
1 لَبڤ3َ [لَبَّ, originally لَبِبَ,] sec. per. لَبِبْتَ, (S, K,) the most common form of the verb, (TA,) and [لَبَّ, originally لَبُبَ, like حَبَّ, originally حَبُبَ, q. v.,] sec. pers. لَبُبْتَ, aor. يَلَبُّ, (S, K,) in the dial. of El-Hijáz, deviating from rule as aor. of the latter form of the verb; (TA;) inf. n. لَبَابَةٌ (S, K) and لِبٌّ and لَبٌّ; (TA;) and لَبَّ, aor. يَلِبُّ, in the dial. of Nejd; like فَرَّ, aor. يَفِرُّ; (TA;) and [لَبَّ], sec. pers. لَبِبْتَ, aor. يَلُبُّ; [contr. to analogy;] (Yz;) and [لَبَّ], sec. pers. لَبُبْتَ, aor. يَلُبُّ; [agreeably with analogy;] (Yoo;) He was, or became, possessed of لُبّ, i. e., understanding, intellect, or intelligence. See لُبٌّ. (S, K.) It has been said by some (as the authors of the T, the S, &c.) that لَبُبْتَ, aor. تَلَبُّ, has not its like among the class of reduplicative verbs; i. e., in being of the measure فَعُلَ in the pret., and يَفْعَلُ in the aor.: but three similar verbs have been mentioned; namely, دَمُمْتَ, شَرُرْتَ, and عَزُزَتِ الشَّاةُ (meaning “ the ewe, or goat, became scant in her milk ”). (TA.) [This, however, is a mistake: the assertion relates to لَبُبْتَ having for its aor. (regularly) تَلُبُّ: see دَمَّ, aor. يَدُمُّ.]) -A2- لَبَّ, aor. لَبِ3َ ; and ↓ لَبْلَبَ ; He (a goat, and sometimes ↓ لبلب is used in the same sense with reference to a buck-antelope,) uttered a cry, or sound, at rutting-time. (TA.) -A3- لَبَّ اللَّوْزَ He broke the almond and took forth its kernel. (TA.) ― -b2- لَبَّهُ, (K,) sec. pers. لَبَبْتُ, aor. لَبُ3َ , inf. n. لَبٌّ, (S,) He struck him upon the part called the لَبَّة; (S, K;) i. e., the pit above the breast, between the collar-bones; the place where camels are stabbed. (TA.) -A4- لَبَّ, aor. لَبُ3َ , It (a house) faced, was opposite to, or stood over against, another house. (Kh, S, K.) -A5- See 4. 2 لبّب  , inf. n. تَلْبِيبٌ, He (a man warning, or admonishing, a people, and crying out for aid,) put his quiver and his bow upon his neck, and then grasped his own clothes at the upper part of his bosom: ex. “ إِِنَّا إِِذَا الدَّاعِى اعْتَرَى وَلَبَّبَا
” [Verily we, when a caller comes seeking a kind office, and puts his quiver &c.]: (Lth:) or لبّب here signifies تَرَدَّدَ: see above. (TA.) ― -b2- He drew together his garments at his bosom and breast, in altercation, or contention, and then dragged him along. (S, K.) ― -b3- Also, He put round his neck a rope, or a garment, and held him with it. (TA.) -A2- See also 5, and تَلْبِيبٌ -A3- لبّب It (grain) got a لُبّ, or heart, (S, K,) an edible heart. (TA.) -A4- لبّب, inf. n. تَلْبِيبٌ, He went backwards and forwards, or to and fro; went and came: syn. تَرَدَّدَ. (K.) ISd says, This is related, but I know not what it is. (TA.) See below. 4 البّ بِالمَكَانِ  , inf. n. إِِلْبَابٌ; (ISk, S, K;) and ↓ لَبَّ بِهِ , [aor. لَبُ3َ ,] inf. n. لَبٌّ; (Kh, S, K;) He remained, stayed, abode, or dwelt, in the place; (S, K;) kept to it. (S.) Hence, says Fr., the expression لَبَّيْكَ, q. v. infra. (S, K.) ― -b2- البّ عَلَى الأَمْرِ He kept to the thing, or affair. (TA.) -A2- البّ It (growing corn, &c.) had, bore, or produced, the edible substance in the grain: like احبّ. (S.) -A3- البّ لَهُ الشَّىْءُ The thing appeared to him: syn. عَرَضَ. (K.) -A4- أَلْبَبْتُ السَّرْجَ I made a لَبَب (or breast-leather) to the saddle. (TA.) ― -b2- أَلْبَبْتُ الدَّابَّةَ I put a لَبَب (or breast-leather) on the beast of carriage; (S, K;) as also ↓ لَبَبْتُهَا , aor. لَبُ3َ . (K.) 5 تلبّبت بِمِنْطَقَتِهَا  [app. a mistake for بِمِنْطَقِهَا] She (a woman) put one end of her scarf over her left shoulder, and drew forth the middle of it from beneath her right arm, and covered with it her bosom, and put the other end also over her left shoulder. (TA.) ― -b2- تلبّب He raised his clothes, or tucked them up: (K:) he girded himself, and raised, or tucked up, his clothes; (S;) a signification assigned in the A to ↓ لَبَّبَ : he girded himself with his garment about his bosom; or wrapped it round him at his bosom: he drew together his garments: he girded himself with a weapon &c.: he armed himself, and raised, or tucked up, his clothes for fight: (TA:) he bound his waist with a rope. (S, in art. حزم.) ― -b3- تَلَبَّبَ الرَّجُلَانِ The two men seized each other at the part called لَبَّة. (TA.) -A2- تلبّب الوَادِى (tropical:) He took his way through the valley: and, in like manner, ↓ لبّبوا and ↓ استلبّوا they took their way through it. (A.) 10 استلبّهُ  He made trial of his understanding, or intelligence. See لُبٌّ. -A2- And see 5. R. Q. 1 لَبْلَبَةٌ  , [inf. n. of لَبْلَبَ,] The being tender, affectionate, kind, or compassionate, to offspring. (S, K.) ― -b2- لَبْلَبَتْ عَلَى وَلَدِهَا, inf. n. as above, She (a ewe) was tender, or affectionate, to her young one, and licked it, when she brought it forth, (S, K,) making a sound like لِبْ لِبْ. (TA.) ― -b3- See 1. ― -b4- لَبْلَبَ عَلَيْهِ, inf. n. as above, He was kind, or compassionate, to him; i. e., to a man: he was kind, or affectionate, to him, and aided, or succoured, him. (TA.) -A2- لَبْلَبَ It was separated, dispersed, or scattered. (AA, T, K.) (The inf. n., لبلبة, is explained by تَفَرُّقٌ: but I think it not improbable that this is a mistake for تَرَفُّقٌ; and that the meaning is, He was gentle, courteous, or kind.] لَبٌّ ذ inf. n. of لَبَّ “ he remained, &c. ” ― -b2- لبَّيْكَ [At thy service! lit., Doubly at thy service!] (S, K, &c.) and لَبَّيْهِ [At his service: &c.]. (TA.) [See an ex. voce مَرْهُوبٌ. It is used in the present day like our phrase At thy service, and may well be thus rendered, or with the addition of time after time.] لبّيك is derived from أَلَبَّ [or rather from لَبَّ as syn. with البّ] “ he remained &c. ”; and means I wait intent upon thy service, or upon obedience to thee: (Fr, S, K;) waiting [at they service] after waiting; [i. e., time after time;] and answering [thy commands] after answering: (K:) it [i. e. the noun without the annexed pron.] is put in the acc. case as an inf. n. [used as an absolute complement of its own verb which is understood], as in حَمْدًا لِلّٰهِ وشُكْرًا; and the right way would be to say لَبًّا لَكَ; but it is put in the dual number for the sake of corroboration; meaning إِِلْبَابًا بِكَ بَعْدَ إِِلْبَابٍ, and إِِقَامَةً بَعْدَ إِِقَامَةٍ, [waiting at thy service, or in attendance upon thee, or in thy presence, after waiting, or time after time]. (Fr, S.) [See also the similar expression سَعْدَيْكَ.] Or لَبٌّ signifies the obeying, or serving; or obedience, or service; from the original signification of the “ remaining, staying, abiding, or dwelling, ” [in a place]: the