رَكِبَهُ , (S, * A, K,) and
عَلَيْهِ, (A,) aor.
رَكَبَ , (A, K,) inf. n.
رُكُوبٌ (S, A, K) and
مَرْكَبٌ; (A, K;) and ↓
ارتكبهُ ; (K;) I. q.
عَلَاهُ (A, K, TA) and
عَلَيْهِ [explained by what follows]. (TA.) You say,
الدَّابَّةَ, (Msb,) or
الفَرَسَ, (Mgh,) and
عَلَيْهَا, [or
عَلَيْهِ,] inf. n.
رُكُوبٌ and
مَرْكَبٌ [as above, meaning I rode, or rode upon, and I
mounted, or mounted upon, the beast, or the horse]. (TA. [See
رَاكِبٌ.]) [And
السَّفِينَةَ, or
السَّفِينَةِ (agreeably with the Kur xi. 43 and xviii. 70 and xxix. 65),
I embarked in the ship; went on board the ship.] And one says, of anything,
رَكِبَهُ [and ↓
ارتكبه ] as meaning
عَلَاهُ [i. e. (assumed tropical:) It was, or became, upon, or
over, it; got upon it; came, or arose, upon it; overlay it; was,
or became, superincumbent, or supernatant, upon it; overspread it];
namely, another thing. (TA.) [In like manner,] one says also, of anything,
رُكِبَ and ↓
اُرْتُكِبَ as meaning
عُلِىَ [i. e., when said of a horse or the like, He was ridden, or
ridden upon, and was mounted, or mounted upon: whence other
significations in other cases, indicated above]. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
بَعْضًا i. q. ↓
تراكب (tropical:) [It lay one part upon another; it was, or
became, heaped, or piled, up, or together, one part upon, or
overlying, another:] said of fat [as meaning it was, or became,
disposed in layers, one above another: see
رَاكِبَةٌ]. (A, TA.) [And hence,
بَعْضًا (assumed tropical:) The people bore, or pressed, or
crowded, (as though mounting,) one upon another; a phrase well
known, and of frequent occurrence: or meaning (assumed tropical:) the people
followed one another closely; from what next follows.] ― -b3-
رَكِبَهُ also means [(assumed tropical:) He came upon him, or
overtook him; or] he followed closely, or immediately, after him:
أَثَرَهُ and
طَرِيقَهُ (assumed tropical:) I followed close after him. (L.) ― -b4-
الطَّرِيقَ, and
الرَّمْلَ, and
المَفَازَةَ, (assumed tropical:) He went upon, or trod, or
travelled, the road, and the sand or sands, and the desert:
البَحْرَ (assumed tropical:) He embarked, or voyaged, upon the
sea. Hence,]
اللَّيْلَ, and
الهَوْلَ, (tropical:) [He ventured upon, encountered, or braved,
the night, and that which was terrible or fearful,] and the
like thereof. (TA.) [And
أَمْرًا and ↓
ارتكبهُ (assumed tropical:) He ventured upon, embarked in, or
undertook, an affair: and (assumed tropical:) he surmounted it, or
mastered it: the former meaning is well known: the latter is indicated by an
explanation of the phrase
لِلْأُمُورِ, which see below.] And
ذَنْبًا (A, K) and ↓
ارتكبهُ (S, A, MA, K) (tropical:) He committed a sin, or
crime, or the like. (S, MA, TA.) And
بِأَمْرٍ (assumed tropical:) [Such a one did to such a one a thing].
(TA.) And
بِمَكْرُوهٍ and ↓
ارتكبهُ (tropical:) [He did to him an evil, or abominable,
or odious, deed]. (A.) And
الدَّيْنَ and ↓
ارتكبتهُ (tropical:) I became much in debt: and
الدَّيْنُ and ↓
ارتكبنى (tropical:) [Debt burdened me]. (Msb.) ― -b5-
رَأْسَهُ (tropical:) He went at random, heedlessly, or in a
headlong manner, (مَضَى
وَجْهِهِ, A, Msb,) [i. e.,] without consideration, (A,) or without
any certain aim, or object, (Msb,) not obeying a guide to the
right course. (A.) You say,
يَتَوَجَّهُ (assumed tropical:) [He goes at random, &c., not
knowing whither to direct himself]. (S and K in art.
