 اغلظ الثَّوْبَ  He found the garment, or piece of cloth, to be thick, or coarse: (K:) or he bought it thick, or coarse: (S, K:) the former is the more correct: (O:) or the former only is correct. (TS.) ― -b2- اغلظت اليَمِينَ: see 2. -A2- اغلظ [is also intrans., and signifies] He (a man, Ibn-'Abbád) alighted, or alighted and abode, in a rough, or rugged, tract of land. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) ― -b2- اغلظ لَهُ فِى القَوْلِ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) (tropical:) He was, or became, rough, harsh, coarse, rude, uncivil, or ungentle, to him in speech: (Mgh, Msb, K:) one should not say غلّظ. (TA.) 5 تَغَلَّظَ see 1, near the end. استغلظ  : see 1, in three places. -A2- استغلظهُ He saw it to be, regarded it as, or esteemed it, thick, gross, big, bulky, or coarse. (Msb.) He abstained from purchasing it (namely a garment, or piece of cloth, S) because of its thickness, or coarseness. (S, K.) غَلْظٌ  Rough, or rugged, land or ground; (ISd, K;) mentioned on the authority of Ibn-'Abbád; and by AHn, on the authority of En-Nadr; but it has been repudiated: and is said to be correctly ↓ غِلَظٌ : ISd says, of the former word, “ I know not whether it be [properly] syn. with غَلِيظٌ, or whether it be an inf. n. used as an epithet: ” accord. to Kr, it signifies hard land without stones: Ks says that غَلْظٌ is syn. with ↓ غِلَظٌ . (TA.) غِلَظٌ  : [see 1: ― -b2- and] see غَلْظٌ, in two places. غَلْظَةٌ  : see what next follows. غُلْظَةٌ  : see what next follows. غِلْظَةٌ  and ↓ غُلْظَةٌ and ↓ غَلْظَةٌ : see 1: these three forms are mentioned by Zj, (TA,) and in the Bári', (Msb, TA,) on the authority of IAar, (Msb,) and by Sgh; but the first of them [only] is commonly known: (TA:) they are substs. from غَلُظَ; and signify Thickness, grossness, bigness, bulkiness, or coarseness. (Msb.) [And Roughness, or ruggedness.] ― -b2- Also (tropical:) Contr. of رِقَّةٌ, in manners, disposition, action or conduct, speech, life, and the like; (TA;) i. e. roughness, coarseness, rudeness, unkindness, hardness, churlishness, incivility, surliness, roughness in manners, hardness to deal with, incompliance, unobsequiousness, evilness of disposition, illnature, or the like: (S, Msb: *) and in like manner, hardness, or difficulty, of an affair. (TA, as shown by an explanation of غَلِيظٌ.) You say, رَجُلٌ فِيهِ غِلْظَةٌ (tropical:) A man in whom is roughness, coarseness, rudeness, &c.; (S, Msb; *) as also ↓ غِلَاظَةٌ . (S.) And it is said in the Kur [ix. 124], وَلْيَجِدُوا فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةٌ, in which the last word is pronounced in the three different ways shown above, accord. to different readers; meaning (tropical:) [And let them find in you] hardness, or strength, or vehemence, and superiority in fight: (TA:) or hardness, or strength, or vehemence, and patient endurance of fight: (Bd:) or hardness, or strength, or vehemence, in enmity and in fight and in making captives. (Mgh.) And you say, بَيْنَهُمَا غِلْظَةٌ (tropical:) Between them two is enmity, or hostility; as also ↓ مُغَالَظَةٌ . (IDrd, K.) غُلَاظٌ  : see what next follows. غَلِيظٌ  (S, &c.) Thick, gross, big, bulky, or coarse; (Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ غُلَاظٌ : (K:) fem. of the former with ة: (TA:) and pl. غِلَاظٌ. (Msb, TA.) Applied [to a body, &c.; and, as meaning Thick, or coarse,] to a garment, or piece of cloth. (Mgh, K.) You say also, أَرْضٌ غَلِيظَةٌ Rough, or rugged, land. (ISd, TA.) [And in this sense, of rough, or rugged, غَلِيظٌ is used in relation to various things.] ― -b2- Applied to a colour [Dense, or deep: see غَضْبٌ]. (K in art. غضب.) ― -b3- Also, applied to a man, (tropical:) Characterized by غِلْظَة, the contr. of رِقَّة, in manners, disposition, action or conduct, speech, life, and the like; rough, coarse, rude, unkind, hard, churlish, uncivil, surly, rough in manners, hard to deal with, incompliant, unobsequious, evil in disposition, illnatured, or the like: (Msb, * TA:) and so غَلِيظُ الجَانِبِ; [contr. of لَيِّنُ الجَانِبِ:] (O and K in art. فظ:) and غَلِيظُ القَلْبِ hard-hearted; (Bd in iii. 153;) evil in disposition, or illnatured. (TA.) Applied also to an affair, meaning (tropical:) Hard, or difficult. (TA.) And to punishment, [in the Kur xi. 61, &c.,] meaning (tropical:) Vehement, or severe; (Mgh;) intensely painful. (Msb.) And [in like manner] to slaying and wounding. (TA.) And to a compact, or covenant, [in the Kur iv. 25, &c.,] meaning (tropical:) Strong, confirmed, or ratified. (Mgh, TA.) And to water, meaning (tropical:) Bitter. (TA.) غِلَاظَةٌ  : see 1, first sentence; and غِلْظَةٌ. أَغْلَظُ  comparative and superlative of غَلِيظٌ [in all its senses]. (IJ.) دِيَةٌ مُغَلَّظَةٌ  (assumed tropical:) [A bloodwit, or fine for bloodshed, made hard, rigorous, or severe;] one which is incumbent for what is like an intentional homicide; (S;) or for a homicide purely intentional, and for that which is intentional but committed in mistake, and for that which is committed in the sacred territory, and for the slaughter of a kinsman; (EshSháfi'ee;) consisting of thirty camels of the description termed حِقَّة, and thirty of that termed جَذَعَة, and forty between the ثَنِيَّة and the بَازِل, all pregnant. (Esh-Sháfi'ee, K.) And يَمِينٌ مُغَلَّظَةٌ (assumed tropical:) [An oath made strong or forcible, or confirmed, or ratified.] (S.) ― -b2- العَوْرَةُ المُغَلَّظَةُ: see عَوْرَةٌ. مُسْتَغْلَظُ  [The thick part of the fore arm]. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon