1 غَمَّهُ  , (S, Msb, K, &c.,) aor. غَمُ3َ , (Msb,) inf. n. غَمٌّ, (Msb, TA,) He covered it, (S, Msb, K, TA,) veiled it, or concealed it; (TA;) namely, a thing: (Msb, K, TA:) this is the primary meaning. (TA.) [Hence,] one says, غُمَّ الهِلَالُ (S, Msb, K, TA) عَلَى النَّاسِ, (S, TA,) inf. n. غَمٌّ, (TA,) The new moon was veiled, or concealed, (S, Msb,) to the people, (S,) by clouds, or otherwise, (S, Msb,) or was intercepted by thin clouds, (K, TA,) or otherwise, (TA,) so that it was not seen. (S, Msb, TA.) It is said in a trad., فَإِِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَأَكْمِلُوا العِدَّةَ, (Mgh, * Msb, TA,) i. e. And if it [the new moon] be veiled, &c., to you, then complete ye the reckoning of Shaabán, thirty [days], in order that the entering upon the fast of Ramadán may be with [inferential] knowledge. (Msb.) Az says that غُمَّ and أُغْمِىَ and غُمِىَ all signify the same: (TA:) and all three occur in the trad. above mentioned accord. to different relations thereof. (Mgh.) [See also 1 in art. غمى.] ― -b2- And [hence] غَمَّ القَمَرُ النُّجُومَ The moon concealed the stars: or almost concealed the light of the stars. (TA.) ― -b3- And غُمَّ عَلَيْهِ الخَبَرُ The information, or narration, was dubious, confused, or vague, to him; such as to be difficult to be understood; or such as not to be understood; (S, K;) like أُغْمِىَ: (S:) or was obscure, or unapparent, to him. (Msb.) ― -b4- And غَمَّهُ, (S, K, TA,) aor. غَمُ3َ , inf. n. غَمٌّ, (TA,) It (i. e. هَمّ [here meaning “ grief, ” see غَمٌّ below,]) covered [or was as though it covered] his heart: (Har p. 637:) or [accord. to common acceptation] it, or he, grieved him; or caused him to mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy; syn. أَحْزَنَهُ. (K, and Har p. 422. [See also 4.]) ― -b5- غَمَّهُ, in which the pronoun relates to an ass, &c., (S, K, TA,) aor. غَمُ3َ , inf. n. غَمٌّ, (TA,) means He put [as a covering] to his mouth and his nostrils the غِمَامَة , (S, K, TA,) which is a thing like the كِعَام [or muzzle], (so in the S and CK,) or a thing like the فِدَام [which seems to be here similar in meaning to كعام]: (so in other copies of the K:) or he put [as a covering] to his mouth a nose-bag, or the like, to prevent his feeding; and this is termed a ↓ غِمَامَة : (TA:) [the verb that I have rendered “ put to ” in these explanations is أَلْقَمَ, of which I do not find in its proper place any signification that would be exactly apposite in this case:] or ↓ غِمَامَةٌ signifies a sort of bag for the mouth of a camel and the like, (K, TA,) his mouth being put into it: (TA:) pl. غَمَائِمُ: (S, TA:) and one says, غَمَّهُ بِالغِمَامَةِ [he covered his mouth with the غمامة], aor. and inf. n. as above. (TA.) ― -b6- غَمَّ الشَّىْءَ, aor. غَمُ3َ , also signifies عَلَاهُ [app. as meaning It rose upon, or above, the thing, as though forming a covering over it]: mentioned on the authority of IAar, who cites [as an ex.] the saying of En-Nemir Ibn-Towlab, [app. describing a رَوْضَة, or meadow,] “ أُنُفٌ يَغُمُّ الضَّالُ نَبْتَ بِحَارِهَا