dual, in the nom. case, is لَبّانِ; and in the acc. and gen., لَبَّيْنِ; and the original meaning of لبيك is I have obeyed thee, or served thee, twice: [or I do obey thee, &c.:] the ن [of لبّين] being elided because of its being prefixed to the pron. (IAar.) Or لبّيك is from the saying دَارُ فُلَانٍ تَلُبُّ دَارِى “ the house of such a one faces my house ”; (Kh, S, K;) and the meaning is I present myself before thee, (or repair to thee, K,) doing what thou likest, answering thee [after answering, or time after time]: the ى is to form the dual number; and indicates that the noun is in the acc. case as an inf. n. [used as mentioned above]. (Kh, S.) Or it means My love [is given] to thee; from the expression اِمْرَأَةٌ لَبَّةٌ “ a woman loving (and affectionate, TA,) to her husband ”: so in the K: but the expression, as related on the authority of Kh, is أُمٌّ لَبَّةٌ; which is confirmed by a verse that he cites. (TA.) Or the meaning is إِِخْلَاصِى لَكَ [My sincere service, or the like, (is given) to thee;] from the expression حَسَبٌ لُبَابٌ “ pure nobility, or the like. ” (K.) Accord. to Yoo, لبّيك is a noun in the sing. number with the pron. annexed to it: this noun is originally لَبَّبٌ, of the measure فَعْلَلٌ: (not of the measure فَعَّلٌ, because this is rare in the language:) the the last ب is changed into ى to avoid the reduplication; and thus it becomes لَبَّىٌ: then the ى, being movent, and immediately preceded by fet-hah, is changed into ا; and it becomes لَبَّا [or لَبَّى, for the ى in this case is called ا]: then, being conjoined with ك in لبّيك, and with ه in لبّيه, its ا is changed into ى; after the same manner as you say إِِلَيْكَ and عَلَيْكَ and لَدَيْكَ. (TA.) [But see what here follows.] ― -b3- لَبَّىْ يَدَيْكَ is a phrase exactly similar to لبّيك, meaning At the service (or, lit. doubly at the service) of thy hands! and this is said, in the S, art. لبى to be at variance with the opinion of Yoo, given above; for, if لبّى were similar to إِِلَى &c., being prefixed to a noun, not a pron., it would be لَبَّى يَدَيْكَ, not لَبَّىْ.] Accord. to El-Khattá- bee, لبّى يديك signifies May thy hands be safe and sound! the desinential syntax being disregarded in the saying يديك, which rightly should be يَدَاكَ, in order that يديك may match in sound with لبّيك: but Z says, that the meaning is, I will obey thee, and be at thy free disposal, as a thing which thou shalt dispose of with thy hands in whatever manner thou shalt please. (TA.) ― -b4- In like manner you say لَبَّىْ زَيْدٍ [At the service (or doubly at the service) of Zeyd]. (Msb.) See art. لبى. ― -b5- لَبِّ, with kesreh for its termination, like أَمْس and غَاقِ, is also related as having been used: (Sb:) [and it is still used in some parts, as signifying At thy service!]. -A2- لَبٌّ keeping, or adhering, [to a thing]: remaining, or staying. (K.) ― -b2- A camel-driver who keeps constantly to the work of driving the camels, not leaving them. (TA.) ― -b3- رَجُلٌ لَبٌّ A man who keeps to a thing, or affair, or business; as also ↓ لَبِيبٌ ; (S, K;) a man who keeps to his art, or craft, or trade, not ceasing from it. (TA.) ― -b4- رجلٌ لَبٌّ طَبٌّ A man who keeps to business, [and is skilful, expert, clever, or intelligent]. (S, TA.) -A3- لَب One who renders himself near to people by affection and friendship [or is friendly and affectionate to them]: courteous, polite, or affable: fem. لَبَّةٌ: pl. لِبَابٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- اِمْرَأَةٌ لَبَّةٌ A woman who renders herself near by affection and friendship [or is friendly and affectionate], to people; (S;) courteous, polite, or affable: (S, K:) a woman loving to her husband; (K;) affectionate to him: or, accord. to Kh, the expression is أُمٌّ لَبَّةٌ: see لَبٌّ, above. (TA.) لُبٌّ  (S, K) and ↓ لُبَابٌ (Msb) of a nut, an almond, and the like, What is in the inside; (S;) the heart, or kernel: (K:) of a palm-tree, the heart, or pith, called قَلْبٌ or قُلْبٌ. (S, K.) Pl. of the former لُبُوبٌ. (S.) ― -b2- لُبٌّ (S, K) and ↓ لُبَابٌ (TA) What is pure, or the choice, or best, part, of anything: (S, K:) pl. of the former أَلْبَابٌ. (A'Obeyd.) ― -b3- لُبُّ الحِنْطَةِ [The purest substance of wheat: see فَالُوذٌ:] (T, L, art. فلذ &c:) [also called البُرِّ لُبَابُ , acc. to Sprenger, “ Life of Mohammad, ” (Allahabad, 1851,) p. 24, note 1.] ― -b4- [Hence,] لُبٌّ of a man, (TA,) (tropical:) Understanding; intellect; intelligence; or mind; syn. عَقْلٌ: (S, K:) the understanding, &c., that is put into the heart of a man: so called because it is the choicest or best part of him: or it is not so called unless it is pure from cupidity, or lust, and foul imaginations; and therefore has a more special sense than عقل: so in the Keshf el-Keshsháf: (TA:) pl. أَلْبَابٌ, and sometimes أَلُبٌّ; (S, K;) like as أَبْؤُسٌ is pl. of بُؤْسٌ, and أَنْعُمٌ of نُعْمٌ; (S;) and أَلْبُبٌ; (S, K;) the last being used, without incorporating the second ب into the first, in case of necessity in poetry. (S.) ― -b5- بَنَاتُ أَلْبُبٍ Certain veins in the heart; the sources of tenderness, affection, kindness, or compassion. (S, K.) ― -b6- تَأْبَى لَهُ ذٰلِكَ بَنَاتُ أَلْبُبِى [My tenderness forbids the doing so to him]: said by an Arab woman of the desert, on the occasion of her reproving her son, to one who asked her why she did not curse him. (S.) ― -b7- أَلْقَى عَلَيْهِ بَنَاتَ أَلْبُبِهِ He loved it. (L, art. شر.) ― -b8- The following words of the poet, “ قَدْ عَلِمَتْ ذَاكَ بَنَاتُ أَلْبُبِهْ
” signify, accord. to the M, My intellect knew that. (TA.) El-Mubarrad read أَلْبَبِهْ in the above words of the poet: (TA:) the meaning of these words, accord. to him, is, The daughters of the most intelligent of his tribe knew this. (S, TA.) ― -b9- If you form a pl. from [the pl.] أَلْبُبٌ, it is أَلَابِبُ; and the dim. n. is أُلَيْبِبٌ. (S.) ― -b10- ذُو لُبٍّ Possessing, having, or a person of, understanding, or intelligence: pl. أُولُوا الْأَلْبَابِ [persons of understandings]. (TA.) See also لَبِيبٌ and مَلْبُوبٌ. ― -b11- لُبٌّ (assumed tropical:) The self, substance, or essence, of anything. (TA.) -A2- Poison: (K:) the poison of the serpent is sometimes thus called. (Abu-l-Hasan, L.) -A3- لُبٌّ, in the dial. of El-Andalus and El-'Adweh, A certain beast of prey, resembling the wolf, said by AHei not to exist in other countries. (TA.) لَبَبٌ  : see لَبَّةٌ. ― -b2- The breast-girth, or thing that is bound over the breast of a beast, (or a she-camel, S,) to prevent the saddle from slipping back: (S, K:) it is an appertenance to the camel's saddle and to the horse's: (ISd, and others:) pl. أَلْبَابٌ: (S, K:) its