عَشَرَ , (K,) aor.
عَشُرَ , as is expressly stated by the expositors of the Fs and
by others, but F, confounding two usages of the verb, says
عَشِرَ , (TA,) inf. n.
عَشْرٌ, (TA,) He took one from ten. (K.) ― -b2- And
عَشَرَهُمْ He took one from among them, they being ten. (Msb.)
― -b3- And
عَشَرَهُمْ, (S, K,) aor.
عَشُرَ , (S, O, TA,) accord. to the K
عَشِرَ , but this is at variance with other authorities, as
mentioned above, (TA,) inf. n.
عَشْرٌ, (K,) or
عُشْرٌ, with damm, (S, O,) the former correct, but the latter is
preferred by MF, who quotes it from the Expositions of the Fs, (TA,) and
عُشُورٌ; (K;) and ↓
عشّرهُمْ , (O, K,) inf. n.
تَعْشِيرٌ; (TA;) He took from them the
عُشْر [i. e. the tenth, or, by extension of the term in the
Muslim law, the half of the tenth, or the quarter of the tenth,]
of their several kinds of property. (S, O, K.) And in like manner you
say, (TA,)
المَالَ, (Msb, TA,) aor.
عَشُرَ , inf. n.
عَشْرٌ and
عُشُورٌ; (Msb;) and ↓
عشّرهُ ; (TA;) He took the
عُشْر of the property. (Msb, TA.) It is said in a trad.,
respecting women,
يُعْشَرْنَ, meaning, They shall not have the tenth of the value of
their ornaments taken. (TA.) ― -b4-
عَشَرَ, aor.
عَشِرَ , He added one to nine. (L, K.) [In the TA and CK,
this signification is connected with the first mentioned above, at the
commencement of this art., by
أَوْ, instead of
وَ, which latter is evidently the right reading.] ― -b5- And
عَشَرَهُمْ, aor.
عَشِرَ , (S, O, Msb, K,) inf. n.
عَشْرٌ, (S, O, Msb,) He became the tenth of them: (S, O, Msb,
K:) or he made them ten by [adding to their number] himself.
(TA.) [See also 2: and see Q. Q. 1.] 2
عَشَّرَ see 1, in two places. ― -b2-
عشّرهُمْ, (O, Msb, TA,) inf. n.
تَعْشِيرٌ, (TA,) also signifies He made them ten, by adding one to
nine. (O, Msb, TA. [See
وَحَّدَهُ.]) And
العَدَدَ ↓
اعشر He made the number ten. (TA.) ― -b3-
المُصْحَفَ, inf. n.
تَعْشِيرٌ, He put, in the copy of the Kur-án, [the marks
called] the
عَوَاشِر [pl. of
عَاشِرَةٌ]. (S, O, K. *) ― -b4-
خُطَاىَ O God, write down ten good deeds for every one of my
steps. (Lh, TA.) ― -b5-
عِنْدَهَا, He remained ten nights with his wife: and in like
manner the verb is used in relation to any saying or action. (TA voce
سَبَّعَ.) ― -b6-
عشّرت, (S, Msb, K, [in the CK
عَشَرَت,]) inf. n.
تَعْشِيرٌ; (S;) and ↓
اعشرت ; (K;) She (a camel) became what is termed
عُشَرَآء; (S, K;) she completed the tenth month of her pregnancy.
(Msb.) ― -b7- And
عشّروا Their camels became such as are termed
عِشَار [pl. of
عُشَرَآءُ]. (O.) ― -b8- See also 4. ― -b9-
القَدَحَ He broke the
قدح [or drinking-bowl] into ten pieces. (O, TA.) ―
-b10- And [hence, app.,]
قَلْبَهُ (assumed tropical:) Love emaciated him [as though it
broke his heart into ten pieces]. (TA.) ― -b11- And
عشّر, (A, K,) inf. n.
تَعْشِيرٌ, (S, O, K,) He (an ass) brayed with ten
uninterrupted reciprocations of the sound. (S, A, O, K. *) They assert that,
when a man arrived at a country of pestilence, he put his hand behind his ear,
and brayed in this manner, like an ass, and then entered it, and was secure from
the pestilence: (S, * O, TA:) or he so brayed at the gate of a city where he
feared pestilence, and conse- quently it did not hurt him. (A.) ― -b12- Also
He (a hyena) cried, or howled, in the same manner. (A.) And
He (a raven) croaked in the same manner. (K.)
عاشرهُ , (K,) inf. n.
مُعَاشَرَةٌ, (S, O, Msb, K,) He mixed with
him; consorted with him; held social or familiar intercourse, or
fellowship, with him; conversed with him; or became intimate with him;
خَالَطَهُ. (S, O, Msb, K.) [See also 6.] 4
العَدَدَ : see 2. ― -b2-
اعشروا They became ten. (S, O.) ― -b3-
اعشرت said of a she-camel: see 2. ― -b4- Also She (a camel)
completed ten months from the time of her bringing forth. (TA.) ― -b5- Also,
or ↓
عشّرت , She brought forth her tenth offspring. (TA in art.
بكر.) ― -b6- And the former, said of camels, They came to water on
the tenth day, counting the day of the next preceding watering as the first.
(O.) ― -b7- And
اعشر He was, or became, one whose camels came to water on
the tenth day, counting the day of the next preceding water-ing as the first;
expl. by the words
عِشْرًا, (S, TA,) or
العِشْرَ. (TA.) ― -b8- And He came to be within [the period
of] the [first] ten [nights] of Dhu-l-Hijjeh
الحِجَّةِ). (T, TA.) ― -b9- And
نَلْتَقِ We have had ten nights pass over us since we met. (L,
TA.) 6
تَعَاشَرُوا They mixed; consorted; or held social
or familiar intercourse, or fellowship; one with another; conversed
together; or became intimate, one with another; syn.
تَخَالَطُوا; (S, O, Msb, K;) as also ↓
اعتشروا . (TA.) 8
إِِعْتَشَرَ see what next precedes. Q. Q. 1
عَشْرَنَهُ He made it twenty: an extr. word [with respect to
formation, and post-classical, like
سَبْعَنَ, q. v.]. (K, TA.) [In the CK,
عَشَرْتُهُ, and expl. there as signifying I made it twenty:
but this is evidently a mistranscription.]
عَشْرٌ fem. of
عَشَرَةٌ [q. v.].
عُشْرٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓
عُشُرٌ (TA) A tenth; a tenth part; one part of ten parts;
as also ↓
عَشِيرٌ and ↓
مِعْشَارٌ ; (S, O, Msb, K;) which last is [of a form] not used
[to denote a fractional part] except as applied to the tenth part (S, O) and [in
the instance of
مِرْبَاعٌ applied to] the fourth part: (O:) or, as some say,
مِعْشَارٌ is the tenth of the tenth [i. e. a hundredth part]:
and as some say,
مِعْشَارٌ is the tenth of the ↓
عَشِير , which latter is the tenth of the
عُشْر; so that, accord. to this, the
معشار is one of a thousand; for it is the tenth of the
tenth of the tenth: (Msb:) [in the TA, “ and as some say,
معشار is pl. of
عشير, which latter is pl. of
عُشْرٌ: ” but this is evidently a mistake:] the pl. of
عُشْرٌ is
أَعْشَارٌ (Msb, K) and
عُشُورٌ; (K;) and that of ↓
عَشِيرٌ is
أَعْشِرَآءُ: (S, O, Msb:) it is said in a trad.,
السَّابِيَآءِ, i. e. [Nine tenths of the means of subsistence
consist in merchandise, and one part of them consists in] the increase of
animals. (S, A, * O. *) ― -b2-
أَمْوَالِهِمْ [means He took the tenth, or tithe, or by
extension of the term in the Muslim law, the half of the tenth, or the
quarter of the tenth, of their several kinds of property]. (S, K.) [See 1,
and see
عَشَّارٌ.] -A2-
عُشْرٌ [as a pl. of which the sing. is not mentioned], applied to
she-camels, That excern into the udder (تُنْزِلُ)
a scanty
دِرَّة [or quantity of milk (in the CK
دَرَّة)] without its collecting [and increasing]. (O,
عِشْرٌ A period of eight days between [camels']
