1 قَتَرَ , aor. قَتِرَ (S, Msb, K) and قَتُرَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. قَتْرٌ and قُتُورٌ; (TK;) and قَتِرَ, aor. قَتَرَ ; (S, K;) It (roast meat, S, Msb, K, and a cookingpot, and burnt bone, and a perfume with which one fumigates, K, or aloes-wood, TA) exhaled its scent, smell, or odour; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ قتّر , inf. n. تَقْتِيرٌ. (K.) ― -b2- قَتَرَتِ النَّارُ The fire smoked. (TA.) -A2- قَتَرَ, aor. قَتُرَ and قَتِرَ , inf. n. قَتْرٌ and قُتُورٌ, It (sustenance) was barely sufficient; (K;) as also ↓ أَقْتَرَ . (CK: but this latter is omitted in the TA; and in a MS. copy of the K I find in its place أقْتَرُ, as a syn. of قَاتِرٌ and قَتُورٌ.) [This signification is implied in the K, but not expressed, and I think it doubtful.] ― -b2- قَتَرَ عَلَى عِيَالِهِ, aor. قَتُرَ and قَتِرَ inf. n. قَتْرٌ and قُتُورٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ قتّر عَلَيْهِمْ, (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَقْتِيرٌ; (S, Msb;) and ↓ اقتر , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. إِِقْتَارٌ; (S, Msb;) He scanted his household, stinted them, or was niggardly or parsimonious towards them, in expenditure; (S, Msb, K;) like قَدَرَ: (S, art. قدر:) as though he took only the قُتَار [or scent] of a thing. (El-Basáïr.) وَلَمْ يَقْتُرُوا in the Kur, xxv. 67, signifies وَلَمْ يَقْتُرُوا عَمَّا يَجِبُ عَلَيْهِمْ مِنَ النَّفَقَةِ [Nor are sparing of what is incumbent on them, of expenditure]. (Fr.) You say also اللّٰهُ رِزْقَهُ ↓ أَقْتَرَ God made his means of subsistence strait, and scanty. (IAth.) And قُتِرَ عَلَيْهِ رِزْقُهُ His means of subsistence were scanted, or straitened, to him, like فُدِرَ; (S, art. قدر;) and رِزْقُهُ ↓ تَقَتَّرَ [signifies the same]. (TA in art. حرف, &c.) 2 قتّر , inf. n. تَقْتِيرٌ: see 1. ― -b2- He excited, or raised, the scent termed قُتَار. (S.) ― -b3- قتّر لِلْأَسَدِ He put for the lion some flesh-meat (S, K) in the pitfall, (S,) that he might perceive its scent. (S, K.) ― -b4- قتّر لِلْوَحْشِ He (a hunter, TA) fumigated [himself or his clothes] with camels' dung, in order that the wild animals might not perceive his (the hunter's) smell, (K, TA,) and flee from him. (TA.) -A2- قتّر عَلَى عِيَالِهِ: see 1. 4 اقترت She (a woman) fumigated herself with aloes-wood. (S, K.) ― -b2- اقتر النَّارَ He made the fire to smoke. (TA.) -A2- اقتر على عِيَالِهِ: and اقتر اللّٰه رِزْقَهُ: see 1. ― -b2- Also اقتر He was, or became, poor, needy, or indigent: (S, K:) or his property became small, though some of it yet remained to him. (TA.) A poet says, “ لَكُمْ قِبْصُهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ أَثْرَى وَأَقْتَرَا” meaning أَتْرَى وَأَقْتَرَ مِنْ بَيْنِ مَنْ [Ye have its multitude of people, of those who have become wealthy and of those who have become poor]. (S.) [Cited voce ثَرَا. See another ex. in a verse cited in art. عى, conj. 4.] -A3- See also 8. 5 تَقَتَّرَ see 1: -A2- and see also 8. 8 اقتتر , (Msb,) or اقتتر فِى قُتْرَةٍ, (A, L, TA,) in the K, فِيهَا ↓ أَفْتَرَ , but this is a mistake, (TA,) He concealed, or hid, himself in a قُتْرَة. (A, L, Msb, TA.) And لِلصَّيْدِ ↓ تقتّر He hid himself in a قُتْرَة to deceive the wild animals, or game. (TA.) قَتْرٌ What is barely sufficient, of sustenance; as also ↓ تَقْتِيرٌ : (K:) or what is barely sufficient to sustain life, of expenditure. (Lth.) قُتْرٌ : see قُتُرٌ. -A2- A side, quarter, tract, or region; (S, K;) a dial. form of قُطْرٌ; (S;) as also ↓ قُتُرٌ : (K:) either side of a man: (JK, L:) pl. أَقْتَارٌ. (TA.) قَتَرٌ and ↓ قَتَرَةٌ , (K,) or the latter, and the former is its pl., (S,) [or rather the former is a coll. gen. n., and the latter is the n. un.,] and ↓ قَتْرَةٌ , (K,) Dust; syn. غُبَارٌ, (S,) or غَبَرَهٌ: (K:) so in the Kur, lxxx. 41: (AO, S:) or the dust of an army: (Nh:) or dust-colour overspread with blackness: (T, TA:) or blackness and darkness. (Bd, Jel, lxxx. 41.) قُتُرٌ [and app. ↓ قُتْرٌ , like قُطُرٌ and قُطْرٌ,] Aloes-wood with which one fumigates. (TA.) -A2- See also قُتْرٌ. قَتْرَةٌ : see قَتَرٌ. قُتْرَةٌ The نَامُوس [or lurking-place] of a hunter, (S, K,) which prevents his scent (قُتَار) [from being perceived by the wild animals]; (El-Basáïr:) the covert of a hunter, in which he hides himself from the game, or wild animals; such as a booth of reeds, and the like; (Msb;) a well, [or pit] which a hunter digs for himself that he may lie in wait therein: (AO:) pl. قُتَرٌ. (Msb, TA.) -A2- (tropical:) Straitness of the means of subsistence. (TA.) قَتَرَةٌ : see قَتَرٌ. قُتَارٌ The scent, smell, or odour, of roast meat; (El-Fárábee, S, Msb, K;) or of flesh-meat when roasted upon live coals: this is the sense in which the Arabs use it: (T, TA:) [or] it signifies also that of a cooking-pot: and of burnt bone: (K:) and of aloes-wood, (S,) or of بَخُور, (K,) i. e., aloes-wood which is burnt and with which one fumigates: (TA:) or the last odour of aloes-wood when one fumigates with it: (Fr, in the Kitáb el-Masádir:) or it has not this signification of the odour of aloes-wood, but the Arabs compare the liking of men in a time of dearth for the scent of roast meat to their liking for the odour of aloeswood: (T, TA:) or it signifies the smoke of cooked food: (Msb:) and the scent, or smell, of a man. (El-Basáïr.) ― -b2- It is also sometimes applied by the Arabs to Fat: and flesh. (TA.) قَتُورٌ Barely sufficient sustenance; as also ↓ قَاتِرٌ , (K,) and ↓ أَفْتَرُ . (So in one copy of the K; but see 1.) [This signification is implied in the K, but not expressed; and I think it doubtful.] ― -b2- [One who scants his household;] niggardly, or parsimonious [towards his household in expenditure]; (K;) as also, [though not in so strong a sense,] ↓ مُقْتِرٌ (TA) [and ↓ قَاتِرٌ ]. قَاتِرٌ Flesh-meat exhaling its scent, smell, or odour [in roasting]: (S:) and having a scent by reason of its greasiness. (TA.) -A2- See also قَتُورٌ, in two places. أَقْتَرُ : see قَتُورٌ. تَقْتِيرٌ : see قَتْرٌ, and 2. مُقْتِرٌ A woman fumigating herself with aloes wood. (S.) -A2- See also قَتُورٌ. كِبَآءٌ مُقَتَّرٌ [A kind of aloes-wood made to exhale its odour]. Credit: Lane Lexicon