1 هَجَرَهُ  , (S, A, &c.,) aor. هَجُرَ , (Msb,) inf. n. هَجْرٌ (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K) and هِجْرَانٌ, (S, A, Mgh, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Msb,) He cut him off from friendly or loving, communion or intercourse; contr. of وَصَلَهُ: (S, Mgh:) he forsook, or abandoned, him; syn. قَطَعَهُ: (Msb, TA:) he cut him; meaning, he ceased to speak to him, or to associate with him; syn. صَرَمَهُ, (A, Mgh, K,) and قَطَعَ كَلَامَهُ. (Mgh.) It is said in the Kur, [iv. 38,] وَاهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِى المَضَاجِعٍ, i. e., [And cut ye them off from loving intercourse] in the sleeping-places, in order to obtain their obedience. (Msb.) See also 3. ― -b2- He left it; forsook it; relinquished it; abandoned it; deserted it; quitted it: abstained from it: neglected it: shunned or avoided it; was averse from it: syn. تَرَكَهُ; (A, Msb, K, TA;) and رَفَضَهُ; (Msb;) and فَارَقَهُ: (B:) and أَغْفَلَهُ: and أَعْرَضَ عَنْهُ: (TA:) namely, a thing to which it was necessary for him to pay frequent attention: (Lth, TA:) as also ↓ أَهْجَرَهُ ; (K;) which latter is of the dial. of Hudheyl: (TA:) and هُجِرَ he, or it, was left; &c. (IKtt.) هِجْرَانٌ may be with the body and with the tongue and with the heart or mind: it is with the first in the passage of the Kur cited above: it may be with any of the three in the Kur, [lxxiii. 10,] where it is said, وَاهْجُرْهُمْ هَجْرًا جَمِيلًا [And avoid thou them, i. e., avoid the associating with them in person, or speaking to them, or entertaining friendship for them in thy heart, with an avoiding of a becoming kind]: and it is with all the three in the following ex. in the Kur, [lxxiv. 5,] وَالرِّجْزَ فَاهْجُرْ [And idolatry avoid thou]. (B.) You say also, هَجَرَ الشِّرْكَ, inf. n. هَجْرٌ and هِجْرَانٌ, [He abstained from, or avoided, polytheism, or the associating of others with God,] هِجْرَةً حَسَنَةً [with a good manner of abstaining, or avoiding]. (Lh, K.) And it is said in a trad., وَلَا يَسْمَعُونَ القُرْآنَ إِِلَّا هَجْرًا, meaning, [And they hear not the Kur-án save] with neglect of it, and aversion from it: the reading الّا هُجْرًا, mentioned by IKt, and his explanation of it, save with foul speech, are both said by El-Khattábee to be erroneous. (TA.) ― -b3- هَجَرَ, [aor. هَجُرَ ,] inf. n. هَجْرٌ, He (a man) went, removed, retired, or withdrew himself, to a distance, far away, or far off. (TA.) ― -b4- هَجَرَ فِى الصَّوْمِ, (K,) aor. هَجُرَ , inf. n. هِجْرَانٌ, (TA,) He abstained from sexual intercourse in fasting. (K.) -A2- هَجَرَ, (Lth, Fr, S, A, K, &c.,) or هَجَرَ فِى كَلَامِهِ, (Msb,) aor. هَجُرَ , (Lth, Fr, S, &c.,) inf. n. هَجْرٌ, (Lth, S, A, Mgh, Msb,) with fet-h, (Mgh,) or هُجْرٌ, with damm, (K,) and هِجِّيرَى, (A, K,) or this is a simple subst., (Lth,) and إِِهْجِيرَى, (K,) [or this and that which immediately precedes it are intensive inf. ns.,] He (a sick man, Lth, S, Msb, K, or one having the disease termed بِرْسَام, A'Obeyd, A, or having a fever, A'Obeyd, and one sleeping. Fr, K) talked nonsense; talked irrationally or foolishly or deliriously, (Lth, Fr, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and confusedly: (Msb:) or هِجِّيرَى signifies the talking much, and saying what is evil. (Sb.) In the Kur, [xxiii. 69,] instead of تَهْجُرُونَ, in the phrase سَامِرًا تَهْجُرُونَ, [Holding discourse by night, talking irrationally or foolishly,] I'Ab reads تُهْجِرُونَ from ↓ أَهْجَرَ , [q. v.,] from الهُجْرُ. (TA.) ― -b2- See also 4. ― -b3- هَجَرَ بِهِ, aor. هَجُرَ , inf. n. هَجْرٌ, He dreamed of him or it; or saw him or it in sleep: or he did so and talked foolishly or deliriously. (TA.) 2 هجّر  , (Lth, A, K, &c.,) inf. n. تَهْجِيرٌ, (S, Msb, K,) He journeyed in the time called the هَاجِرَة; (Lth, S, A, Mgh, K;) as also ↓ تهجّر ; (IAar, S, A, K;) and ↓ اهجر : (K:) or he went forth in that time: (Az, TA:) or he was (صَارَ) in that time: (Msb: [but in my copy of that work, صار is perhaps a mistake for سَارَ:]) or ↓ اهجر has this last signification; (Lth, TA;) or signifies he entered upon that time; like اظهر (A.) ― -b2- It (the day) attained to the time called he هَاجِرَة. (S, TA.) 3 هاجرهُ  , (A,) inf. n. مُهَاجَرَةٌ; (B;) and ↓ اهتجرهُ ; (A;) He cut him off from friendly, or loving, communion or intercourse, being so cut off by him; or he cut him, or ceased to speak to him, being in like manner cut by him: and he forsook, or abandoned, him, being forsaken, or abandoned, by him: (A, * B:) this is the primary signification of the former. (B.) ― -b2- هاجر, (T, A, Msb, K,) inf. n. مُهَاجَرَةٌ (T, S, A, Msb) and هِجْرَةٌ, (A,) or the latter is a simple subst., (Mgh, Msb,) He (an inhabitant of the desert) went forth from his desert to the cities or towns: this is the primary acceptation, with the Arabs, of the verb [when intrans.]: also, he (any one) left his place of abode, emigrating to another people: (Az:) he departed, or went forth, from one land to another, (S, K,) or from one country, or district, or town, to another: (Msb:) and, as used in the Kur, ii. 215, [and in many other instances in the same and other books,] he went forth [or emigrated] from the territory of the unbelievers to the territory of the believers [or to any place of safety or refuge on account of religious persecution, &c.] (B.) See an ex. voce تَهَجَّرَ; and see هِجْرَةٌ. 4 اهجرهُ  : see هَجَرَهُ. -A2- اهجر فِى مَنْطِقِهِ, (S, * Mgh, Msb, K,) or simply اهجر, (A,) inf. n. إِِهْجَارٌ (S, K) and هُجْرٌ, (Lh, Kr, K,) or the latter is, correctly speaking, a simple subst., (TA,) He spoke, or uttered, foul, evil, bad, abominable, or unseemly, language: (S, A, Mgh, K:) or he did so much; beyond what he used to do before; as also ↓ هَجَرَ , aor. هَجُرَ , (Msb,) inf. n. هَجْرٌ: (L, TA:) and in like manner, he talked much of that which was not fit, suitable, meet, or proper. (S.) ― -b2- اهجر بِهِ He mocked, or scoffed, or laughed at him, derided him, or ridiculed him, and said respecting him what was foul, evil, bad, abominable, or unseemly. (Msb, K.) -A3- See also 2, in two places. 5 تهجّر  He affected to be like the مُهَاجِرُون [or emigrants from the territory of the unbelievers to that of the believers]. (A'Obeyd, S, A, K.) Hence the trad., وَلَا تَهَجَّرُوا هَاجِرُوا , (A'Obeyd, S, A,) i. e., Perform ye the هِجْرَة with sincerity towards God, and affect not to be like those who do so without your being really such as do so: said by 'Omar. (A'Obeyd, TA.) -A2- See also 2. 6 تهاجروا  [They cut one another off from friendly or loving communion or intercourse; or they cut, or ceased to speak to, one another: they forsook, or abandoned, one another: as also ↓ اهتجروا ] (A.) You say also هُمَا يَتَهَاجَرَانِ, and ↓ يَهْتَجِرَانِ , i. e., يَتَقَاطِعَانِ [They two cut each other off &c.]: (K:) تَهَاجُرٌ is syn. with تَقَاطُعُ. (S.) 8 إِِهْتَجَرَ see 3 and 6; the latter in two places. ― -b2- [He journeyed in the time of the حَاجِرَة: see 8 in art. عشو.] هَجْرٌ  : see هُجْرٌ: -A2- and see also هَاجِرَةٌ. هُجْرٌ  , a subst. from أَهْجَرَ; (S, Mgh;) or from its syn. هَجَرَ; (Msb;) Foul, evil, bad, abominable, or unseemly, language, or talk; (As, Ks, T, S, A, Mgh, Msb, K;) as also ↓ هَجْرَآءُ ; (Sgh, K;) and ↓ هَاجِرَةٌ ; of which last the pl. is هَوَاجِرُ, incorrectly said by IJ to be an irreg. pl. of هُجْرٌ; or ↓ هَاجِرَةٌ may be an inf. n., like كَاذِبَةٌ &c. (IB.) You say, قَالَ هُجْرًا وَبُجْرًا, and ↓ هَجْرًا وَبَجْرًا, [He said] a foul [and a wonderful] thing: هَجْرٌ is an inf. n., and هُجْرٌ is a simple subst. (L, TA.) And ↓ رَمَاهُ بِالْهَاجِرَاتِ He assailed him with foul words: هاجرات being a word of the same class as لَابِنْ and تَامِرٌ. (A, Msb.) And ↓ رَمَاهُ بِهَاجِرَاتٍ , and ↓ بِمُهْجِرَاتٍ , (S, K,) or بِالْهَاجِرَاتِ, (A,) and بِالْمُهْجِرَاتِ, (A, Msb,) He accused him of evil things that exposed him to disgrace: (S, K:) or of foul, or evil, actions. (A, Msb.) And ↓ تَكَلَّمَ بِالْمَهَاجِرِ (in the CK بالمُهاجِرِ) He spoke foul, or evil, language. (L, K.) هِجِرٌّ  : see هِجْرَةٌ. هُجْرَةٌ  : see هِجْرَةٌ. هِجْرَةٌ  , a subst. from هَجَرَهُ, (S, K,) as also ↓ هِجْرَانٌ , (Msb,) signifying The cutting another off from friendly or loving communion or intercourse: (S:) cutting one; or ceasing to speak to him: (K:) forsaking, abandoning, deserting, or shunning or avoiding, one. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., لَا هِجْرَةَ بَعْدَ ثَلَاثٍ [There shall be no cutting off from friendly communion after three nights with their days,]: the meaning is, هَجْرٌ as contr. of وَصْلٌ; i. e., such anger as exists between Muslims, or a failing, or falling short, with respect to the duties of society, exclusively of what relates to religion: but the هِجْرَة of those who follow their own natural desires [in matters of religion], and of innovators [in religion], should continue even as long as they do not repent, and return to the truth. (TA.) ― -b2- [Also, A mode, or manner, of cutting another off from friendly or loving communion or intercourse: &c. See 1, where an ex. occurs.] ― -b3- Also, A removal from the desert to the towns or villages: this was its [primary] acceptation with the Arabs: and the forsaking of his country, or district, or the like, by an inhabitant of the desert, or by an inhabitant of a town, or village, or cultivated district, and taking up his abode in another country or district, or the like, an emigration; (TA;) the forsaking of one's home and removing to another place; (Mgh;) the forsaking of a country, or district, or the like, and removing to another; (Msb;) the going forth from one land to another; as also ↓ هُجْرَةٌ . (K:) [and an emigration from the territory of the unbelievers to the territory of the believers, or to any place of safety or refuge on account of religious persecution &c.: see 3, last signification:] a subst. from هَاجَرَ. (Msb, TA.) ― -b4- [الهِجْرَةٌ, peculiarly, The emigration, or flight, (for it was really a flight,) of Mohammad, from Mekkeh to Yethrib, which latter was afterwards called El-Medeeneh. Hence, تَأْرِيخُ الهِجْرَةِ The era of the Hijreh, or Flight. The epoch of this era is not the date of the Flight itself, as some have imagined, (for this took place on an uncertain day, most probably the first or second, of the third lunar month of the Arabian year,) but is the first day of the Arabian year in which the Flight happened: and as I believe that all European writers who have attempted to fix it, prior to M. Caussin de Perceval, have erred respecting it, the true date, as shown by him, (see his “ Essai sur l'Histoire des Arabes, ” &c., in the places referred