كمه.) [See also
رَكْبَةٌ. In like manner also, you say,
رَأْيَهُ (K voce
اِسْتَهَجَّ &c.) (assumed tropical:) He followed his own opinion. And
هَوَاهُ (S in art.
جمح) (assumed tropical:) He followed his own natural desire, without
consideration, and not obeying a guide to the right course of conduct.] ―
دُبَّتَهُ and
دُبَّهُ (assumed tropical:) I kept to his state, or condition, and
his way, mode, or manner, of acting &c.; and did as he did. (M
in art.
دب.) And
الحُمَّى (assumed tropical:) [The fever continued upon him] is a
phrase similar to
الحُمَّى and
اِمْتَطَتْهُ and
اِرْتَحَلَتْهُ. (A and TA in art.
غبط) -A2-
رَكَبَهُ, aor.
رَكُبَ , (S, A, K,) inf. n.
رَكْبٌ, (TA,) [from
رُكْبَةٌ,] He struck, or smote, his knee: (S, A, K:) or it
signifies, (K,) or signifies also, (S, A,) he struck him, or smote
him, with his knee: (S, A, K:) or he took him by his hair, (K,) or
by the hair of each side of his head, (TA,) and struck his forehead with
his knee. (K, TA.) Hence, in a trad.,
بِرُكْبَتِى I struck his nose with my knee. (TA.) And in another trad.,
فَيَرْكُبُوكَ [Knowest thou not El-Azd, (the tribe so called,) and
their striking with the knee? Beware thou of El-Azd, lest they take thee, and
strike thee with their knees]: for this practice was notorious among El-Azd;
in the dial. of whom,
كَيْسَانَ was a metonymical appellation of the knee. (TA.) -A3-
رُكِبَ, like
عُنِىَ, [pass. in form, but neut. in signification,] He (a man)
had a complaint of his knee. (TA.) -A4-
رَكِبَ, aor.
رَكَبَ , (K,) inf. n.
رَكَبٌ, (TA,) He was large in the knee. (K.) 2
الفَرَسَ , [inf. n. as below,] He lent him the horse, [or mounted him
on the horse,] to go forth on a warring and plundering expedition, on the
condition of receiving from him one half of the spoil: (K, * TA:) or for
a portion of the spoil that he should obtain. (TA.) [See also 4.] ― -b2- And
ركّبهُ, inf. n.
تَرْكِيبٌ, He put, or set, one part of it upon another: (K:) [he
set it, or fixed it, in another thing: he composed it; constituted
it; or put it together.]
تَرْكِيبٌ signifies The putting together, or combining,
things, whether suitable or not, or placed in order or not: it is a more general
term than
تَأْلِيفٌ, which is the collecting together, or putting together, suitable
things. (Kull p. 118.) You say,
الخَاتَمِ (S, A) He set the stone in the signet-ring: and
القَنَاةِ He fixed the spearhead in the shaft; (A;) and
السَّهْمِ [the arrow-head in the shaft]. (S.) And
التَّرْكِيبِ [A thing good, or beautiful, in respect of
composition or constitution; well, or beautifully, composed or
constituted or put together]. (TA.) ― -b3- Also He removed it
from one place to another in which to plant it; namely, a shoot of a
palm-tree. (Mgh.) 4
اركب He (a colt) became fit for being ridden; attained to the fit
time for being ridden. (S, Msb, K.) [See also
مُرْكِبٌ.] -A2-
اركبهُ He gave him, appointed him, or assigned him, an
animal on which to ride. (S.) [See also 2.] ― -b2-
خَلْفَهُ [He mounted me, or made me to ride, behind him]. (A.)
فَارِهًا [He mounted me on a quick, brisk, sharp, or strong, beast].
(A.) ― -b3- [Hence,
أَمْرًا (assumed tropical:) He made him to venture upon, embark in,
or undertake, an affair. And
ذَنْبًا (assumed tropical:) He made him to commit a sin, or crime,
or the like.] 5
ذ It had one part of it put, or set, upon another; as also
تراكب : (K:) [it was, or became, composed, constituted, or
put together: see 2.] You say,
الخَاتَمِ [The stone was set in the signet-ring]: and
السَّهْمِ [The arrow-head was fixed in the shaft]. (S.) 6
تراكب : see 1: and 5. You say,
السَّحَابُ The clouds were, or became, [heaped, or
piled, up,] one above, or upon, [or overlying,]
another; as also
تراكم. (TA.) 8
إِِرْتَكَبَ see 1, in eight places. 10
فَأَرْكَبَهُ [He asked him to give him, appoint him, or assign him, an
animal on which to ride, and he gave him, appointed him, or assigned him,
one]. (A.)
ذ : see
رَاكِبٌ, in three places.
رَكَبٌ The
عَانَة: (ISk, Msb, K:) or the place of growth of the
عَانَة, (S, K,) or of the hair of the
عَانَة: (Mgh:) [i. e. it signifies the pubes; either as meaning the
hair of the mons Veneris, or the mons Veneris itself: generally
the latter; and this is often meant by the term
عانة alone:] or the part that slopes down from the belly, and is beneath
ثُنَّة [q. v.] and above the pudendum: in all these senses said by Lh
to be masc.: (TA:) or the pudendum (Az, Msb, K) itself: (TA:) or
the external portion thereof: (K:) or the
رَكَبَانِ are the roots of the two thighs, upon which is the flesh of the
pudendum, (K, TA,) or upon which are the two portions of flesh of the
pudendum: (TA:) the
ركب is masc.: (Msb:) it is common to the man and the woman, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,
*) accord. to Fr: (S, Msb:) or peculiar to the woman, (S, Mgh, K,) accord. to Kh:
(S:) ElFarezdak makes it plainly common to both, saying, “
” [When the shaven pubes met the pubes]: (TA: [and a similar ex. is given
in the S and Msb, as cited by Fr:]) the pl. is
أَرْكَابٌ (S, Mgh, Msb, K) and
أَرَاكِيبُ; (K;) the latter being pl. of the former; but in some copies of
the K
أَرَاكِبُ, like
مَسَاجِدُ. (TA.) -A2- Also Whiteness in the
رُكْبَة [or knee]. (TA.)
رَكْبَةٌ A single ride, or act of riding: pl.
رَكَبَاتٌ. (IAth, L.) ― -b2- [Hence,] one says,
الرَّكْبَةَ (tropical:) [i. e.
رَأْسَهُ He goes at random, heedlessly, or in a headlong manner,
&c., (see 1,)] and
الرَّكَبَاتِ (tropical:) [They go at random, &c.]. (A. [The meaning
is there indicated by the context, and is shown by what here follows.])
Respecting the phrase
الرَّكَبَاتِ, occurring in a trad., meaning
رُؤُوسَكُمْ (assumed tropical:) [Ye go at random, &c.], in that
which is false, wrong, or vain, and in factions, or seditions,
or the like, following one another without consideration, IAth says that
رَكْبَةٌ [properly] signifies as explained above in the first sentence of
this paragraph, and that the pl.
الركبات is here governed in the accus. case by a verb understood, and [with
that verb] is a denotative of state relating to the agent in
تمشون: it supplies the place of that verb, which it does not require to be
expressed; and the implied meaning is
الرَّكَبَاتِ. (L.)
رُكْبَةٌ a word of well-known meaning, (S, Msb,) [The knee; i. e., in a
man,] the joint between the lower parts of the thigh and the upper parts of
the shank: (A, K:) or [in a quadruped,] the joint between the metacarpus
and the radius (مَوْصِلُ
وَالذِّرَاعِ): this is the right explanation: in the K,
مَوْضِع is erroneously put for
مَوْصِل: [this explanation is evidently given accord. to the terms employed
in the anatomy of quadrupeds as compared to human beings: in that which next
follows, there is certainly an omission, which I have endeavoured to supply:] or
رُكْبَتَانِ of the fore legs of the camel are the two joints that [project
forwards, in like manner as do, in the hind legs, those that] are next
the belly [meaning the stifle-joints] when he lies down upon his
breast with folded legs: the two joints that project behind [in the hind
legs, namely, the hocks,] are called the
عُرْقُوبَانِ: in every quadruped, the
ركبتان are in the fore legs, and the
عرقوبان are in the hind legs: and the
عرقوب is what is called
الوَظِيفِ [i. e. the upper joint of the metatarsus]: (TA:) or the
ركبة is the
مِرْفَق [which in a man is the elbow, but here seems to mean the lower
joint] of the
ذِرَاع [or radius] of anything [i. e. of any beast]: (K:) [from its
being said in the S and Msb that the
رُكْبَة is “ well known, ” I conclude that there is no real discrepancy in
the foregoing explanations: it is perhaps needless to add that the term
رُكْبَة is now universally applied to the knee of a man and to what
we commonly call the knee of a horse and the like:] the pl. is
رُكَبٌ, (S, Msb, K,) i. e. the pl. of mult., and the pl. of pauc. is
رُكْبَاتٌ and
رُكَبَاتٌ and
رُكُبَاتٌ. (S.) Lh mentions the phrase
الرُّكَبِ [meaning A hardkneed camel]; as though the term
رُكْبَةٌ were applied to each part, and the pl. used accord. to this
application. (TA.) ― -b2- One says [of an agitating affair or event],
الرُّكَبَةَ (tropical:) [An affair, or event, in which the knees
knocked together, and in which the knee rubbed the knee]. (A.) ― -b3- And of
one who has the mark of prostration in prayer on his forehead, between his eyes,
العَنْزِ [Between his eyes is the like of the knee of the she-goat].
(A, * L.) And of any two things that are alike, or correspondent,
العَنْزِ [They are like the two knees of the she-goat]; because her
two knees fall together upon the ground when she lies down. (L.) ― -b4- And it
is said in a prov.,
رُكعبَتِهِ [The worst of men is he whose fat is upon his knee]:
applied to him who is quickly angered; and to the perfidious: (Meyd, TA:) the
رُكْبَتِهِ is also used as meaning The smallest thing makes him angry:
(TA:) and a poet says, “
” [Blame her not; for she is of a set of people whose fat is placed above the
knees: perhaps meaning, for she is but a woman; as women are generally fat
in the part above the knee]: (TA:) or
نِسْوَةٍ [in the place of
عُصْبَةٍ], meaning of women whose object of anxiety, or care, is
fatness and fat: (Meyd, TA:) so that the prov. seems to mean that the
worst of men is he who has not such intelligence as bids him to do that which is
praiseworthy, but only bids him to do that in which is inconstancy and levity,
and an inclining to the dispositions of women, to the love of fatness and fat. (Meyd.)
[See other explanations in art.
ملح.] -A2- Also The lower part (أَصْل)
of the plant
صِلِّيَانَة, when it has been cut. (K.)
رِكْبَةٌ A mode, or manner, of riding. (S.) You say,
الرِّكْبَةِ He has a good mode, or manner, of riding. (A, *
TA.) ― -b2- [It is said in the K to be a subst. from
رَكِبَهُ; as though signifying A riding.]
رَكَبَةٌ A company of riders upon camels, (K,) or of owners of camels
on a journey, or travellers upon camels, exclusively of other beasts,
(S,) but less in number than the company called
رَكْبٌ: (S, K:) [and probably also a company of riders upon any beasts,
but less than what is called
رَكْبٌ:] accord. to MF, it is a pl. of
رَاكِبٌ. (TA.) [See also
رَكْبَى and
رَكْبَاةٌ: see
ذ and
رَكَبُوتَى: see
ذ : see
رَكُوبٌ, in two places.
رِكَابٌ [Travelling-camels, used for riding; i. e.] camels (S,
K, TA) upon which people journey; (S, TA;) i. q.
مَطِىٌّ: (Msb:) or camels fit for carrying: (Har p. 22:) it has no
proper sing.: (S:) the word used for the sing. is
رَاحِلَةٌ: (S, Msb, K:) or, as ISh says, in the “ Book of Camels, ”
رِكَابٌ and
عِيرٌ are applied to camels that go forth for corn (طَعَام)
to be brought back upon them, both when they go forth and after they have
come back: and the former term is applied also to camels upon which
people journey to Mekkeh, on which
مَحَامِل are borne: and hired [or other] camels that
carry the goods and corn of merchants: but camels are not called
عير, though bearing corn, [unless] if hired: [I insert the words “ or other
” and “ unless ” because it is further said,]
عير are not those that bring corn for their owners; but these are called
رِكَابٌ: (L, TA:) the pl. is
رُكُبٌ, (S, K,) accord. to A'Obeyd, (TA,) and
رِكَابَاتٌ and
رَكَائِبُ; (K;) or, accord. to IAar,
رُكُبٌ is not pl. of
رِكَابٌ; and others say that it is pl. of ↓
رَكُوبٌ , signifying any beast on which one rides, [an epithet]
of the measure
فَعُولٌ in the sense of the measure
مَفْعُولٌ; (TA;) but called by ISd a subst.; (TA voce
جَزُوزٌ;) and ↓
رَكُوبَةٌ is a more special term than
رَكُوبٌ. (TA in the present art.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
السَّحَابِ (tropical:) [The bearers of the clouds; i. e.] the
winds. (A, K.) Umeiyeh says, “
” [It (referring to a cloud) goes to and fro (تَرَدَّد
being for
تَتَرَدَّدُ), the winds being its bearers]. (TA.) -A2- Also [The
stirrup of a horse's saddle;] a well-known appertenance of a horse's
saddle; (S;) the same with respect to a horse's saddle as the
غَرْز with respect to a camel's: pl.
رُكُبٌ. (K.)
ذ and ↓
رَكُوبَةٌ : see
رِكَابٌ: both signify A beast that is ridden: (S:) or a she-camel
that is ridden: (K:) or the latter has this meaning: and is metaphorically
applied to anything ridden: (Msb:) or the former signifies any beast
that is ridden: and the latter is a name for everything that is ridden;
applied to one, and to a pl. number: (TA:) or the former signifies
ridden, as a fem. epithet: and the latter, one specially appointed for
riding; and that is constantly kept to work; of beasts (K, TA) of any
kind: (TA:) and the latter and ↓
رَكْبَانَةٌ and ↓
رَكْبَاةٌ and ↓
رَكَبُوتٌ (K) and ↓
رَكْبَى and ↓
رَكَبُوتَى , (K * and TA in art.
حلب, [see
حَلُوبٌ in several places,]) a she-camel that is ridden; or that
is broken, trained, or rendered submissive or manageable: (K:)
رَكُوبٌ has this last signification, accord. to AZ: and its pl. is
رُكُبٌ: (TA:) the pl. of
رَكُوبَةٌ being
رَكَائِبُ: (TA voce
جَزُوزٌ:) and ↓
رَكْبَانَةٌ signifies [also] a she-camel fit to be ridden; (S,
TA;) like as
حَلْبَانَةٌ signifies fit to be milked: the
ا and
ن are [said to be] added in order to give intensiveness to the
signification: (TA:) [and all the other epithets mentioned above seem also,
accord. to some, to have an intensive sense: see
حَلُوبٌ.] You say,
حَلُوبَةٌ He has not a she-camel to ride, nor one to carry burdens, nor
one to be milked. (S, TA.) ― -b2- Also
رَكُوبٌ A camel having marks of galls, or sores, on his back,
produced by the saddle. (TA.) ― -b3- And
رَكُوبٌ A road ridden upon, (S, TA,) and trodden so as to be
rendered even, or easy to be travelled. (TA.) -A2- See also
رَكِيبٌ One who rides with another; a fellowrider. (K.)
السُّعَاةِ, mentioned in a trad., and there promised a place in Hell, means
He who accompanies tyrannical
عُمَّال [or collectors of the poor-rates]. (TA.) ― -b2- See also
مَرَكَّبٌ. ― -b3-
رَكِيبٌ (K) and
نَخْلٍ (TA) Palmtrees planted in a row by a rivulet, or not by a
rivulet. (K, TA.) -A2- Also A
مَشَارَة, (K,) i. e.
سَاقِيَة [or channel of water for irrigation]: (TA:) or a rivulet
between [two pieces of sown ground such as are termed]
دَبْرَتَانِ: (K:) or between two gardens of palm-trees and grape-vines:
(so accord. to the text of the K in the TA:) or what is between two gardens
of palm-trees and grape-vines: (so accord. to the CK and my MS. copy of the
K:) or grape-vines between two rivers or rivulets: (TA:) or a
place of seed-produce: (K:) or a clear, or cleared, piece of land,
in which one sows: (T:) pl.
رُكُبٌ. (K.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
الرَّكِيبِ The people who stay, or dwell, by water; syn.
الحُضَّارُ. (TA.)
ذ dim. of
رَكْبٌ. (TA.) See
رَكُوبَةٌ : see
ذ [Olive-oil:] so called because brought on camels from
Syria. (S, A, * K.)
رَكَّابٌ and ↓
رَكُوبٌ , applied to a man, (K, TA,) the latter on the authority of Th,
(TA,) signify the same, (K, TA,) Who rides much; a great rider: and so
رَكَّابَةٌ applied to a woman. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,]
لِلْأُمُورِ (assumed tropical:) A man who surmounts, or masters,
affairs; [or who often does so; or accustomed to embark in, or
undertake, or to surmount, or master, them; or who often
embarks in, or undertakes, them, and therefore surmounts, or
masters, them;] by his knowledge, and repeated experience, and good
judgment. (K and TA in art.
الرُّكَّابُ (tropical:) The nightmare, or incubus, came upon him.
ذ : see the latter part of the next paragraph.
ذ Riding; or a rider: (Mgh, Msb, K:) or properly only a
rider upon a camel: (ISk, S, K:) or the latter is its meaning when it is not
used as a prefixed noun, as explained below; and is said to be the original
signification: IB says that it may signify a rider upon a camel, ass,
horse, or mule, when used as a prefixed noun; as when you say
جَمَلٍ and
حِمَارٍ &c.: (L:) accord. to ISk, you term a rider upon an ass
حِمَارٍ, (S, TA,) and a rider upon a mule
بَغْلٍ; (TA;) but 'Omarah says, I do not call the owner or rider of the ass
فارس, but
حَمَّارٌ; and the reason of his saying so is manifest, for
فارس is an epithet of the measure
فَاعِلٌ from
الفَرَسُ “ the horse, ” meaning “ an owner, or a rider, of the horse: ” (S,
TA:) the pl. is
رُكَّابٌ (S, K) and
رُكْبَانٌ (S, * Mgh, Msb, K) and
رُكُوبٌ (Mgh, K) and
رِكَبَةٌ, (K,) or this last is a mistake for
رَكَبَةٌ [q. v.], (MF, TA,) and ↓
رَكْبٌ , (Akh, Msb, K, TA,) as some say; (TA;) or this last is a
quasi-pl. n., (K, TA,) not a broken pl. of
رَاكِبٌ; (TA;) and signifies riders upon camels; (K;) or owners of
camels on a journey, or travellers upon camels; (S;) consisting of
ten or more: (S, K:) and sometimes it signifies riders upon
horses: (IB, K:) or riders upon horses and camels: (IB, L, TA:) or
a company of riders upon horses; or upon horses and camels: (TA:)
[or, accord. to Kh, riders upon any beasts: (De Sacy's Anthol. Gram. Ar.
p. 54 of the Arabic text:)] in the Kur viii. 43,
الرَّكْبُ may signify the riders upon horses, or the riders upon
camels, or the army composed of both these: (TA:) the pl. of
رَكْبٌ is
أَرْكُبٌ, (S, K,) [a pl. of pauc.,] and
رُكُوبٌ. (K.) Accord. to IB, you do not say
إِِبِلٍ ↓
رَكْبُ nor
إِِبِلٍ: but it is said that
إِِبِلٍ and
خَيْلٍ &c. are allowable. (L.) An instance of
رُكْبَان as distinguished from
فُرْسَان occurs in a verse cited as one of the exs. of the preposition
بِ. (TA.) ↓
رُكَيْبٌ [properly signifying A small company of riders upon camels,
&c.,] occurs as meaning collectors of the poorrates: it is the dim. of ↓
رَكْبٌ ; and shows that this latter is not a pl. [properly speaking] of
رَاكِبٌ; for, were it so, the word used as its dim. would be
رُوَيْكِبُونَ. (TA.) [See also
رَكَبَةٌ, and
أُرْكُوبٌ.] ― -b2- [Also A person on board of a ship or boat: pl.
رُكَّابٌ.] You say
السَّفِينَةِ (S, TA) The persons on board of the ship, or boat:
المَآءِ the voyagers upon the water: and Ibn-Ahmar has used in this
sense the pl.
رُكْبَانٌ; but it is said that this is not allowable; nor is
أُرْكُوبٌ; nor
رَكْبٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- Also, and ↓
رَاكُوبٌ , (assumed tropical:) A shoot germinating upon the trunk of
a palm-tree, not having any root in the ground: (S:) or a shoot on the
upper part of a palm-tree, hanging down, but not reaching the ground; and so
رَاكِبَةٌ and ↓
رَاكُوبَةٌ and ↓
رَكَّابَةٌ : (K:) or, as some say, the last of these words is not thus
applied, but means a woman “ who rides much: ” AHn, however, says that it
signifies a palm-shoot, or the like thereof, growing forth at the top
of the trunk of a palm-tree, and, in some instances, bearing with its mother;
but when it is cut off, it is better for the mother: and
رَاكِبٌ is also explained in the L as meaning small palm-trees that grow
forth at the lower parts of large palmtrees: (TA:) or it means a shoot of
a palm-tree not cut off from its mother: (Ham p. 66:) accord. to As, when a
palm-shoot grows from the trunk, and does not adhere to the ground, it forms a
vile kind of palm-tree; and the Arabs call it
رَاكِبٌ and ↓
رَاكُوبٌ : the pl. of this last [and of ↓
رَاكُوبَةٌ ] is
رَوَاكِيبُ. (TA.) ― -b4-
السُّنْبُلِ means (tropical:) What first appear, or grow forth,
from the
قُنْبُع, (A, K, TA,) i. e. the envelope of the grain, (TA,) of the
ear of wheat. (K, TA.) ― -b5-
رَاكِبٌ also signifies (assumed tropical:) The head [or summit]
of a mountain (جَبَل),
as in [most of] the copies of the K; in some of which is found
حَبْل [or rope]. (TA.)
ذ : see the next preceding paragraph. ― -b2- Also sing. of
رَوَاكِبُ (TA) which signifies (tropical:) Streaks [or layers]
of fat, (A, K, TA,) overlying one another, (K, TA,) in the fore
part of a camel's hump: those in the hinder part are called
رَوَادِفُ, (A, K, TA,) of which the sing. is
رَادِفَةٌ. (TA.)
ذ and
رَاكُوبَةٌ: see
رَاكِبٌ, latter part, in four places.
ذ Large in the
رُكْبَة [or knee]. (S, K.) ― -b2- A camel having one of his knees
larger than the other. (S, K.)
ذ A company of riders upon camels, (K,) or of owners of camels
on a journey, or of travellers upon camels, exclusively of other
beasts, (S,) but more in number than the company called
رَكْبٌ: (S, K:) pl.
أَرَاكِيبُ. (TA.) [See also
مَرْكَبٌ an inf. n. of
رَكِبَ. (A, K, TA.) ― -b2- And also a noun of place [properly signifying
A place of riding, &c.]. (TA.) [Hence, Anything upon which one rides;
and upon, or in, which one is borne or carried:] one of
مَرَاكِب of the land; and [more commonly] of the sea: (S, K:)
[i. e.] a beast [on which one rides]; (A, TA;) and a vessel,
i. e. a ship or boat: (A, Mgh, Msb, TA:) a saddle; and
any kind of vehicle borne by a camel or other beast: (the lexicons passim:)
مَرَاكِبُ is the pl. (Mgh, Msb.) You say,
الدَّابَّةُ [Excellent, or most excellent, is the thing upon which
one rides, the beast]. (A.) And
اليَمَنِ The vessels, or the ships or boats, of El-Yemen
came. (A.) ― -b3- [And hence
المَرْكَبُ as the name of (assumed tropical:) The principal star (a)
of Pegasus; because in the place of the saddle.]
مُرْكِبٌ A colt that has become fit for being ridden. (TA.) And
مُرْكِبَةٌ A beast that has attained the age at which one may ride him
during a warring and plundering expedition. (TA.)
مُرَكَّبٌ A man to whom a horse is lent for a portion of the spoil that he
may obtain: (IAar, TA:) or a man who borrows a horse upon which to go
forth on a warring and plundering expedition, and who receives one half of the
spoil, the other half being for the lender: (K:) or one to whom a horse
has been given for him to ride, and who has put his foot into the stirrup.
(A.) [Also] Weak in the art of horsemanship, or the management of
horses, and the riding of them. (Ham p. 441.) ― -b2- [Also Put, or
set, one part upon another: set, or fixed, in another thing:
composed; constituted; or put together: see its verb, 2.] The stone [set]
in the signet-ring is termed
مُرَكَّبٌ and ↓
رَكِيبٌ ; and so the arrowhead [fixed] in the shaft: (S:) or
رَكِيبٌ signifies, (K, TA,) as a subst., (TA,) a thing set (مُرَكَّبٌ)
in a thing, such as a ring-stone in the bezel, or collet, of the
signet-ring. (K, * TA.) -A2- Also (tropical:) Origin: and place of
growth or germination or vegetation. (S, K, TA.) You say,
المُرَكَّبِ (tropical:) Such a one is generous, or noble, in
respect of the origin of his rank among his people. (S, A. *) Credit: