فَتَحَ  , (S, A, MA, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. فَتَحَ , (K,) inf. n. فَتْحٌ, (Msb,) He opened, (MA,) i. q. فَرَجَ, (Msb,) and [app. he unlocked,] contr. of أَغْلَقَ, (Msb, K,) a door; (S, A, MA, Msb;) and so ↓ فتّح , and ↓ افتتح ; (K;) or you say ↓ فَتَّحْتُ الأَبْوَابَ [I opened the doors], this verb being with teshdeed to denote multiplicity [of the objects]; (S;) and ↓ استفتح signifies the same as ↓ افتتح ; (S, * K;) i. e. each of these signifies he opened a door; (TK;) you say الشَّىْءَ اِسْتَفْتَحْتُ and ↓ اِفْتَتَحْتُهُ [I opened the thing; and the former signifies also I sought, or demanded, the opening of the thing]; (S, TA;) and البَابَ جَآءَ يَسْتَفْتِحُ [He came opening the door; or seeking, or demanding, the opening of the door; the latter being the more obvious meaning]. (A, TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] one says, فُلَانٌ لَا يُفْتَحُ العَيْنُ عَلَى مِثْلِهِ [Such a one, the eye will not be opened upon the like of him]. (A.) ― -b3- And فَتَحْتُ القَنَاةَ, inf. n. as above, I opened the conduit, in order that the water might run, and irrigate the seed-produce. (Msb.) ― -b4- And فَتَحَ بَيْنَ رِجْلَيْهِ [He made an opening between his legs; he parted his legs; like فَرَجَ بَيْنَهُمَا]. (S in art. رهو.) ― -b5- And فَتَحَ أَصَابِعَ رِجْلَيْهِ [app. He parted his toes; if not a mistake for فَتَخَ, as it seems probably to be from the fact of its being expl. as meaning] he inclined the ends of his toes towards the back, i. e. the upper part, of his foot. (Mgh.) ― -b6- فَتَحَتْ, said of a she-camel, [and of a sheep or goat (see فَتُوحٌ),] She had wide orifices to her teats; as also ↓ افتحت ; (S, K;) and ↓ افتتحت . (TK: but this I do not find in the K.) ― -b7- [The following meanings are tropical.] ― -b8- فَتَحَ, (A, Msb, TA,) inf. n. فَتْحٌ; (K;) and ↓ افتتح ; (K, TA;) (tropical:) [He laid open by invasion, to (عَلَى) such a person, or such a people, (see an ex. voce طَرَفٌ,) i. e.] he conquered, won, or took by force, (Msb,) a country (A, Msb, K, TA) of the unbelievers, (A, TA,) or of a people with whom there was war. (K, TA.) ― -b9- [فَتَحَهُ لَهُ (assumed tropical:) He granted it, permitted it, allowed it, or made it to be unrestricted, to him. See Ksh and Bd in xxxv. 2.] ― -b10- فَتَحَ المُشْكِلَ (assumed tropical:) He explained, or made clear, that which was dubious, or confused. (Bd in vii. 87.) And اِفْتَحْ سِرَّكَ عَلَىَّ لَا عَلَى فُلَانٍ (tropical:) [Open, or reveal, thy secret to me; not to such a one]. (A, TA.) ― -b11- [Hence,] فَتَحَ عَلَيْهِ (tropical:) He taught him, informed him, or acquainted him. (TA.) [You say, فَتَحَ عَلَيْهِ بِكَذَا (assumed tropical:) He taught him such a thing, informed him of it, or acquainted him with it.] ― -b12- And hence, (TA,) (tropical:) [He prompted him; i. e.] he recited to him (namely, an Imám, A, Msb, or a reciter, A, TA) what he was unable to utter [by reason of forgetfulness], in order that he might know it. (Msb, TA. *) And فَتَحَ عَلَى مَنِ اسْتَقْرَأَهُ (tropical:) [He recited something to him who desired him to do so, the latter being unable to do it]. (TA.) ― -b13- And, said of God, (tropical:) He aided him against his enemy; or made him to be victorious, to conquer, or to overcome; syn. نَصَرَهُ. (A, Msb.) ― -b14- فُتِحَ عَلَى فُلَانٍ (tropical:) Such a one became fortunate; possessed of good fortune; favoured by the world, or by worldly circumstances. (A, TA.) ― -b15- فَتَحَ اللّٰهُ عَلَيْهِمْ فُتُوحًا كَثِيرَةً (tropical:) is said of persons who have been rained upon [as meaning God bestowed upon them many, or abundant, first rains]. (A.) ― -b16- فَتَحَ بَيْنَهُمْ, (A,) or بَيْنَ النَّاسِ, (Msb,) or بَيْنَ الخَصْمَيْنِ, (K,) inf. n. فَتْحٌ, (T, Msb, K,) and فُتَاحَةٌ (S, * K) and فِتَاحَةٌ are syn. therewith [app. as inf. ns.], (K,) and فُتُوحَةٌ and فِتَاحٌ, (L,) in the dial. of Himyer, (TA,) He judged (T, Msb, K, TA) between them, (A,) or between the men, (Msb,) or between the two litigants. (K.) You say, اِفْتَحْ بَيْنَنَا Judge thou between us: (S:) thus in the Kur vii. 87. (TA.) And مَا أَحْسَنَ فِتَاحَتَهُ How good is his judging, or judgment ! (A.) ― -b17- [فَتَحَ الحَرْفَ, a conventional phrase in grammar and lexicology, He pronounced the letter with the vowel-sound termed فَتْح: and he marked the letter with the sign of that vowel-sound.] 2 فتّح  : see 1, first sentence, in two places. ― -b2- [Also, said of a medicine &c., It opened the bowels; acted as an aperient: and it removed obstructions: see the act. part. n.] 3 فاتحهُ  [He addressed him first]. One says, المُلُوكُ لَا تُفَاتَحُ بِالكَلَامِ (tropical:) [Kings shall not be addressed first with speech]. (A.) ― -b2- And, (A, K, * TA,) inf. n. مُفَاتَحَةٌ and فِتَاحٌ, (assumed tropical:) He commenced a dispute, debate, discussion, or controversy, with him: (TA:) or (tropical:) he summoned him to the judge, and litigated with him. (A, K, * TA.) ― -b3- And فاتحهُ signifies also (tropical:) He bargained with him and gave him nothing: in the case of his giving him, one says فاتكهُ. (IAar, TA; and O and K in art. فتك.) ― -b4- And فاتح (assumed tropical:) He compressed (K, TA) his wife. (TA.) ― -b5- [Also (assumed tropical:) He rendered a thing easy: ― -b6- and (assumed tropical:) He was liberal. (Freytag, from the Deewán of the Hudhalees.)] 4 أَفْتَحَ see 1, in the second quarter of the paragraph. 5 تَفَتَّحَ see 7, in three places. [Hence,] تفتّح النَّوْرُ The blossom [or blossoms] opened. (MA.) And تفتّح الأَكِمَّةُ عَنِ النَّوْرِ The calyxes burst open [from over the blossoms, so as to disclose them]. (TA.) ― -b2- [تفتّح فِى الكَلَامِ is like our phrase (assumed tropical:) He showed off, or made an ostentatious display, in speech, or talk.] And you say, تفتّح بِمَا عِنْدَهُ مِنْ مَالٍ أَوْ أَدَبٍ (L, in the K مِنْ مُلْكٍ وَأَدَبٍ,) (assumed tropical:) He boasted of, or boasted himself in, or made a vain display of, what he had, or possessed, of wealth, or of good education, or polite accomplishments: (L, K: *) and تفتّح بِهِ عَلَيْنَا (assumed tropical:) He boasted of it, or boasted himself in it, against us. (L.) 6 تَفَاتَحَا كَلَامًا بَيْنَهُمَا  (assumed tropical:) They two talked together with a suppressed voice, exclusively of others [i. e. so as not to be heard by others]. (K.) 7 انفتح  quasi-pass. of فَتَحَ, said of a door, (S, A, Msb, TA,) It opened, or became opened or open; (Msb;) as also ↓ تفتّح : (TA:) or the latter is quasi-pass. of فَتَّحَ, so that you say, الأَبْوَابُ تَفَتَّحَتِ [The doors opened, or became opened or open]. (S.) ― -b2- And انفتح عَنْهُ It (anything) became removed from over it, or from before it, (i. e. another thing,) so as to disclose it, or expose it to view. (TA.) [And ↓ تفتّح has a similar meaning, but is properly said of a number of things.] 8 إِِفْتَتَحَ see 1, first sentence, in three places; and again, in the second quarter of the paragraph, in two places. ― -b2- One says also, افتتح الصَّلَاةَ (tropical:) (A, MA) He opened, or commenced, prayer: (MA:) اِفْتِتَاحُ الصَّلَاةِ meaning (tropical:) The saying اَللّٰهُ أَكْبَرْ the first time [in prayer, i. e., before the first recitation of the Opening Chapter of the Kur-án]. (TA.) And اِفْتَتَحْتُهُ بِكَذَا (assumed tropical:) I commenced it with such a thing. (Msb.) And مَا أَحْسَنَ مَا افْتُتِحَ عَامُنَا بِهِ (tropical:) [How good is that with which our year has commenced !]; said when the sign, or token, [or prognostic,] of plenty, or abundance of herbage, has appeared. (A, TA.) 10 إِِسْتَفْتَحَ see 1, first sentence, in three places. ― -b2- آتِى بَابَ الجَنَّةِ فَأَسْتَفْتِحُ is a saying of Mohammad, meaning I shall come to the gate of Paradise and seek, or demand, or ask for, the opening thereof. (El-Jámi' es-Sagheer, the first of the trads. mentioned therein, and thus expl. in the margin of a copy of that work.) ― -b3- استفتحهُ القُرْآنَ (tropical:) He desired, or asked, him to explain the Kur-án. (MA.) ― -b4- استفتحهُ الإِِمَامُ (tropical:) [The Imám desired, or asked, him to prompt him; i. e., to recite to him what he was unable to utter by reason of forgetfulness: see فَتَحَ عَلَيْهِ]. (A, TA.) ― -b5- And استفتح signifies also (assumed tropical:) He sought, desired, demanded, or asked, aid against an enemy, or victory. (S, Msb, K.) One says, استفتح بِهِمْ (assumed tropical:) He sought, &c., aid, or victory, by means of them. (L, from a trad.) And استفتح اللّٰهَ (tropical:) (A, TA) He desired, or asked, God to grant aid, or victory, (TA,) لِلْمُسْلِمِينَ عَلَى الكُفَّارِ [to the Muslims against, or over, the unbelievers]. (A.) ― -b6- Also (assumed tropical:) He sought, desired, demanded, or asked, judgment. (L.) فَتْحٌ  inf. n. of فَتَحَ [q. v.]. (Msb, &c.) ― -b2- [As a subst.,] (tropical:) Conquest of a country: (K, TA:) pl. فُتُوحٌ (TA) [and pl. pl. فُتُوحَاتٌ]. يَوْمٌ الفَتْحِ means particularly (assumed tropical:) The day of the conquest of Mekkeh: (L:) and also (assumed tropical:) The day of resurrection. (Mujáhid, L.) ― -b3- (assumed tropical:) Aid against an enemy; or victory; syn. نَصْرٌ; as also ↓ فَتَاحَةٌ . (K.) ― -b4- (assumed tropical:) Means of subsistence, with which God gives aid: pl. as above. (TA.) ― -b5- (tropical:) The first of the rain called الوَسْمِىّ; (L, K;) as also ↓ فَتُوحٌ [which see again in what follows]: (K:) or the first of any rain; as also ↓ فُتْحَةٌ : (L:) pl. of the first فُتُوحٌ, (A,) or ↓ فَتُوحٌ , with fet-h to the ف, (L,) [see the mention of this voce فَيْحٌ,] but MF strongly reprobates this latter form, and observes that فَعُولٌ as a pl. measure is absolutely unknown. (TA.) One says, أَصَابَتِ الأَرْضُ فُتُوحٌ (tropical:) [First rains fell upon the land]. (A.) ― -b6- (tropical:) Water running (S, K, TA) from a spring or other source: (S, TA:) or water running upon the surface of the earth: (AHn, TA:) or water for which a channel is opened to a tract of land for its irrigation thereby: (L:) or a river, or rivulet, or canal of running water. (T, TA.) مَا سُقِىَ بِالفَتْحِ فَفِيهِ العُشْرُ, and مَا سُقِىَ فَتْحًا, (L,) فَتْحًا being here in the accus. case as an inf. n., i. e. مَا فُتِحَ إِِلَيْهِ مَآءُ الأَنْهَارِ فَتْحًا, (Mgh, L, *) occurring in a trad., means In the case of that (relating to the several sorts of seed-produce, and palm-trees,) which is irrigated by means of the channel opened to conduct to it the water of the river [or rivers], the tithe [of the produce shall be taken]. (L.) ― -b7- The place of insertion of the tang of the iron head that enters into the shaft of an arrow: (K, * TA:) pl. as above. (TA.) ― -b8- The fruit of the tree called نَبْع, resembling the حَبَّة خَضْرَآء [or fruit of the pistachia terebinthus], (K, TA,) except that it is red, sweet, and round; eaten by men. (TA.) ― -b9- [As a conventional term in grammar and lexicology, A certain vowel-sound, well-known: and ↓ فَتْحَةٌ signifies The sign of that vowel-sound.] فُتُحٌ  a word of the measure فُعُلٌ in the sense of the measure مَفْعُولٌ. (S.) You say بَابٌ فُتُحٌ A wide, open, door: (S, K:) or a large, wide, door. (Msb.) And قَارُورَةٌ فُتُحٌ A wide-headed bottle or flash: (S, K:) or a bottle, or flash, having neither a stopper nor a case: (Ks, S, Msb, K:) because, if so, it is open. (TA.) فَتْحَةٌ  : see فَتْحٌ, last sentence. فُتْحَةٌ  An opening, or intervening space; syn. فُرْجَةٌ: pl. فُتَحٌ. (Msb.) ― -b2- See also فَتْحٌ. ― -b3- Also (assumed tropical:) A boasting of, or boasting oneself in, or making a vain display of, what one has, or possesses, of wealth, or of good education, or polite accomplishments. (L, K, * TA.) One says, مَا هٰذِهِ الفُتْحَةُ الَّتِى أَظْهَرْتَهَا (assumed tropical:) What is this boasting, &c., which thou hast exhibited? (L.) IDrd thinks it to be not [genuine] Arabic. (L.) فَتْحَى  Gain, profit, or increase obtained in traffic; syn. رِبْحٌ; [so accord. to the L; accord. to the copies of the K, erroneously, رِيحٌ i. e. “ wind; ”] mentioned by Az, on the authority of Ibn-Buzurj: a poet says, “ أَكُلُّهُمُ لَا بَارَكَ اللّٰهُ فِيهِمُ
إِِذَا ذُكِرَتْ فَتْحَى مِنَ البَيْعِ عَاجِبُ