” [Not depastured, the trees called ضال rising upon, or above, the herbage of its fertile tracts, or its tracts near to water]. (TA.) See also 8. -A2- [غَمَّ is also intrans.: one says,] غَمَّ يَوْمُنَا, (S, K, TA,) inf. n. غَمٌّ and غُمُومٌ; (TA;) and ↓ أَغَمَّ ; Our day was, or became, [sultry, or] intensely hot, (S, K, TA,) so that it took away, (S,) or almost took away, (TA,) the breath: (S, TA:) or both verbs, said of a day, and of the sky, mean it brought غَمّ [or distress that affected the breath or respiration], arising from closeness of heat, or clouds. (Msb.) -A3- غَمَّ الشَّخْصُ, of the class of تَعِبَ, [the first pers. being غَمِمْتُ,] inf. n. غَمَمٌ, The person's hair of his head flowed down so that his forehead and the back of his neck were narrowed. (Msb.) [See also غَمَمٌ below.] 3 غَامَمْتُهُ  signifies غَمَمْتُهُ وَغَمَّنِى [I grieved him, or caused him to mourn or lament &c., and he grieved me, or caused me to mourn or lament &c.; or I grieved him &c., being grieved &c. by him]. (K.) 4 اغمّت السَّمَآءُ  The sky became clouded: (K, as indicated by the context:) or i. q. تَغَيَّرَت [i. e., became altered]: thus in the S; but some say that it is correctly تَغَيَّمَت [agreeably with the former of the explanations above]. (TA.) See also 1, near the end. -A2- مَا أَغَمَّكَ لِى and إِِلَىَّ is [an expression of wonder, meaning How great grief, or sadness, dost thou occasion to me!] from الغَمُّ signifying الحُزْنُ. (K, TA.) ― -b2- [Accord. to the TK, أَغَمَّهُ signifies أَحْزَنَهُ; like غَمَّهُ: but this I think a mistake. ― -b3- And Freytag explains أَغَمَّ as occurring in the Deewán of the Hudhalees signifying “ Demersit: ” but in which of its senses he uses this word he does not specify.] 6 تغامّ  He made a show of غَمّ [or grief, &c.,] without its being in the heart. (Har p. 126.) 7 انغمّ  It (a thing, K) was, or became, covered, (S, K, TA,) veiled, or concealed. (TA.) ― -b2- See also what next follows. 8 اغتمّ  He was, or became, grieved, or caused to mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy; (S, * K;) as also ↓ انغمّ : (K:) both mentioned by Sb. (TA.) ― -b2- And, said of a plant, or herbage, It was, or became, tall, (K, TA,) and tangled, or luxuriant, (TA,) and abundant: (K, TA:) as also اعتمّ. (TA.) [And in like manner ↓ غَمَّ is expl. by Freytag as occurring in the Deewán of the Hudhalees, said of a plant, meaning It was tall and luxuriant.] ― -b3- And, said of a man, He withheld himself from going out, or forth. (TA.) R. Q. 1 غَمْغَمَ  , [inf. n. غَمْغَمَةٌ, He (a bull) uttered a cry, or cries, in fright; as also ↓ تَغَمْغَمَ : see غَمَغْمَةٌ below. ― -b2- And] He (a courageous man) raised his voice conflict with his antagonist; (Har p. 531;) [as also ↓ تَغَمْغَمَ : see, again, غَمْغَمَةٌ below.] ― -b3- And He [a man] spoke while taking a thing into his fauces, so that the hearer, or listener, did not understand what he was saying; (Har ubi suprà;) [or spoke indistinctly; agreeably with an explanation of غَمْغَمَةٌ below; as also ↓ تَغَمْغَمَ . ― -b4- And, said of a bow, It produced a sound; agreeably with another explanation of غَمْغَمَةٌ below.] ― -b5- Also, said of an infant, inf. n. غَمْغَمَةٌ, He wept over the breast, desiring the milk: [and the inf. n. is used as a simple subst., and therefore pluralized:] IAar cites as an ex., “ إِِذَا المُرْضِعَاتُ بَعْدَ أَوَّلِ هَجْعَةٍ
سَمِعْتَ عَلَى ثُدِيِّهِنَّ غَمَاغِمَا
” [When the suckling women, after the first light sleep in the beginning of the night, are in such a condition that thou hearest cryings over their breasts]; meaning, as he says, that the milk of these women is little in quantity, so that the sucking child weeps over the breast when sucking it. (TA.) R. Q. 2 تَغَمْغَمَ  : see R. Q. 1, in three places: and see its inf. n. voce غَمْغَمَةٌ, below, in two places. ― -b2- Said of one drowning (غَرِيق) beneath the water, it signifies He uttered a cry, or cries: or, as is said in the T, he was pressed upon by the waves above him: a poet uses it of Pharaoh when he was overwhelmed [in