عَزَلَهُ , (S, O, Msb, K,) aor.
عَزِلَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n.
عَزْلٌ, (Msb, TA,)
He put it, or set it, apart, away,
or aside; removed it; or separated it; (S, O, Msb, K;) i. e., a
غَيْرِهِ [from another thing, or from other things]. (Msb.)
― -b2- And hence, He removed, deposed, or displaced, him, namely,
an agent, or a deputy, from his office, or exercise of authority.
(Msb.) Or
العَمَلِ He removed, deposed, or displaced, him [from
the agency, or administration, or government]. (S, O, TA.) And
عزّلهُ , (K, TA,) inf. n.
تَعْزِيلٌ, (TA,) signifies the same as
عَزَلَهُ. (K, TA.) [In like manner also
اعزل is said by Freytag to signify Semovit, followed by
عن, as on the authority of the K; in which I do not find it.] And
عُزِلَ He was, or became, removed deposed, or
displaced, [from his office, &c.,] (S, O, Msb,) used as quasi-pass. of
عَزَلَهُ; in which sense ↓
انعزل is [said to be] not used, because in it [i. e.
عَزَلَهُ] no labour, or exertion, is implied. (Msb.) ― -b3-
عَزَلَ said of the
مُجَامِع means Paulň ante emissionem, [penem suum]
extraxit, et extra vulvam semen emisit. (Az, * Msb, TA. *) You say,
عَنْهَا, (S, O, K,) the pronoun referring to the man's female slave,
(S, O,) inf. n.
عَزْلٌ, (Az, Mgh, O, TA,) [vaguely expl. as] meaning He did not
desire her [having] offspring; as also ↓
اِعْتَزَلَهَا : (K:) the motive being that the woman might not
conceive. (Az, TA.) -A2-
عَزِلَ, aor.
عَزَلَ , (TA,) inf. n.
عَزَلٌ, (Mgh, * TA,) He (a horse) had his tail inclining to
one side, (Mgh, TA,) by habit, not naturally: (TA:) when it inclines
to the right side, the Arabs deem it unlucky. (Z, TA.) [See also
عَزَلٌ below.] 2
عَزَّلَ see the preceding paragraph. 5
تَعَزَّلَ see 8, in four places. 6
تعازلوا They went apart, away, or aside; removed; or
separated themselves; each from other, or one party from another. (K,
TA.) 7
إِِنْعَزَلَ see 1: and see also the paragraph here following, in
two places. 8
اعتزلهُ and ↓
تعزّلهُ both signify the same, (S, O, TA,) i. e. He went
apart, away, or aside; removed; or separated himself; from him,
or it: (O, TA:) and so
عَنْهُ and
عنه ↓
تعزّل : (TA:) or
النَّاسَ and ↓
تَعَزَّلْتُهُمْ I went apart, away, or aside; removed;
or separated myself; from men, or the people; [withdrew from
association, or communion, with them; seceded from them;] and
left, forsook, or quitted, them: and both verbs are sometimes used
intransitively: (Msb:) [i. e.]
اعتزل and ↓
تعزّل [used alone sometimes] signify he went apart, away,
or aside; &c.; as also ↓
انعزل : (K, TA: [the last omitted in this place in the CK; but
mentioned afterwards, voce
تعازلوا:]) and they said,
النَّاسِ ↓
انعزل meaning he went apart, or aside, from men, or
the people: (Msb:) and one says, of a pastor,
النَّاسِ ↓
بِمَعْزِلٍ [He goes apart, or aside, with his cattle,
and pastures them in a place remote, or separate, from men, or the
people]. (S, O.)
in the Kur [xliv. 20], means, accord. to Ibn-'Arafeh, [And if ye believe me
not,] leave me on equal terms, not being against me nor for me. (O.)
[And you say,
غَيْرِهِ He withdrew himself from him to another: see Har p.
245.] And
اِعْتَزَلَهَا, expl. above, as syn. with
عَنْهَا: see 1. And
الحَرْبَ [He withholds himself, or keeps aloof, from war,
or battle]: said of him who has no weapon. (TA.)
عَزْلٌ What is brought to the treasury of the state in advance, not
weighed, nor picked so as to have the bad put forth from it, to the time of the
falling-due of the installment: (O, K, TA:) [for the second of the last three
words of the explanation, which are correctly
النَّجْمِ, the O has
محَلِ; the CK,
مَحَلِّ; and my MS. copy of the K,
محل, without any vowel-sign and without the sheddeh:] from Ibn-'Abbád;
(O;) and thus in the L. (TA.)
عُزْلٌ : see the next paragraph.
عَزَلٌ inf. n. of
عَزِلَ [q. v.]. (TA.) ― -b2- Also The state, or condition,
of not having with one any weapon; and so ↓
عُزْلٌ : (K, TA: [the latter, by reason of an ambiguity in the K,
misunderstood by Freytag as syn. with
عِزَالٌ in the sense in which this is expl. in the CK:]) they are two
dial. vars., like
شَغَلٌ and
شُغْلٌ, and
بَخَلٌ and
بُخْلٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- And A deficiency in one of the
حَرْقَفَتَانِ [app. meaning, in the crest of one of the two
hip-bones]. (IAar, O, K.) ― -b4- And The hinder part of an ass: so in
the saying,
حِمَارِكَ [Strike thou the binder part of thy ass]: (O, K:)
said to the driver of the ass. (O.)
عُزُلٌ : see
أَعْزَلُ, in three places.
عُزْلَةٌ a subst. (S, Msb) signifying A going apart. away, or
aside; removal, or separation of oneself; (S, * L, Msb, * K;) [a
withdrawing of oneself from association or communion; or
secession: and it seems to be sometimes used in a sense similar to that of
اِعْتِكَافٌ; for] one says,
عِبَادَةٌ [app. meaning Retirement, or self-seclusion, is a
mode of religious service]. (S, L, TA.)
العَزَلَةُ The
حَرْقَفَة [app. meaning the crest of the hip-bone]. (K.)
عَزْلَآءُ [originally fem. of
أَعْزَلُ; a subst. signifying] The lower mouth [or spout
or outlet] of the [leathern water-bag called]
مَزَادَة; (S, Mgh, O, Msb;) the part where the water pours forth
from the
رَاوِيَة [a word here, as in many other instances, used as syn. with
مَزَادَة,] and the like of this, (K, TA,) such [for
instance] as the
قِرْبَة, in the bottom thereof, where the water contained in it is
drawn forth: Kh says that to every
مزادة there are
عَزْلَاوَانِ [dual of
عَزْلَآءُ], in the bottom thereof; but it is said in the M
that the
عزلآء is thus called because it is in one of the
خُصْمَان [meaning the two lower corners] of the
مزادة; not in its middle; nor is it like its mouth, in which it
receives the water: (TA:) [the mouth, by means of which this kind of water-bag
is filled, is in the middle of the upper edge; and the
عزلآء, in every instance that I remember to have seen, is in the
binder of the two lower corners, and is tied round with a thong: (see
مَزَادَةٌ in art.
زيد:)] the pl. is
عَزَالٍ (S, Mgh, O, Msb, K, * written with the article
العَزَالِى, and in the K [improperly]
عَزَالِى without the article,) and
عَزَالَى also (S, O, Msb, K) is allowable; (S, O;) and ↓
العَزَائِلُ occurs in a trad. for
العَزَالِى; these two words being like
الشَّائِكُ and
الشَّاكِى. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] El-Kumeyt says, [describing clouds (سَحَاب),]
” (assumed tropical:) [The south wind drew them forth; and when they became
black and dense and accumulated, the north wind loosed their spouts; i. e.
caused the rain to pour forth]. (S, O.) And one says of a cloud (سَحَابَة),
(Mgh, TA,) when it discharges its pouring [rain], (Mgh,) or when it pours forth
copious rain, (TA,)
عَزَالِيَهَا (tropical:) [It loosed its spouts], (Mgh,) or
عَزَالِيَهَا [it has loosed its spouts], and
عَزَالِيَهَا, (TA,) which [means the same and] is said [also] of the
sky (السَّمَآء)
by way of indicating the vehement falling of the rain, this being likened to its
descent from the mouths [meaning spouts] of the
مَزَادَة [or rather of the
مَزَاد or
مَزَايِد]. (Msb.) ― -b3- And [hence also,]
العَزْلَآءُ signifies (assumed tropical:) The
اِسْت [i. e. the anus; as being an outlet; and as being closed
by means of a sphincter, like as the
عزلآء properly thus termed is closed by means of a thong tied round
it]. (O, K.)
عُزْلَانٌ is a word used by the vulgar in the sense of
عَزْلٌ [app. as inf. n. of
عَزَلَهُ, q. v.]. (TA.)
عِزَالٌ Weakness; syn.
ضَعْفٌ. (L, K, TA: in the CK
ضَعِيف.) -A2- It is also a vulgar term for The goods, or
furniture and utensils, of the house or tent. (TA.)
ذ [a dual of which the sing. is not mentioned] The two
feathers that are at the extremity of the tail of the eagle: (Ibn-'Abbád, O,
K:) pl.
أَعْزِلَةٌ. (Ibn-'Abbád, O.)
العَزَائِلُ , for
العَزَالِى: see
العُزَّالُ : see
أَعْزَلُ Sand (رَمْل)
separate, or cut off, (IAar, O, K,) from other sands. (IAar,
O.) ― -b2- Also A man not having with him any weapon; (S, O, K;) as also
عُزُلٌ , (O, K,) occurring in a trad.; (O;) and ↓
مِعْزَالٌ , (K,) or this signifies not having with him a
spear; (S, * K;) and the first is sometimes expl. as having this particular
meaning: (TA:) pl. of the first, (S, O, K,) and of ↓
عُزُلٌ , (K, TA,)
عُزْلٌ and
عُزْلَانٌ and
عُزَّلٌ, (S, O, K,) which is anomalous, but made to accord with
حُسَّرٌ, pl. of the epithet
حَاسِرٌ, because nearly like it in meaning, (R, MF,) and
أَعْزَالٌ, (K,) or or this is pl. of ↓
عُزُلٌ , (O, TA,) and
مَعَازِيلُ, (IJ, K,) which is anomalous, (TA,) and this is pl. of ↓
مِعْزَالٌ (S, O, K) also. (K.) Hence, the epithet
الأَعْزَلُ is applied to one of the
سِمَاكَانِ, (S, O, K, TA,) i. e., to one of the two stars of which
each is called
السِّمَاكُ [q. v.]; (TA;) because, unlike [the other
سماك, i. e.]
الرَّامِحُ, it has no star [near] before it that is regarded as its
weapon; (S, * O, * K, * TA;) or because in the days of its rising [aurorally]
there is no cold nor wind. (O, K.) ― -b3- And A bird that cannot fly.
(MF, TA.) ― -b4- And Clouds (سَحَاب)
in which is no rain. (S, O, K.) ― -b5- And A horse having his tail
inclining to one side, (S, Mgh, O, K,) by habit, (S, O, K,) not
naturally. (S, O.) [See
عَزِلَ.] Hence the saying,
الأَعْزَلِ i. e. [I seek protection by God] from a [or
the] man having with him no weapon, upon a [or the]
horse of which the
عَسِيب [or bone of the tail, or part of the tail where the
hair grows,] is crooked. (TA.) ― -b6- And [app. as an epithet applied
to an ass or the like,] Deficient in one of the
حَرْقَفَتَانِ [which seems here to mean, in the crest of one of
the two hip-bones]. (IAar, O, K.) ― -b7- And The share, of
flesh-meat, of an absent man: (IAar, O, K: *) pl.
عُزْلٌ. (IAar, O.)
مَعْزِلٌ A place of removal, or separation of oneself: so
in the saying,
وَكَذَا [I was in a place, and hence in a state, of
removal, or separation, of myself, from such and such things; I was aloof
therefrom]. (TA.) See 8.
مَعْزِلٍ, in the Kur [xi. 44], means And he was aloof from the
ship [i. e. the ark], or from the religion of his father. (O, TA.) And one says,
بِمَعْزِلٍ [I am aloof from this affair]. (S, O.) And
بِمَعْزِلٍ Such a one is aloof from the truth. (Msb.)
مِعْزَالٌ A pastor who goes apart, or aside, with his cattle,
and pastures them in a place remote, or separate, from men, or the
people: (S, O:) or a pastor apart from others (K, TA) with his
camels depasturing the herbage not previously pastured upon and seeking
successively the places where rain had fallen: in this sense not an epithet
of discommendation, for the doing thus is an act of the courageous and valiant
of men: (TA:) pl.
مَعَازِيلُ. (S.) ― -b2- And One who alights apart, or
aloof, from the company of travellers; (K, TA; [من
السَّفَرِ in the CK should be
السَّفْرِ;]) who alights by himself; in which sense it is an
epithet of discommendation. (TA.) ― -b3- And One who separates himself from
the players at the game called
المَيْسِر, by reason of meanness. (S, O, K.) ― -b4- And One
who is alone in his opinion, having no one to share with him in it. (TA.) ―
-b5- See also
أَعْزَلُ in two places. ― -b6- Also Weak and stupid. (S, O,
مَعْزُولٌ [pass. part. n. of
عَزَلَهُ; Put, or set, apart, away, or aside;
لَمَعْزُولُونَ, in the Kur [xxvi. 212], means Verily they are
debarred, or precluded, from hearing [the speech of the angels].
المُعْتَزِلَةُ A sect of the
قَدَرِيَّة [q. v.], who asserted that they seceded from what were
in their estimation the two parties of error, the people of the
سُنَّة and
خَوَارِج: (O, K:) [therefore they were thus called, i. e.
the Seceders:] or they were thus called by El-Hasan (K, TA)
Ibn-Yesár El-Basree (TA) when Wásil Ibn-'Atŕ and his companions withdrew
from him to one of the columns of the mosque, [agreeably with a common
practice of lecturers in a mosque, each of them seating himself on the ground at
the foot of a column, while his hearers, with him, seated also on the ground,
form a ring,] and he (i. e. Wásil, TA) began to establish the dictum
of the condition between the two conditions, that the committer of a great sin
is not a believer absolutely (K, TA) nor an unbeliever absolutely (K,
TA, but not in the CK,) but between the two conditions: (K, TA:) and they
are also called ↓
العُزَّالُ . (TA.) Credit: