1 أَوَى إِِلَيْهِ  , (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) and أَوَاهُ, (M, Msb, K,) aor. يَأْوِى, (T, S, Msb,) imperative اِيوِ (T,) inf. n. أُوِىُّ, (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) with damm, (K,) of the measure فُعُولٌ, [originally أُوُوىٌ,] (S,) and إِِوِىٌّ, (Fr, M, K,) with kesr, (K,) and إِِوَآءٌ; (S;) and اليه أوّى , (M, K,) inf. n. تَأْوِيَةٌ; (K;) and ↓ تأوّى ; (M, K;) and ↓ اأْتَوَى , (thus [more commonly ائتوى] accord. to a copy of the M,) or ↓ اتَّوَى , (K,) like اتَّخَذَ, (TK,) and ↓ اِيتَوَى , (M, K,) both of the measure افتعل; (TA;) and ↓ آوَى is used by some in the same sense, but rejected, in this sense, by several; (Msb;) the pronoun relating to a place of abode; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) He betook himself to it, or repaired to it, for lodging, covert, or refuge; (Mgh;) and [simply] he got him or got himself, betook himself, repaired, or resorted, to it; (T, Mgh;) he returned to it; (M;) he took up his abode in it; he lodged, or abode, or dwelt, in it. (Msb, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xi. 45], سَآوِى إِِلَى جَبَلٍ يَعْصِمُنِى مِنَ المَآءِ [I will betake myself for refuge to a mountain that shall preserve me from the water]. (S.) الأُوِىُّ properly relates to living beings; but is used otherwise, metaphorically. (M.) In the saying of Lebeed, “ بِصَبُوحِ صَافِيَةٍ وَجَذْبِ كَرِينَةٍ
لَهُ إِِبْهَامُهَا بِمُوَترٍ تَأْتَى
” [With a morning-potation of clear wine (خَمْرٍ being understood), and a female singer's straining of her chords, with a stringed instrument to which her thumb returns after the straining], he means تَأْتَوِى لَهُ, of the measure تَفْتَعِلُ, from أَوَيْتُ إِِلَيْهِ signifying عُدْتُ; the و being changed into ا [written ى], and the ى, which is the final radical, being elided. (M. [But see another reading near the end of the first paragraph of art. اول.]) أَوَى, aor. as above, inf. n. أُوِىٌ, also signifies He turned away: and hence, [it is said,] إِِذْ أَوَى الفِتْيَةُ إِِلَى الكَهْفِ [When the young men turned away to the cave: though the verb may be here well rendered betook themselves for refuge]. (Har p. 246.) You say also, أَوَيْتُ إِِلَى فُلَانٍ, (A'Obeyd, T,) or لَهُ, (as afterwards written in a copy of the T,) [I betook myself to such a one, or repaired to him, for lodging, covert, or refuge; or] I joined myself, got myself, betook myself, repaired, or resorted, to such a one: and accord. to AHeyth, أَوَيْتُ فُلَانًا signifies the same; but he did not know أَوَيْتُ to be syn. with آوَيْتُ as explained below. (T.) And أَوَى إِِلَى اللّٰهِ He returned unto God. (TA, from a trad.) ― -b2- أَوَى said of a wound: see 5. -A2- See also 4, in seven places. -A3- أَوَى لَهُ, (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) like رَوَى, (K, TA,) but it would have been more explicit if the author of the K had said like رَمَى, (TA,) [as is shown by the false reading in the CK, أوِىَ لَهُ كَرَوِىّ,] aor. يَأوِى, (T, S, Mgh,) inf. n. أَوْيَةٌ (S, K) and إِِيَّةٌ, (S, Mgh, K,) with kesr, (TA,) [originally إِِوْيَةٌ,] the و being changed into ى because of the kesreh before it, (S,) or because combined with ى and preceded by sukoon [a mistake for “kesreh”], (IB as cited in the TA,) [in a copy of the T written ايَّة, and in a copy of the M and in the CK اَيَّة,] and مَأْوِيَةٌ, (S, M, K,) without teshdeed, (S, TA,) [in my copy of the Mgh written with tesh-deed,] and مَأْوَاهٌ, (S, M, K,) He compassionated him; felt compassion, or pity, for him; (T, S, M, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ ائتوى , (T, K,) of the measure افتعل. (TA.) In using the imperative form, you say, اِوِ لَهُ, [unless this be a mistranscription for اِيوِ لَهُ,] meaning Be thou compassionate to him. (T, TA.) 2 اَوَّىَ see 1, first sentence: -A2- and see 4. -A3- أَوَّيْتُ بِالخَيْلِ (ISh, T) [I drew together the horses: this meaning seems to be indicated in the T, by the context: or] I called out to the horses آوَّهْ, in order that they should return at hearing my voice: (ISh:) and in like manner one says to them ↓ آوِ or آوٍ; (ISh, T, TA;) a well-known call of the Arabs to horses; and sometimes آى, with a long meddeh, is said to them from afar. (T, TA.) [See also 5.]

4 آواهُ آواه آواة , (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِيوَآءٌ; (T, S, Mgh;) and ↓ أوّاهُ ; (K;) and ↓ أَوَاهُ ; (T, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K;) the first of which is the [most] approved; (T;) the last used by some; (T, Msb;) both given on the authority of AZ, (S,) and of A'Obeyd, accord. to whom you say, أَوَيْتُ إِِلَيْهِ, with the short ا only; (T, M;) He, or it, gave him, or afforded him, lodging, covert, or refuge; harboured him; sheltered him; protected him; (Mgh;) he lodged him, or lodged him with himself; made him his guest; or gave him refuge or asylum, absolutely, or with himself; syn. أَنْزَلَهُ; (K;) or أَنْزَلَهُ. (T, S, TA.) You say also, الرَّجُلَ إِِلَىَّ أَوَيْتُ and آوَيْتُهُ [I took the man to me to lodge, to be my guest, or to give him refuge or asylum]. (M.) And آوَاهُ سَقْفٌ [A roof shel-tered him]. (Mgh.) And الإِِبِلَ أَوَيْتُ and آوَيْتُهَا [I lodged the camels in their nightly resting-place]; both meaning the same. (T.) And it is said in a trad., الحَمْدُ لِلّهِ الَّذِى كَفَانَا وَآوَانَا i. e. [Praise be to God who hath sufficed us and] hath brought us to a place of abode for us, and not made us to be scattered like the beasts. (TA.) AHeyth disallowed ↓ أَوَيْتُ as syn. with آوَيْتُ; but it is correct. (T.) It is said in a form of divorce, ↓ لَا يَأْوِينِى وَإِِيَّاكِ بَيْتٌ [A house, or tent, shall not lodge, or comprise, me with thee]. (Mgh.) And among other instances, is the saying of the Prophet, (T,) الضَّالَّةٌ إِلَّا ضَالٌّ لَا يَأْوِى [No one will harbour the stray beast but a person straying from the right course of conduct]. (T, Mgh.) And his saying, الجَرِينُ لَا قَطْعَ فِى ثَمَرٍ حَتَّى يَأْوِيِه i. e. [There shall be no cutting off of the hand in the case of stealing fruit] unless the place where the fruit is dried contain it [at the time of the stealing thereof]. (TA.) ― -b2- Hence, إِِيوَآءُ خَشَبِ الفَحْمِ The throwing of dust, or earth, upon the wood of which charcoal is made, and covering it therewith. (Mgh.) -A2- See also 1, first sentence. 5 تَاَوَّىَ see 1, first sentence. ― -b2- تَأَوَّتِ الطَّيْرُ The birds collected, or flocked, together; (Lth, T, S, M, K;) as also ↓ تَآوَت : (K:) the latter is allowable. (T.) And in like manner one says of other things. (M.) [Thus,] one says, تَأَوَّتِ الخَيْلُ The horses drew, or gathered, themselves together: and تأوّى النَّاسُ The men did so. (T.) You say also, of a wound, ↓ تآوى , and ↓ أَوَى , meaning It drew together, for healing; and so تآزى, and أَزَى: so in the Nawádir el-Aaráb. (T.) -A2- One may also say, يَتَأَوَّى, without saying it with ه, [i. e. يَتَأَوَّهُ,] meaning He says أَوْهِ. (Fr and T in art. او.) [See also 2; and see art. اوه.] 6 تَاَاْوَىَ see 5, in two places. 8 اأْتَوى  , or ائتوى, or اتَّوَى, and اِيتَوَى, and تَأْتَى for تَأْتَوِى: see 1, first part of the paragraph, in four places. -A2- See also the last sentence but one of the same paragraph.

