1 رَجِلَ  , (T, S, M, Msb, K,) aor. رَجَلَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. رَجَلٌ (T, S, M, Msb) and رُجْلَةٌ, (T, TA,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) He (a man) went on foot, in a journey, by himself, [i. e.] having no beast whereon to ride; (T, TA;) he had no beast whereon to ride, (M, K, TA,) in a journey, so went on his feet: (TA:) or he remained going on foot: so says AZ; and Ks says the like: (S:) or he was, or became, strong to walk, or go on foot: (Msb:) and ↓ ترجّل [in like manner] signifies he went on foot, (S, K, TA,) having alighted from his beast: (TA:) [used in the present day as meaning he alighted from his beast:] and ↓ ترجُلوا they alighted [upon their feet, or dismounted,] in war, or battle, to fight: and ↓ ارتجل he (a man) went on his legs, or feet, for the purpose of accomplishing the object of his want. (TA.) ― -b2- رَجِلَ, (M, K,) aor. رَجَلَ , (K,) [inf. n. رَجَلٌ, being similar to رَكِبَ, aor. رَجَلَ , inf. n. رَكَبٌ,] also signifies He (a man) was, or became, large in the رِجْل [i. e. leg, or foot]. (M, K: but omitted in some copies of the K.) ― -b3- And رُجِلَ, like عُنِىَ; and رَجِلَ, aor. رَجَلَ ; inf. n. [of the former] رِجْلَةٌ and [of the latter] رِجْلٌ; [so in the CK; but accord. to the rule of the K they should be رَجْلَةٌ and رَجْلٌ, as neither is expressly said to be with kesr; or the latter may be correctly رِجْلٌ, as رَجِلَ is said to be like عَلِمَ, of which the inf. n. is عِلْمٌ;] He had a complaint of his رِجْل [i. e. leg, or foot]: (CK; but omitted in other copies: both mentioned in the TA:) the latter verb is mentioned in this sense by El-Fárisee, and also on the authority of Kr. (TA.) ― -b4- And رَجِلَ مِنْ رِجْلِهِ He was, or became, affected in his leg, or foot, by something that he disliked. (TA.) ― -b5- And رَجِلَ, aor. رَجَلَ , (K, TA,) inf. n. رَجَلٌ, (TA,) He (a beast, such as a horse or the like,) had a whiteness in one of his رِجْلَانِ [i. e. hind legs or feet], (K, TA,) without a whiteness in any other part. (TA.) -A2- رَجِلَ, aor. رَجَلَ , (Msb, K,) inf. n. رَجَلٌ, (Msb, TA,) is also said of hair, (Msb, K,) meaning It was, or became, [wavy, or somewhat curly, i. e.] of a quality between lankness and crispness or curliness, (K,) or neither very crisp or curly, nor very lank, but between these two. (Msb, TA.) -A3- رَجَلَهُ, (CK, TA, omitted in some copies of the K,) [aor. رَجُلَ , as in similar verbs,] inf. n. رَجْلٌ, (TA,) He, or it, hit, or hurt, his رِجْلِ [i. e. leg, or foot]. (CK, TA.) ― -b2- رَجَلَ الشَّاةَ, (S, K,) or, accord. to the O and the Mufradát, رَجَلَ الشَّاةَ بِرِجْلِهَا, (TA,) and ↓ ارتجلها , (K,) He suspended the sheep, or goat, by its hind leg or foot: (S, O, K:) or the meaning is عَقَلَهَا بِرِجْلَيْهِ [app. he confined its shank and arm together with his feet, by pressing his feet upon its folded fore legs while it was lying on the ground], (K,) or, as in the M, بِرجْلِهِ [with his foot]. (TA.) ― -b3- رَجَلَتْ وَلَدَهَا, (K,) inf. n. رَجْلٌ; in the copies of the M written ↓ رَجَّلَتْ , with teshdeed; (TA;) She (a woman) brought forth her child preposterously, so that its legs came forth before its head. (K.) -A4- رَجَلَهَا, namely, the mother of a young camel, (K,) aor. رَجُلَ , inf. n. رَجْلٌ, (TA,) He sent the young one with her [to suck her whenever he would; as is implied by what immediately precedes]; as also ↓ أَرْجَلَهَا : (K:) or الفَصِيلَ أَرْجَلْتُ (so in two copies of the S and in the O) I left the young camel with his mother to such her whenever he pleased: (S, * O: [in one of my copies of the S رَجَلْتُ, which appears from what here follows to be a mistake:]) so says ISk: and he cites as an ex., “ حَتَّى فُطِمَا مُسَرْهَدٌ أُرْجِلَ
” [Fat, and well nourished: he was left with his mother to such her when he pleased until he was weaned]. (O.) [See also رَجَلٌ, below; where it is explained as though a quasi-inf. n. of أَرْجَلْتُ in the sense here assigned to it in the S and O, or inf. n. of رَجَلْتُ in the same sense.] ― -b2- And رَجَلَ أُمَّهُ, (S, K,) aor. رَجُلَ , inf. n. رَجْلٌ, (S,) He (a young camel, S, or a lamb, or kid, or calf, K, TA) sucked his mother. (S, K.) ― -b3- رَجَلٌ also signifies The act of [the stallion's] leaping the mare: (O, K, TA:) [i. e., as inf. n. of رَجَلَ; for] one says, بَاتَ الحِصَانُ يُرْجُلُ الخَيْلَ The stallion-horse passed the night leaping the mares. (TA; and so in the O, except that الخيل is there omitted.) ― -b4- And رَجَلَ المَرْأَةَ He compressed the woman. (TA.) -A5- [Golius says that رَجُلَ signifies Vir et virili animo fuit; as on the authority of J; and that رُجْلَةٌ is its inf. n.: but it seems that he found الرُّجْلَةُ incorrectly explained in a copy of the S as مَصْدَرُ رَجُلَ instead of مَصْدَرُ الرَّجُلِ: ISd expressly says that رُجْلَةٌ and its syns. (explained below) are of the number of those inf. ns. that have no verbs.]

2 رَجَّلَتْ وَلَدَهَا  [app. a mistranscription]: see 1, in the latter half of the paragraph. -A2- تَرْجِيلٌ [the inf. n.] signifies The making, or rendering, strong. (Ibn-'Abbád, K.) -A3- رجّل الشَّعَرَ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K,) inf. n. تَرْجِيلٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He made the hair to be [wavy, or somewhat curly, i. e.] not very crisp or curly, nor lank, (S,) or in a state between that of lankness and that of crispness or curliness: (K:) or he combed the hair; (Msb, TA;) either his own hair, [see 5,] or that of another: (Msb:) or he combed down the hair; i. e., let it down, or made it to hang down, by means of the comb: (Mgh:) Er-Rághib says, as though he made it to descend at the رِجْل [or foot], i. e. from its places of growth; but this requires consideration: (MF:) or he combed and anointed the hair: (TA voce عَسِبٌ:) or he washed and combed the hair. (Ham p. 356.)

4 ارجلهُ  He made him to go on foot; (S, K, TA;) to alight from his beast. (TA.) -A2- And He granted him some delay, or respite; let him alone, or left him, for a while. (S, K.) ― -b2- أَرْجَلْتُ الحِصَانَ فِى الخَيْلِ I sent-the stallion-horse among the mares. (TA.) ― -b3- See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph, in three places.

5 تَرَجَّلَ see 1, first sentence, in two places. ― -b2- ترجّل فِى البِئْرِ, (S, Msb, K,) and ترجّل البِئْرَ, (K,) He descended into the well (S, Msb, K) [by means of his feet, or legs, alone, i. e.,] without his being let down, or lowered, or suspended [by means of a rope]. (S, Msb.) ― -b3- ترجّل الزَّنْدَ, and ↓ ارتجلهُ , [or, more probably, ارتجل الزَّنْدَةَ, and ترجّلها, (see مُرْتَجِلٌ,)] He put the زند [or the زندة; (the former meaning the upper, and the latter the lower, of the two pieces of wood used for producing fire,)] beneath his feet: (M, K:) or ↓ ارتجل signifies he (a man come from a distant country) struck fire, and held the زَنْد [here app. meaning (as in many other instances) the زند properly so called and the زندة] with his hands and his feet, [i. e. the زند with his hands and the زندة with his feet,] because he was alone. (TA. [See مُرْتَجِلٌ.]) -A2- [ترجّل He became a رَجُل, or man; he rose to manhood. (See an explanation of ترجّل النَّهَارُ, in what follows.) And] ترجّلت She (a woman, TA) became like a رَجُل [or man] (K, TA) in some of her qualities, or states, or predicaments. (TA.) ― -b2- ترجّل النَّهَارُ i. q. اِرْتَفَعَ (tropical:) [i. e. The day became advanced, the sun being somewhat high]; (S, IAth, O, K, TA;) it being likened to the rising of a man from youth; (IAth, TA;) and so النهار ارتجل : or, accord. to Er-Rághib, the former means the sun went down from [or below] the walls; as though it alighted (كَأَنَّهَا تَرَجَّلَتْ [in a proper sense of this verb: see 1, first sentence]). (TA.) -A3- And ترجّل He combed his own hair: (Msb:) or he combed down his own hair; i. e., let it down, or made it to hang down, by means of the comb: (Mgh:) or he anointed [or washed] and combed his own hair. (TA. [See 2.]) Hence, نَهَى عَنِ التَّرَجُّلِ إِِلَّا غِبًّا (Mgh, TA) He [Mohammad] forbade the anointing and combing of one's own hair except it be less frequent than every day. (TA.)

8 ارتجل  : see 1, first sentence. ― -b2- Said of a horse, (in his running, TA,) He mixed the pace termed العَنَق with that termed الهَمْلَجَة, (T, TA,) or the former pace with somewhat of the latter, and thus, (S,) he went those two paces alternately, (S, K,) somewhat of the former and somewhat of the latter. (S.) -A2- He took a man by his رِجْل [i. e. leg, or foot]. (S, TA.) ― -b2- ارتجل الشَّاةَ: see 1, in the middle of the paragraph. ― -b3- ارتجل الرَّنْدَ [or الزَّنْدَةَ], and ارتجل alone in a similar sense: see 5, in two places. -A3- [He extemporized a speech or verses; spoke it or them extemporaneously, impromptu, or without premeditation;] he began an oration (a خُطْبَة), and poetry, without his having prepared it beforehand; (S;) he spoke a speech (Msb, K) without consideration or thought, (Msb,) or without his having prepared it; (K;) he recited it, or related it, standing, without forecast, consideration, thought, or meditation; so accord. to Er-Rághib [who seems to have held this to be the primary signification of the verb when relating to a speech or the like]; or without reiteration, and without pausing, halting, or hesitating. (TA.) And ارتجل الشَّىْءَ [He did, performed, or produced, the thing without premeditation, or previous preparation]. (TA in art. خرع.) [And ارتجل اسْمًا He coined a name.] ― -b2- ارتجل بِرَأْيِهِ He was, or became, alone, or independent of others, with none to take part or share or participate with him, in his opinion, (Msb, K, TA,) without consulting any one respecting it, (Msb, TA,) and kept constantly, or perseveringly, to it. (Msb.) [Hence,] أَمْرُكَ مَا ارْتَجَلْتَ Thine affair [to which thou shouldst keep] is that respecting which thou art alone [&c.] in thine opinion. (K.) And اِرْتَجِلْ مَا ارْتَجَلْتَ مِنَ الأَمْرِ is explained in the T as meaning اِرْكَبْ مَا رَكِبْتَ مِنْهُ [i. e. Undertake thou what thou hast undertaken of the affair: but it may rather signify keep thou to what thou hast undertaken of the affair; agreeably with what here follows]. (TA.) One says also, ↓ اِرْتَجِلْ رَجْلَكَ Keep thou to thine affair: (IAar, M, K, TA:) in [some of] the copies of the K, erroneously, رَجَلَكَ. (TA.) -A4- He collected a detached number (قِطْعَة [or رِجْل]) of locusts, to roast, or fry, them. (S.) -A5- He set up a مِرْجَل [q. v.], to cook food in it: (T, TA:) or he cooked food in a مِرْجَل. (K.) -A6- ارتجل النَّهَارُ: see 5.

10 استرجل  He desired, or requested, to be, or to go, on foot. (KL.) رَجْلٌ  : see رَجُلٌ: ― -b2- and رَاجِلٌ; the latter in two places. -A2- See also رَجِلٌ, in two places. -A3- اِرْتَجِلْ رَجْلَكَ, in some of the copies of the K, erroneously, رَجَلَكَ: see 8, near the end of the paragraph. رِجْلٌ  [The leg of a human being and of a bird, and the kind leg of a quadruped; in each of these senses opposed to يَدٌ;] the part from the root of the thigh to the [sole of] the foot of a man [and of any animal]; (Mgh, Msb, K:) رِجْلُ الإِِنْسَانِ meaning that [limb] with which the man walks: (Msb:) or the foot of a man [and of a bird, and the kind foot of a quadruped: or rather it signifies thus in many instances; but generally as before explained: and sometimes, by a synecdoche, it is used in a yet larger sense, as will be explained below]: (K:) of the fem. gender: (Zj, Msb, TA:) pl. أَرْجُلٌ: (S, Msb, K, &c.:) it has no other pl. (Msb, TA) known to Sb; (TA;) the pl. of pauc. being also used as a pl. of mult. in this instance. (IJ, TA.) [Hence,] الرِّجْلُ جُبَارٌ [The hind leg or foot, or it may here mean the leg or foot absolutely, is a thing of which no account, or for which no retaliation or mulct, is taken]: i. e., if a beast tread upon a man with its رِجْل, there is no retaliation or mulct, if in motion; but if the beast be standing still in the road, or way, the rider is responsible, whether it strike with a يَد or a رِجْل. (TA.) And هُوَ قَائِمٌ عَلَى رِجْلٍ [lit. He is standing upon a single leg; meaning] (assumed tropical:) he is setting about, or betaking himself to, an affair that presses severely, or heavily, upon him, or that straitens him. (T, K, TA. [In the CK, حَزَنَهُ is erroneously put for حَزَبَهُ.]) And أَنَا عَلَى رِجْلٍ (assumed tropical:) I am in fear, or fright, lest a thing should escape me. (TA.) ― -b2- ذُو الرِّجْلِ [as though meaning The onelegged;] a certain idol, of El-Hijáz. (TA.) ― -b3- رِجْلُ الجَبَّارِ (assumed tropical:) The very bright star [3, called by our astronomers “ Rigel, ” and also called by the Arabs رِجْلُ الجَوْزَآءِ اليُسْرَى,] upon the left foot of Orion. (Kzw.) [And رِجْلُ الجَوْزَآءِ اليُمْنَى (assumed tropical:) The star k upon the right leg of Orion.] ― -b4- رِجْلُ الغُرَابِ (assumed tropical:) A certain plant, (K,) called also رِجْلُ الرَّاغِ, the root, or lower part, of which, when cooked, is good for chronic diarrhśa; mentioned in art. غرب [q. v.]. (TA.) Also A certain mode of binding the udder of a camel, so that the young one cannot suck, therewith, nor will it undo: (S, K:) whence the phrase صَرَّ رِجْلَ الغُرَابِ, for صَرَّ صَرًّا مِثْلَ صَرِّرِجْلِ الغُرَابِ. (TA.) El-Kumeyt says, “ صَرَّ رِجْلَ الغُرَابِ مُلْكُكَ فِى النَّا
سِ عَلَى مَنْ أَرَادَ فِيهِ الفُجُورَا
” (assumed tropical:) [Thy dominion among the people has bound with a bond not to be undone him who desires, within the scope of it, transgression]: (S, TA:) i. e. thy dominion has become firm so that it cannot be undone; like as what is termed رجل الغراب cannot be undone by the young camel. (TA.) And one says, صُرَّ عَلَيْهِ رِجْلُ الغُرَابِ, meaning (tropical:) The affair was, or became, difficult to him: (K and TA in art. غرب:) or his life, or subsistence, was, or became, difficult to him. (TA in that art.) ― -b5- رِجْلُ الجَرَادِ (assumed tropical:) A certain plant, like البَقْلَةُ اليَمَانِيَّةُ [see art. بقل: accord. to Golius, the former appellation is applied to a species of atriplex, or orache]. (IAar, K.) ― -b6- [And several other plants have similar appellations in the present day.] ― -b7- رِجْلُ الطَّائِرِ (assumed tropical:) A certain مِيسَم [i. e. branding-instrument, or brand]. (S, K.) ― -b8- رِجْلُ البَابِ (assumed tropical:) The foot, or heel, of the door, upon which it turns in a socket in the threshold. (MA.) ― -b9- رِجْلُ القَوْسِ (assumed tropical:) The lower curved extremity of the bow; (Kh, S, K;) the upper curved extremity being called its يَد: (Kh, S:) or the part below its كَبِد [q. v.]: accord. to AHn, it is more complete, or perfect, than its يد: accord. to IAar, أَرْجُلُ القَوْسِ means, when the string is bound, or braced, the upper parts of the bow; and أَيْدِيهَا, its lower parts; and the former are stronger than the latter: and he cites the saying, “ لَيْتَ القِسىَّ كُلُّهَا مِنْ أَرْجُلِ
” [Would that the bows were all of them, or wholly, of what are termed أَرْجُل]: the two extremities of the bow, he says, are called its ظُفْرَانِ; and its two notches, its فُرْضَتَانِ; and its curved ends, its سِئَتَانش; and after the سئتان are the طَائِفَانِ; and after the طائفان, the أَبْهَرَانِ; and the portion between the ابهران is its كَبِد; this being between the two knots of the suspensory. (TA.) ― -b10- رِجْلَا السَّهْمِ (assumed tropical:) The two extremities of the arrow. (K, * TA. [In the former it is implied that the phrase is رِجْلُ السَّهْمِ.]) ― -b11- رِجْلُ بَحْرٍ (tropical:) A canal (خليج) of a بحر [or large river]. (Kr, K, TA.) ― -b12- رِجْلٌ also signifies (tropical:) A part, or portion, of a thing: (K, TA:) of the fem. gender. (TA.) It is said in a trad. of 'Áďsheh, أَهْدَى لَنَا أَبُو بَكْرٍ رِجْلَ شَاةٍ مَشْوِيَّةٍ فَقَسَمْتُهَا إِِلَّا كَتِفِهَا, meaning (tropical:) [Aboo-Bekr gave to us] the half of a roasted sheep, or goat, divided lengthwise [and I divided it into shares, except its shoulder-blade, or its shoulder]: she called the half thus by a synecdoche: (IAth, O, TA:) or she meant the leg (رجْل) thereof, with what was next to it [for مما يَلِيهَا in the O and TA, I read بِمَا يَلِيهَا] of the lateral half: or she thus alluded to the whole thereof, like as one does by the term رَأْس. (O, TA. [But see what here next follows.]) And in another trad., the رِجْل of a [wild] ass is mentioned as a gift, meaning (tropical:) One of the two lateral halves: or, as some say, the thigh: (TA:) and it is explained as meaning the whole; but this is a mistake. (Mgh.) ― -b13- Also (assumed tropical:) The half of a رَاوِيَة [or pair of leathern bags, such as are borne by a camel, one on each side,] of wine, and of olive-oil. (AHn, K.) ― -b14- It is also applied by some to (assumed tropical:) A pair of trousers or drawers; and رِجْلُ سَرَاوِيلَ occurs in this sense in a trad., for رِجْلَا سَرَاوِيلَ; like زَوْجُ خُفٍّ and زَوْجُ نَعْلٍ, whereas each is properly زَوْجَانِ; for the سراويل are of the articles of clothing for the two legs: (IAth, TA:) this is what is meant by the saying in the K [and in the O likewise] that الرِّجْلُ also signifies السَّرَاوِيلُ [app. for مِنَ السَّرَاوِيلِ الطَّاقُ]. (TA.) ― -b15- Also (assumed tropical:) A swarm, or numerous assemblage, of locusts: (S:) or a detached number (قِطْعَةٌ) thereof: (K:) [or] one says [or says also] رِجْلُ جَرَادٍ, (S, TA,) and رِجْلٌ مِنْ جَرَادٍ: it is masc. and fem.: (TA:) a pl. without a proper sing.; like عَانَةٌ (a herd of [wild] asses, S) and خِيطٌ (a flock of ostriches, S) and صُِوَارٌ (a herd of [wild] bulls or cows, S): (S, K:) pl. أَرْجَالٌ; (K:) and so in the next two senses here following. (TA.) ― -b16- And hence, as being likened thereto, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) An army: (K:) or a numerous army. (TA.) ― -b17- Also (assumed tropical:) A share in a thing. (IAar, K.) So in the saying, لِى فِى مَالِكَ رِجْلٌ (assumed tropical:) [To me belongs a share in thy property]. (TA.) ― -b18- And (tropical:) A time. (TA.) One says, كَانَ ذٰلِكَ عَلِى رِجْلِ فُلَانٍ (tropical:) That was in the time of such a one; (S, K, TA;) in his life-time: (K, TA:) like the phrase على رَأْسِ فُلَانٍ. (TA.) ― -b19- Also (assumed tropical:) Precedence. (Abu-l- Mekárim, K.) When the files of camels are collected together, an owner, or attendant, of camels says, لِىَ الرِّجْلُ, i. e. (assumed tropical:) [The precedence belongs to me; or] I precede: and another says, لَا بَلِ الرِّجْلُ لِى (assumed tropical:) [Nay, but the precedence belongs to me]: and they contend together for it, each unwilling to yield it to the other: (Abu-l-Mekárim, TA:) pl. أَرْجَالٌ: (K:) and so in the senses here following. (TA.) ― -b20- And (assumed tropical:) Distress; straitness of the means of subsistence or of the conveniences of life; a state of pressing want; misfortune; or calamity; and poverty. (O, K.) -A2- Also A man who sleeps much: (O, K:) fem. with ة. (TA.) ― -b2- And A man such as is termed قَاذُورَةٌ [which means foul in language; evil in disposition: one who cares not what he does or says: very jealous: one who does not mix, or associate as a friend, with others, because of the evilness of his disposition, nor alight with them: &c.: see art. قذر]. (O, K.) -A3- Also Blank paper; (O, K, * TA;) without writing. (TA.) رَجَلٌ  : see رَاجِلُ, first sentence: -A2- and see also رَجِلٌ, in two places. -A3- [It is also explained as here follows, as though a quasi-inf. n. of 4 in a sense mentioned in the first paragraph on the authority of the S and O, or inf. n. of رَجَلَ in the same sense; thus:] The sending, (S, O,) or leaving, (K, TA,) a lamb or kid or calf, (S, O, TA,) or a young camel, (K, TA,) and a colt, (TA,) with its mother, to such her whenever it pleases: (S, O, K:) [but I rather think that this is a loose explanation of the meaning implied by رَجَلٌ used as an epithet; for it is added in the S and O immediately, and in the K shortly after, that] one says بَهْمَةٌ رَجَلٌ (S, O, K) and ↓ رَجِلٌ (K) [meaning, as indicated in the S and O, A lamb, or hid, or calf, sent with its mother to such her whenever it pleases, or, as indicated in the K, sucking, or that sucks, its mother]: pl. أَرْجَالٌ. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- Also A horse [i. e. a stallion] sent upon the خَيْل [meaning mares, to leap them]: (K:) and in like manner one says خَيْلٌ رَجَلٌ, [using it as a pl., app. meaning horses so sent,] (K accord. to the TA,) or ↓ خَيْلٌ رَجِلَةٌ . (CK, and so in my MS. copy of the K: [perhaps it should be رَجَلَةٌ.]) رَجُلٌ  (S, O, Mgh, Msb, K &c.) and ↓ رَجْلٌ , (O, K,) the latter a dial. var., (O,) or, accord. to Sb and El-Fárisee, a quasi-pl. n., [but app. of رَاجِلٌ, not of رَجُلٌ,] called by Abu-l-Hasan a pl., (TA,) A man, as meaning the male of the human species; (Msb;) the opposite of اِمْرَأَةٌ: (S, O, Mgh:) applied only to one who has attained to puberty and manhood: (K, * TA:) or as soon as he is born, (K, TA,) and afterwards also: (TA:) pl. رِجَالٌ, (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.,) [applied in the Kur lxxii. 