ب ر ھ
Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:
a) Total occurrences: 8
b) No of constructions: 4
Classical Lexicon stated:
(لسان العرب)
الحُجّة الفاصلة البيّنة،
That it gives the perception of decisive and manifest
evidence and proof.
[some consider it as Verbal Noun derived from Root ب ر ه meaning white
and luminous]
Truth-bearer: Primary Source of Information and Evidence.
People talk and talk frequently, either
truthfully or falsely. The Elite, holders of resources and power in a society, using
their coteries psychological manipulators; and the clergy-religious
scholars on the other hand construct and disperse false but
fascinating assertions. These are popularized by lower hierarchy of
clergy and pseudo intellectuals whom it serves as if it were fidelity
cards. Many might do it naively in the first instance, thereafter,
finding attraction of people around them they too start perceiving it
as "truth".
What is then the source-criterion to
verify the truthfulness, veracity, and accuracy of a statement or
otherwise sift falsity, opinionated dispersed conjectures held as
so called "truths"?

Moreover, they said,
"None might ever enter in the Paradise except he who was either Jew
or Christian".
is one of their wishful thinking-desires-fascinations-conjectures made popular in society.
You ask them; "Produce your
primary evidence-source to substantiate your verbal assertion, if you people
were who express truthfully". [2:111]
They made an assertive statement with
choice of such words mirroring it as "truth".

Parenthetical sentence [الجملة اعتراضية]
is quite meaningful rather describing about "conjectural truths".
Number of conjectural gossips dispersed with repetitive "jets" is
It is a possessive phrase; the suffixed possessive
pronoun refers the Jews of those days who had asserted said statement.
First Noun is also definite because of construct-
Its Root is "م ن ى"
which denotes "semen" that creates desire, hope and fascination of
offspring when ejected into "receptacle" of one's mate. Semen of Mammals
has enormous number of sperms that are forcefully spread in repetitive
jets. But only one might, that even not necessarily, prove and become a
source of reliable hope. "Conjectural fascinating truths" forcefully
ejected in the society are but what is mirrored by
How to verify
them? What is the criterion of truth? It is simple, void of philosophical

Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite,
singular; masculine; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Second person;
masculine; plural, in genitive state.
From Root
"ب ر ھ
ن" signifies
a decisive and
manifest evidence or proof which irrefutably establishes the truthfulness
of stated information. Such evidence is only from a Primary Source.
Information the
speaker has no personal knowledge is not primary.
The Original Source or evidence is an
artifact, a document, a recording, or other source of information that
was created at the time of its original manifestation.
Information conveyed
to other persons is NOT truth unless it is backed by:
Primary Source-Primary Evidence which can either be Original Document or
verifiable tangible evidence.
It is the basic criterion by which standard a speaker can prove himself
truthful, otherwise what he stated is either false and conjecture, or
merely an unsubstantiated wishful opinion.
A Conditional sentence with Apodosis clause elided
since it is understood having already been mentioned as proof;
"if you people were truthful".
Active participle:
Indefinite, masculine; plural;
accusative. Its Root is "ص د ق".
It signifies that which is said truthfully in the way of
information whether relating to the past or the future. Primary
Source-Evidence-authentic document to prove the veracity of given
information is firstly the original Book of Allah the Exalted.

You the Messenger
[Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] ask them: "Thereby,
to substantiate your assertion you come to me with At'Tor'aat,
thereat, you read therein,
if you people were who express truthfully." [Ref

the Messenger
ask them: "Thereby, to
substantiate your assertion, you people come to me with a book received
from Allah the Exalted which is a better guide than these two: Qur'aan
and To'raat;
I will make myself
literally follow
If you people are truthful in your assertions to people."
Primary source
and evidence for an irrefutable statement of truth is the Book of Allah
the Exalted in its original text. However, "In the study of
history as an academic discipline, a primary source (also called
original source or evidence) is an artifact, a
document, a recording, or other source of information
was created at the time under study. It serves as an
original source of information about the topic. Similar
definitions are used in
library science, and other areas of scholarship.**
Primary Source

Thereby, you people
come with your book-documental evidence;
If you people are truthful in your assertions to people."
: It is irrefutable evidence establishing the truthfulness of a
statement. It is either the
Primary Source: Book of Allah the Exalted; Original Document created at
the time under study;
it is verifiable tangible evidence.

