1 قَصَّهُ  , (S, M, A, Msb, K,) aor. قَصُ3َ , inf. n. قَصٌّ, (M, Msb,) He cut it; (S, Msb;) or he clipped it, or shore it, or cut off from it; (A, K;) namely, hair, (S, M, A, K,) and wool, (M,) and plumage, (A,) and a nail of a finger or toe; (M, K;) with the مِقَصّ, q. v.: (A, K:) as also ↓ قصّصهُ , (M, A,) and, by permutation, قَصَّاهُ: (M:) or these two forms have an intensive signification: or you say, الظُّفْرَ وَنَحْوَهُ قَصَّيْتُ , meaning, I pared the nail and the like. (Msb.) ― -b2- Also, He (a weaver) cut of