6 to men and to jinn (or genii), like نَاسٌ and أُنَاسٌ, and likewise a pl. of رَاجِلٌ, and of its syn. رَجْلَانُ,] and رجَالَاتٌ, (S, K,) said by some to be a pl. pl., (TA,) and ↓ رَجْلَةٌ , (Sb, Msb, K, TA, in the CK رِجْلَةٌ, [which is a mistake, as is shown by what follows,]) of the measure فَعْلَةٌ, with fet-h to the ف, (Msb,) [but this is, properly speaking, a quasi-pl. n.,] said to be the only instance of its kind except كَمْأَةٌ, which, however, some say is a n. un. like others of the same form belonging to [coll.] gen. ns., (Msb,) used as a pl. of pauc. instead of أَرْجَالٌ, (Sb, Ibn-Es-Serráj, Msb, TA,) because they assigned to رَجُلٌ no pl. of pauc., (Sb, TA,) not saying أَرْجَالٌ (TA) [nor رِجْلَةٌ], and ↓ رَجِلَةٌ , mentioned by AZ as another pl., but this [also] is a quasi-pl. n., and of it Abu-l-' Abbás holds ↓ رَجْلَةٌ to be a contraction, (TA,) and رِجَلَةٌ (Ks, K) and أَرَاجِلُ (Ks, S, K) and [another quasi-pl. n. is] ↓ مَرْجَلٌ . (IJ, K.) شَهِيدَيْنِ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ, in the Kur [ii. 282], means [Two witnesses] of the people of your religion. (TA.) [رَجُلٌ also signifies A woman's husband: and the dual] رَجُلَانِ [sometimes] means A man and his wife; predominance being thus attributed to the former. (IAar, TA.) And ↓ رَجُلَةٌ signifies A woman: (S, K:) or, accord. to Er-Rághib, a woman who is, or affects to be, or makes herself, like a man in some of her qualities, or states, or predicaments. (TA.) It is said of 'Áďsheh, (S, TA,) in a trad., which confirms this latter explanation, (TA,) كَانَتْ الرَّأْىِ, ↓ رَجُلَةَ , (S, TA,) meaning She was like a man in judgment. (TA. [See also مَرْجَلَانِيَّةٌ.]) The dim. of رَجُلٌ is ↓ رُجَيْلٌ and ↓ رُوَيْجِلٌ : (S, K:) the former reg.: (TA:) the latter irreg., as though it were dim. of رَاجِلٌ: (S, TA:) [but it seems that رُوَيْجِلٌ is properly the dim. of رَاجِلٌ, though used as that of رَجُلٌ.] One says, هُوَ رَجُلُ وَحْدِهِ [He is a man unequalled, or that has no second], (IAar, L in art. وحد,) and وَحْدِهِ رُجَيْلُ [A little man (probably meaning the contrary) unequalled, &c.]. (S and L in that art.) And it is said in a trad., إِِنْ صَدَقَ أَفْلَحَ الرُّوَيْجِلُ [The little man prospers if he speak truth] (TA.) ― -b2- Also One much given to coition: (Az, O, K:) used in this sense by the Arabs of ElYemen: and some of the Arabs term such a one عُصْفُورِىٌّ. (O, TA.) ― -b3- And i. q. رَاجِلٌ, q. v. (Mgh, Msb, K.) ― -b4- And Perfect, or complete [in respect of bodily vigour or the like]: ('Eyn, O, K, TA: [in the CK, والرّاجِلُ الكَامِلُ is erroneously put for والراَجل والكامل:]) or strong and perfect or complete: sometimes it has this meaning, as an epithet: and when thus used, Sb allows its being in the gen. case in the phrase, مَرَرْتُ بِرَجُلٍ رَجُلٍ أَبُوهُ [I passed by a man whose father is strong &c.]; though the nom. case is more common: he says, also, that when you say, هُوَ الرَّجُلُ, you may mean that he is perfect or complete, or you may mean any man that speaks and that walks upon two legs. (M, TA.) -A2- [In the CK, شَعَرٌ رَجُلٌ is erroneously put for شَعَرٌ رَجْلٌ: and, in the same, رَجُلُ الشَّعَرِ, as syn. with رَجِلُ الشَّعَرِ, is app. a mistake for رَجْلُ الشَّعَرِ; but it is mentioned in this sense by 'Iyád:] see the paragraph here following. رَجِلٌ  ; and its fem., with ة: see رَاجِلٌ. -A2- شَعَرٌ رَجِلٌ (ISk, S, Msb, K) and ↓ رَجَلٌ (ISk, S, K) and ↓ رَجْلٌ , (Msb, K, [in the CK, erroneously, رَجُلٌ,]) Hair [that is wavy, or somewhat curly, i. e.] of a quality between [بَيْنَ, for which بَيِّنُ is erroneously put in the CK,] lankness and crispness or curliness, (K,) or not very crisp or curly, nor lank, (ISk, S,) or neither very crisp or curly, nor very lank, but between these two. (Msb, TA.) ― -b2- And رَجِلُ الشَّعَرِ and ↓ رَجَلُهُ (ISd, Sgh, K) and ↓ رَجْلُهُ (ISd, K, TA, but accord. to the CK as next follows,] and ↓ رَجُلُهُ , with damm to the ج, added by 'Iyád, in the Meshárik, (MF, TA,) A man having hair such as is described above: pl. أَرْجَالٌ and رَجَالَى; (M, K;) the former, most probably, accord. to analogy, pl. of رَجْلٌ; but both may be pls. of رَجِلٌ and رَجَلٌ: accord. to Sb, however, رَجَلٌ has no broken pl., its pl. being only رَجَلُونَ. (M, TA.) -A3- See also رَجَلٌ, in two places. رَجْلَةٌ  : see رَجُلٌ, first sentence, in two places: ― -b2- and رَاجِلٌ. -A2- See also the next paragraph. رُجْلَةٌ  The going on foot; (T, S, * M, TA;) the act of the man who has no beast [to carry him]; (T, TA;) an inf. n. (T, S, TA) of رَجِلَ: (T, TA: [see 1, first sentence:]) or it signifies strength to walk, or go on foot; (Msb, K;) and is a simple subst.: (Msb:) and also excellence of a دَابَّة [meaning horse or ass or mule] and of a camel in endurance of long journeying; in which sense [Az says] I have not heard any verb belonging to it except [by implication] in the epithets رَجِيلَةٌ, applied to a she-camel, and رَجِيلٌ, applied to an ass and to a man: (T, TA:) and (M) ↓ رِجْلَةٌ , with kesr, signifies vehemence, or strength, of walking or going on foot; (M, K;) as also ↓ رَجْلَةٌ . (K. [In the K is then added, “ or with damm, strength to walk, or go on foot; ” but it seems evident that we should read “ and with damm, ” &c., agreeably with the passage in the M, in which the order of the two clauses is the reverse of their order in the K.]) One says, حَمَلَكَ اللّٰهُ عَنِ الرُّجْلَةِ and مِنَ الرُّجْلَةِ, i. e. [May God give thee a beast to ride upon, and so relieve thee from going on foot, or] from the act of the man who has no beast. (T, TA.) And هُوَ ذُو رُجْلَةٍ He has strength to walk, or go on foot. (Msb.) ― -b2- And The state, or condition, of being a رَجُل [or man, or male human being; generally meaning manhood, or manliness, or manfulness]; (S, K;) as also ↓ رُجُولَةٌ (Ks, S, TA) and ↓ رُجُولِيَّةٌ (IAar, S, K) and ↓ رَجُولِيَّةٌ (Ks, T, K) and ↓ رُجْلِيَّةٌ ; (K) of the class of inf. ns. that have no verbs belonging to them. (ISd, TA.) -A2- And The having a complaint of the رِجْل [i. e. leg, or foot]. (TA.) ― -b2- And in a horse, (S,) or beast, (دَابَّة, K,) A whiteness, (K,) or the having a whiteness, (S,) in one of the رِجْلَانِ [i. e. hind legs or feet], (S, K,) without a whiteness in any other part; (TA;) as also ↓ تَرُجِيلٌ (K.) This is disliked, unless there be in him some other [similar] وَضَح. (S.) رِجْلَةٌ  : see the next preceding paragraph, first sentence. -A2- [Also, accord. to the K, a pl. of رَاجلٌ or of one of its syns.] -A3- And A herd, or detached number collected together, of wild animals. (IB, TA.) -A4- And A place in which grow [plants, or trees, of the kind called] عَرْفَج, (K,) accord. to Az, in which grow many thereof, (TA,) in one رَوْضَة [or meadow]. (K.) ― -b2- And A water-course, or channel in which water flows, (S, K,) from a [stony tract such as is called] حَرَّة to a soft, or plain, tract: (K:) pl. رِجَلٌ; (S, K;) a term similar to مَذَانِبُ [pl. of مِذْنَبٌ]: so says Er-Rághib: the waters (he says) pour to it, and it retains them: and on one occasion he says, the رِجْلَة is like the قَرِيّ; it is wide, and people alight in it: he says also, it is a water-course of a plain, or soft, tract, such as is ملباث, or, as in one copy, مِنْبَات [which is app. the right reading, meaning productive of much herbage]. (TA.) -A5- الرِجْلَةُ also signifies A species of the [kind of plants called] حَيْض. (K.) ― -b2- And, accord. to [some of] the copies of the K [in this place], The عَرْفَج; but correctly the فَرْفَخ [as in the CK here, and in the K &c. in art. فرفخ]; (TA;) i. q. البَقْلَةُ الحَمُقَآءُ; (S, Msb, TA;) thus the people commonly called it; i. e. البقلةالحمقآء; (TA;) [all of these three appellations being applied to Purslane, or purslain; and generally to the garden purslane:] it is [said to be] called الحمقآء because it grows not save in a water-course: (S: [i. e. the wild sort: but see art. حمق:]) whence the saying, أَحْمَقُ مِنْ رِجْلَةٍ [explained in art. حمق], (S, K,) meaning this بَقْلَة: (TA:) the vulgar say, مِنْ رِجْلِهِ. (S, K, TA. [In the CK, erroneously, من رَجْلَةٍ.]) رَجُلَةٌ  : see رَجُلٌ in two places. رَجِلَةٌ  a quasi-pl. n. of رَجُلٌ q. v. (TA.) -A2- [Also fem. of the epithet رَجِلٌ.] رجْلَي  fem. of رَجْلَانُ: see رَاجِلٌ near the end of the paragraph. ― -b2- حَرَّةٌ رَجْلَي and ↓ رَجْلَآءُ A [stony tract such as is called] حَرَّة that is rough [or rugged], in which one goes on foot: or level, but abounding with stones: (K:) or rough and difficult, in which one cannot go except on foot: (TA:) or the latter signifies level, but abounding with stones, in which it is difficult to go along: (S:) or hard and rough, which horses and camels cannot traverse, and none can but a man on foot: (AHeyth, TA:) or that impedes the feet by its difficulty. (Er-Rághib, TA.) -A2- رَجْلَي is also a pl. of رَجْلَانُ: (S:) [and app. of رَجِيلٌ also.] رَجْلَآءُ  fem. of أَرْجَلُ [q. v.]. ― -b2- See also the next preceding paragraph. رَجَلِيٌّ  sing. of رَجَلِيُّونَ, which latter is applied, with the article ال to Certain men who used to run (كَانُوا يَعْدُونَ, so in the O and K, but in the T يَغْزُونَ [which is evidently a mistranscription], TA) upon their feet; as also ↓ رُجَيْلَآءُ , in like manner with the article ال: (O, K, TA:) in the T, the sing. is written رَجْلِيٌّ; and said to be a rel. n. from الرُّجْلَةُ; which requires consideration: (TA:) they were Suleyk El-Makánib, (O, K, TA,) i. e. Ibn-Sulakeh, (TA,) and El-Munteshir Ibn-Wahb El-Báhilee, and Owfŕ Ibn-Matar ElMázinee. (O, K, TA. [All these were famous runners.]) رُجْلِيَّةٌ  : see رُجْلَةٌ. رَجْلَانُ  ; and its fem., رَجْلَي: see رَاجِلٌ. رُجَالٌ  [a quasi-pl. n.] : see رَاجِلٌ. رَجِيلٌ  : see رَاجِلٌ, in two places. ― -b2- Also i. q. مَشَّآءٌ; and so ↓ رَاجِلٌ ; (K;) i. e. (TA) [That walks, or goes on foot, much; or a good goer; or] strong to walk, or go, or go on foot; (S, in explanation of the latter, and TA;) applied to a man, (S, K, TA,) and to a camel, and an ass: (TA:) or the latter, a man that walks, or goes on foot, much and