
1 طَاقَهُ  , inf. n. طَوْقٌ: see 4. 2 طوّقه ذ , (S, TA,) or طوّقهُ طَوْقًا, (O, K, TA,) inf. n. تَطْوِيقٌ, (TA,) He attired him with a طَوْق [or neck-ring]. (S, TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] طَوَّقْتُهُ الشَّىْءَ means (assumed tropical:) I made the thing to be [as though it were] his طَوْق [or neck-ring]: and thereby is expressed the imposing [upon one] a thing that is difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient: (Msb:) [i. e.] طَوَّقْتُكَ الشَّىْءَ means (assumed tropical:) I imposed, or have imposed, upon thee the thing as one that is difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient. (S, O, K. *) سَيُطَوَّقُونَ مَا بَخِلُوا بِهِ, in the Kur [iii. 176], means (assumed tropical:) They shall have that whereof they were niggardly made to cleave to their necks [like the neck-ring]: (O, TA:) as is said in a trad., it shall be made a biting snake upon the neck. (Jel.) And [in the Kur ii. 180] some read, وَعَلَى الَّذِينَ يُطَوَّقُونَهُ, [in the CK, erroneously, يُطَوِّقُونَهُ,] meaning, (assumed tropical:) And upon those who shall have it put [upon them] like the طَوْق upon their necks [shall be incumbent &c.]: (K, TA:) which is like the saying يُجَشَّمُونَهُ and يُكَلَّفُونَهُ [i. e. shall have it imposed upon them as a thing that is difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient]: (TA:) another reading is ↓ يَطَّوَّقُونَهُ , [in the CK, erroneously, يُطَّوَّقُونَهُ,] originally يَتَطَوَّقُونَهُ [meaning the same as the former reading]: and another, ↓ يُطَيَّقُونَهُ , originally يُطَيْوَقُونَهُ [also meaning the same; in the CK, erroneously, يُطَيْقُونَهُ]: and another, ↓ يَطَّيَّقُونَهُ , [in the CK, erroneously, with damm to the first letter, and so in what follows,] originally يَتَطَيْوَقُونَهُ [also meaning the same]. (K, TA.) One says also, طوّقهُ بِهِ and طوّقهُ إِِيَّاهُ, meaning (assumed tropical:) He made it, namely, a sword, &c., to be to him a طَوْق [or thing encircling, or going round, his neck]. (TA.) And طَوَّقَنِى نِعْمَةً (tropical:) [He conferred upon me a permanent badge of favour]: and طُوِّقْتُ مِنْهُ أَيَادِىَ (tropical:) [I had permanent badges of favours from him conferred upon me]: and the verb is also used [in like manner] to denote dispraise, to which it has been erroneously said by some to be restricted. (TA. [See also 2 in art. قلد: and see طَوْقٌ.]) ― -b3- طوّقت الحَيَّةُ: see 5. -A2- طَوَّقَنِىَ اللّٰهُ أَدَآءَ حَقّكَ, (S, O,) or حَقِّهِ, (K,) means God strengthened me, or empowered me, sufficiently for the giving, or paying, of thy due, or of his due: syn. قَوَّانِى (S, O, K) عَلَيْهِ. (K.) And طُوِّقَهُ He was enabled to do it. (TA.) ― -b2- طَوَّقَتْ لَهُ نَفْسُهُ (Akh, S, O, K) is syn. with طَوَّعَتْ, (Akh, S, O,) meaning His soul, or mind, facilitated to him [the doing of a thing]. (Akh, S, O, K.) 4 اطاق الشَّىْءَ  , (S, O, Msb, K,) and اطاق عَلَيْهِ, (K,) inf. n. إِِطَاقَةٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) and طَاقَةٌ is the subst. (Az, Msb, K) used in the place of the inf. n. like طَاعَةٌ in the place of إِِطَاعَةٌ, (Az, TA,) He was, or became, able to do, or accomplish, or to bear, the thing; (S, Msb, K;) as also ↓ طَاقَهُ , (Az, * K,) aor. يَطُوقُ, (Az, TA,) inf. n. طَوْقٌ. (Az, K.) It is not used exclusively of a human being, as some assert it to be; but is used in a general manner. (TA.) [One says لَا يُطَلقُ meaning He will not be, or is not to be, coped with: and also as meaning it is not to be done, or to be borne, endured, or tolerated: and so مَا يُطَاقُ: see an ex. voce حَمْضَ.] 5 تطوّق  He put on, or attired himself with, a طَوْق [or neck-ring]. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- [Hence, تطوّقهُ, and تطوّق بِهِ, (assumed tropical:) He had it put upon him, and he bore it, and he took it upon himself, like the طَوْق upon the neck: and he had it imposed upon him, and he imposed it upon himself, as a thing that was difficult, troublesome, or inconvenient]. See 2. [See also Har p. 310. And see 5 in art. قلد.] ― -b3- And تطوّقت الحَيَّةُ عَلَى عُنُقِهِ (tropical:) The serpent became like the طَوْق upon his neck; as also ↓ طوّقت . (TA.) Q. Q. 1 يُطَيَّقُونَهُ  , originally يُطَيْوَقُونَهُ: see 2. Q. Q. 2 يَطَّيَّقُونَهُ  , originally يَتَطَيْوَقُونَهُ: see 2. طَاقٌ  A curved construction or structure; (S, O, K;) [said to be] a Pers. word arabicized; (S, O;) and its pl. is طَاقَاتٌ and طِيقَانٌ: (S, O, K:) or an arch of a building, wherever it is; and the pl. is أَطْوَاقٌ and طِيقَانٌ: (JK, TA:) and as signifying [thus, or] an arch constructed with bricks, it is [said to be] originally ↓ طَائِقٌ ; and therefore to have for its pl. طَوَائِقُ: so says Az. (TA.) [It is often applied to An arched gateway or doorway: and to a vault. And] i. q. كُوَّةٌ [i. e. A mural aperture; a hole, or an aperture, in a wall; a meaning also assigned to إِِفْرِيزٌ, by which طَاقٌ will be found to be expl. in what follows: or a niche in a wall; which, as also a window, is now often called ↓ طَاقَةٌ ]. (So in the Munjid of Kr.) [And app. A kind of arched construction with a flat top which forms a shelf, against a wall. (See رَفٌّ and سَهْوَةٌ.)] And i. q. إِِفْرِيزٌ [which is expl. as meaning a projecting roof or covering of a wall: and a projecting coping, or ledge, or cornice, surrounding the upper part of a wall: and in the KL as meaning a hole, or an aperture, of a wall; (as mentioned above;) but its author adds “ so we have heard ”]: (MA voce إِِفْرِيزٌ:) or so أَطْوَاقٌ. (JK, and O on the authority of Ibn-'Abbád. [But this I think doubtful, and the more so as it will be seen in what follows that another meaning assigned in these same lexicons to أَطْوَاقٌ is said by IB to be a meaning of طَاقٌ.]) ― -b2- See also طَائِقٌ, in two places. ― -b3- [Also A layer, stratum, lamina, or the like; or any flat piece, or portion, of a thing, such as is in some cases placed over, or under, a similar piece or portion: and anything such as is in some cases lined, or faced, or otherwise combined, with another similar thing: pl. طَاقَاتٌ.] You say طَاقُ نَعْلٍ [A single piece of leather of a sole that consists of two or more of such pieces]; (S, O, K;) and نعْلٍ طَاقَةُ [which means the same]. (K.) And نَعْلٌ طَاقٌ وَاحِدٌ A single sole; i. e. a sole of a single piece; not made of two pieces sewed together, one upon the other. (TA in art. نعل.) And [in like manner] a garment is said to be طَاقٌ وَاحِدٌ [i. e. Single, not double, not lined nor faced nor stuffed]. (Az, in TA in art. سمط, [where this meaning is clearly indicated,] and Th, in M, same art.) Thus one says سَرَاوِيلُ طَاقٌ وَاحِدٌ [Trousers, or drawers, of single cloth]. (Th, M and K in art. سمط.) [See also what is said of the phrase السَّرَاوِيلُ الطَّاقُ voce رِجْلٌ.] One says also غَزْلٌ طَاقٌ وَاحِدٌ [Spun thread that is a single yarn]: and غَزْلٌ مَفْتُولٌ طَاقَيْنِ [Spun thread twisted of two yarns]. (S and TA in art. سحل.) See also طَاقَةٌ, which has a similar meaning. [And see an ex. of the pl. طَاقَات voce رَبْعَةٌ.] -A2- Also A certain sort of garment, (S, O, K,) having sleeves. (S, O.) [And] accord. to Esh-Shereeshee, A garment worn by a new-born child, or young infant, without an opening at the bosom. (Har p. 502.) ― -b2- And (O, K) accord. to IAar, (O,) A [garment of the kind called] طَيْلَسَان [q. v.]: (O, K:) or such as is أَخْضَر [properly meaning green; but when applied to a garment commonly meaning, as used by the Arabs, of a dark, or an ashy, dust-colour; or a dingy ashcolour]: (Kr, K:) pl. طِيقَانٌ, like سِيجَانٌ pl. of سَاجٌ. (TA.) ― -b3- And A [garment of the kind called] كِسَآءِ: (IB, TA:) and (TA) so أَطْوَاقٌ. (JK, and O and TA on the authority of Ibn- 'Abbád. [But this, as I have shown above, I think doubtful.]) ― -b4- And A [woman's muffler, or head-covering, such as is called] خِمَار. (IAar, TA.) ― -b5- And one says, رَأَيْتُ أَرْضًا كَأَنَّهَا الطِّيقَانُ (tropical:) [I saw a land as though it were spread with the garments called طيقان]; meaning, whereof the herbage was abundant. (TA.) طَوْقٌ  [A neck-ring;] a certain ornament for the neck; (K;) a thing well known: (Msb:) [its most usual from is figured in my work on the Modern Egyptians, Appendix A:] pl. أَطْوَاقٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) It is said in a prov., كَبِرَ عَمْرٌو عَنِ الطَّوْقِ ['Amr has become too much advanced in age for the neck-ring]: (A 'Obeyd, O, K, TA: in some copies of the K [erroneously] كَبُرَ:) or شَبَّ عَمْرٌو عَنِ الطَّوْقِ, [which has the like meaning,] as in most of the books of proverbs: (TA:) applied to him who occupies himself with a thing that is beneath his ability. (K. [For the story of the origin of this prov., see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 319-21, or Har pp. 502-3; as it is too long to be quoted here.]) ― -b2- And Anything that surrounds another thing (Msb, K) is called its طَوْق. (Msb.) ― -b3- Hence ذَاتُ الطَّوْقِ as an appel-lation of The [ringed] pigeon [or ring-dove]. (Msb.) ― -b4- [And hence] one says, تَقَلَّدْتُ النِّعْمَةَ طَوْقَ الحَمَامَةِ (tropical:) [I bore the favour as the ring of the pigeon; meaning, as a permanent badge or decoration]: and فِى عُنُقِى طَوْقٌ مَا لِى بِأَدَآءِ شُكْرِهِ طَوْقٌ (tropical:) [Upon my neck is a permanent badge or decoration, for which I have not ability to render due acknowledgment]: so in the A: hence also the saying of El-Mutanebbee, “ أَقَامَتْ فِى الرِّقَابِ لَهُ أَيَادٍ
هِىَ الأَطْوَاقُ وَالنَّاسُ الحَمَامُ
” [Favours of his have remained upon the necks: they are the neck-rings, and the men are the pigeons]. (TA. [See, for this verse, p. 164 of Dieterici's ed. of the Deewán of El-Mutanebbee.]) ― -b5- الطَّوْقُ signifies also The neck [itself]. (TA.) ― -b6- And The كَرّ, (O,) or حَابُول, (K,) [i. e. the rope in the form of a loop] by means of which one ascends the palm-tree. (O, K. *) -A2- See also the next paragraph, first and second sentences. طَاقَةٌ  is the subst. from أَطَاقَ, (Az, Msb, K,) and is used in the place of the inf. n., (Az, TA,) and [when used as a simple subst.] signifies Ability, or power; (S, O, * Msb, K;) and so ↓ طَوْقٌ , (S, O, K,) which is [originally] an inf. n., (Az, K,) and is also expl. as meaning the utmost that one can do, with difficulty, trouble, or inconvenience. (TA.) One says, [لَا طَاقَةَ لِى بِهِ I have not ability, or power, to do it, or to bear or endure or tolerate it: and, to cope with him: (see Kur ii. last verse: and verse 250:) and] ↓ هُوَ فِى طَوْقِى It is within my ability, or power. (S.) In the phrase طَلَبْتَهُ طَاقَتَكَ, [as meaning Thou soughtest him, or it, in thy state of ability, or power,] Sb says, the [quasi-] inf. n. is prefixed [to the pronoun, and thus rendered determinate], though occupying the place of a denotative of state; in like manner as the article ال is prefixed [to عراك] in the phrase أَرْسَلَهَا. (TA.) -A2- [Also A slender and small bundle or fascicle of fibres or filaments or the like, one of those whereof two or more, twisted together, compose a rope; a strand, a yarn, a single twist, or single thread, of a rope or cord or fringe &c.] You say طَاقَةٌ مِنْ حَبْلٍ A strand, yarn, or single twist, of a rope; syn. قُوَّةٌ; (S voce قُوَّةٌ;) and so مِنْ حَبْلٍ طَاقٌ , pl. أَطْوَاقٌ: (JK voce قُوَّةٌ:) [the pl. of طَاقَةٌ in this sense is طَاقَاتٌ:] طَاقَاتُ الحَبْلِ means قُوَاهُ, as is said in the A. (TA.) ― -b2- And A شُعْبَة [i. e. spring, spray, bunch, or branchlet,] of sweet basil, or of sweet-smelling plants: and likewise [a lock, or flock,] of hair: (JK, TA:) [and so of wool, and the like;] you say طَاقَةُ رَيْحَانٍ, (S, O, K, TA,) [or مِنْ رَيْحَانٍ, &c.,] meaning شُعْبَةٌ مِنْهُ, as in the A. (TA.) ― -b3- طَاقَةُ نَعْلٍ: see طَاقٌ, latter half. ― -b4- See also another meaning of طَاقَةٌ voce طَاقٌ, first quarter. طَوْقَةٌ  A round, and plain, or soft, piece of ground, amid rugged tracts of ground: (O, K:) mentioned by IDrd as occurring in some poem of the Time of Ignorance but not heard by him from his companions. (O.) طَائِقٌ  (S, O, K) and ↓ طَاقٌ (O, K) A prominence [app. meaning a ledge or ridge] projecting from a mountain: (S, O, K:) and the former, (S,) or the latter, (K,) or each, (O,) also the like thereof in a well; (S, O, K; [in the CK, النِّيرِ is erroneously put for البِئْرِ;]) i. e., in the wall that surrounds the interior of a well; and its pl. is طَوَائِقُ: (TA:) and between any two pieces of wood [or planks] of a ship, or boat: (S, O, K:) or طَائِقٌ signifies one of the pieces of wood [or planks] of the interior of a زَوْرَق [or skiff]: accord. to Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee, it is the middle. or in the middle, of a ship or boat: and accord. to As, a prominence projecting from a ship, or boat, like a ledge swelling out from a mountain: and also, he says, a ridge, or ledge, in a [mountain, or portion of a mountain, such as is termed] قُنَّة: accord. to Lth, طَائِقُ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ signifies any mountain, or [hill such as is termed] أَكَمَة, that surrounds anything: and its pl. is أَطْوَاقٌ [like أَصْحَابٌ pl. of صَاحِبٌ]. (TA.) ― -b2- طَائِقٌ also signifies, accord. to Ibn-Hamzeh, The curved extremity of a bow; which is said to be called its ↓ طَاق ; but this he disallows. (TA.) ― -b3- See also طَاقٌ, first sentence. أَطْوَاقٌ  [a pl. of طَاقٌ: and of طَوْقٌ: and of طَائِقٌ. -A2- Also] The milk of the cocoa-nut: (O, K, TA:) AHn says, (O, TA,) it is very intoxicating; (O, K, TA;) moderately as long as its drinker does not go forth to the wind; but if he does so, his intoxication becomes excessive; (K, TA;) and when he who is not accustomed to it, (O, K, TA,) and is not suited to it, (O, TA,) continues constantly the drinking of it, it vitiates his intellect, (O, K, TA,) and confuses his understanding: (O, TA:) when it remains until the morrow, it becomes most acid vinegar. (K, TA.) حَمَامٌ مُطَوَّقٌ  , (O,) and حَمَامَةٌ مُطَوَّقَةٌ, (S, O, K,) [Pigeons, and a pigeon,] having [i. e. marked with] a ring upon the neck. (S, O, K.) ― -b2- And مُطَوَّقَةٌ signifies A large قَارُورَة [i. e. flask, or bottle,] having a ringed neck: (O, K:) thus called by the people of El-'Irák. (O.) Credit: Lane Lexicon