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Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 41
b) No of constructions: 18
It occurs in 36 Ayah in 19 Sura
Nouns: 8 Recurrence: 14 Verbs: 10
Recurrence: 27 [Form-III]
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الجيم والهاء والدال
أصلُهُ المشقَّة، ثم يُحمَل عليه ما يقارِبُه. يقال جَهَدْتُ نفسي وأجْهَدتوالجُهْد الطَّاقَة.
That its original meaning is discomfort,
toil - hard work - work hard; thereby it signifies physical and mental
labour and striving according to ability and capability.

And they swore by Allah the Exalted their
exerted oaths that if an unprecedented demonstrative sign-display
came to them they will certainly believe by it.
You the Messenger
pronounce: "The demonstrative
unprecedented displays are manifested only from Allah".
And what will give you people the
idea-perception that the moment unprecedented sign came to them they will
still not
incline to believe? [6:109]

O those/you who proclaim to have accepted-become believers, listen;
You people
sincerely endeavour to attain the protection from Allah the Exalted.
And you people most desirously explore the source that causes
nearness towards Him the Exalted:
[His Guidance: Qur'aan and
strict adherence by remaining within its framework].
And you people vigorously effort in His Way with worldly resources
and personal selves.
This is directed so that you people might attain and reap the fruit
of perpetual success. [5:35]

[for reason of infliction of
war] You people move out with light and heavy weapons;
exert utmost with your wealth and physical participation in the cause of
Allah the Exalted.
This is the best course
prescribed for
you people if you were really
understanding it. [9:41]

From amongst the
believers the lethargic-Home Sitter; other than those suffering some
inability-impracticability to struggle,
And those who struggle-endeavour strenuously with their wealth and
physically in the cause of Allah the Exalted
are not mutually comparable.
Allah the Exalted has
granted distinction to Strugglers-Endeavourers of
strenuous effort with their wealth and physical selves
over those who stay back at homes; this distinction is in upper rank and position.
Though Allah the
Exalted has promised the most appropriate-proportionate reward for all others.
And Allah the Exalted has granted
grace to the Strugglers-Endeavourers over
lethargic-Home Sitter believers;
a great Reward and appreciation. [4:95]

Those who criticize and slander against the willing donors amongst the
believers in giving away gifts of generosity and against those who do not
find resources except their physical
Thereby, some of them go a step further mocking and
ridiculing. Allah the Exalted has discarded as condemned such of them.
Be mindful, a
severe punishment is prepared-in wait for them.
1 |
Participle: Definite; Sound plural; Masculine; nominative.
(1) 4:95=1 اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- مرفوع-جمع سالم
مذكر |
2 |
Participle: Definite; Sound plural; Masculine; accusative. (1) 4:95(2)4:95(3)47:31=3
اسم فاعل:معرفہ
باللام- منصوب-جمع
سالم مذكر |
3 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; genitive.
مجرور |
4 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative.
منصوب |
5 |
Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative.
منصوب |
6 |
Phrase: Verbal Noun:
genitive + Possessive pronoun: Third
person; singular; masculine,
in genitive state. (1)22:78=1
مجرور/مضاف +
ضمير متصل-واحد
مذكرغائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
7 |
Verbal Noun: definite by construct; accusative.
(1)5:53(2)6:109(3)16:38(4)24:53(5)35:42=5 مصدر:
منصوب |
8 |
Possessive Phrase:
Noun/Verbal Noun: Definite by construct; accusative +
Possessive Pronoun: Third Person; Plural; Masculine;
Genitive state. (1)9:79=1 الإِضَافَةُ-اسم/:
منصوب/مضاف +
ضمير متصل-جمع
غائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |
Verbs Form-III
1 |
Verb: Imperfect; second person; plural; masculine;
Mood: Indicative; [Form-III]; [و] Subject
Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)61:11=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-ضمير
متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع
مفاعلة |
2 |
Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular;
masculine; [Form-III]; Subject pronoun hidden; Vowel sign is added for
اجتماع الساكنين of cluster of two
vowel-less consonants; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)9:73(2)66:09=2
فعل أمرمبنى على السكون/الفاعل ضمير مستتر
مذكرمخاطب/باب مفاعلة |
3 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; Singular; Masculine;
[Form-III]; Subject Pronoun hidden; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)9:19(2)29:06=2
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على الفتح /الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد
مذكرغائب -باب مفاعلة |
4 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; Dual;
Masculine; [Form-III]; الف
Subject Pronoun, nominative state; Suffixed Object
Pronoun: Second person; singular; masculine, accusative state;
Verbal Noun. (1)29:08(2)31:15=2
فعل ماضٍ
مبنى على الفتح/ الفاعل:
الف الاثنين ضمير متصل مبنى على السكون في
محل رفع /تثنية غائب باب مفاعلة
كَ-ضمير متصل مبنى على الفتح
واحد مذكرحاضر
فى محل نصب مفعول به |
5 |
Verb: Perfect; Third person; plural; masculine; [Form III]; [و]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative
state: مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun
(1)2:218(2)3:142(3)8:72(4)8:74(5)8:75 (6)9:16(7)9:20(8)9:88(9)16:110(10)29:69(11)49:15=11
فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الضم
لاتصاله بواو الجماعة/و- ضمير متصل في محل
رفع فاعل-والألف-فارقة/جمع
مذكر غائب/باب مفاعلة |
6 |
Imperative; second person; plural; masculine; [Form-III]; [و]
Subject Pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)5:35(2)9:41(3) 9:86(4)22:78=4
فعل أمر مبنى على
حذف النون لأنَّ مضارعه من الأفعال الخمسة
و- ضمير متصل في محل رفع
مذكرحاضر/باب مفاعلة |
7 |
Verb: Imperative; Second person; singular;
masculine; [Form-III]; Subject pronoun hidden + Suffixed Object Pronoun:
Third person; masculine; plural, in accusative state; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)25:52=1
فعل أمرمبنى على السكون/الفاعل ضمير مستتر
مذكرمخاطب/باب مفاعلةَ
ضمير متصل مبنى على الضم في محل نصب
مفعول به / جمع مذكر غائب |
8 |
Verb: imperfect; third person; singular; masculine; Mood: Indicative;
[Form-III]; Subject pronoun hidden; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun
مضارع مرفوع بالضمة-الفاعل:ضمير
مستتر جوازاً تقديره:هُوَ-واحد مذكرغائب/باب
مفاعلة |
9 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; plural; masculine;
Mood: Subjunctive; [Form-III]; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative
state; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun. (1)9:44(2)9:81=2
فعل مضارع منصوب بأن
و علامة نصبة حذف النون
متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع
مفاعلة |
10 |
Verb: Imperfect; Third person; Plural; masculine; Mood:
Indicative evident by "
[Form-III]; [و] Subject pronoun, in nominative
state; مصدر-مُجَاهَدَةٌ
Verbal Noun (1)5:54=1
فعل مضارع مرفوع بثبوت النون/و-ضمير
متصل في محل رفع فاعل-جمع
مفاعلة |

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