1 وَرَأَ ذ , aor. يَرَأُ, He repelled, pushed, or thrust. (K.) -A2- وَرَأَ مِنَ الطَّعَامِ He was, or became, filled with food. (K.) -A3- مَا وُرِئْتُ, and ↓ ما وُرِّئْتُ , I knew not. (K.) بِالشَّىْءِ -A4- ما أُورِئْتُ I knew not the thing, or of the thing. (L.) 2 وَرَّاَ and 4: see 1. 5 تورّأت عَلَيْهِ الأَرْضُ ذ i. q. تودّأت, The earth became even, or plain, over him: or enclosed him: &c. (IJ, K.) 10 استورأتِ الإِِبِلُ ذ The camels took fright and ran away, in a body, one after another: (As:) accord. to AZ, this is said when they have taken fright and ascended a mountain; but if they have taken fright and run away in a plain, one says استأورت: so in the dial. of the tribe of 'Okeyl. [Thus in the TA in this art.: but see إِِسْتَؤَرتْ.] وَرَآءَ ذ and وَرَآءُ and وَرَآءِ, indecl., (K,) an adverbial noun of place or time: (Bd, &c.:) J mentions it in art. ورى, regarding the وَرُاَ as substituted for ى; and this is the opinion of the Koofees, and of all writers on inflexion, though disapproved by F, who, however, mentions it again in art. ورى as though belonging to that art.: (TA:) Behind: and, contr., before. (K.) In like manner, الوَرَآءُ [The location that is behind, or beyond; and the time past: and, contr. that is before, or preceding]. (K.) Or it does not bear contr. meanings; but one meaning; namely, what is concealed from one. (K, art. ورى.) Or it is a homonym; [but not a word of contr. meanings; as it signifies what is behind, or beyond, in respect of place, and what is before in respect of time]. Fr. says, It is not allowable to say, of a man behind thee, that he is بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ; nor of a man before thee, that he is وَرَآءَك; these expressions being only allowable [as synonymous] in cases relating to particular times of events or actions: thus one may say, وَرَآءَكَ بَرْدٌ شَدِيدٌ and بَيْنَ يَدَيْكَ برد شديد [meaning Before thee is intense cold]: each of these expressions is allowable because the intense cold is a thing that is coming; so, as it will overtake thee, it is, as it were, behind thee; and as thou wilt attain to the period thereof, it is, as it were, before thee. It is said in the Kur, [xviii. 78,] كَانَ وَرَآءَهُمْ مَلِكٌ There was before them a king: [because it has reference to a certain period, which might be said to be before them as they would attain to it, and behind them as it would overtake them: this passage Jelál-ed-Deen explains by saying, “ there was behind them when they returned, and before them now, a king. ”] Of the same kind also is the phrase مِن وَرَائِهِ جَهَنَّمُ [Kur, xiv. 19,] Before him is hell: [for the same reason]. (TA.) ― -b2- وَيَكْفُرُونَ بِما وَرَآءَهُ, [Kur, ii. 85,] signifies And they disbelieve in what [hath been revealed] beside that: syn. سِوَاهُ: (IAar:) or it may mean after that. (Jel.) ― -b3- وراء is masc. and fem. (TA.) Its dim. is وُرَيِّئَةٌ, (K,) accord. to those who hold the وَرُاَ to be a radical letter, not substituted for ى; namely, the Basrees: accord. to others, وُرَيَّةٌ and وُرَىٌّ. (TA.) ― -b4- [See also art. ورى.] ― -b5- رَجُلٌ مَانِعٌ مَا وَرَآءَ ظهْرِهِ: see زَبُّونَةٌ. ― -b6- وَرَآءٌ A son's son, or son's offspring. (K.) ― -b7- وَرَآءٌ Bulky, and thick in the أَلْوَاح, or shoulder-blades. (AAF.) Credit: Lane Lexicon