10 اسْتَأْوَيْتُهُ  I asked him, or desired him, to compassionate me, or have mercy on me; syn. اسْتَرْحَمْتُهُ. (T.) A poet (namely, Dhu-r-Rummeh, TA) says, “ وَلَوْ أَنَّنى اسْتَأْوَيْتُهُ مَا أَوَى لِيَا
” [And if I had asked him, or desired him, to compassionate me, he would not have compassionated me]. (T, S.) أُوَيَّةٌ  dim. of آءٌ: see the letter ا. آوِ آو or آوٍ: see 2. -A2- آوٍ [the part. n. of 1] has for its pl. أُوِىٌّ [like one of the inf. ns. of 1]. (T, S.) The latter is applied to birds, signifying Collecting, or flocking, together; (T, S, M, * K; *) syn. ↓ مُتَأَوِّيَةٌ (Lth, T) and مُتَأَوِّيَاتٌ. (Lth, T, S, M, K.) اِبْنُ آوَى ابن آوى ابن آوي , a determinate noun, (S, M,) [The jackal; vulgarly called in the present day وَاوِى;] a certain small beast, (M, K,) called in Persian شَغَالْ, (S,) or in that language [or in Turkish] چَقَالْ: (TA:) it has been said to be the offspring of the wolf; but is well known to be not of the wolf-kind: (Msb;) آوَى is inseparable from ابن: (M:) it is imperfectly decl., (T, S, Msb,) being of the measure أَفْعَلُ, (S,) or regarded as such; (Lth, T;) or because it has the quality of a proper name and the measure of a verb : (Msb :) the pl. is بَنَاتُ آوَى, (T, S, Msb, K,) though applying to males [as well as females], like بَنَاتُ أَعْوَجَ and بَنَاتُ لَبُون. (AHeyth, T.) آوِىٌ آوى آوي and أَوَوِىٌّ, said to be rel. ns. of آيَةٌ; which see, in, art. اى. آيَةٌ آيه آية , said by some to be originally أَوَيَةٌ:see art. ا ى. مَأْوًى  (S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ مَأْوٍ and ↓ مَأْوَاهٌ (M, K [but respecting these two forms see what follows]) nouns of place from the first of the verbs in this art.; (M, K;) [A place to which one betakes himself, or repairs, for lodging, covert, or refuge; a refuge; an asylum; a place of resort; (see 1;)] any place to which a thing betakes itself, &c., (يَأْوِى إِِلَيْهِ,) by night or. by day; (S;) the lodging-place, or abode, of any animal; the nightly resting-place of sheep or goats; (Msb;) and of camels: (Idem in art. روح:) ↓ مَأْوٍ is used peculiarly in relation to camels: (S;) مَأْوِى الإِِبِلِ being a dial. var. of مَأْوَى الإِِبِلِ, but anomalous, (Fr, T, S, Msb,) and the only instance of the kind except مَأْقِى العَيْنِ: (Fr, T, M: [but see art. مأق:]) مَأْوَى and مُؤْق and مَأْق are the forms preferred: (Fr, T:) [Az also says,] I have heard the chaste in speech of the Benoo-Kiláb use, for مَأْوَى الإِِبِلِ, the word ↓ مَأْوَاة . (T.) جَنَّةُ المَأْوَى, in the Kur [liii. 15], is said to mean The paradise to which repair the souls of the martyrs, (M, Bd, Jel, TA,) or the pious, (Bd, Jel,) or the angels: (Jel:) or that in which the night is passed. (TA.) مَأْوٍ  : see مَأْوًى, in four places. مَأْوَاةٌ  : see مَأْوًى, in four places. مَاوِيَّةٌ ماويه ماوية مائي مائية : see art. موه. مُتَأَوِّيَةٌ  : see آوٍ. Credit: Lane Lexicon