الخُبْزَ I made bread, or
the bread. (IJ, M.) [And]
لَنَا Make ye bread for us: (T, S:) a
phrase said by Fr to have been heard from the Arabs as
meaning thus. (T.)
فُومٌ , a word occurring in the Kur
ii. 58, (T, S, M, &c.,) is expl. as signifying the same
ثُومٌ [
which generally
means Garlic; but is said to have also the
meaning here next following]; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) said to
be a dial. var. of the latter word, but app. [if meaning
“ garlic ”] formed, as IJ says, by the substitution of
ف for
ث; (M;) and 'Abd-Allah [Ibn-Mes'ood] read [in
the Kur ubi suprŕ]
وَثُومِهَا [instead of
وَفُومِهَا]: (Fr, T, S:) it is also expl. as
wheat; (T, S, M, Msb, K;) which is
said by Lh to be a meaning of
ثُوم and
فُوم; and if Ibn-Mes'ood read the word as
ثوم, the meaning is
فوم, i. e. “ wheat; ” (T;) accord. to Fr, it
is an old word, signifying thus, (T, S, *) and also
bread; (T, S, K;) Zj says that there is no
difference of state- ment among the lexicologists as to
its having the former of these two meanings, that it is
said to have the latter also, and that it also signifies
other grains, beside wheat, whereof bread is made
[which last meaning is also mentioned in the K]; (T;)
and IJ holds that it is rightly expl. as having the
first of these three meanings (i. e. “ wheat ”) and the
last of them: (M:) another meaning assigned to it is
حِمَّصٌ [i. e.
cicer arietinum; or
chick-peas]; (S, K;) which is of the dial. of Syria:
(S:) and it signifies also
عُقْدَة [app. meaning
head of a plant,
such as that]
of an onion, or
of a garlic:
a great gobbet of food: (K: [for
عَظِيمَةٍ in the CK, I read
عَظِيمَةٌ as in other copies of the K:]) in
the dial. of Azd-es-Saráh, it is applied to
ears of
corn; and ↓
فُومَةٌ is its n. un.; (M;) this latter
an ear of corn, (S, K, TA,) as expl.
by IDrd: (TA:)
فُومٌ has
فُومَانٌ [of the measure
فُعْلَنَانٌ] for a pl., this being
[virtually] a pl. pl.; mentioned by IJ, who says that
the dammeh in
فُومٌ is different from the dammeh in
فُومَانٌ. (M, TA.)
فُومَةٌ : see the next preceding
paragraph, near the end. ― -b2- Also
A thing that one
carries between his two fingers. (K.)
فُوَمًا (M, K, *) means [
cut the sheep, or
into a number of
pieces; (M;) like
فُؤَمًا. (K.)
فَامِىٌّ , altered from
A seller of
فُوم [app. 3].
in any of its senses,
but accord. to the TA as meaning
wheat, or
chick-peas]: (S, K:) [or]
a seller of fruit:
(MA:) accord. to Az, (TA,)
الفَامِىُّ means
السُّكَّرِىُّ, (Mgh, TA,) who is called by
the vulgar
البَيَّاعُ [generally signifying the
seller, or
vender; perhaps here meaning
the seller of sugar, though I do not anywhere find
السُّكَّرِىُّ thus explained]; (Mgh;) but he
says, “ I do not think it genuine Arabic. ” (TA.)
Lane Lexicon