twice coming to water; for they come to water on the tenth day [counting
the day of the next preceding watering as the first]; and in like manner, the
term for every one of the periods between two waterings is with kesr: [see
ثِلْثٌ:] (S, O:) or camels' coming to water on the tenth day [after
the next preceding period of abstinence, i. e., counting the day of the
next preceding watering as the first]: or on the ninth day [not
counting the day of the next preceding watering; for it is evident that
these two explanations are virtually one and the the same]; (K;) as in the Shems
el-'Uloom, on the authority of Kh, where it is added that they keep them from
the water nine nights and eight days, and then bring them to water on the ninth
day, which is the tenth from [by which is meant including] the former [day of]
watering: (TA:) after the
عِشْر, there is no name for a period between the two waterings until
the twentieth [day]; (S, O;) but you say,
وَغِبًّا, and
وَرِبْعًا, [and so on,] to the twentieth [day counting the day of the
next preceding watering as the first]; (As;) and then you say, that their period
between two waterings is
عِشْرَانِ, (As, S, O,) i. e., eighteen days; (S, O;) and when
they exceed this, they are termed
جَوَازِئُ [meaning “ that satisfy themselves with green pasture so as
not to need water ”]. (As, S, O.) ― -b2- Also The eighth young one, or
offspring. (A in art.
ثلث.) -A2- And A piece that is broken off from a cooking-pot,
(K, TA,) or from a drinking-cup or bowl, (TA,) and from anything; (K, TA;) as
though it were one of ten pieces; (TA;) as also ↓
عُشَارَةٌ , (K, TA,) which signifies a piece of anything:
(O, TA:) pl. of the former,
أَعْشَارٌ [and pl. pl.
أَعَاشِيرُ]; (TA;) and of ↓ the latter,
عُشَارَاتٌ. (O, TA.) ― -b2- [Hence, app.,]
أَعْشَارٌ A cookingpot, or one of stone, broken in pieces:
thus [we find the latter word] occurring in the pl. form [and used as an
epithet]. (S, O.) And
أَعْشَارٌ A cooking-pot broken into ten pieces: (K:) or a
large cooking-pot, of ten pieces joined together by reason of its largeness:
(A:) or a cooking-pot so large that it is carried by ten men, (K,) or
by ten women: (TA:) or [simply] a cooking-pot broken in pieces; not
derived from anything: (TA:) pl.
أَعْشَارٌ, (A,) and
أَعَاشِيرُ. (A, K.) And
أَعْشَارٌ [A scabbard of a sword, or a sword-case,]
broken in pieces. (O.) And
أَعْشَارٌ [(assumed tropical:) A broken heart.] (S, K.) And
جَزُورٍ The portions of a slaughtered camel [for which players
at the game called
المَيْسِر contend, and which are ten in number; not seven, as is said
in one place in the TA. In Har p. 579,
اعشار in this case is said to be pl. of
عُشْرٌ; but I think that we have better reason for regarding it as a
pl. of
عِشْرٌ]. (Az, S, O, K.) Imra-el-Keys says, “
” [And thine eyes did not shed tears but that thou mightest play with thy two
arrows for the portions of a heart subdued and killed by the passion of love]:
he means, by the two arrows, the two called
المُعَلَّى and
الرَّقِيب; to the former of which are assigned seven portions, and to
the latter, three; so that both together gain all the portions; for the
slaughtered camel is divided into ten portions: therefore he means that she has
played for his heart with her two arrows, [alluding to the glances shot from her
eyes,] and gained possession of it altogether: (Az, S, * O: * [see also a verse
cited voce
رَقِيبٌ:]) or accord. to some, he means that his heart had been
broken, and then repaired like as cooking-pots are repaired: but Az says that
the former explanation, which is mentioned by Th, pleases him more. (TA.) Hence
the saying,
بِمِعْشَارِهِ [He played for all the portions of it, and
was not content with the fifth of it]; meaning he took the whole of it. (A.)
― -b3- And
أَعْشَارٌ alone means Cooking-pots that boil the ten portions
[of a
جَزُور]. (Har. p. 579.) -A3-
أَعْشَارٌ also signifies The primary feathers of the wing of a
bird; (S, O, TA;) and so ↓
عَوَاشِرُ . (TA.)
عُشَرٌ Three nights of the [lunar] month,
[the tenth, eleventh, and twelfth,] after the
تُسَع [q. v.]. (S, O.) -A2- Also [The asclepias gigantea of
Linnæus; or gigantic swallow-wort;] a species of tree [or shrub]
in which is a substance answering the purpose of tinder, (K,) like
cotton, (TA,) than which there is nothing better wherein to strike fire,
and with which cushions are stuffed, (K,) on account of its softness:
(TA:) [see
رَآءٌ, in art.
روأ:] accord. to AHn, (TA,) a large species of tree [or
shrub], of the kind called
عِضَاه, having a sweet gum, (AHn, S, O, *) and milk,
(O,) and broad leaves, growing up high, (AHn,) from the flowers and
shoots of which, (AHn, K,) or from the joints of the branches and from
the places of the flowers whereof, (O,) there comes forth a well-known
kind of sugar, (AHn, O, * K,) in which is somewhat of bitterness, (O,
K,) called
العُشَرِ; (AHn, TA;) [or this is a kind of red sugar, which falls
like dew upon this tree; (Golius, from Ibn-Maaroof and the Mj;)] it
produces also bladders, resembling the
شَقَاشِق [or faucial bags] of camels, in which they bray,
[blowing them out from their months, with a gurgling sound,] (AHn, TA,) [and]
like the bladder of the smaller
قَتَاد [q. v.]; (S, O;) and it has a blossom like that of the
دِفْلَى, tinged, [but with what hue is not said,] and
shining, and beautiful in appearance, as well as a fruit: (AHn, TA:) n. un.
ة: and pl. [of this latter]
عُشَرٌ [or rather this is a coll. gen. n.] and
عُشَرَاتٌ. (S, O.) [See also
عُشُرٌ : see
عِشْرَةٌ Social, or familar, intercourse;
fellowship; i. q.
مُخَالَطَةٌ; (O, * K;) or a subst. from the latter word. (S, Msb.)
Sometimes it governs as a verb, [like the inf. n.,] accord. to some grammarians,
as in the following ex.: “
” [By thine associating with the generous thou will be reckoned as one
of them]. (I'Ak p. 211.)
عَشَرَةٌ [Ten;] the first of the
عُقُود; (A, K;) with
ة, (Msb,) and with fet-h to the
ش, (TA,) for the masc.; (Msb, TA;) and
عَشْرٌ, without
ة, (Msb, TA,) and with one fet-hah, (TA,) for the fem. (Msb, TA.) You
رِجَالٍ [Ten men]: and
نِسْوَةٍ [ten women]. (S, O, Msb, TA.) [In De Sacy's Arabic
Grammar, for the former is inadvertently put
عَشْرَةٌ; and for the latter,
عَشَرٌ; and in Freytag's lexicon we find
عَشَرٌ instead of
عَشَرَاتٌ [is the pl. of
عَشَرَةٌ: and also] signifies Decimal numbers. (M in art.