the sea]. (TA.) غَمٌّ  [an inf. n. used as an epithet in which the quality of a subst. predominates,] Grief, mourning, lamentation, sorrow, sadness, or unhappiness; syn. حُزْنٌ; (Msb, K;) so called because it covers happiness and forbearance; (Msb;) or غَمّ in the heart is thus called because it veils, or precludes, happiness: (Ham p. 21:) [it may therefore be rendered gloominess of mind:] or i. q. كَرْبٌ, (K,) which signifies حُزْن, (K in art. كرب,) or غَمّ, (S, in that art.,) [that affects the breath or respiration, lit.] that takes away the breath; (S and K in that art.;) as also ↓ غَمَّآءُ (K) and ↓ غُمَّةٌ , (S, K,) the last [expl. in the S as syn. with كُرْبَةٌ, which is syn. with كَرْبٌ, and] mentioned by Lh: (TA:) [see also صَقَعٌ:] it is كَرْب [or grief, &c.,] that befalls the heart because of what has happened; differing from هَمٌّ, which is كرب that befalls because of annoyance, or harm, that is expected to happen: or, as some say, both are one [in meaning]: the differing is asserted by 'Iyád and [many] others: (TA:) [see also غَصَبٌ:] the pl. of غَمٌّ is غُمُومٌ. (S, K.) ― -b2- It is also an inf. n. used as an epithet in the phrase يَوْمٌ غَمٌّ (S, TA) i. e. A day that is [sultry, or] intensely hot, so that it [almost] takes away the breath; and لَيْلَةٌ غَمٌّ [such a night], i. e. ↓ غَامَّةٌ : (S:) or one says يَوْمٌ غَمٌّ and ↓ غَامٌّ and ↓ مِغَمٌّ , (K, TA,) the last with kesr to the م, (TA,) [in the CK ↓ مُغِمٌّ ,] meaning a day of heat, (K,) or of intense heat: (TA:) or a day of غَمّ [i. e. grief, &c.]: and [in a similar sense, as is implied by the context immediately preceding,] لَيْلَةٌ غَمٌّ and غَمَّةٌ and ↓ غَمَّى : (K:) [but] A'Obeyd mentions, on the authority of AZ, ↓ لَيْلَةٌ غَمَّى and ↓ لَيْلَةٌ غَمَّةٌ as meaning a night in which there is over the sky [a covering of clouds, or] what is termed غَمْىٌ [a word belonging to art. غمى, being in measure] like رَمْىٌ; (S;) and [in the like sense] يَوْمٌ غَمٌّ. (So in one of my copies of the S.) ― -b3- And one says, كَانَ عَلَى السَّمَآءِ غم [app. غَمٌّ, but this, I think, requires confirmation, for which I have searched in vain,] and غمى [app. ↓ غَمَّى , or perhaps غَمْىٌ, a word mentioned above,] meaning There was over the sky a collection [or an expanse] of thin clouds, or a ضَبَابَة [i. e. mist, or the like], فَحَالَ دُونَ الهِلَالِ [and it intercepted the new moon]: and هٰذِهِ لَيْلَةُ غَمَّى , and some say ↓ غُمَّى , This is a night [of a covering of clouds, or] of a ضَبَابَة [or mist, or the like], intervening between the new moon and men; so that the new moon is not seen: (Msb:) and [hence] ↓ صُمْنَا لِلْغَمَّى , and ↓ لِلْغُمَّى , (S, Msb, K,) both mentioned by ISk on the authority of Fr, (S,) and ↓ لِلْغَمَّآءِ , (S, K,) and ↓ لِلْغُمِّيَّةِ , (K, TA, but omitted in the CK,) and ↓ لِلْغُمَّةِ , (TA,) [i. e. We fasted after, or from the time of, the covering of clouds, or the mist, or the like, that concealed the new moon; (the prep. لِ being here used in the sense of بَعْدَ, or مِنْ وَقْتِ, as in the Kur xvii. 80;) virtually] meaning [we fasted] without a sight [of the new moon]: (Msb, TA:) a rájiz says, “ طَامِسٍ هِلَالُهَا لَيْلَةَ غُمَّى
أَوْغَلْتُهَا وَمُكْرَةٌ إِِيْغَالُهَا
