1 تَمَّ الشَّىْءُ  , (T, S, M, K, &c.,) aor. تَمِ3َ , (T, M, K,) inf. n. تَمَامٌ, (T, S,) or تِمَامٌ, (M,) or both, and تُمَامٌ, (K,) and تَمَامَةٌ (M, K) and تِمَامَةٌ, (K,) and تمُّ and تَمٌّ and تُمٌّ, (M, K,) of which last three forms the first is said to be the most chaste, (TA,) [The thing was, or became, complete, entire, whole, or full; i. e., without, or free from, deficiency: and sometimes, the thing was, or became, consummate, or perfect; which latter signification is more properly expressed by كَمَلَ:] accord. to the author of the K, as is shown in art. كمل, and accord. to some others, تَمَامٌ and كَمَالٌ are syn.; but several authors make a distinction between them: the former is said to signify a thing's being, or becoming, without, or free from, deficiency; and the latter, to signify تمام and something more, as, for instance, goodliness, and excellence, essential or accidental; though each is sometimes used in the sense of the other: or, as some say, the former necessarily implies previous deficiency; but the latter does not: (MF, TA:) or, accord. to El-Harállee, the latter signifies the attaining to the utmost point, or degree, in every respect: or, as Ibn-El-Kemál says, when one says of a thing كَمَلَ, he means that what was desired of it became realized. (TA.) [See also تَمَامٌ, below.] You say, تَمَّ خَلْقُهُ [His make, or formation, was, or became, complete, or perfect; he (a child or the like, and a man,) was, or became, fully formed or developed, or complete in his members; and he (a man) was, or became, full-grown]: (TA:) [whence, probably,] تَمَّ الشَّىْءُ [as meaning] The thing became strong and hard. (Msb.) And تَمَّ القَمَرُ, (T, S, Msb,) or ↓ اتمّ , (M, K,) The moon became full, so that it shone brightly. (M, K) And, of her who is pregnant, تَمَّتْ أَيَّامُ حَمْلِهَا [The days of her gestation became complete]. (S.) ― -b2- تَمَّ إِِلَى كَذَا He reached, attained, arrived at, or came to, such a thing; as, for instance, eminence or nobility, or the means of acquiring eminence or nobility. (TA.) ― -b3- تَمَّ إِِلَى مَوْضِعِ كَذَا, and إِِلَيْهِ اتمّ , He repaired, or betook himself, to, or towards, such a place; he went to it. (Har p. 508.) Aboo-Dhu-eyb says, “ فَبَاتَ بِجَمْعٍ ثُمَّ تَمَّ إِِلَى مِنًى
” [which may be rendered And he passed the night in Jema (a name of El-Muzdelifeh): then he repaired, or went, to Minč; there completing the ceremonies of the pilgrimage; wherefore ISd says,] I think that, by تمّ, [or rather تمّ الى منى,] he means he completed his pilgrimage. (M.) ― -b4- تَمَّ بِهِ, and تَمَّ عَلَيْهِ: see their syn. اتمّهُ (4). ― -b5- [Hence,] تَمَّ عَلَيْهِ He performed it, or executed it; he accomplished it; namely, an affair; a fast; a purpose, or an intention. (Mgh.) ― -b6- And He persevered in it; (Mgh, TA;) as also تَمَمَ عَلَيْهِ, without teshdeed, as in the phrase إِِنْ تَمَمَتْ عَلَى مَا أُرِيدُ [If she persevere in what I desire], occurring in a trad.; but IAth says that the verb here means ↓ تَمَّمَتْ . (TA.) You say, تَمَّ عَلَى الإِبَآءِ He persevered in refusal, or dislike, or disapproval. (Mgh.) -A2- تُمَّ It was broken. (T.) ― -b2- And i. q. بلغ [app. بُلِغَ, i. e. He was jaded, harassed, distressed, fatigued, or wearied]. (T.) 2 تَمَّمَهُ تمم تممه تممة : see its syn. اتمّهُ; and see also 1, near the end of the paragraph. ― -b2- He, or it, destroyed it; made it to reach its appointed term of duration. (Sh, T, K.) ― -b3- تَمَّمَهُمْ He gave them the share of their arrow in the game called المَيْسِر; (IAar, M, K;) i. e. he gave them to eat the flesh which was their share. (M.) Accord. to Lh, التَّتْمِيمُ in the game called الميسر signifies A man's taking what has remained, so as to complete the shares, or make up their full number, when the players have diminished from the slaughtered camel [by taking their shares]. (T.) ― -b4- تّمم عَلَى الجَرِيحِ (tropical:) He hastened and completed the slaughter of the wounded man: or made his slaughter sure, or certain. (M, K, TA.) -A2- تّمم الكَسْرُ, (M, K,) and ↓ تتمّم , (M, TA,) in the copies of the K, erroneously, تَمَّ, (TA,) [in the CK, تّمم again,] i. e. [The fracture, or the broken bone, or simply the bone,] cracked, without separating (وَلَمْ يَبِنْ): or cracked, and then separated. (M, K.) You say, تَمَّمَ الكَسْرَ فَتَمَّمَ and ↓ تَتَمَّمَ [He, or it, completed the fracture, or cracked the broken bone, or the bone, and it cracked, &c.]. (M.) And ↓ ظَلَعَ فُلَانٌ ثُمَّ تَتَمَّمَ , i. e. [Such a one limped, or halted, or was slightly lame: then] his lameness became complete by fracture: from تُمَّ signifying “ it was broken: ” (T:) [or تَتَمَّمَ signifies his lameness became complete by an increased fracture, after he had had a fracture with which he was able to walk: this is what is meant by the following loose explanation:] التَّتَمُّمُ مَنْ كَانَ بِهِ كَسْرٌ يَمْشِى بِهِ ثُمَّ أَبَتَّ فَتَتَمَّمَ. (K. [In the CK, اَبَّتَ is here erroneously put for أَبَتَّ.]) -A3- تمّم الَمَوْلُودَ He hung تَمَائِم, (Th, M,) or a تَمِيمَة, (K,) upon the new-born child, or young infant. (Th, M, K.) ― -b2- تَمَّمْتُ عَنْهُ العَيْنَ I repelled from him the evil eye by hanging [upon him] the تَمِيمَة. (A, TA.) -A4- تمّم also signifies He became, in the inclination of his mind, (Lth, T, M, K,) and in his opinion, and his place of abode or settlement, (Lth, T, K,) as one of the tribe of Temeem; (Lth, T, M, K;) as also ↓ تتمّم ; (K, TA; [in the CK, تمّم again;]) or accord. to analogy it would be تتمّم, like تمضّر and تنزّر. (T.) And He asserted himself to be related to the tribe of Temeem. (M.) 3 مُتَامّةٌ متامه متامة [inf. n. of تَامَّ] The vying, or contending, with another in completeness, or perfection. (KL.) [You say, تامّهُ He vied, or contended, with him &c.] 4 اتمّ أتم اتم تام تم , said of the moon: see 1. ― -b2- Said of a plant, It became tall and full-grown; or became of its full height, and blossomed. (M, K.) ― -b3- أَتَمَّتْ, said of one that is pregnant, She completed the days of her gestation: (S:) or, said of a woman and of a she-camel, (M,) she became near to bringing forth. (M, K.) ― -b4- اتّم إِِلَى مَوْضِعِ كَذَا: see 1. -A2- اتمّ الشَّىْءَ, (S, M, K,) or الأَمْرَ, (Mgh,) and اتمّ بِهِ, (M,) inf. n. إِِتْمَامٌ; (TA;) and ↓ تمّمهُ , (T, S, M, K,) inf. n. تَتْمِيمٌ and تَتِمَّةٌ; (T, TA;) and ↓ استتمّهُ ; (S, Mgh, K;) and بِهِ تَمَّ , and عَلَيْهِ تَمَّ ; (M, K;) signify the same; (S Mgh;) i. e. جَعَلَهُ تَامَّا (M in explanation of all but the last, and K in explanation of all that are mentioned therein,) and أَكْمَلَهُ (M in explanation of the last) [He made the thing, or the affair, complete, entire, whole, or full; i. e., without, or free from, deficiency; he completed it: and sometimes, he consummated, or perfected, it]. وَأَتِمُّو الحَجَّ وَالعُمْرَةَ, in the Kur [ii. 192], means And perform ye, or accomplish ye, completely, the rites and ceremonies [of the pilgrimage and the minor pilgrimage]; (M, * Bd;) accord. to some: or, as some say, إِِتْمَامُ الحَجِّ means that the money, or the like, that one expends in performing the pilgrimage should be lawfully obtained, and that one should refrain from doing what God has forbidden. (M.) And فَأَتَمَّهُنَّ, in the Kur [ii. 118], means And he performed them, or accomplished them, completely, (Bd, Jel,) and rightly: (Bd:) or he did according to them. (Fr, TA.) -A3- اتمّهُ He gave him what are termed تِمَم, pl. of تِمَّةٌ, and meaning جِزَز [explained below, voce تِمَّةٌ], (M, TA,) in order that he might complete therewith his web. (TA.) [In consequence of its being misplaced in the K, this is there made to signify He gave him a تِمّ, meaning a فَأْس or a مِسْحَاة.] 5 تَتَمَّ3َ see 2, in four places. 6 تَتَامُّوا تتاموا They came, [and also, accord. to Golius, app. on the authority of a gloss in a copy of the KL, they drank,] all of them, and were complete. (S, K.) One says, اِجْتَمَعُوا فَتَتَامُّوا عَشَرَةً [They collected themselves together, and came, all of them, making altogether ten]. (TA.) And it is said in a trad., تَتَامَّتْ إِِلَيْهِ قُرَيْشٌ, i. e. Kureysh obeyed his call, and came to him, all of them, following one another. (TA.) 10 استتمّهُ استتمه استتمة : see 4. ― -b2- استتّم النِّعْمَةَ He asked for the completion of the benefit, or boon, or favour. (M, K.) -A2- He sought, demanded, or requested, of him what are termed تِمّم, pl. of تِمَّةٌ, and meaning جِزَز [explained below, voce تِمَّةٌ], (M, TA,) in order that he might complete therewith his web. (TA.) [In consequence of its being misplaced in the K, this is there made to signify He sought, demanded, or requested, of him a تِمّ, meaning a فَأْس or a مِسْحَاة.] R. Q. 1 تَمْتَمَةٌ تمتم تمتمه تمتمة is the inf. n. of تَمْتَمَ, (Msb,) and signifies The reiterating in uttering the letter ت: (Mbr, Zj in his “ Khalk el-Insán, ” T, S, Msb:) [if so, syn. with تَأْتَأَةٌ:] or the tongue's pronouncing indistinctly, missing the place of the letter, [i. e. the place of its pronunciation in the organs of speech,] and recurring to an utterance like ت and م, though this be not distinct: (Lth, T:) or the making the speech [or tongue] to revert [repeatedly] to ت and م: (M, K:) or the jabbering, or hurrying in one's speech, so as hardly, or not at all, to make a person understand: (M:) or the uttering in such a manner that one's speech proceeds rapidly to the roof of his mouth. (M, K.) تَمٌّ تم an inf. n. of 1, in the first of the senses explained above. (M, K.) See تَمَامٌ, in two places. -A2- See also تِمَّةٌ. تُمٌّ تم an inf. n. of 1, in the first of the senses explained above. (M, K.) See تَمَامٌ, in two places. تِمٌّ تم an inf. n. of 1, in the first of the senses explained above. (M, K.) See تَمَامٌ, in five places: ― -b2- and تَامٌّ, in three places. -A2- Also i. q. فَأْسٌ [app. here meaning A kind of hoe]: (IAar, T, K:) or i. q. مِسْحَاةٌ [a spade, or a shovel]: (K:) pl. تِمَمَةٌ (IAar, T,) or تِمَمٌ. (So in the TA.) تُمَّةٌ أماه ماهو تمه تمة : see what next follows, in two places. تِمَّةٌ أماه ماهو تمه تمة (M, K) and ↓ تُمَّةٌ (TA) [the former written in the CK تَمَّةٌ] sings. of تِمَمٌ (M, K, TA) and تُمَمٌ, (K, TA,) or ↓ تَمَمٌ , which [ISd says] I think to be a quasi-pl. n., (M,) or ↓ تَمٌّ is the quasipl. n.: (K:) these, i. e. the pls. and quasi-pl. n., signify Shorn crops (جِزَز [in the CK جِزَر, for which Golius appears to have found حِرْز, for he has rendered it by “ amuletum, ” and Freytag has done the same,]) of شَعَر [meaning goats' hair], and of camels' hair, and of wool, (M, K, TA,) of that wherewith a woman [or