You people come to me with
a Book
which Allah the Exalted
sent earlier in time before this Grand Qur'aan;
you people bring to me tangible
evidences-traces which are verifiable part of knowledge;
if you were truthful in what you said-keep saying".
Allah the
Exalted through the Elevated Universal Messenger has laid down the
criterion of truth; how to define and identify truth; the roles that
revealed and acquired knowledge play; in respect of both relative and
absolute truths. Relative truth is a reality with reference/relation to
time and space, and the absolute reality is not bound within specific, or
affected by time and space; it is universal. The criterion of
determining truth is
the Book of Allah the Exalted, documental evidence about a relative
truth created at the time under study; and the tangible traces that can
be subjected to test and verification as part of knowledge.
keep communicating frivolous, mythical and fascinating
assertions. The burden of proof of its truthfulness is upon
the person, scholar, clergyman who asserts it; and upon those
who repeat and propagate or plagiarize it. They need to be
asked to quote
In case they adopt "selective inattention"-famous technique
of Psychological Manipulators and purposely decide not to
respond, one must conclude accordingly what Allah the Exalted has given
verdict about such people:

Thereby, should they
purposely decide not to respond to you: thereat, conclusively know that they
uninterruptedly follow only their desires,
conjectures and fascinations.
And who is more astray than
he who followed his selfish lusts and myths on the ground other
than the Guidance-Book received from Allah the Exalted?
Indeed, Allah the
Exalted does not guide, against their will-considered decision,
those who are mischievous-distorters-Substituter of facts with
conjectures-myths-concocted stories. [28:50]
A singular
Primary Source of Information and the Criterion for Truth
certainly illuminates the universe surfacing every thing
distinctly evident and distinguished:

O you the Mankind,
Primary Source of
information, irrefutably manifest in timeline
since reached you people from your Sustainer Lord.
And We have descended
for you people Visible Light: Qur'aan
manifestly illuminator of
Path. [4:174]
There were always a
Truth-bearer, Primary Source of Information and Evidence in
timeline for various peoples of different geography. None is
available now, they all are affirmed and incorporated in the
Universal Criterion-Truth bearer: Grand Qur'aan:

A book existed for
guidance-conveyance of knowledge-Life Manual for each period of time.
[R 13:38]
the Exalted obscures that about which He
so wills,
And He
the Exalted perpetuates that which He so wills.
Take note that the Mother of the Book has been sent from His
Grace. [13:39]

Consonant Ha, Meem
of Arabic alphabet
ancillary glyph-prolongation sign-mark
called "Madda"
which means and
extends-stretches the sound value of the letter to which it is added.
swearing by the Book characteristically explicit: conveyor of information in
succinct, individuated, distinct and crystallized manner;
It is a fact that Our Majesty has declared/titled it as
having characteristic feature of text
transcription in Arabic: a
perspicuous, eloquent, distinctive, unequivocal and precisely expressive
the language of the sons of soil of Arabian peninsula.
The consideration
for its compilation in Arabic is that you people might conveniently save it
in memory, thoughtfully analyze the information differentiating fact from
conjecture and reflect.
Take note, this
Qur'aan is certainly the most exalted within the Mother of the Book in Our
custody. It: the Qur'aan is
the transcriber of wisdom-the knowledge of invisible-secreted-infolded.
1 |
Noun: Indefinite, singular; masculine;
واحد-مذكر |
2 |
Indefinite, singular; masculine; nominative
واحد-مذكر |
3 |
Noun: Indefinite, dual; masculine;
4 |
Possessive Phrase: Noun: Definite,
singular; masculine; accusative + Possessive pronoun: Second person;
masculine; plural, in genitive state.
(1)2:111(2) 21:24(3)27:64(4)28:75=4
+ ضمير متصل-جمع
غائب في محل جر-مضاف
إليه |

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