to in the index to that work,) I think it important here to mention. The first year of the Flight was the two hundred and eleventh year of a period during which the Arabs made use of a defective luni-solar reckoning, making every third year to consist of thirteen lunar months; the others consisting of twelve such months. This mode of reckoning was abolished by Mohammad in the twelfth month of the tenth year of the Flight, at the time of the pilgrimage; whence it appears that the first year of the Flight commenced, most probably, on Monday, the nineteenth of April, A. D. 622; or perhaps on the eighteenth; for the actual appearance of the new moon properly marked its commencement, and, as the new moon happened about sunset on the sixteenth, it may perhaps have been seen on the eve of the eighteenth. According to M. Caussin de Perceval, the first ten years of the Flight commenced at the following periods. 1st. [Mon.] Apr. 19, 622 2nd. [Sat.] May 7, 623 3rd. [Th.] Apr. 26, 624 4th. [Mon.] Apr. 15, 625 5th. [Sat.] May. 3, 626 6th. [Th.] Apr. 23, 627 7th. [Tu.] Apr. 12, 628 8th. [Mon.] May. 1, 629 9th. [Fri.] Apr. 20, 630 10th. [Tu.] Apr. 9, 631 Thus it appears that the first and fourth and seventh years were of thirteen lunar months each; and the seventh was the last year that was thus augmented: therefore, with the eighth year commenced the reckoning by common lunar years; and from this point we may use the tables which have often been published for finding the periods of commencement of years of the Flight. We must not, however, rely upon the exact accuracy of these tables: for the commencement of the month was generally determined by actual observation of the new moon; not by calculation; and we often find that a year was commenced, according as the place of observation was low or high, or to the east or west of the place to which the calculation is adapted, or according as the sky was obscure or clear, a day later or earlier than that which is indicated in the tables; and in some cases, even two days later. The twelfth day of the third month of the first year of the Flight, the day of Mohammad's arrival at Kubŕ, was Monday: therefore the first day of the year was most probably the nineteenth of April, as two months of thirty days each, or twenty-nine days each, seldom occur together. But the tenth day of the first month of the sixty-first year, the day on which El-Hoseyn was slain at Kerbelŕ, was Friday: therefore the first day of that year, at that place, must have been Wednesday, the third of October, A. D. 680; not the first of October, as in most of the published tables above mentioned. (For the principal divisions of the Arabian year when the luni-solar reckoning was instituted, see زَمَنٌ)]. الهِجْرَتَانِ means [The two emigrations, or flights; namely,] the هِجْرَة to Abyssinia and the هِجْرَة to El-Medeeneh. (S, K.) And ذُو الهِجْرَتَيْنِ He (of the صَحَابَة [or Companions of Mohammad] TA) who emigrated, or who has emigrated, to Abyssinia and to El-Medeeneh. (K.) هَجْرَآءُ  : see هُجْرٌ. هِجْرَانٌ  : see هِجْرَةٌ. هِجْرِيَّا  : see هِجِّيرٌ. هَجِيرٌ  Left; forsaken; relinquished; abandoned; deserted; quitted: abstained from: neglected: shunned or avoided. (TA.) -A2- See also هَاجِرَةٌ, in three places. هَجِيرَةٌ  : see هَاجِرَةٌ. هِجِّيرٌ  Custom; manner; habit; wont: state; condition; case; syn. دَأْبٌ, (T, S, A, K,) and عَادَةٌ, (S, TA,) and دَيْدَنٌ, (TA,) and شَأْنٌ: (T, A, K:) and the speech, or language, of a man; [or what one is accustomed to say;] syn. كَلَامٌ: (T, TA:) as also ↓ هِجِّيرَى , (T, S, A, K,) and ↓ إِِهْجِيرَى , (S, K,) and ↓ إِِهْجِيرَآءُ , and ↓ أُهْجُورَةٌ , and ↓ هِجْرِيَّا , (K,) and إِِجْرِيَّا, and إِِجْرِيَّآءُ. (S.) You say, مَا زَالَ ذٰلِكَ هِجِّيرَهُ, (A, K, * TA [in the CK, هٰذَا هِجِّيرَتُهُ,]) and هِجِّيرَاهُ, (S, A, K,) and إِِهْجِيرَاهُ, &c., (K,) That ceased not to be his custom, &c. (S, A, K. *) And ↓ مَا لَهُ هِجِّيرَى غَيْرُهَا He has no custom, &c., other than it. (TA, from a trad.) هِجِّيرَى  : see هِجِّيرٌ. هَاجِرٌ  , act. part. n. of 1, q. v. ― -b2- Talking nonsense; talking foolishly or deliriously. (S, TA.) See 1, last signification but one. هَاجِرَةٌ  : see هُجْرٌ, in four places. -A2- الهَاجِرَةُ, (S, A, Mgh, Msb, K,) and ↓ هَجِيرٌ , (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ هَجِيرَةٌ , (A, K,) and ↓ هَجْرٌ , (S, K,) Midday when the heat is vehement: (S:) or midday in summer, or in the hot season: (Mgh, Msb:) or the period from a little before noon to a little after noon in summer, or in the hot season, only: (En-Nadr, ISk:) or from the time when the sun declines from the meridian: (Aboo-Sa'eed:) or midday, when the sun declines from the meridian, at the ظُهْر: or from its declining until the عَصْر: because people [then] shelter themselves in their tents or houses; as though they forsook one another (تَهَاجَرُوا): (K:) or the vehemence of the heat (K, TA) therein: (TA:) and الهُوَيْجِرَةُ [dim. of الهاجرة] the period a little after the هَاجِرَة: (EsSukkaree:) [pl. of the first, هَوَاجِرُ.] You say, طَبَخَتْهُ الهَوَاجِرُ [The vehement midday heats affected him with a hot, or burning, fever]. (A.) And ↓ صَلَاةُ الهَجِيرِ The prayer of noon; as also الهَجِيرُ, elliptically. (TA.) See also ظَهِيرَةٌ. أُهْجُورَةٌ  : see هِجِّيرٌ. إِِهْجِيرَى : see هِجِّيرٌ. إِِهجِيرَآءُ  : see هِجِّيرٌ. أَتَيْنَا أَهْلَنَا مُهْجِرِينَ  We came to our family in the time of the هَاجِرَة. (S.) ― -b2- مُهْجِرَاتٌ and مَهَاجِرُ: see هُجْرٌ. هَلْ مُهَجِّرٌ كَمَنْ قَالَ  Is one who journeys in the هَاجِرَة like him who stays during the time of midday? (TA, from a trad.) مَهْجُورٌ  Cut off from friendly or loving communion or intercourse; forsaken, or abandoned: cut, or not spoken to. (Mgh, Msb.) In like manner مَهْجُورًا is used in the Kur, [xxv. 32,] signifying avoided, or forsaken, with the tongue, or with the heart or mind. (B.) [But see what here follows.] -A2- Talk, or language, uttered irrationally or foolishly or deliriously. It is related by Aboo-'Obeyd, on the authority of Ibráheem, that the words of the Kur, إِِنَّ قَوْمِى اتَّخَذُوا هٰذَا الْقُرْآنَ مَهْجُورًا, [xxv. 32,] mean, Verily my people have made this Kur-án a thing of which they have said what is not true: because the sick man, when he talks irrationally or foolishly or deliriously, says what is not true: and the like is related on the authority of Mujáhid. (S.) مُهَاجَرٌ  A place to which one emigrates. (Msb.) مُهَاجِرٌ  Any one, whether an inhabitant of the desert [as in the primary acceptation of the epithet] or an inhabitant of a town or village or cultivated district, who emigrates; or who forsakes his country or district or the like, and takes up his abode in another country or district or the like. Hence المُهَاجِرُونَ applied to The emigrants to El-Medeeneh: because they forsook their places of abode in which they were reared, for the sake of God, and attached themselves to an abode in which they had neither family nor property, when they emigrated to El-Medeeneh. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon