1 دَخَلَ دخل , (S, K, &c.,) aor. دَخُلَ , (TA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ (S, Msb, K) and مَدْخَلٌ, (S, K,) He, or it, entered; or went, came, passed, or got, in; contr. of خَرَجَ; (K;) as also ↓ اِدَّخَلَ , of the measure اِفْتَعَلَ, and ↓ اندخل , (S, K,) this last occuring in poetry, but not chaste, (S,) and ↓ تدخّل , (K,) or this signifies it (a thing) entered by little and little. (S, O.) You say, دَخَلْتُ مَدْخَلًا حَسَنًا [like دُخُولًا حَسَنًا I entered with a good entering]. (S.) And دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ (S) or الدَّارَ, i. e. [I entered the house, or] I became within the house, and the like, (Msb,) correctly meaning إِِلَى البَيْتِ [&c., or فِى البَيْتِ &c., i. e. I entered into the house, &c.], the prep. being suppressed, and the noun put in the accus. case after the manner of an objective complement: for nouns of place are of two kinds, vague and definite; the vague being such as the six relative locations, خَلْفٌ, and قُدَّامٌ, and يَمِينٌ, and شِمَالٌ, and فَوْقٌ, and تَحْتٌ, and the like, such as أَمَامٌ, and وَرَآءٌ, and أَعْلَى, and أَسْفَلُ, and عِنْدَ, and لَدُنْ, and وَسْطٌ in the sense of بَيْنٌ, and قُبَالَةٌ, all which, and similar nouns of place, may become adverbs, because indefinite; for dost thou not see that what is خَلْف to thee may be قُدَّام to another? but that which is definite, having make, and corporeal substance, and tracts that comprehend it, as a mountain and a valley and a market and a house and a mosque, the noun signifying such a thing cannot become an adverb; for you may not say, قَعَدْتُ الدَّارَ, nor صَلَّيْتُ المَسْجِدَ, nor نِمْتُ الجَبَلَ, nor قُمْتُ الوَادِىَ; the phrases of this kind that occur being instances of the suppression of a prep.; as دَخَلْتُ البَيْتَ, and نَزَلْتُ الوَادِىَ, and صَعِدْتُ الجَبَلَ. (S, O, TA.) You say also, دَخَلْتُ عَلَى زَيْدٍ الدَّارَ, meaning I entered the house after Zeyd, he being in it. (Msb.) [And simply دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ He came in upon him: and also he came upon him; i. e. invaded him.] And دَخَلَ بِا@مْرَأَتِهِ, (Msb, TA,) and عَلَيْهَا, (MA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ, (Mgh, Msb,) [like دَخَلَ بِأَهْلِهِ, and عَلَيْهَا, (see أَهْلٌ,) i. e. (tropical:) He went in to his wife or woman,] is a metonymical phrase, denoting الجِمَاع, (Msb, TA,) i. e. الوَطْء, (Mgh, Msb, TA,) whether it be such as is allowed by the law or such as is forbidden, (Mgh,) generally such as is lawful. (Msb, TA. [See what is said in explanation of the term خَلْوَةٌ in the first paragraph of art. خلو.]) And دَخَلَ بَعْضُهُ فِى بَعْضٍ i. q. تَدَاخَلَ [q. v.]. (TA in art. قصر, &c.) [For ex.,] you say, دَخَلَ بَعْضُ النُّجُومِ فِى بَعْضٍ [The stars became confused together]. (Mgh and TA in art. شبك: in the former coupled with اِخْتَلَطَتْ.) And دَخَلَ فِيهِمْ [He entered among them, so as to become a member of their community, confraternity, party, sect, or the like;] said of a stranger. (K.) [And دَخَلَ فِى طَاعَتِهِ: see طَائِعٌ, in art. طوع.] When دَخَلَ is said of income, or revenue, [meaning It came in, accrued, or was received,] the aor. is as above, and the inf. n. دَخْلٌ: (Msb:) and you say, يَدْخُلُ عَلَى الإِِنْسَانِ [It comes in, or accrues, to the man]. (Msb, K. *) دَخَلَ بِهِ [lit. He entered with him, or it]: see 4. ― -b2- [Hence, دَخَلَ فِيهِ meaning (assumed tropical:) It became included, comprehended, or comprised, in it. And hence,] دَخَلَ فِى دِينِ الإِِسْلَامِ (assumed tropical:) [He entered within the pale of the religion of ElIslám; he entered the communion of that religion; he entered into, embraced, or became a proselyte to, that religion]. (Msb in art. سلم, &c. [See Kur cx. 2.]) And دَخَلَ فِى الأَمْرِ, inf. n. دُخُولٌ, (assumed tropical:) He entered upon, began, or commenced, the affair. (Msb.) [And دَخَلَ فِى أَمْرِ غَيْرِهِ, and أُمُورِ غَيْرِهِ, and ↓ تدخّل , and ↓ تداخل (assumed tropical:) He entered into, or mixed himself in, another's affair, and another's affairs.] ― -b3- [Hence also, دَخَلَ عَلَيْهِ said of night, &c., It came upon him, or invaded him. And said of a word, such as a prep. &c., It was, or became, prefixed to it, preposed to it, or put before it.] ― -b4- [دَخَلَنِى مِنْهُ seems (from an instance in art. بضع in the K) to mean (assumed tropical:) An evil opinion of him entered my mind; from دَخْلٌ as signifying “ a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion. ”] -A2- دُخِلَ, (S, K,) like عُنِىَ; (K;) and دَخِلَ, aor. دَخَلَ ; inf. n. [of the former] دَخْلٌ and [of the latter] دَخَلٌ; (K;) (assumed tropical:) He had an unsoundness (دَخَلٌ, S, K, i. e. فَسَادٌ, K) in his intel-lect, (S, K,) or in his body, (K,) or in his grounds of pretension to respect. (TA in explanation of the former verb.) And دَخِلَ أَمْرُهُ, aor. دَخَلَ , (K,) inf. n. دَخَلٌ, (TA,) (assumed tropical:) His affair, or case, or state, was, or became, intrinsically bad or corrupt or unsound. (K.) ― -b2- دُخِلَ الطَّعَامُ The corn, or food, became eaten by worms or the like. (JK.) ― -b3- دُخِلَ عَلَيْهِ (assumed tropical:) He was led into a mistake, or an error, respecting a thing, without knowing it, by his having preconceived it. (Msb.) 2 دخّل دخل , inf. n. تَدْخِيلٌ, He put dates into a دَوْخَلَّة [q. v.]. (TA.) [In the present day, دخّلهُ is used in the first of the senses assigned below to أَدْخَلَهُ; but for this I have not found any classical authority.] 3 مُدَاخَلَةٌ مداخله مداخلة مدخل [inf. n. of داخل] signifies The entering [with another] into a place: or (assumed tropical:) into an affair. (KL.) You say, داخلهُ فِى أُمُورِهِ (assumed tropical:) [He entered with him into, or mixed with him in, his affairs]. (JK, S.) And دَاخَلَهُمْ [alone (assumed tropical:) He entered with them into, or mixed with them in, their affairs: he mixed with them in familiar, or social, intercourse: he conversed with them; or was, or became, intimate with them]. (Lh, TA in the present art. and in art. خلط. [See 3 in art. خلط.]) And دَاخَلَهُ فَسَادٌ فِى عَقْلٍ أَوْ جِسْمٍ (assumed tropical:) [Unsoundness in intellect, or body, infected him, as though commingling with him; like خَالَطَهُ]. (K.) دِخَالٌ [also is an inf. n. of داخل]: see 6, in two places. ― -b2- [See also دِخَالٌ below.] 4 ادخلهُ أدخل أدخله ادخله ادخلة دخل , inf. n. إِِدْخَالٌ and مُدْخَلٌ, (S, K,) He made, or caused, him, or it, to enter; or to go, come, pass, or get, in; he put in, inserted, brought in, or introduced, him, or it; as also بِهِ دَخَلَ [lit. he entered with him, or it], (K, TA,) inf. n. دُخُولٌ. (TA.) You say, أَدْخَلْتُ زَيْدًا الدَّارَ, [for فِىالدَّارِ, I made, or caused, Zeyd to enter the house, or I brought, or introduced, Zeyd into the house,] inf. n. مُدْخَلٌ. (Msb.) Hence, in the Kur [xvii. 82], رَبِّ أَدْخَلْنِى مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ (S, * TA) O my Lord, cause me to enter El-Medeeneh in a good, or an agreeable, manner: (Jel: [see also various similar explanations in Bd:]) [or ↓ مُدْخَل may be here a n. of place, or of time: see, in art. خرج, what is said of the words of the Kur that follow, أَخْرِجْنِى مَخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ.] One says also, أَدْخَلْتُ الخُفَّ فِى رِجْلِى and القَلَنْسُوَةَ فِى رَأْسِى [for أَدْخَلْتُ رِجْلِى فِى الخُفِّ and رَأْسِى فِى القَلَنْسُوَةِ I put, or inserted, my leg, or foot, into the boot and my head into the cap]. (Ham p. 43.) ― -b2- Hence the saying, يُدْخِلُ عَلَى قَوْمِهِ مَكْرُوهًا يَلْطَخُهُمْ بِهِ [He brings against his people an abominable, or evil, charge, aspersing them with it]. (S in art. عر.) 5 تَدَخَّلَ see 1, first sentence: and again in the latter half of the paragraph. 6 تداخل داخل تداخل signifies دَخَلَ بَعْضُهُ فِى بَعْضٍ [One part of it entered into another, or parts of it into others; meaning it became intermixed, intermingled, commixed, or commingled; it intermixed; it became confused: and hence it often means it became compact, or contracted]. (TA in art. قصر.) [Hence,] تَدَاخَلٌ signifies The entering of joints one into another; (M;) as also ↓ دِخَالٌ (JK, M, K) and ↓ دَخِيلٌ ; (K;) but this last is not in the M [nor in the JK], and requires consideration: (TA:) [perhaps the joints (مَفَاصِل) here mentioned are those of a coat of mail; for it is said immediately before in the JK that دِخَالٌ in coats of mail signifies firmness, or compactness, of make. Hence also,] تَدَاخُلُ اللُّغَاتِ [The intermixture, or commixture, of dialects]. (Mz 17th نوع.) And تَدَاخُلُ الأُمُورِ (assumed tropical:) The dubiousness and confusedness of affairs; as also الأُمُورِ دِخَالُ . (TA.) ― -b2- See also 1, in the latter half of the paragraph. -A2- [It is also trans.] You say, تَدَاخَلَنِ مِنْهُ شَىْءٌ [Something thereof, or therefrom, crept into me, i. e., into my mind]. (S, TA. [In the former, this meaning seems to be indicated by what there immediately precedes.]) And تَدَاخَلَنِى مِنْ هٰذَا الأَمْرِ رَمَضٌ (assumed tropical:) [Distress and disquietude, or grief, crept into me from, or in consequence of, this thing]. (A and TA in art. رمض.) 7 إِِنْدَخَلَ see 1, first sentence. 8 إِِدَّخَلَ أدخل ادخل دخل : see 1, first sentence. ادّخل عَلَىَّ [app. He encroached upon me]. (TA in art. هيض: see 1 in that art.) 10 استدخل استدخل He wished, desired, asked, or begged, to enter. (KL.) ― -b2- And He entered a خَمَر [or covert of trees &c., or some other place of concealment]: said of one lurking to shoot, or cast, at objects of the chase. (TA.) دَخْلٌ دخل Income, or revenue, or profit, that comes in, or accrues, to a man from his immovable property, such as land and houses and palm-trees &c., (T, Msb, K,) and from his merchandise; (Msb;) contr. of خَرْجٌ; (S;) as also ↓ مَدْخُولٌ [for مَدْخُولٌ بِهِ]: (TA:) the former is originally an inf. n., of which the verb is دَخَلَ, aor. دَخُلَ . (Msb.) You say, دَخْلُهُ أَكْثَرُ مِنْ خَرْجِهِ [His income is more than his outgoings, or expenditure]. (Msb.) -A2- See also دُخْلَةٌ. ― -b2- A disease; (K;) as also ↓ دَخَلٌ : (K, TA; but not decisively shown to have this meaning in the CK:) a vice, fault, defect, or blemish; (S, K;) and particularly in one's grounds of pretension to respect, (Az, TA,) as also, thus restricted, ↓ دَخَلٌ : (K, TA:) and a thing that induces doubt, or suspicion, or evil opinion; as also ↓ دَخَلٌ [app. in all the senses explained in this sentence: each originally an inf. n.: see دُخِلَ and دَخِلَ]. (S, K.) Hence the saying, (S, TA,) of دَخُلَ Athmeh Bint-Matrood, (TA,) “ وَمَا يُدْرِيكَ بِالدَّخْلِ
تَرَى الفِتْيَانَ كَالنَّخْلِ
” [Thou seest the youths, or young men, like palmtrees; but what will acquaint thee with the vice, &c., that is, or may be, in them]: (S, O, TA:) applied in relation to him who is of pleasing aspect, but devoid of good. (O, TA. [See also another reading of this verse voce رَقْلَةٌ.]) -A3- See also دِخَالٌ: -A4- and دَخِلٌ. دُخْلٌ دخل [A species of millet;] i. q. جَاوَرْسٌ; as also دُخْنٌ. (TA.) دِخْلٌ دخل : see دُخْلَةٌ. دَخَلٌ دخل primarily signifies A thing that enters into another thing and is not of it. (Bd in xvi. 94.) See دَخْلٌ, in three places. Also Badness, corruptness, or unsoundness; or a bad, a corrupt, or an unsound, state or quality; (S in art. دغل, and K;) in intellect or in body [&c.]. (K.) You say, فِى عَقْلِهِ دَخَلٌ [In his intellect is an unsoundness]. (S, K.) And هٰذَاالأَمْرُ فِيهِ دَخَلٌ and دَغَلٌ [This affair, or case, in it is an unsoundness]: both signify the same. (S.) ― -b2- Rottenness in a palm-tree. (TA.) ― -b3- Leanness, or emaciation. (TA.) ― -b4- Perfidiousness, faithlessness, or treachery: (K and TA; but not in the CK:) deceit, guile, or circumvention. (S, K.) Hence, in the Kur [xvi. 96], وَلَا تَتَّخِذُوا أَيْمَانَكُمْ دَخَلًا بَيْنَكُمْ [And make ye not your oaths to be a means of] deceit, or guile, or circumvention, between you. (S, TA. [And in the same sense it is used in verse 94 of the same ch.]) -A2- Also People, or persons, who assert their relationship to those of whom they are not: (K:) in this sense thought by ISd to be a quasi-pl. n. [app. of دَخِيلٌ (q. v.), like as شَرَفٌ is of شَرِيفٌ]. (TA.) You say, هُمْ دَخَلٌ فِى بَنِى فُلَانٍ They are, among the sons of such a one, persons who assert their relationship to them not being of them. (S, K.) [But Freytag asserts, though without naming any authority, evidently taking it from the TK, in which I find it, that one says, هم دخل لهم, and also هو; thus applying it to a single person (which is questionable) as well as to a plurality.] ― -b2- And Tangled, or luxuriant, or abundant and dense, trees; (K;) as also دَغَلٌ. (TA.) دَخِلٌ دخل Intrinsically bad or corrupt or unsound: and ↓ دَخْلٌ occurs in the same sense at the end of a verse: this may be a contraction of the former, or it may be for ذُو دَخْلٍ. (TA.) دَخْلَةٌ دخل دخله دخلة A place in which bees, (K,) or wild bees, (AA, TA,) deposit their honey. (AA, K, TA.) -A2- See also the next paragraph. دُخْلَةٌ دخل دخله دخلة The night of the ceremony of conducting a bride to her husband. (TA.) [In the present day, this night is commonly called لَيْلَةُالدُّخْلَةِ; vulgarly لَيْلَة اَلدُّخْلَهْ.] -A2- (assumed tropical:) The inward, or intrinsic, state, or circumstances, of a man; as also ↓ دَاخِلَةٌ : (S:) or, as also ↓ دِخْلَةٌ and ↓ دَخْلَةٌ and ↓ دَخِيلَةٌ and ↓ دَخِيلٌ and ↓ دُخْلُلٌ and ↓ دُخْلَلٌ and ↓ دُخَيْلَآءُ and ↓ دَاخِلَةٌ and ↓ دُخَّلٌ and ↓ دِخَالٌ , (K,) or, accord. to Lth, ↓ دُخَالٌ , (TA,) and ↓ دُخَّيْلَى and ↓ دِخْلٌ and ↓ دَخْلٌ (assumed tropical:) a man's intention: his way of acting, or his opinion: his whole case or circumstances: his mind, or heart: and his secret. (K.) You say, هُوَ عَالِمٌ بِدُخْلَتِهِ (assumed tropical:) He is acquainted with his inward, or intrinsic, state or circumstances. (S.) And every one of the foregoing fourteen syn. words is prefixed to the word أَمْر, so that you say, عَرَفْتُ دُخْلَةَ أَمْرِهِ &c., meaning (assumed tropical:) I knew the whole [of the inward, or intrinsic, circumstances] of his case. (TA.) ↓ فَرَشْتُهُ دِخْلَةَ أَمْرِى, or فَرَشْتُ لَهُ دِخْلَةَ أَمْرِى, is a post-classical prov., meaning (assumed tropical:) I laid open to him the inward, or intrinsic, and true, or real, state of my case. (Har p. 306.) One says also, ↓ هُوَ حَسَنُّ الدِّخْلَةِ and ↓ المَدْخَلِ (tropical:) He is good in his way of acting in his affairs: (K, TA:) and ↓ فُلَانٌ حَسَنُ المَدْخَلِ وَالمَخْرَجِ (assumed tropical:) Such a one is good, and laudable, in his way of acting, or conduct. (TA.) دِخْلَةٌ دخل دخله دخلة : see the next preceding paragraph, in three places: ― -b2- and see دُخْلُلٌ. ― -b3- Also A mixture of colours in a colour. (T, M, K.) دُخْلَلٌ دخلل : see دُخَّلٌ. -A2- and see also دُخْلَةٌ: ― -b2- and the paragraph here next following. دُخْلُلٌ دخلل (assumed tropical:) A companion, [such as is] a confidant, and special friend; as also ↓ دَخِيلٌ (KL) and ↓ دَخِيلَةٌ [app. for صَاحِبُ دَخِيلَةٍ] (K * and TA voce وَلِيجَةٌ) and ↓ دِخْلَةٌ [app. for صَاحِبُ دِخْلَة]: (L voce وَلِيجَةٌ:) [the pl.] دُخْلُلُونَ signifies special, or particular, and choice, or select, friends: (Az, TA:) or دُخْلُلٌ signifies, as also ↓ دِخْلَلٌ and ↓ دَخِيلٌ and ↓ مُدَاخِلٌ , one who enters with another into the affairs of the latter: (K, TA:) [i. e.] الرَّجُلِ دَخِيلُ and دُخْلُلُهُ signify the man's particular, or special, intimate, who enters with him into his affairs. (S.) You say, بَيْنَهُمَا دُخْلُلٌ and ↓ دِخْلَلٌ , meaning (assumed tropical:) Between them two is a particular, or special, intimate, who enters with them into their affairs: so says Lh: but ISd says, I know not what it is: accord. to the T, on the authority of AO, the meaning is, between them is brotherhood, or fraternization, and love, or affection: and accord. to ISd and the K, الحُبِّ دُخْلَلٌ and دُخْلُلُهُ [the latter not in the CK nor in my MS. copy of the K] and ↓ دَاخِلُهُ signify (assumed tropical:) purity of inward love. (TA.) ― -b2- دُخْلُلُونَ signifies also Persons of the lower, or lowest, sort, who enter among a people, or party, of whom they are not: thus having two contr. meanings. (Az, TA.) ― -b3- الدخلل [app. الدُّخْلُلُ] and ↓ الدُّخَّالُ [thus in the TA] and ↓ الدَّاخِلُ , accord. to IAar, all signify The same as الأُذُنِ دَخَّالِ [an appellation now applied to the ear-wig; in the K, art. عقرب, said to be the عُقْرُبَان, but not as meaning the عَقْرَب or the male عَقْرَب]: accord. to AZ, it is the هرنصان [i. e. هِرْنِصَان or هِرِنْصَان, a kind of worm, the species of which is doubtful]. (TA.) ― -b4- See also دِخَّلٌ. -A2- And see دُخْلَةٌ. دِخْلَلٌ دخلل : see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. دِخْلِلٌ دخلل A portion of flesh (in some copies of the K of fat, TA) in the midst of flesh. (JK, Ibn- 'Abbád, K.) دُخَالٌ دخال : see دِخَالٌ: -A2- and see also دُخْلَةٌ. دِخَالٌ دخال [an inf. n. of 3, q. v.]. ― -b2- In watering, (S, K,) it is The putting in a camel, that has drunk, between two camels that have not drunk, (K,) or the bringing back a camel, that has drunk, from the resting-place by the water, to the watering-trough, and putting him in between two thirsty camels, (S,) in order that he may drink what, may-be, he has not drunk: (S, K:) in like manner it is explained in the T, on the authority of As, who adds that this is done only when the water is scanty: (TA:) or the putting in a weak or sick camel [that has already drunk] with those that are drinking, and then, after that, with those that are returning to the water, so that he drinks three times: (Skr:) or the driving of camels to the watering-trough a second time, in order that they may complete their drinking, after they have already been watered drove by drove: (JK, TA:) so says Lth; but the approved explanation is that of As: (TA:) or the driving of camels to the watering-trough at once, all together; as also ↓ دَخْلٌ . (JK.) -A2- The forelocks of a horse; (K;) because of their entering, one into another; (TA;) as also ↓ دُخَالٌ : (K:) so in the M. (TA.) -A3- See also دُخْلَةٌ. دَخِيلٌ دخيل A guest. (M, TA.) Hence the saying of the vulgar, أَنَا دَخِيلُ فُلَانٍ [I am the guest of such a one; generally meaning I am under his protection]. (TA.) ― -b2- See also دُخْلُلٌ, in three places. ― -b3- [An adventive abider among a people.] You say, فُلَانٌ دَخِيلٌ بَيْنَ القَوْمِ Such a one is a person abiding among the people, not related to them. (Msb.) And هُوَ دَخِيلٌ فِيهِمْ He is a stranger to them (M, K) who has entered, (M,) or who enters, (K,) among them: (M, K:) applied also to a female. (TA.) [See دَخَلٌ, which is app. a quasi-pl. n. of دَخِيلٌ in this sense.] ― -b4- Hence, A subject of discourse introduced by way of digression, or as having some relation to the class, or category, of the proper subjects treated of, but not included therein. (Msb.) ― -b5- And A word that is adventitious, not indigenous, to the language of the Arabs; that is introduced into that language, and does not belong to it. (K.) There are many such words in the Jemharah of Ibn-Dureyd. (TA.) ― -b6- And A horse that is introduced between two other horses in a race for a wager. (JK, O, TA.) [See مُحَلِّلٌ.] See also دَخِيلِىُّ. ― -b7- And see دُخْلَةٌ: ― -b8- and دَاخِلٌ. -A2- It is also said in the K to be syn. with دِخَالٌ in a sense explained above: see 6. دَخِيلَةٌ دخيل دخيله دخيلة : see دُخْلَةٌ: ― -b2- and دُخْلُلٌ. دُخَيْلَآءُ دخيلآء : see دُخْلَةٌ. دَخِيلِىٌّ دخيل دخيلى دخيلي دخيليي A gazelle [and any animal] brought up in, or near, the house or tent, and there fed, syn. رَبِيبٌ, (IAar, K, TA,) like أَهْلِىٌّ, (TA,) upon the neck of which are hung cowries. (IAar, TA.) And A horse that is fed only with fodder: so accord. to Aboo-Nasr and others: a meaning erroneously assigned in the K to ↓ دَخِيلٌ . (TA.) Accord. to Skr, A horse of a race called بَنَاتُ دَخِيلٍ. (TA.) دُخَيْلِيَآءُ دخيليآء [in the CK with ة in the place of the '] A certain game of the Arabs. (JK, O, K, TA.) دُخَّلٌ دخل Herbage that enters among the stems of trees, (S, K,) or among the lower parts of the branches of trees, (M, TA,) or among the branches of trees, and cannot be depastured by reason of its tangled state; also termed عُوَّذٌ. (T, TA.) ― -b2- The feathers, or portions of feathers, that enter between the ظُهْرَان and بُطْنَان [here app. meaning the outermost and innermost portions]: (K:) they are the best thereof, because the sun does not strike upon them. (TA.) ― -b3- A portion, or portions, of flesh, or of muscle, lying within sinews: (M, K:) or flesh whereof one portion is intermixed with another: (TA:) or دُخَّلُ اللَّحْمِ means flesh that cleaves to the bone; and such is the best of flesh. (T, TA.) ― -b4- Applied to a man, (TA,) Thick, and compact, or contracted, in body; (K, * TA;) lit, having one portion thereof inserted into another. (TA.) ― -b5- A certain bird, (S, K,) of small size, (S, TA,) dust-coloured, (K, TA,) that alights upon palm-trees and other trees, and enters among them; (TA;) also called دُخْلَلٌ and ↓ دُخْلُلٌ : (K:) n. un. دُخَّلَةٌ: ISd says that it is an intrusive bird, smaller than the sparrow, found in El-Hijáz: accord. to the T, it is a kind of small bird, like the sparrow, that has its abode in caves and in dense trees: AHát says, in “the Book of Birds,” that the دُخَّلَة is a certain bird that is found in caves, and enters houses or tents, and is caught by children: when winter comes, the birds of this kind disperse; and some of them become of a dusky colour, and of a dark and somewhat reddish colour, and gray (زَرْقَآء); and some, variegated with blackness and redness, and with whiteness: they are of the size of the lark, but the latter is larger than they are in the head; neither short nor long in the tail; but short in the legs, which are like the legs of the lark: (TA:) the pl. is دَخَاخِيلُ, (S, M, K,) which is anomalous in respect of the insertion of the ى: (M:) in the T, دخاليل [which is app. a mistranscription]. (TA.) -A2- See also دُخْلَةٌ. دُخَّلَةٌ دخل دخله دخلة Any compact portion of flesh. (Sgh, K.) ― -b2- Also n. un. of دُخَّلٌ [q. v.]. (TA.) دَخَّالٌ دخال That enters [into anything] much, or often; wont to enter. (TA.) [See دَسَّاسٌ.] ― -b2- [Hence,] دَخَّالُ الأُذُنِ: see دُخْلُلٌ. الدُّخَّالُ الدخال : see دُخْلُلٌ. دُخَّيْلَى دخيل دخيلى دخيلي دخيليي : see دُخْلَةٌ. دَاخِلٌ داخل [act. part. n. of 1, Entering, &c. Hence,] الدَّاخِلُ as meaning دَخَّالُ الأُذُنِ: see دُخْلُلٌ. ― -b2- It is [also] applied as an epithet to a disease, and to love; [as meaning Internal, or inward;] and so ↓ دَخِيلٌ , in the same sense. (K.) ― -b3- [Also, as a subst.,] The interior of anything; (M, Msb, * TA;) contr. of خَارِجٌ. (Msb.) Sb says that it is not used adverbially unless with a particle; [so that you may not say دَاخِلًا as meaning Within; but you say فِى دَاخِلٍ; and in like manner you say إِِلَى دَاخِلٍ meaning In, or inwards; and مِنْ دَاخِلٍ meaning From within;] i. e. it is only a subst.; because it has a special signification, like يَدٌ and رِجْلٌ. (TA.) ― -b4- دَاخِلُ الحُبِّ: see دُخْلُلٌ. دَاخِلَةُ الإِِزَارِ داخلة الازار The part of the ازار [or waist-wrapper] that is next the body; (Mgh;) the extremity of the ازار that is next the body, (S, K,) next the right side (K, TA) of a man when he puts it on; being the inner extremity in that case: and the part of the body which is the place thereof; not of the ازار: IAmb says that, accord. to some, it is a metonymical term for the مَذَاكِير [meaning the penis with what is around it]: or, accord. to some, the hip, or haunch. (TA.) ― -b2- دَاخِلَةُ الأَرْضِ The part of the ground that may serve as a place for concealment, and that is low, or depressed: pl. دَوَاخِلُ. (T, K.) One says, مَا فِى أَرْضِهِمْ دَاخِلَةٌ مِنْ خَمَرٍ [There is not in their land a place for concealment such as a hollow or a covert of trees]. (TA.) ― -b3- [In the K and TA in art. جوز, the term دَاخِلَة is applied to Bad pieces of money intermixed and concealed among good pieces; as is there indicated in the K, and plainly shown in the TA.] ― -b4- الدَّوَاخِلُ in the phrase الدَّوَاخِلُ وَالخَوَارِجُ has been explained in art خرج. (Msb. See خَارِجَةٌ.) ― -b5- See also دُخْلَةٌ, in two places. دَوْخَلَّةٌ دوخله دوخلة and دَوْخَلَةٌ, with and without teshdeed, A thing [or receptacle] made of palm-leaves woven together, (ISk, S, K,) in which fresh ripe dates are put, (ISk, S,) or in which dates are put: (K:) pl. دَوَاخِيلُ, occurring in poetry, [the ى being app. inserted by poetic license,] (TA,) and دَوَاخِلُ. (K in art. لهث.) مَدْخَلٌ مدخل An entrance, i. e. a place of entrance, or ingress, (S, Msb,) of a house [or the like; and any inlet]. (Msb.) ― -b2- [Hence,] (tropical:) A way of act- ing. (K, TA: see دُخْلَةٌ, last sentence, in two places.) [And مَدْخَلُ خَيْرٍ (assumed tropical:) A means of attaining, or doing, good.] ― -b3- [Also A time of entrance.] مُدْخَلٌ مدخل is syn. with إِِدْخَالٌ: and is also the pass. part. n. of أَدْخَلَهُ: (S:) [and a n. of place: and of time:] see 4. ― -b2- Also (assumed tropical:) Base, base-born, or ignoble; of suspected origin or lineage, or adopted, or who claims for his father one who is not: (K, * TA:) because he is introduced among a people [to whom he is not related]. (TA.) [ مِدْخَلٌ مدخل An instrument by means of which one enters: mentioned by Golius as meaning a key; on the authority of Ibn-Seenŕ (Avicenna).] مُدَّخَلًا مدخل مدخلا , in the Kur [ix. 57, accord. to the most usual reading, there meaning A place into which to enter], is originally مُدْتَخَلًا. (TA.) مَدْخُولٌ مدخول [for مَدْخُولٌ بِهِ]: see دَخْلٌ. ― -b2- مَدْخُولٌ بِهَا [and عَلَيْهَا] (tropical:) A wife, or woman, to whom a man has gone in; meaning compressed; whether with the sanction of the law or not; (Mgh, TA;) but generally the former. (TA.) -A2- (assumed tropical:) Having an unsoundness in his intellect, (S, K,) or in his body, or in his grounds of pretension to respect. (TA.) ― -b2- (assumed tropical:) Emaciated. (S, K.) ― -b3- Corn, or food, eaten by worms or the like. (TA.) ― -b4- نَخْلَةٌ مَدْخُولَةٌ A palm-tree rotten (S, K) within. (S.) مُدَاخِلٌ مداخل مدخل : see دُخْلُلٌ. ― -b2- نَاقَةٌ مُدَاخِلَةٌ الخَلْقِ A she-camel compact, and firm, or strong, in make. (TA.) And الجِسْمِ رَجُلٌ مُتَداخِلُ (K, * TA) A man compact, or contracted, in body; lit., having one portion thereof inserted into another. (TA.) مُتَدَخَّلٌ فِى أُمُورٍ  One who puts himself to trouble, or inconvenience, to enter into affairs. (K.) [One who intrudes in affairs.] مُتَداخِلُ الجِسْمِ متداخل الجسم : see مُدَاخِلٌ Creddit: Lane Lexicon