only pl. (Sb.) ― -b3- فُلَانٌ فِى لَبَبٍ رَخِىٍّ (tropical:) Such a one is in ample circumstances (S,) in the enjoyment of abundance and security. (TA.) ― -b4- رَخِىُّ اللَّبَبِ Having a dilated bosom, or heart: syn. وَاسِعُ الصَّدْرِ. (TA.) -A2- A thin tract, or portion, of sand, (S, K,) that has descended from the main heap, and is between the hard and even, and the rugged, parts of the earth: (TA:) or such as is near to an oblong tract of sand: (T:) or لَبَبُ كَثِيبٍ signifies the fore part of a sand-hill. (TA.) El-Ahmar says, The largest quantity of sand is called عَقَنْقَلٌ; what is less than this, كَثِيبٌ; what is still less, عَوْكَلٌ; what is still less, سِقْطٌ; what is still less, عَدَابٌ; and what is still less, لَبَبٌ. (S.) لَبَّةٌ  and ↓ لَبَبٌ The stabbing-place in an animal; (S, L, K;) the middle of the breast: (L:) the pit above the breast, between the collar-bones; the place where camels are stabbed: (see لَبَّهُ:) or the bones [probably a mistake for the part next above the bones] that are above the breast, and below the throat, between the collar-bones, where camels are stabbed: he who says that it is the pit in the throat errs: (IKt:) [for it is just beneath the throat:] pl. of the former لَبَّاتٌ (S) and لِبَابٌ; and of the latter أَلْبَابٌ. (TA.) Also, both words, (the latter ↓ accord. to the S and K, and the former accord. to the TA,) and ↓ مُتَلَبَّبٌ , (TA,) The place of the breast where the necklace or collar lies, or hangs, (S, K,) in anything; (S;) [i. e., in a human being or a beast:] or the pit above it: (TA:) pl. of لَبَبٌ, أَلْبَابٌ. (S.) Lh mentions the phrase إِِنَّهَا لَحَسَنَهُ اللَّبَّاتِ [Verily she is beautiful in the upper part of the breast]: as though the sing. were applied to each portion of it, and the pl. formed to denote the whole. (TA.) لَبَابٌ ذ (as in the K) or ↓ لَبَابَةٌ (as in the L) A little of pasture, or herbage; (K;) what is not extensive thereof. (AHn.) -A2- لَبَابِ لَبَابِ, said by the Arabs to a man on the occasion of becoming favourably disposed towards him, (Yoo,) No harm, No harm. Syn. لَا بَأْسَ. (K.) ISd thinks it to be from a preceding meaning; [that of “ keeping, or adhering ”;] observing that when one dispels evil from another, he [the latter] loves to adhere to him: [so that it seems to be an imp. verbal n., like نَزَالِ &c., meaning keep with me, and fear not]. (TA.) هُوَ لُبَابُ قَوْمِهِ  [He is the choice one, or best, of his people]: and in like manner, هُمْ لُبَابُ قَوْمِهِمْ: and هِىَ لُبَابُ قَوْمِهَا. (IJ.) ― -b2- لُبَابُ الإِِبِلِ (tropical:) The best of the camels. (A.) ― -b3- لُبَابُ الدَّقِيقِ The best and purest of flour; which is white flour. (TA, voce حُوَّارَى.) ― -b4- لُبَابٌ Finely-ground flour, or meal. (TA.) ― -b5- See لُبٌّ. ― -b6- حَسَبٌ لُبَابٌ Pure nobility, or the like. (S, K.) لَبِيبٌ ذ (tropical:) A person of understanding, or intelligence: pl. أَلِبَّاءُ. (S, K.) No other broken pl. is formed from it. (Sb.) Fem. with ة. (TA.) See لُبٌّ, and مَلْبُوبٌ. -A2- In the following verse of El-Mudarrib Ibn-Kaab, “ فَقُلْتُ لَهَا فِيئِى إِِلَيْكِ فَإِِنَّنِى
حَرَامٌ وَإِِنِّى بَعْدَ ذَاكِ لَبِيبُ
” by بعد ذاك is meant مع ذاك; and by لبيب, مُقِيم, (remaining, or staying,) or, accord. to some, مُلَبٍّ, from التَّلْبِيَة: see art. لبى. (S.) لَبَابَةٌ  : see لَبَابٌ. لِبَابَةٌ  What is worn by the مُتَلَبِّب [app. meaning him who girds himself, and raises or tucks up his clothes, and arms himself, for fight]: (TA:) [A garment which he who prepares himself for fight puts on over other garments. (Freytag.) App., A piece of drapery thrown over the upper part of the bosom, and over the shoulders. See 5.] لَبِيبَةٌ  A certain garment, like the بَقِيرَة, q. v. (S, K.) لَبْلَبٌ  and لُبْلُبٌ Kind, and beneficent, to his family and his neighbours. (K.) هُوَ مُحِبٌّ لَهُ بِلَبَالِبِ قَلْبِهِ  (tropical:) [He loves him with the tenderest affections of his heart]. (TA.) -A2- لَبَالِبُ (tropical:) The confused noise, and cries, of sheep or goats. (S, K.) لَبْلَبَةٌ  a word imitative of The sound which a he-goat makes at rutting-time. (K.) لَبْلَابٌ  A certain herb: syn. حَشِيشَةٌ. (TA.) A certain plant, (K,) that twines about trees: (S:) [a species of dolichos, the dolichos lablab of Linn.: accord. to Golius, as from the S, convolvulus, a herb which as it rises embraces a tree: and he adds, pecul., the helxine: (Diosc. iv., 39, Beith:) either as if لفلاف, from لف; or from the love with which it seems to embrace the tree; whence it is also called عشقة [q. v.], and is a symbol of love which endures after death.] A well-known herb, or leguminous plant, (بقلة, q. v.,) used medicinally. (TA.) See عُصْرٌ. لَوْلَبٌ  A large quantity of water, which, when the aperture (مَفْتَح, as in the T; or فَتْح, as in MS. copies of the K; in the CK فُتُح;) [mean- ing the aperture of the tank or the like] carries off thereof what it can, and the hole by which it runs out (صُنْبُورُهُ, meaning the مَثْعَب of the water, TA,) is too narrow to admit it freely on account of its abundance, whirls round, and becomes like the spout of a vessel. (T, K.) AM says, I know not whether it be an Arabic word or arabicized; but the people of El-'Irák are fond of using it. (TA.) [It appears to be from the Persian لُولَهْ, as Golius thinks; and is used in modern Arabic in several other senses; namely, A tube through which water flows: the spout of a ewer, of an alembic, and the like: a cock, or tap: a turning pin, or peg; a screw: and the like. Its more appropriate place, I think, would be in an art. composed of the letters للب (accord. to what is said of مُلَوْلَبٌ in the S, K); or rather, (accord. to its derivation from the Pers.,) لولب.] Pl. لَوَالِبُ. (TA.) أُلْبُوبٌ  [and also, accord. to Golius, أَلْبُوبٌ,] The kernel of the stone of the نَبِق [or fruit of the lote-tree]. (K.) It is sometimes eaten: (TA:) and is also called صَلّامٌ. (TA in art. صلم.) مُلَبٌّ  : see next paragraph. مُلْبَبٌ  and ↓ مُلَبٌّ (K: the former on the authority of ISk; but Ibn-Keysán says that it is wrong; and that the latter is the right: S:) and ↓ مَلْبُوبٌ (IAar, K) A beast of carriage furnished with a لَبَب, or breast-leather. (S, K.) مَلْبُوبٌ  (tropical:) Characterized by understanding, or intelligence. (K.) ― -b2- See preceding paragraph. تَلْبِيبٌ  The portion of the clothes that is at the part called لَبَب: a subst., like تَمْتِينٌ: (K:) pl. تَلَابِيبُ. (TA.) ― -b2- أَخَذَ بِتَلْبِيبِهِ He drew together his clothes at the bosom, and seized him, dragging him along: (T:) he took him by the لَبَّة: you also say اخذ بِتَلَابِيبِهِ. (TA.) See also 2 and 5. Credit: Lane Lexicon