ست.) The vulgar make
عَشْرٌ masc., as meaning a number of days, saying
الأَوَّلُ, and
الأَخِيرُ; but this is wrong [unless thereby they mean to speak of
nights with their days, as will be shown by what follows]: the month consists of
عَشَرَات; namely,
الأُوَلُ [The first ten nights. with their days], pl. of
أُولَى; and
الوُسَطُ [The middle ten nights, with their days], pl. of
وُسْطَى; and
الأَخَرُ [The last, lit. the other, ten nights, with
their days], pl. of
أُخْرَى; or
الأَوَاخِرُ [The last ten nights, with their days], pl. of
آخرَةٌ. (Msb.) [العَشْرُ
الأَوَاخِرُ is also especially applied to The last ten nights
of Ramadán, with their days: and
الحِجَّةِ to The first ten nights of Dhu-l-Hijjeh,
with their days: and
العَشْرُ, alone, to The first ten nights of El-Moharram,
with their days.] The Arabs also said,
عَشْرًا, meaning We journeyed ten nights, with their days;
making the fem. [لَيَالٍ]
to predominate over the masc. [أَيَّام];
as is the case in the Kur ii. 234. (Msb.) And
العَشْرِ is used for
العَشْرِ [The days of the ten nights]. (Mgh.) [See some other
observations applying to the syntax of
عَشَرَةٌ and
عَشْرٌ, voce
خَمْسَةٌ. And respecting a peculiar pronunciation of the people of
El-Hijáz, and a case in which
عَشَرَة is imperfectly decl., see
ثَلَاثَةٌ.] ― -b2- [عَشْرٌ
is also applied to A portion, or paragraph, of the Kur-án properly
consisting of ten verses; but it is often applied to somewhat more,
or less, than what is considered by some, or by all, as ten verses,
either because there is much disagreement as to the divisions of the verses or
for the sake of beginning and ending with a break in the tenour of the text:
عَاشِرَةٌ:) pl.
أَعْشَارٌ. These divisions have no mark to distinguish them in some
MSS.: in others, each is marked by a round ornament at the end; or by the word
عشر, or the letter
ع, over, or over against, the commencement.] ― -b3- When you have
passed the number ten, you make the masc. fem., and the fem. masc. [to nineteen
inclusively]: in the masc., you reject the
ة in
عَشَرَة; and from thirteen to nineteen [inclusively], you add
ة to the former of the two nouns; and [in every case] you pronounce
ش with fet-h; and you make the two nouns one noun, [and, as such,]
indecl., with fet-h for the termination: (TA:) you say,
عَشَرَ [Eleven], (S, O, Msb,) [and
عَشَرَ Twelve,] and
عَشَرَ [Thirteen], and so on; (Msb, TA;) with fet-h to the
ش; and in one dial. with sukoon [أَحَدَ
عَشْرَ, &c.]; (Msb;) or the former only: (S, O:) and, as ISk says,
some of the Arabs make the
ع quiescent, [as many do in the present day,] saying
عْشَرَ, and so on to
عْشَرَ [inclusively] except in the instance of
عَشَرَ and
عَشَرَ, because of the quiescence of the
ا and
ى; and Akh says that they make the
ع quiescent because the noun is long and its vowels are many: (S, O)
in the fem., you add
ة to the latter of the two nouns, and reject the
ة in the former of them, and make the
ش in
عشرة quiescent: you say
عَشْرَةَ (TA,) [and
عَشْرَةَ,] and so on to
عَشْرَةَ [inclusively]: and if you choose, you say
عَشِرَةَ, [&c.,] with kesr to the
ش: the former is of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz, [and is the
more common,] and the latter is of the dial. of the people of Nejd: (S, O, TA:)
but fet-h to the
ش in this case is unknown to the grammarians and lexicologists, as Az
says, though an instance has been adduced in an unusual reading of the Kur ii.
57, and another in vii. 160. (TA.) Every noun of number, from eleven to nineteen
[inclusively], is mansoob, [or more properly speaking, each of the two nouns of
which it is composed is indecl., with fet-h,] in the cases of refa and nasb and
khafd, except that of twelve; for
اِثْنَا and
اِثْنَتَا are decl. [i. e. you say, in a case of nasb or khafd,
عَشَرَ and
عَشْرَةَ]. (TA.) ― -b4- [In the same manner also
عَشَرَ and
عَشْرَةَ are used in the ordinal compounds,]
عُشَرَآءُ A she-camel that has been ten months pregnant,
(S, Mgh, O, Msb, K,) from the day of her having been covered by the stallion:
she then ceases to be [of those] called
مَخَاضً, and she is called
عشرا until she brings forth, and also after she has brought
forth, (S, O,) or when she has brought forth, at the completion of a
year: or when she has brought forth she is termed
عَاتِذٌ: (TA:) or that has been eight months pregnant: or,
applied to a she-camel, i. q.
نُفَسَآءُ applied to a woman: (K:) it is applied also to any
female that is pregnant, but mostly to the female of the horse and camel: (IAth:)
it is the only sing. word of this measure, which is a pl. measure, except
نُفَسَآءُ: (MF:) the dual is
عُشَرَاوَانِ: (S, O, TA; in one copy of the S
عُشْرَاوَانِ:) and pl.
عُشَرَاوَاتٌ; (S, O, K, TA; in one copy of the S, and in the CK
عُشْراوات;) but some disallow this; (MF;) and
عِشَارٌ; (S, O, Msb, K;) like as
نِفَاسٌ is pl. of
نُفَسَآءُ; (Msb;) and
عُشَارٌ: (K in art.
نفس:) or
عِشَارٌ is applied to she-camels until some of them have brought
forth and others are expected to bring forth. (K.) Some say that
عِشَار have no milk; though El-Farezdak applies this term to camels
that are milked, because of their having recently brought forth; and it is said
that camels are most precious to their owners when they are
عشار. (TA.)
عَشَائِرُ, as pl. of
عِشَارٌ, which is pl. of
عُشَرَآءُ, signifies Gazelles that have recently brought forth.
عُشَرِىٌّ Milk of camels that feed upon the
عُشَر, q. v. (TA.)
عِشْرُونَ Twenty; twice ten: (K:) applied alike to a
masc. and a fem.: (Msb:) you say
رَجُلًا [Twenty men], and
[Twenty women: the noun following it being in the accus. case as a
specificative]: (TA:) it is decl. with
و and
ى [like a pl. formed by the addition of
و and
ن]; (Msb;) and when you prefix it to another noun, making it to
govern the latter in the gen. case, you drop the
ن, (S, Msb,) and say,
زَيْدٍ [The twenty of Zeyd], (Msb,) and
عِشْرُوكَ [Thy twenty], (S, O, Msb,) and
عِشُرِىّ [My twenty], changing the
و into
ى [in this last case], because of the letter following it, and these
incorporating: (S, O:) so says Ks; but most disallow this mode of prefixing in
the case of a decimal number [of this kind], (Msb.) [It signifies also
Twentieth.] It is not a pl. of
عَشَرَةٌ, (so in a copy of the S and in the O and in the TA.) or
عَشْرٌ, (so in another copy of the S,) [or perhaps the right reading
عِشْرٌ, as may be inferred from what will be presently added: but
first it should be observed that if it were pl. of
عَشَرَةٌ, or of
عَشْرٌ, it would signify at least three times ten: some hold it to be
a pl. of
عِشْرٌ, saying, (TA.) as
عِشْرٌ signifies camels' coming to water on the ninth day, they do
not say
عِشْرَانِ [for twenty], but they say
عِشْرُونَ, (in the K,
عِشْرِينَ: but the correct reading seems to be
يَقُولُوا: TA: [in the CK it is more incorrect,
عِشْرَيْنِ:]) making eighteen days to be
عِشْرَانِ, and the nineteenth and twentieth a portion of the third
عِشْر; and so, [regarding the portion as a whole,] forming the pl.
عِشْرُونَ; (K, * TA;) agreeably with a well-known license, which
allows the calling two and a part of the third a pl: (TA:) this is the opinion
of Kh and IDrd and some others: but J and most of the lexicologists hold that
عِشْرُونَ is not a pl. of
عَشَرَةٌ nor of
عِشْرٌ nor of any other word, and their opinion I hold to be
correct, applying as it does to the other similar nouns of number. (MF.)
ذ Ten and ten; [or ten and ten together; or ten
at a time and ten at a time;] (MF;) changed from
عَشَرَة, (S,) or rather
عَشَرَةً; as also ↓
مَعْشَرَ ; (MF;) [for which reason, and its having the quality of
an epithet, each is imperfectly decl.] You say,
عُشَارَ, (S, M, O, L, K,) and ↓
مَعْشَرَ , (M, O, L, K,) and
عُشَارَ once, and ↓
مَعْشَرَ once, (M, L, TA,) They came ten [and]
ten. (S, M, O, L, K.) MF says that the repetition is manifestly wrong; but
it is allowed by the M and L, as well as the K; [and is for the purpose of
corroboration;] and
مَعْشَرَ ↓
مَعْشَرَ is also authorized by the TS. (TA.) A'Obeyd says that
more than
أُحَادَ and
ثُنَآءَ and
ثُلَاثَ and
رُبَاعَ has not been heard, except
عُشَارَ occurring in a verse of El-Kumeyt. (O, TA.) [But
خُمَاسَ is mentioned in the K.]
عَشِيرٌ : see
عُشْرٌ, in three places. ― -b2- Also A certain measure of land, a
tenth of the
قَفِيز, (O, Msb, K,) which is the tenth of the
جَرِيب [q. v.]: (O, TA:) pl.
أَعْشِرَآءُ. (TA in art.
جرب.) -A2- And An associate; i. q.
مُعَاشِرٌ. (S, O, Msb, K.) ― -b2- And A husband; (S, O, Msb,
K;) because he and his wife are associates, each of the other. (S, O.)
العَشِيرَ means They are ungrateful to the husband. (Msb.) ―
-b3- And A wife. (Msb.) ― -b4- And A relation. (K.) ― -b5- And
A friend. (K.) Pl.
عُشَرَآءُ. (K.) ― -b6- See also
عَشِيرَةٌ. -A3- Also The cry of the
ضَبُع [or hyena, or female hyena]: (K:) in this sense,
a word not derived. (TA.)
عُشَارَةٌ ; and its pl.: see
عُشَارِىٌّ A garment, or piece of cloth, (A, K,) ten
cubits long. (S, A, Mgh, O, K.) ― -b2- And A boy ten years old: fem.
ة. (TA.)
عَشُورَى and
عَشُورَآءُ: see
ذ A man's kinsfolk: (Bd and Jel in ix. 24:) or his
nearer or nearest relations, or next of kin, by descent from the
same father or ancestor: (K:) or a small sub-tribe; a small
portion, or the smallest subdivision, of a tribe, less than a
فَصِيلَة: (TA voce
شَعْبٌ, q. v.:) or a tribe; syn
قَبِيلَةٌ; (S, O, Msb;) a man's
قَبِيلَة; (K;) as also ↓
عَشِيرٌ , without
ة: (TA:) or a community, such as the Benoo-Temeem, and the
Benoo-'Amr-Ibn-Temeem: (ISh:) a word having no proper sing.: (Msb:) accord.
to some, from
عِشْرَةٌ: accord. to others, from
عَشَرَةٌ, the number so called: (Bd ubi suprà, and MF:) pl.
عَشَائِرُ (Msb, K) and
عَشِيرَاتُ. (Msb.) [See also
مَعْشَرٌ.] -A2-
عَشَائِرُ is also a pl. pl. of
عُشَرَآءُ [q. v., last sentence]. (O.)
عَشَّارٌ (S, O, Msb, K) and ↓
عَاشِرٌ (O, Msb, K) and ↓
مُعَشِّرٌ (TA) One who takes, or receives, the
عُشْر [q. v.] of property. (S, Msb, K.) Where the punishment
of the
عَشَّار, or
عَاشِر, is mentioned in traditions, as where it is said that the
عَاشِر is to be put to death, the meaning is, he who takes the tenth
as the people in the Time of Ignorance used to do: such is to be put to death
because of his unbelief; or because, being a Muslim, he holds this practice to
be lawful: but such as performed the like office for the Prophet and for the
Khaleefehs after him may be thus called because of the relation of what he takes
to the tenth, as the quarter of the tenth, and the half of the tenth, and as he
takes the tenth wholly of the produce that is watered [only] by the rain, and
the tenth of the property in merchandise [of foreigners, and half the tenth of
that] of non-Muslim subjects. (TA.) [There is either a mistake or an omission in
the last part of the statement above, in the TA, which I have rectified by
inserting “ of foreigners ” &c.]
عَاشِرٌ : see
عَشَّارٌ. ― -b2- One says also,
عَاشِرَهُمْ [meaning he became the tenth of them]. (S, Msb,
عَاشِرَةٌ The circular sign which marks a division of an
'ashr (عَشْر)
in a copy of the Kur-án: (O, L, K:) a post-classical term: (O, L:) pl.
عَوَاشِرُ. (S, K.) ― -b2- And
القُرْآنِ means The verses that complete an
عَشْر of the Kur-án. (K.) ― -b3- And
عَوَاشِرُ Camels coming to water after an interval of eight days;
(S, O;) on the tenth day [counting the day of the next preceding
watering as the first]: or on the ninth day [not counting the day
of the next preceding watering: see
عِشْرٌ]. (K.) -A2- For another signification of the pl.,
عَوَاشِرُ, see
عِشْرُ, last sentence. -A3-
عَاشِرَةُ is a proper name of The
ضَبُع [i. e. hyena, or female hyena]; a determinate
noun: [but it has for] pl.
عَاشِرَاتٌ. (O.)
عَاشُورٌ : see what next follows.
ذ and ↓
عَشُورَآءُ (Msb, K) and
عَاشُورَى (Msb, K) and ↓
عَشُورَى (K) and ↓
عَاشُورٌ , (Msb, K,) or
عَاشُورَآءَ (S, O, and K in art.
تسع, &c.) or
العَاشُورَآءِ (S in that art., &c.) and
عَشُورَآءَ, (S, O,) The tenth day of the month El-Moharram:
(S, Msb, K:) or the ninth thereof, (K,) accord. to some; but most of the
learned, of old and late times, agree that it is the former; (Msb in art.
تسع;) and AZ says that by the ninth may be meant the tenth; after the
same manner as the term
عِشْرٌ, relating to camels' coming to water, is [said to be] applied
to a period of nine days, [but means the coming to water on the tenth day,
counting the day of the next preceding watering as the first,] as Lth says, on
the authority of Kh. (TA.) Few nouns of the measure
فَاعُولَآءُ have been heard. (Az, TA.)
مَعْشَرٌ A company, or
collective body, (Az, S, O, Msb, K,) of people, (S,) consisting of
men, exclusive of women; like
نَفَرٌ and
قَوْمٌ and
رَهْطٌ; (Az, Msb;) having no proper sing.: (Az:)
or any company, or collective body, whose state of circumstances is
one; a community; as the
معشر of the Muslims and that of the
Polytheists: (Lth:) or a great company, or collective body; so
called [from
عَشَرَةٌ,] because they are many; for
عشرة is that large and perfect number after
which there is no number but what is composed of the units comprised in it:
(MF:) or the family of a man: or jinn (i. e. genii) and
mankind: (K: [or the author of the K may mean, or jinn: and
also mankind:]) in the Kur [vi. 130, and lv. 33], we find the expression
but this means O
معشر consisting of the jinn and of mankind: and [vi. 128],
الجِنِّ, without the mention of
الانس: (MF:) pl.
مَعَاشِرُ. (S, Msb.) [See also
عَشِيرَةٌ.] -A2-
مَعْشَرَ: see
عُشَارَ, in four places.
مُعْشِرٌ (tropical:) A woman who has completed her full
time of pregnancy. (TA.) [
مُعَشَّرٌ pass. part. n. of 2, q. v. See also
مُعَشِّرٌ : see
عَشَّارٌ. -A2- Also One whose camels have brought forth: and
one whose camels have become
عِشَار [pl. of
عُشَرَآء]. (O, K.)
مِعْشَارٌ : see
عُشْرٌ. -A2- Also A she-camel whose milk is abundant (K, TA)
in the nights of her bringing forth. (TA.) Credit:
Lane Lexicon