well: and strong to do so,. with patient endurance: and a beast, such as a horse or an ass or a mule, and a camel, that endures long journeying with patience: fem. with ة: (T, TA:) or, applied to a horse, that does not become attenuated, or chafed, abraded, or worn, in the hoofs [by journeying] : (S, O:) or, so applied, that does not sweat: and rendered submissive, or manageable; broken, or trained: (K, * TA:) the fem., with ة is also applied to a woman, as meaning strong to walk, or go on foot: (TA:) pl. رَجْلَي [most probably of رَجِيلٌ, agreeably with analogy,] and رَجَالَي. (K.) ― -b3- Also A place of which the two extremities are far apart: (M, K, * TA:) in the copies of the K, الطَّرِيقَيْنِ is here erroneously put for الطَّرَفَيْنِ: and the M adds, trodden, or rendered even, or easy to be travelled: (TA:) or rugged and hard land or ground: (O, TA:) and a hard place: and a rugged, difficult, road, in a mountain. (TA.) -A2- Also, applied to speech, i. q. مُرْتَجَلٌ [i. e. Extemporized; spoken extemporaneously, impromptu, or without premeditation]. (O, K, TA.) رُجَيْلٌ  dim. of رَجُلٌ, which see, in two places. رُجُولَةٌ  : see رُجْلَةٌ. رَجُولِيَّةٌ  : see رُجْلَةٌ. رُجُولِيَّةٌ  : see رُجْلَةٌ. رُجَيْلَآءُ  : see رَجَلِيٌّ ― -b2- وَلَدَتْهَا الرُّجَيْلَآءَ They (sheep or goats) brought them forth [i. e. their young ones] one after another. (El-Umawee, T, S, O, K.) رَجَّالٌ  i. q. رَاجِلٌ, q. v. (Az, TA.) رَجَّالَةٌ  : quasi-pl. ns. of رَاجِلٌ, q. v. رُجَّالَي  : quasi-pl. ns. of رَاجِلٌ, q. v. رَاجِلٌ  (S, Mgh, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ رَجُلٌ , (Mgh, Msb, K,) the latter of the dial. of El-Hijáz, (MF,) in copies of the M written ↓ رَجَلٌ , (TA,) and ↓ رَجِلٌ (S, K) and ↓ رَجِيلٌ [afterwards mentioned as a quasi-pl. n.] (K) and ↓ رَجْلَانُ (S, K) and ↓ رَجْلٌ , (K,) but this last is said by Sb to be a quasi-pl. n., (TA,) Going, or a goer, on foot; a pedestrian; a footman; the opposite of فَارِسٌ; (S, Msb;) one having no beast whereon to ride, (K, TA,) in a journey, and therefore going on his feet: (TA:) see also رَجِيلٌ : pl. ↓ رَجَّالَةٌ , (Ks, T, S, M, Msb, K,) [or rather this is a quasi-pl. n.,] written by MF رِجَالَةٌ, as on the authority of AHei, but the former is the right, (TA,) and رُجَّالٌ (Ks, T, S, M, Msb, K) and ↓ رَجْلٌ , (S, Msb, TA,) this last mentioned before as being said by Sb to be a quasi-pl. n., (TA,) like صَحْبٌ (S, Msb, TA) and رَكْبٌ, and occurring in the Kur xvii. 66, (TA,) all of رَاجِلٌ, (S, Msb,) and رِجَالٌ, (S, M, K,) of رَجْلَانُ (S) and of رَاجِلٌ, (TA,) [but more commonly of رَجُلٌ, q. v.,] and رَجْلَي, (S, O, K,) of رَجْلَانُ, (S, O,) and رَجَالَي, (S, M, K,) of رَجِلٌ, (S,) or of رَجْلَانُ, (TA,) and رُجَالَي and رُجْلَانٌ, (M, K,) which last is of رَاجِلٌ or of رَجِيلٌ, (TA,) and رِجْلَةٌ [a pl. of pauc.], (M, K,) written by MF رَجَلَةٌ, and if so, of رَاجِلٌ, like as كَتَبَةٌ is pl. of كَاتِبٌ, (TA,) and ↓ رَجْلَةٌ , (T, M, K,) [but this is a quasi-pl. n., mentioned before as of رَجُلٌ, q. v.,] and أَرْجِلَةٌ, (M, K,) which may be pl. of رِجَالٌ, which is pl. of رَاجِلٌ, (IJ,) and أَرَاجِلُ, (M, K,) which may be pl. of the pl. أَرْجِلَةٌ, (IJ,) and أَرَاجِيلُ, (M, K,) and to the foregoing pls. mentioned in the K are to be added (TA) رِجَلَةٌ, (Ks, M, TA) which is of رَجُلٌ, (TA,) and رُجَّلٌ, like سُكَّرٌ, (AHei, TA,) and [the quasi-pl. ns.] ↓ رُجَّالَي , (Ks, T, M, AHei, TA,) termed by MF an anomalous pl., (TA,) and ↓ رُجَالٌ , (AHei, TA,) said by MF to be extr., of the class of رُخَالٌ, (TA,) and ↓ رَجِيلٌ , (AHei, TA,) said to be a quasi-pl. n. like مَعِيزٌ and كَلِيبٌ. (TA.) Az says, I have heard some of them say ↓ رَجَّالٌ as meaning رَاجِلٌ; and its pl. is رَجَاجِيلُ. (TA.) And رَاجِلَةٌ and ↓ رَجِلَةٌ are applied in the same sense to a woman, (Lth, TA,) and so is ↓ رَجْلَي [fem. of رَجْلَانُ, like غَضْبَي fem. of غَضْبَانُ]: (S:) and the pl. [of the first] is رَوَاجِلُ (TA) and ([of the first or second or] of the third, S) رِجَالٌ (Lth, S, TA) and رَجَالَي. (S.) ― -b2- Lh mentions the saying, لَا تَفْعَلْ كَذَا أُمُّكَ رَاجِلٌ, but does not explain it: it seems to mean [Do not thus:] may thy mother mourn, and be bereft of thee. (TA.) -A2- نَاقَةٌ رَاجِلٌ عَلَى وَلَدِهَا means A she-camel [left to give suck to her young one,] not having her udder bound with the صِرَار [q. v.]. (K.) رَاجِلَةٌ  The pastor's كَبْش [or ram] upon which he conveys, or puts to be borne, his utensils. (AA, O, K.) So in the saying of a poet, “ فَظَلَّ يَعْمِتُ فِى قَوْطٍ وَرَاجِلَةٍ
يُكَفِّتُ الدَّهْرَ إِِلَّا رَيْثَ يَهْتَبِدُ
” (AA, TA,) meaning [And he passed the day] spinning from a portion of wool [wound in the form of a ring upon his hand], termed عَمِيتَه, [amid a flock of sheep, with a ram upon which he conveyed his utensils,] ever collecting [to himself], and coveting, or labouring to acquire, save when he was sitting cooking هَبِيد [i. e. colocynths or their seeds or pulp]. (T and TA in art. عمت: where راجلة is likewise explained as above.) رُوَيْجِلٌ  : see رَجُلٌ, in two places. أَرْجَلُ  A man large in the رِجْل [i. e. leg, or foot]: (S, K:) like أَرْكَبُ “ large in the knee, ” and أَرْأَسُ “ large in the head. ” (TA.) ― -b2- And A horse, (S,) or beast, (دَابَّة, K,) having a whiteness in one of his رِجْلَانِ [i. e. hind legs or feet], (S, K,) without a whiteness in any other part. (TA.) This is disliked, unless there be in him some other [similar] وَضَح. (S. [See also 2 in art. خدم.]) The fem. is رَجْلَآءُ, (S, K,) which is applied in like manner to a sheep or goat: (S:) or to a ewe as meaning whose رِجْلَانِ [or hind legs] are white to the flanks, (M, TA,) or with the flanks, (T, TA,) the rest of her being black. (TA.) ― -b3- حَرَّةٌ رَجْلَآءُ: see رَجْلَى. -A2- هُوَ أَرْجَلُ الرَّجُلَيْنِ means [He is the more manly, or manful, of the two men; or] he has رُجْلِيَّة that is not in the other [of the two men]: (T, TA:) or he is the stronger of the two men. (K.) ISd thinks ارجل in this case to be like أَحْنَكُ, as having no verb. (TA.) أَرَاجِيلُ  app. a pl. of أَرْجِلَةٌ, which may be pl. of رِجَالٌ, which is pl. of رَاجِلٌ [q. v.] (TA.) ― -b2- Also Men accustomed to, or in the habit of, taking, capturing, catching, snaring, or trapping, game or wild animals or the like, or birds, or fish; hunters, fowlers, or fishermen. (Sgh, K.) تَرْجِيلٌ  : see رُجْلَةٌ, last signification. تَرَاجِيلُ  i. q. كَرَفْسٌ [q. v., i. e. The herb smallage]; (K;) of the dial. of the Sawád; one of the herbs, or leguminous plants, of the gardens. (TA.). مَرْجَلٌ  : see رَجُلٌ, of which it is a quasi-pl. n. : -A2- and مِرْجَلٌ. مُرجِلٌ  A woman that brings forth men-children; (M, TA;) i. q. مُذْكِرٌ, (M, K, TA,) which is the epithet commonly known. (M, TA.) مِرْجَلٌ  A copper cooking-pot: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or a large copper cooking-pot: (Ham p. 469:) or a cooking-pot of stones [or stone], and of copper: (K:) or any cooking-pot (Mgh, Msb, TA, and Ham ubi suprŕ) or vessel in which one cooks: (TA:) of the masc. gender: (K:) pl. مَرَاجِلُ. (Ham ubi suprŕ.) ― -b2- And A comb. (Mgh, K.) ― -b3- Also, and ↓ مَرْجَلٌ , (K,) the latter on the authority of IAar alone, (TA,) A sort of [garment of the kind called] بُرْد, of the fabric of El-Yemen: (K:) pl. as above, مَرَاجِلُ; with which مَرَاحِل, occurring in a trad., is said in the T, in art. رحل, to be syn.: [and ↓ بُرْدٌ مِرْجَلِىٌّ signifies the same as مِرْجَلٌ:] it is said in a prov., “ حَدِيثًا كَانَ بُرْدُكَ مِرْجَلِيَّا
” [Recently thy بُرْد was of the sort called مِرْجَلِىّ;] i. e. thou hast only recently been clad with the مَرَاجِل, and usedst to wear the عَبَآء: [whence it appears that the مِرْجَل may be thus called because worn only by full-grown men:] so says IAar: it is said in the M that ثَوْبٌ مِرْجَلِىٌّ is from الممرجل [i. e. المُمَرْجَلُ, perhaps a mistranscription for المَرْجَلُ]: (TA:) [but] ↓ مُمَرْجَلٌ signifies a sort of garments, or cloths, variegated, or figured; (S and K in art. مرجل;) similar to the مَرَاجِل, or similar to these in their variegation or decoration, or their figured forms; as explained by Seer and others; (TA in that art.;) [wherefore] Sb holds the م of مَرَاجِلُ to be an essential part of the word; (S in that art.;) and hence Seer and the generality of authors also say that it is a radical, though Abu-l-'Alŕ and some others hold it to be augmentative. (MF and TA in that art.) مِرْجَلِىٌّ  A maker of cooking-pots [such as are called مَرَاجِلَ, pl. of مِرْجَلٌ]. (MA.) ― -b2- See also the next preceding paragraph. مَرْجَلَانِيَّةٌ  A woman who is, or affects to be, or makes herself, like a man in guise or in speech. (TA. [See also رَجُلَةٌ, voce رَجُلٌ.]) مُرَجَّلٌ  A skin, (Fr, TA,) or such as is termed a زِقّ, (K,) that is stripped off [by beginning] from one رَِجْل [or hind leg]; (Fr, K, TA;) or from the part where is the رِجْل (M, TA.) And شَاةٌ مُرَجَّلَةٌ A sheep, or goat, skinned [by beginning] from one رِجْل: (Ham p. 667:) and in like manner ↓ مَرْجُولٌ applied to a ram. (Lh, K voce مَزْقُوقٌ, which signifies the contr. [like مُزَقَّقٌ].) ― -b2- Also A [skin such as is termed] زِقّ full of wine. (As, O, K.) -A2- A [garment of the kind called] بُرْد upon which are the figures of men; (K;) or upon which are the figures of of men. (TA.) ― -b2- And A garment, or piece of cloth, (O, TA,) and a بُرْد, (TA,) ornamented in the borders. (O, K, TA.) -A3- Combed hair. (O, TA. [See its verb, 2.]) -A4- جَرَادٌ مُرَجَّلٌ Locusts the traces of whose wings are seen upon the ground. (ISd, K.) مَرْجُولٌ  A gazelle whose رِجْل [or hind leg] has fallen [and is caught] in the snare: when his يَد [or fore leg] has fallen therein, he is said to be مَيْدِىٌّ. (TA.) ― -b2- See also the next preceding paragraph. مُرْتَجَلٌ  : see رَجِيلٌ, last sentence. مُرْتَجِلٌ  A man holding the زَنْد with his hands and feet, (K, TA,) because he is alone: (TA:) [i. e.] one who, in producing fire with the زَنْد, holds the lower زَنْدَة with his foot [or feet]. (AA, TA. [See 5.]) -A2- One who collects a detached number (قِطْعَة [or رِجْل]) of locusts, to roast, or fry, them: (S:) one who lights upon a رِجْل of locusts, and roasts, or fries, some of them, (K, TA,) or, as in the M, cooks. (TA.) مُمَرْجَلٌ : see مِرْجَلٌ. Credit: Lane Lexicon