دَبْرٌ دبر  The location, or quarter, that is behind a thing. (K. [In the CK, for خَلْف is put خَلَف.]) Hence the saying, (TA,) جَعَلْتُ كَلَامَهُ دَبْرَ أُذُنِى (assumed tropical:) I turned away from his speech, and feigned myself deaf to it: (T, S:) I did not listen to his speech, nor care for it, or regard it. (M, K, * TA.) You say also, أُذُنِهِ جَعَلَهُ دَابِرَ (tropical:) He turned away from him, avoided him, or shunned him. (T, * A.) ― -b2- See also دَبَرِىٌّ. ― -b3- Also, [like إِِدْبَارٌ, inf. n. of 4,] (assumed tropical:) Death. (K.) ― -b4- And (assumed tropical:) Constant sleep: (M, K:) it is like تَسْبِيخٌ. (M.) -A2- I. q. دِبَارٌ ; these two words being pls. [or rather coll. gen. ns.] whereof the sings. [or ns. un.] are ↓ دَبْرَةٌ and ↓ دِبَارَةٌ ; which signify A مَشَارَة [explained in the TA as meaning a channel of water; but it seems to be here used as meaning a portion of ground separated from the adjacent parts, for sowing or planting, being surrounded by dams, or by ridges of earth, which retain the water for irrigation, as explained in art. شور, and as is indicated by its Persian equivalent here following,] in, (S,) or of, (K,) land that is sown or for sowing; (S, K;) called in Persian كُرْد: (S:) and دِبَارٌ signifies small channels for irrigation between tracts of seedproduce; (K;) and its sing. is دَبْرَةٌ: (TA:) [Mtr says,] دَبْرَةٌ is syn. with مَشَارَةٌ; in Persian كَرْدَه [app. a mistranscription for كُرْد as above]; and the pl. is دَبْرٌ and دِبَارٌ: (Mgh:) [ISd says,] دَبْرَةٌ signifies a small channel for irrigation between tracts of land sown or for sowing: or, as some say, i. q. مَشَارَةٌ: and the pl. is دِبَارٌ: it is also said that دِبَارٌ signifies i. q. كُرْدَةٌ; and its n. un. is دِبَارَةٌ: and دِبَارَاتٌ signifies rivulets that flow through land of seed-produce; and its sing. is دَبْرَةٌ: but I know not how this is, unless دَبْرَةٌ have دِبَارٌ for its pl., and this have ة added to it, as in فِحَالَةٌ, and so دبارات be a pl. pl., i. e. perfect pl. of دِبَارَةٌ: AHn says that دَبْرَةٌ signifies a patch of ground that is sown; [as is also said in the K;] and the pl. is دِبَارٌ. (M.) ― -b2- Also A piece of rugged ground in a بَحْرٌ [i. e. sea or large river], like an island, which the water overflows [at times] and from which [at times] it recedes. (M, K.) ― -b3- And A mountain; (T, K;) in the Abyssinian language: (TA: [Az says, “I know not whether it be Arabic or not:”]) whence the saying of the King of Abyssinia, (T, * K, * TA,) مَا أُحِبُّ أَنَّ لِى دَبْرًا ذَهَبًا وَأَنِّىآذَيْتُ رَجُلًا مِنَ المُسْلِمِينَ [I would not that I had a mountain of gold and that I had harmed a man of the Muslims]: (T, K:) but [SM says that] this is a confounding of two readings; which are, دَبْرًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ and أَنْ يَكُونَ دَبْرٌ لِى ذَهَبًا: (TA:) another reading is ذَبْرًا مِنْ ذَهَبٍ. (TA in art. ذبر.) ― -b4- See also دِبْرٌ. ― -b5- Also, (S, M, K, &c.,) and ↓ دِبْرٌ , (AHn, M, K,) A swarm of bees: and hornets, or large wasps; syn. زَنَابِيرُ: (S, M, K:) and the like thereof, having stings in their hinder parts: (B:) it has no sing., or n. un.: (As, M:) or the n. un. is ↓ دَبْرَةٌ or ↓ دِبْرَةٌ ; of which the dim. ↓ دُبَيْرَةٌ occurs in a trad.: (TA:) pl. [of pauc.] أَدْبُرٌ (K) and [of mult.] دُبُورٌ: (As, S, K:) and ↓ دَبُورٌ , with fet-h to the first letter, signifies bees; and has no proper sing. (M.) 'Ásim Ibn-Thábit El-Ansáree was called حَمِىُّ الدَّبْرِ [The protected of hornets, or bees], because his corpse was protected from his enemies by large hornets, (S,) or by a swarm of bees. (M, Mgh * in art. حمى.) ― -b6- دَبْرٌ also signifies The young ones of locusts; (AHn, K;) and so ↓ دِبْرٌ . (AHn, M, K.) Credit: Lane Lexicon