a man] completes her [or his] web: (TA:) and ↓ تُمَّةٌ signifies what is given, of wool, or camel's hair, [or goats' hair,] (S, TA, [and mentioned also in the K, but there, by misplacement, made to relate to تِمٌّ instead of تِمَّةٌ,]) for a man to complete therewith the weaving of his كِسَآء; (S;) as also ↓ تُمَّى . (K, * TA.) تُمَّى تمى تمي : see تِمَّةٌ. تَمَمٌ تمم : see تَامٌّ, in four places: -A2- and see also تِمَّةٌ. تَمَامٌ تمام (T, S, K) and ↓ تِمَامٌ (M, K) and ↓ تُمَامٌ (K) inf. ns. of 1, in the first of the senses explained above; (T, S, M, K;) as also ↓ تِمٌّ and ↓ تَمٌّ and ↓ تُمٌّ . (M, K.) [Hence,] ↓ وَلَدَتْهُ لِتِمٍّ and ↓ لِتِمَامٍ and لِتَمَامٍ She brought him forth at the completion of formation; (K, TA;) i. e., when his formation was complete: (TA:) [or, at the completion of gestation:] and, accord. to As, وَلَدَتْهُ التَّمَامَ, with the art. ال; not indeterminate, except in poetry. (IB, TA.) And وَلَدَتْ لِتَمَامٍ and ↓ لِتِمَامٍ [She brought forth at the completion of formation; or, of gestation]. (S.) And أَلْقَتِ الوَلَدَ لِغَيْرِ تَمَامٍ and ↓ تِمَامٍ [She cast the child at a period not that of the completion of formation; or, of gestation; i. e., prematurely]. (Msb.) And وُلِدَ المَوْلُودُ لِتَمَامٍ and ↓ لِتِمَامٍ [The infant was born at the completion of formation; or, of gestation]. (T, * S.) And وُلِدَ الوَلَدُ لِتَمَامِ الحَمْلِ and الحَمْلِ لِتِمَامِ [The child was born at the completion of gestation]. (Msb.) [These exs., and others following, show that an assertion of IDrd, mentioned in the M, namely, that one says, ↓ وُلِدَ الغُلَامُ لِتِمٍّ and ↓ لِتِمَامٍ , and ↓ بَدْرُ تِمَامٍ , and that in every other case it is تَمَام, with fet-h, requires consideration.] You say also, بَدْرُ تَمَامٍ and ↓ تِمَامٍ [lit. The full moon of completion]: and ↓ بَدْرٌ تِمَامٌ [lit. A complete full moon]: all meaning the moon, or a moon, when it is full, so that it shines brightly: (M, K:) and قَمَرٌ تَمَامٌ and ↓ تِمَامٌ A complete, or full, moon. (S.) And لَيْلَةُ التَّمَامِ and لَيْلَةُ تَمَامِ القَمَرِ, with fet-h to the ت, (ISh, T,) or ↓, لَيلَةُ التِّمَامِ with kesr, [which seems to be at variance with general usage,] and sometimes with fet-h, (Msb,) [The night of the completion of the moon; i. e.] the night of the full moon; (ISh, T, Msb;) which is the thirteenth night; (ISh, T;) or the fourteenth. (T.) And ↓ لَيْلُ التِّمَامِ , with kesr only, (T, S, M, K, &c.,) thus distinguished from what next precedes, (ISh, T,) as also ↓ لَيْلُ تِمَامٍ , and in like manner, لَيْلٌ تِمَامٌ (T) and ↓ لَيْلٌ تِمَامِىٌّ , (T, K,) The longest night of the year; (Lth, T, S;) the longest night of winter; (As, ISh, T, M, K;) that in which our Lord Jesus was born: (As, T:) or each of three nights of which no deficiency is apparent: (Lth, T, M, K:) or the night that is from thirteen to fifteen hours in length: (Aboo-'Amr EshSheybánee, T:) or the night that is twelve hours or more in length: (AA, T, M, K:) and any night that is long, or tedious, to one, and in which one does not sleep, is called ↓ لَيْلَةُ التِّمَامِ , or said to be like the night thus called. (IAar, T.) And الشَّهْرِ رُئِىَ الهِلَالُ لِتِمِّ [The new moon was seen at the completion of the month; showing that another month was commencing]. (T.) And ↓ أَبَى قَائِلُهَا إِِلَّا تِمًّا and ↓ تَمًّا and ↓ تُمًّا , (S, M,) three dial. vars., of which the first is the most chaste, i. e., تَمَامًا [meaning The sayer thereof refused, or did not consent to, aught save completion]; he