” [In a night of a covering of clouds, or of a mist, or the like, having its new moon effaced: I journeyed quickly and far in it, (أَوْغَلْتُهَا) being used, app. by poetic license, for أَوْغَلْتُ فِيهَا,) and disliked was the journeying so therein]: (S, TA:) and it is said that لَيْلَةُ غمّى [i. e. ↓ غَمَّى and ↓ غُمَّى ] signifies also the last night of the [lunar] month; being so called because the case thereof is veiled to people so that it is not known whether it be of the coming [month] or of the past. (TA.) غَمَّةٌ  fem. of غَمٌّ, q. v., used as an epithet. غُمَّةٌ  : see غَمٌّ, first sentence: ― -b2- and also in the latter half. ― -b3- Also, (assumed tropical:) Perplexity, and dubiousness, or confusedness: pl. غُمَمٌ: one says, هُوَ فِى غُمَّةٍ (assumed tropical:) He is in a state of perplexity, and dubiousness, or confusedness: (Msb:) and هُوَ فِى غُمَّةٍ مِنْ أَمْرِهِ (assumed tropical:) He is in a state of perplexity and darkness [in respect of his case or affair]; from الغَمُّ signifying “ the act of covering ” [a thing]. (Ham p. 320.) [See also غِمَّةٌ and غَمَّآءُ.] And one says أَمْرٌ غُمَّةٌ (assumed tropical:) A dubious, confused, or vague, case or affair. (S, K. *) [See also غُمَّى.] It is said in the Kur [x. 72], ثُمَّ لَا يَكُنْ أَمْرُكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ غُمَّةً i. e. (tropical:) [Then let not your case be to you one of] darkness, and straitness, and anxiety: (A'Obeyd, S, TA:) or, as some say, covered, veiled, or concealed. (TA.) And أَرْضٌ غُمَّةٌ means (assumed tropical:) A strait, or narrow, land. (TA.) ― -b4- Also The bottom of the interior of a skin for clarified butter (S, K) &c. (S.) [See also the first sentence in art. غمل.] غِمَّةٌ  i. q. لبسة [app. لُبْسَةٌ, meaning (assumed tropical:) Obscureness, confusedness, or dubiousness: see also غُمَّةٌ]. (TA.) غَمَمٌ  is the inf. n. of 1 in the last of the senses expl. above: (Msb:) or it signifies The flowing down of the hair so that the forehead, (S, K, TA,) or as in the M, the face, (TA,) and the back of the neck, are narrowed: (S, K, TA:) or the hair that veils, or conceals, the جَبِين [generally meaning the part above the temple, but sometimes it means the forehead,] and the back of the neck. (Har p. 21.) Z says that they dislike what is thus termed, and like what is termed نَزَعٌ [i. e. baldness of the two sides of the forehead]. (TA.) غَمَامٌ  Clouds: (S, Msb, K:) or white clouds: (K:) or thin clouds: (Jel in ii. 54:) and ↓ غَمَامَةٌ signifies one thereof: (S, Msb, K:) the former being pl. of the latter, as also is غَمَائِمُ: (K:) [or rather غَمَامٌ is a coll. gen. n., of which غَمَامَةٌ is the n. un.:] they are so called because they veil the sky, or because they veil the light of the sun. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] حَبُّ الغَمَامِ signifies Hailstones, or hail. (TA.) [See an ex. in a verse cited in art. ان, p. 109.] غُمَامٌ  i. q. زُكَامٌ [A rheum, such as is termed coryza]. (K.) غُمُومٌ  [a pl. of which no sing. is mentioned,] Small stars, such as are faint, or indistinct. (K.) غَمِيمٌ  i. q. غَمِيسٌ, (S, K,) i. e. Fresh herbage (كَلَأٌ) beneath such as is dried up; (S, TA;) or green herbage beneath such as is dry. (TA.) ― -b2- And Milk heated until it thickens: (S, K:) because it becomes covered over. (TA.) غَمَامَةٌ  : see غَمَامٌ. ― -b2- Also (tropical:) Herbage: so in the saying, أَحْمَى فُلَانٌ غَمَامَةَ وَادِى كَذَا i. e. (tropical:) [Such a one made to be prohibited to the public] the herbage that was the growth of such a valley: thus called [because produced by the water of the clouds,] in like manner as it is called سَمَآءٌ. (TA.) غُمَامَةٌ  : see the next paragraph. غِمَامَةٌ ذ : see 1, near the middle, in three places. ― -b2- Also A thing with which the eyes of a she-camel are bound, or with which her muzzle is bound: (K:) or a piece of cloth with which the nose of a she-camel is stopped (يُسَدُّ) [or bound (يُشَدُّ)] when she is made to incline to the young one of another: pl. غَمَائِمُ. (A'Obeyd, TA.) [See also دَرْجَةٌ: and صِقَاعٌ.] ― -b3- And (by way of comparison [thereto], TA) (tropical:) The prepare of a boy; as also ↓ غُمَامَةٌ . (K, TA.) غَمَّى  : see غَمٌّ, in six places. ― -b2- Also Dust; syn. غَبَرَةٌ. (K.) ― -b3- And Darkness. (K.) ― -b4- And (assumed tropical:) Hardship, or difficulty, or distress, [as though] covering [or overwhelming] a party in war, or battle. (K.) See also the next paragraph. غُمَّى  : see غَمٌّ, latter half, in four places. ― -b2- Also (assumed tropical:) A calamity, or misfortune; and so ↓ غَمَّآءُ ; (K, TA;) and ↓ غُمَّآءُ , likewise, is said to be allowable. (TA. [But this last I think doubtful.]) And (assumed tropical:) A hard, or difficult, affair or case, in relation to which one knows not the right course to pursue; as also ↓ غَمَّى , (K, TA,) and ↓ غَمَّآءُ . (TA.) غَمَّآءُ ذ [fem. of أَغَمٌّ, q. v.: ― -b2- and also used as a subst.]: see غَمٌّ, first sentence: ― -b3- and also in the latter half: ― -b4- and see also غُمَّى, in two places. ― -b5- إِِنَّهُمْ لَفِى غَمَّآءَ مِنَ الأَمْرِ means [Verily they are in a state of dubiousness, or confusedness, in respect of the case, or affair; or] in a dubious, or confused, case or affair. (TA.) [See also غُمَّةٌ and غِمَّةٌ.] غُمَّآءُ  : see غُمَّى. غُمِّيَّةٌ  : see غَمٌّ, latter half. غَامٌّ  , and its fem. غَامَّةٌ: see غَمٌّ, former half. غَمْغَمَةٌ  [mentioned above as an inf. n. (see R. Q. 1), used as a simple subst.,] signifies The cries [or cry] of bulls [or wild bulls] in fright: (S, K, TA:) and of courageous men in conflict: (S, Mgh, K, TA:) and so ↓ تَغَمْغُمٌ : pl. of the former, in both senses, غَمَاغِمُ. (TA.) See also an ex. of the pl. voce غَمْغَمَ. ― -b2- And Indistinct speech; (K;) as also ↓ تَغَمْغُمٌ : (S, K:) غَمْغَمَةٌ is when one hears the voice but does not distinguish the articulation of the words; and when speech resembles that of the عَجَم. (T, in TA, voce رُتَّةٌ.) ― -b3- Also The sound of bows. (TA.) رَجُلٌ أَغَمٌّ  , (S,) and أَغَمُّ الوَجْهِ وَالقَفَا, (S, Msb, K,) A man whose hair flows down so that the face and the back of the neck are narrowed: (S, Msb, K:) and in like manner [the fem.] غَمَّآءُ is applied to a woman. (Msb.) ― -b2- غَمَّآءُ applied to the forelock (نَاصِيَة) of a horse means Excessively abundant in the hair: and such is disliked. (S.) ― -b3- And سَحَابٌ أَغَمٌّ means (tropical:) Clouds in which is no gap, or interstice. (K, TA.) مُغِمٌّ  and مِغَمٌّ: see غَمٌّ, former half. ― -b2- أَرْضٌ مُغِمَّةٌ (K, TA) and مِغَمَّةٌ (TA) A land having abundant (K, TA) and dense or luxuriant (TA) herbage. (K, TA.) مُغَمِّمٌ  , applied to clouds (غَيْم), and to a sea, Abounding with water: (K:) and in like manner, without ة, to a well (رَكِيَّة), that fills everything, and submerges it: (IAar, TA:) and to what is termed حِسْىٌ [q. v.], (IAar, S, TA,) meaning covering. (IAar, TA.) مَغْمُومٌ  [pass. part. n. of غَمَّهُ, i. e. Covered, &c.]. ― -b2- [Applied to unripe dates (accord. to the TA to رُطَب, a mistranscription for بُسْر), like مَغْمُولٌ,] Put into a jar, and covered over until they have become ripe. (TA.) ― -b3- Applied to a new moon, Veiled, or concealed, by clouds, or otherwise, (Msb,) or intercepted by thin clouds, (K,) so as not to be seen. (Msb.) ― -b4- Applied to a man, Grieved, or caused to mourn or lament, or to be sorrowful or sad or unhappy. (TA.) ― -b5- And Affected with the malady termed غُمَام. (K.) CreditL Lane Lexicon