تاب , (T, A,) or
(S, M, K,) aor.
يَتُوبُ, (Msb,) inf. n.
تَوْبَةٌ and
تَوْبٌ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) both of these signifying the same, (T, S,
M, Msb,) the
ة in the former being added to denote the fem. gender, or, as some
say, the former is a n. un. like
ضَرْبَةٌ, (Msb,) or, as Akh says,
تَوْبٌ is pl. [or a quasi-pl. n.] of
تَوْبَةٌ, like as
عَوْمٌ is of
عَوْمَةٌ, (S,) or like as
لَوْزٌ is of
لَوْزَةٌ, and this is the opinion of Mbr, (M,) and
تَابَةٌ, (M, K,) which is for
تَوْبَةٌ, (M,) and
مَتَابٌ (S, M, A, K) and
تَتْوِبَةٌ, (S, * M, * K,) of the measure
تَفْعِلَةٌ, (S, M,) an anomalous form, (TA,) syn. with
تَوْبَةٌ, mentioned in the Book of Sb; (S;) [He repented; or
repented toward God; as will be shown by what follows:] originally, he
returned unto God, (T, TA,)
كَذَا and
كَذَا [from such a thing]: (TA:) or he returned, [or
returned unto God,] (S, M, A, K,) from sin, (S,) or from his sin,
(A,) or from disobedience (M, K) to obedience: (M:) or
ذَنْبِهِ signifies he desisted from his sin: (Msb:)
تَوْبَةٌ signifies the repenting of sin; i. e. the grieving
for it, or regretting it, with the confession of having no excuse for the
commission thereof. (Kull.) It is said in a trad.,
تَوْبَةٌ [Repentance is] a returning from sin. (S.) The
time of El-Islám is termed
التَّوْبَةِ as being The time of returning from [or
repenting of] the belief in a plurality of gods. (A.) A poet says, “
” [I have repented toward Thee, and accept Thou my repentance; and I have
fasted, O my Lord, and accept Thou my fast]; meaning
تَوْبَتِى and
صَوْمَتِى. (M.) ― -b2-
عَلَيْهِ God returned to forgiveness towards him; became again
forgiving to him: (T:) or disposed, or adapted, him to repentance,
or returning from sin or disobedience: (S, K:) or reverted from
severity to mildness towards him: or returned to him with his favour,
or grace, and his acceptance, or approbation; became again
propitious to him: (A, K:) all these meanings are correct: (TA:) or God
forgave him, and saved him from acts of disobedience: (Msb:) or accepted
his repentance: (Jel in ii. 35 &c.:) or returned towards him with mercy,
and acceptance of repentance. (Bd ibid.) 10
ٱستتابه He proposed to him that he should return [to
obedience unto God], (T, A,) and repent of that which he had committed:
(T:) he asked him to return from sin, or disobedience: (S, K:) or
he asked him to desist from his sin. (Msb.)
تابوت , originally
تَوَبُوتٌ, the
ت not being the characteristic of the fem. gender, (Z, MF, TA,) of
the measure
فَعَلُوتٌ, and meaning A chest, or box, from
التَّوْبُ, because what is taken out from it continually returns to
it: (AAF, IJ, Z, MF, TA:) or originally
تَابُوَةٌ; (S, K; [in the CK
تَأْبُوَةٌ;]) the
و being made quiescent, and the
ة changed into
ت: (S, K:) [in Chald. ?: in Hebr. ?:] it signifies also the ribs,
with what they contain, as the heart and the liver &c.; as being likened to
a chest, or box; (IAth, TA in art.
تبت;) the chest, breast, or bosom: (A in that art.:) or
[primarily] the ribs, with what they contain, as the heart &c.: and
[hence] applied to a chest, or box: (Towsheeh, MF, TA:) also
تَبُوتٌ. (K in art.
تبت.) [It is generally applied in the present day to a bier: a
coffin: and an oblong case that is placed over a grave: the pl. is
تَوَابِيتُ.] El-Kásim Ibn-Maan says that it is the only word in the
Kur-án in respect of which the dialects of Kureysh and the Ansár differ; the
former pronouncing it
تَابُوتٌ; (S;) and the latter,
تَابُوهٌ. (S, K.) But IB denies that its last letter is originally
ة, the fem. termination; asserting the final
ت to be a radical letter, the measure of the word to be
فَاعُولٌ, and its proper place in art.
تبت: he says that the final
ت is changed in a case of pause, but not generally, into
ه, as is that of
الفُرَات [the Euphrates], in which the
ت is not the fem. termination. (L, TA.) You say,
فَقَدْتُهُ, meaning I have not deposited in my bosom anything
of knowledge, or science, that I have lost. (A in art.
تواب , applied to a man, [One who repents much or
often;] returning from disobedience to obedience [to God] (M,
K, TA) much or often. (TA.) ― -b2- And applied to God, One who
returns [much or often] to forgiveness towards his servant
who returns unto Him: (T:) or who [often] disposes, or
adapts, to repentance, or returning from sin or disobedience;
or reverts from severity to mildness; or returns with his favour
or grace, &c.: (A, K: [see 1, last sentence:]) or who forgives much,
and save from acts of disobedience. (Msb.)
ذ [Repenting of sin: (see 1:) originally,] returning
from disobedience (M, K) to obedience to God. (M.) Credit:
Lane Lexicon