executed, or accomplished, or kept to, his saying; he did not go back from it. (S, TA.) ― -b2- تَمَامٌ (with fet-h only, AZ, AAF, M) also signifies The complement of a thing; the supplement thereof; the thing by the addition of which is effected the completion or perfection of a thing; (AZ, T, AAF, M, K;) and so ↓ تَمَامَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ تَتِمَّةٌ . (T, M, K.) You say, هٰذِهِ الدَّرَاهِمُ تَمَامُ هٰذِهِ المِائَةِ, and هذه المائة تَتِمَّةُ , These dirhems are the complement of this hundred; or, what complete this hundred. (T.) [And ↓ تَتِمَّةُ كِتَابٍ The supplement of, or to, a book.] ― -b3- See also تَامٌّ, in two places. تُمَامٌ تمام : see تَمَامٌ, first sentence. تِمَامٌ تمام : see تَمَامٌ, throughout the greater part of the paragraph: ― -b2- and see also تَامٌّ. تَمِيمٌ تميم Strong; firm; hard: (A'Obeyd, T, S, M, Msb, K:) or strong in make, or formation: (TA:) or complete, or perfect, in make, or formation, and strong: (M:) applied to a man and to a horse: (M, TA:) fem. with ة. (TA.) See also تَامٌّ. ― -b2- Also Tall; (T;) applied to a man. (TA.) -A2- See also تَمِيمَةٌ. تَمَامَةٌ تمام تمامه تمامة : see تَمَامٌ, near the end of the paragraph. تُمَامَةٌ تمام تمامه تمامة A remainder, or remaining portion, (K,) of anything. (TA.) تَمِيمَةٌ تميمه تميمة A kind of amulet (عُوذَةٌ, T, S) which is hung upon a human being; forbidden to be worn: (S:) or a kind of bead: (S, Mgh:) erroneously imagined by some to be the same as مَعَاذَةٌ: (El- Kutabee, Mgh:) but as to the مَعَاذَات that are inscribed with something from the Kur-án, or with the names of God, in these there is no harm: (S, Mgh:) a speckled bead, black speckled with white, or the reverse, which is strung upon a thong, and tied to the neck: (M, K:) sing. of تَمَائِمُ and [n. un. of] ↓ تَمِيمٌ : (T, M, K:) تَمَائِمُ signifies certain beads which the Arabs of the desert used to hang upon their children, to repel, as they asserted, the evil eye: (T, Mgh:) or the تَمِيمَة is, accord. to some, a necklace (قِلَادَة) upon which are put thongs and amulets (عُوَذ): (M:) or a necklace (قِلَادَة) of thongs: and is sometimes applied to the amulet (عُوذَة) that is hung upon the necks of children: (T:) but he who makes تمائم to signify thongs is in error: El-Farezdak uses the phrase سُيُورُ التَّمَائِمِ because they are beads which are perforated, and into which are inserted thongs or strings whereby they are suspended: (T, Mgh:) Az says, I have not found among the Arabs of the desert any difference of opinion respecting the تميمة, as to its being the bead itself: (TA:) but accord. to En-Nakha'ee, the Prophet disapproved of everything hung upon a child or grown person, and said that all such things were تمائم: (Mgh:) the تميمة is [said to be] thus called because by it the condition of the child is rendered complete. (Har p. 22.) تِمَامِىٌّ تمام تمامى تمامي : see تَمَامٌ. تَمْتَامٌ تمتام One whose utterance is such as is termed تَمْتَمَةٌ: (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K:) [see R. Q. 1: accord. to most authorities,] one who reiterates in uttering the letter ت: (S, Mgh, Msb:) or, accord. to AZ, one who jabbers, or hurries in his speech, so as not to make another understand: (Mgh, Msb:) fem. with ة. (M, K.) تَامٌّ تام [part. n. of 1 in the first of the senses explained above]: (T, M, K, &c.:) Complete, entire, whole, or full; without, or free from, deficiency: and consummate, or perfect: (MF, TA:) as also ↓ تَمَامٌ , [which see above,] (M, * KL,) [and ↓ تِمَامٌ , of which see three exs. voce تَمَامٌ,] and ↓ تِمٌّ , (Kh, T, Har p. 82,) and ↓ تَمَمٌ . (TA.) Thus تَامُّ الخَلْقِ signifies Complete, or perfect, in make, or formation; without any deficiency in his members; applied to a man; (MF, TA;) [and, thus applied, signifying also full-grown, as does, sometimes, تَامٌّ alone: and likewise applied to a new-born child, meaning fully formed or developed:] and ↓ تَمِيمٌ signifies the same, (M, K,) applied to a man and to a horse, (M,) and ↓ تَمَمٌ also; and in like manner is used the phrase ↓ خَلْقٌ تَمَمٌ [a complete, or perfect, make or formation]. (TA.) جَذَعٌ تَامٌّ ذ [applied to a goat] signifies That has completed the time in which he is termed جَذَع, and attained to that in which he is termed تَيْس. (TA.) And ↓ تَمَمٌ is applied to a bull, or an ox, That is in the stage of growth next before that in which all his teeth are grown; in which latter stage he is termed عَمَمٌ. (L voce عَضْبٌ, on the authority of Et-Táďfee.) You say also كَلِمَةٌ تَامَّةٌ, and دَعْوَهٌ تَامَّةٌ; [meaning A perfect, or faultless, sentence, and oath;] using the epithet تامّة in these instances because of the mention of God therein; for which reason there may not be in aught of either of them any deficiency or defect. (TA.) And ↓ جَعَلَهُ تِمًّا i. e. ↓ تَمَامًا [He made it complete, or perfect]. (M.) And ↓ جَعَلْتُهُ لَكَ تِمًّا I made it, or have made it, to be thine, or I assigned it, or have assigned it, to thee, completely, or wholly. (T.) ― -b2- [Hence, فِعْلٌ تَامٌّ meaning A complete, i. e. an attributive, verb: opposed to فِعْلٌ نَاقِصٌ.] تَتِمَّةٌ أتم تتمه تتمة : see تَمَامٌ, in three places, at the close of the paragraph. مُتَمٌّ مات متم متتم The place of cutting, or termination, (مُنْقَطَع, in the CK مُنْقَطِع,) of the vein (عِرْق [app. meaning chord]) of the navel. (K.) مُتِمٌّ مات متم متتم , applied to one that is pregnant, (S,) or to a woman, (M, TA,) and a she-camel, (M,) That has completed the days of her gestation: (S:) or that is near to bringing forth: (M:) or that is at the point of bringing forth. (TA.) مُتَمِّمٌ متمم One whose arrow wins time after time [in the game called المَيْسِر], and who feeds the poor with the flesh [of the camel which constitutes the shares] thereof: (M, K:) or who, when players in the game called الميسر have diminished the slaughtered camel [by taking their shares], takes what has remained, so as to complete the shares, or make up their full number. (K. [See 2. In the CK, نَقَصَ اِيْسارَ جَزُوْرِ المَيْسِرِ is erroneously put for نَقَصَ أَيْسَارٌ جَزُورَ المَيْسِرِ.]) الجَهَالَةُ المُسْتَتَمَّةُ الجهالة المستتمه الجهالة المستتمة Consummate ignorance: improperly written المُسْتَتِمَّةُ, though this latter is explainable [as meaning that completes the extent to which it can go, or the like]. (Mgh.) مُسْتَتِمٌّ مستتم One who seeks, demands, or requests, wool, or camels' hair, to complete therewith the weaving of his كِسَآء: so in a poem of Aboo-Duwád, (S,) where he says, “ فَهْىَ كَالبَيْضِ فِى الأَدَاحِىِّ لَا يُوْ
هَبُ مِنْهَا لِمُسْتَتِمٍّ عِصَامُ
” i. e., And they (referring to certain camels) are, in respect of the care that is taken of them, and in smoothness, like the eggs [in the places where the ostrich has deposited them in the sand]; there may not be found upon them to be given from them, to one who demands a تِمَّة, [even so much as] a tie for a water-skin; for they have become fat, and cast their hair. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon