Root: ح ن ف
a) Total occurrences: 12
b) No of constructions: 2
Ibn Faris [died
1005] stated:
(مقاييس اللغة)
الحاء والنون والفاء
أصلٌ مستقيم،
وهو المَيَل.
That its primary signification is
upright, upstanding, and it is predisposition;

Be informed; They the Elite-Clergy of People of the Book said:
"Be a Jew or
Christian, would you people like to guide yourselves aright."
the Messenger
"No, that is not the way to get guided; on the contrary, adopting incessantly the
Community Code of life of Iebra'heim
[alai'his'slaam] lets
one guided aright. He was
ever Sincere and upright
staunch monotheist believer
and Muslim in conduct."
And be mindful; He was
never considered and identified as part of the Idolaters-polytheists of
his times. [2:135]
1 |
Adjective Resembling participle:
plural; masculine; accusative.(1) 22:31(2)98:05=2
الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-جمع
مذكر |
2 |
Adjective Resembling participle:
singular; masculine; accusative. [from حَنْفٌ on فَعِيلٌ pattern] (1)2:135(2)3:67(3)3:95(4)4:125(5)6:79(6)6:161(7)10:105(8)16:120 (9)16:123(10)30:30=10
الصفة المشبهة:-منصوب-واحد
مذكر |

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