Root: ر س خ
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 2
b) No of constructions: 1
(مقاييس اللغة)
الراء والسين والخاء أصلٌ واحدٌ
يدلُّ على
That it leads to the perception
of constancy and tenacity. And this is related with knowledge; thereby,
signifies those persons capable of
absorbing and retaining a large store of information and of recalling
details accurately.
1 |
Active participle:
Definite; masculine;
plural; nominative; مصدر-رُسُوخٌ Verbal noun.
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- مرفوع-جمع
سالم مذكر |

ر س س
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