” [Are all of them, (may God not bless them,) when gain arising from selling is mentioned, in a state of wonder?]. (L.) فَتُوحٌ  A she-camel having wide orifices to her teats; (S, K;) and so a ewe or a she-goat: pl. فُتْحٌ. (TA.) ― -b2- See also فَتْحٌ, in two places. فَتَاحَةٌ  : see فَتْحٌ, fourth sentence. فُتَاحَةٌ  [see 1, near the end]. -A2- الفُتَاحَةُ, thus in the L and other lexicons, without ى after the ح, but in the K ↓ الفُتَاحِيَةُ , there said to be with damm and without teshdeed, (TA,) A certain bird, different from that called الفَتَّاحُ, (K, TA,) tinged with redness. (TA.) فِتَاحَةٌ  [see 1, near the end]. ― -b2- [As a subst.,] (tropical:) The office of judge: one says, فُلَانٌ وُلِّىَ الفِتَاحَةَ (tropical:) Such a one was appointed to the office of judge. (A, TA.) ― -b3- And [(tropical:) Litigation, or altercation:] one says, بَيْنَهُمَا فِتَاحَاتٌ (tropical:) Between them two are litigations, or altercations. (A, TA.) الفُتَاحِيَةُ  : see الفُتَاحَةُ. فَتَّاحٌ  [An opener: and an unlocker. ― -b2- And hence, (assumed tropical:) A conquerer. ― -b3- And], in the dial. of Himyer, (TA,) (tropical:) A judge; one who decides between litigants: (S, Msb, K, TA:) it is like ↓ فَاتِحٌ , but [this signifies simply judging, and the former] has an intensive signification. (Msb.) الفَتَّاحُ, as an epithet applied to God, in the Kur xxxiv. 25, means (assumed tropical:) The Judge: or, accord. to IAth, (assumed tropical:) the Opener of the gates of sustenance and of mercy to his servants. (TA.) ― -b4- بَيْتٌ فَتَّاحٌ means A wide, or an ample, house or tent. (El-Fáïk, TA.) ― -b5- And الفَتَّاحُ signifies A certain bird, (K,) which is black, and which moves about its tail much, or often; white in the base of the tail, beneath it; and there is a sort thereof red; (TA;) also called أُمُّ عَجْلَانَ: (O in art. عجل:) pl. فَتَاتِيحُ, (K,) to which is added in the K, “ without ا and ل; ” but there is no reason why it should not have ال prefixed to it; and perhaps it should be correctly “ without ا and ت, ” i. e. it is not pluralized with ا and ت [as an affix to the sing.], as in the L &c. (MF, TA.) فَاتِحٌ  [Opening: &c.]: see فَتَّاحٌ. فَاتِحَةٌ  (tropical:) The commencement, or first part, of a thing: (S, A, * K:) pl. فَوَاتِحُ. (A.) فَاتِحَةُ الكِتَابِ, (Msb,) or فَاتِحَةُ القُرْآنِ, (TA,) [and simply الفَاتِحَةُ, (assumed tropical:) The opening chapter, or exordium, of the Kur-án,] is [said to be] so called because the recitation in prayer is commenced therewith. (Msb.) One says also, قَرَأَ فَاتِحَةَ السُّورَةِ وَخَاتِمَتَهَا (tropical:) He recited the first part, or portion, of the chapter of the Kur-án and its last part, or portion. (A.) And فَوَاتِحُ القُرْآنِ signifies (tropical:) The first parts, or portions, of the chapters of the Kur-án. (K, TA.) [See also مُفْتَتَحٌ.] مَفْتَحٌ  A place in which things are reposited, stowed, laid up, kept, preserved, or guarded; a repository; syn. خِزَانَةٌ and مَخْزَنٌ: [and a hoard; syn. خَزِينَةٌ:] and treasure; or buried property; syn. كَنْزٌ: (K, TA:) pl., in both senses, مَفَاتِحُ. (TA.) The pl. as occurring in the Kur xxviii. 76 is said to signify treasures or buried property (كُنُوز) and hoards (خَزَائِن [as pl. of خَزِينَةٌ, not of خِزَانَةٌ]): or hoards (خَزَاوئن) of wealth, which Az says is the most probable meaning: (L, TA:) or it there means keys, as pl. of ↓ مِفْتَحٌ ; (Ksh, Bd;) and it is said that they were of skins, of the measure of the finger, and were borne upon sixty mules, (Ksh, L, TA,) or seventy; but this is not a valid explanation. (L, TA.) مِفْتَحٌ  see the next preceding paragraph, and the next but one following; the latter in two places. ― -b2- Also A conduit (قَنَاة) of water. (TA.) [ مُفَتِّحٌ  , applied to a medicine &c., Aperient; having the property of opening the bowels: and مُفَتِّحٌ لِلسُّدَدِ deobstruent; having the property of removing obstructions.] مِفْتَاحٌ  (S, Msb, K, &c.) and ↓ مِفْتَحٌ (Msb, K) A key; an instrument with which a lock is opened; (Msb;) [a key] of a door; and of anything that is closed, or locked; (S;) an instrument for opening, (K, TA,) i. e. anything with which a thing is opened: (TA:) pl. of the former مَفَاتِيحُ and مفَاتِحُ, said by Akh to be similar to أَمَانِىُّ and أَمَانٍ; (S;) or مفاتيح is pl. مِفْتَاحٌ, and مفاتح is pl. of ↓ مِفْتَحٌ [as well as of مَفْتَحٌ]. (Msb.) ― -b2- مِفْتَاحُهَا الطُّهُورُ, said by the Prophet, in relation to prayer, means (tropical:) That which is as though it were the key thereof is the thing [or water] with which one purifies himself; being the means of removing the legal impurity that prevents one's addressing himself boldly to the act of prayer. (Msb.) ― -b3- And أُوِتِيتُ مَفَاتِيحَ الكَلِمِ, or مَفَاتِحَ الكَلِمِ, accord. to different relaters, occurring in a trad., i. e. I have been given the keys of words, means [I have been given] an easy faculty, granted by God, for the acquirement of eloquence and chasteness of speech, and the attaining to the understanding of obscure meanings, and novel and admirable kinds of knowledge, and the beauties of expressions and phrases, which are closed against others, and difficult to be learnt by them. (L.) ― -b4- And المِفْتَاحُ signifies also (assumed tropical:) A certain brand upon the thigh and neck (K, TA) of a camel, in the form of what is [properly] thus called. (TA.) مَفْتُوحٌ  An opened, or unclosed, [and an unlocked,] door. (Msb.) ― -b2- [And (assumed tropical:) A light, or bright, colour; a meaning probably post-classical. ― -b3- For other significations, see its verb.] مَفَاتِيحُ  , (unparalleled [in form] among sing. words, MF,) applied to a she-camel, Fat: pl. مَفَاتِيحَاتٌ: (K:) mentioned by Seer.(TA.) مُفْتَتَحٌ  is an inf. n. [signifying The act of opening and commencing &c.]: and a n. of place and of time [signifying a place of opening and commencing &c. and a time thereof: and also the opening portion of the Kur-án; as shown voce خَاتَمٌ, q. v.]: and is a commonly-known and chaste word: though it has been said that مُخْتَتَمٌ [which has the contr. significations] is not a chaste word: (TA in the present art.:) this, however, is not correct; for it is a chaste word, and of frequent occurrence. (TA in art. ختم.) يَوْمٌ مُنْفَتِحٌ بَالمَآءِ  (tropical:) A day [of clouds] bursting, or opening vehemently, with rain. (A.) ― -b2- الحُرُوفُ المُنْفَتِحَةُ (assumed tropical:) The letters of which the utterance requires the opening of [that part of the mouth which is called] the حَنَك; (TA;) all the letters of the alphabet except ص, ض, ط, and ظ. (K, TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon