بَرِئَ , [aor.
بَرَاَ , inf. n. generally
بُرْءٌ or
بَرَآءَةٌ,] He was, or became, clear, or free, of, or
from, a thing; in the manners which will be explained below: (Bd ii. 51:) he
was, or became, in a state of freedom or immunity, secure, or
safe. (T.) [Hence,]
المَرَضِ, and
بَرَأَ, (T, Msb,) aor.
بَرَاَ ; and
بَرُؤَ, aor.
بَرُاَ ; (Msb;) inf. n.
بُرْءٌ: (T, Msb:) or
المرض, inf. n.
بُرْءٌ, with damm; and the people of El-Hijáz say
بَرَأَ, inf. n.
بَرْءٌ, with fet-h: (S:) accord. to As,
المرض is of the dial. of Temeem; and
بَرَأَ of the dial. of the people of El-Hijáz: or, accord. to AZ, the people
of El-Hijáz say
بَرَأَ; and the rest of the Arabs say
بَرِئَ: (T:) or
بَرَأَ [alone], said of a sick man, aor.
بَرُاَ and
بَرَاَ ; and
بَرِئَ; and
بَرُؤَ; inf. n.
بَرْءٌ [probably a mistranscription for
بُرْءٌ] and
بُرُؤٌ: or, accord. to Lh, the people of El- Hijáz say
بَرَأَ, aor.
بَرُاَ , inf. n.
بُرْءٌ and
بُرُؤٌ [i. e.
بُرُوْءٌ]; and the people of El-'Áliyeh, [بَرَأَ,]
بَرَاَ , inf. n.
بُرْءٌ and
بُرُؤُ; and Temeem,
بَرِئَ, [aor.
بَرَاَ ,] inf. n.
بُرْءٌ and
بُرُؤٌ: (M:) or
بَرَأَ, (K,) said by IKtt to be the most chaste form, (TA,) aor.
بَرَاَ , (K,) agreeably with analogy, (TA,) and
بَرُاَ , (K,) said by Zj to be the only instance of a verb of the
فَعَلَ with ' for its last radical letter having its aor. of the measure
يَفْعُلُ, [though others mention also
قَرَأَ, aor.
يَقْرُؤُ, and
هَنَأَ, aor.
يَهْنُؤُ,] and asserted to be a bad form, (TA,) inf. n.
بُرْءٌ and
بُرُوْءٌ; and
بَرُؤَ, (K,) not a chaste form, (TA,) aor.
بَرُاَ ; and
بَرِئَ, (K,) a chaste form, (TA,) [and the most common of all,] aor.
بَرَاَ , inf. n.
بَرْءٌ and
بُرُؤٌ, (K, TA,) or
بُرْءٌ, (CK,) and
بُرُوْءٌ; (K, TA;) He became free from the disease, sickness, or
malady: (T:) or [he recovered from it:] he became convalescent;
or sound, or healthy, at the close of disease, but was yet weak; or he
recovered, but not completely, his health and strength; syn.
نِقَهَ; (M, K;) i. e., he acquired that slight degree of soundness,
or health, which comes at the close of disease, but with disease remaining in
him. (TA.) [And
الجُرْجُ, or
بَرَأَ, The wound healed; or became in a healing state: of
frequent occurrence.] And
الأَمْرِ, [the only form of the verb used in this case, and in the other
cases in which it is mentioned below,] aor.
بَرَاَ and
بَرُاَ , the latter extr., (M, K,) or rather it is very strange, for
IKoot says that
نَعِمَ, aor.
يَنْعُمُ, and
فَضِلَ, aor.
يَفْضُلُ, are the only instances of this kind, (TA,) inf. n.
بَرَآءَةٌ (M, K) and
بَرَآءٌ (Lh, M, K) and
بُرُؤٌ, (M,) or
بُرْءٌ, (K, TA,) or
بُرُوْءٌ; (CK;) and ↓
تبرّأ ; (S, * M, K, Mgh; *) [He was, or became, free from the
thing, or affair; or clear, or quit, thereof; clear of
having or taking, or of having had or taken, any part
therein; guiltless of it: and also, irresponsible for it; as in an
ex. q. v. voce
عِضَاضٌ:] said in relation to [a fault or the like, and] a debt, and a
claim, and religion [&c.]. (Lh, M.) You say,
العَيْبِ, (Mgh, Msb,) or
العُيُوبِ, (S,) inf. n.
بَرَآءَةٌ, (Mgh,) He was, or became, free (Msb) [from the
fault, defect, imperfection, blemish, or vice], (Mgh, Msb,) [or
faults, &c.]. (S.) And
الدَّيْنِ, (T, Mgh, Msb,) or
الدُّيُونِ, (S,) aor.
بَرَاَ , (T, Msb,) inf. n.
بَرَآءَةٌ, (T, Mgh, Msb,) He was, or became, clear, or
quit, of the debt; (or debts; S;) irresponsible for it [or
them]: or in a state of immunity with respect to it [or them];
i. e., exempt from the demand thereof. (Msb.) And
حَقِّكَ, inf. n.
بَرَآءَةٌ and
بَرَآءٌ (Lh, M) and
بُرُؤٌ, [He was, or became, clear, or quit, to thee, of thy
claim, or due, or right; or exempt from the demand thereof;]
as also ↓
تبرّأ . (M.) And
فُلَانٍ, inf. n.
بَرَآءةٌ, [I was, or became, or have become, clear, to
thee, of having or taking, or of having had or taken, any
part with such a one; or, irresponsible to thee for such a one:] (AZ,
T, S: * [in one copy of the S, I find the phrase
مِنْكَ, commencing the art.; but not in other copies:]) this is the only
form of the verb used in this case, and in relation to debt [and the like]. (AZ,
T.) ― -b2- He removed himself, or kept, far, or aloof,
[from unclean things, or things occasioning blame; followed by
مِنْ, with which it may be rendered he shunned, or avoided;]
تَنَزَّهُ and
تَبَاعَدَ. (T.) [You say,
الأَقْذَارِ He removed himself, or kept, far, or aloof,
from unclean things.] ― -b3- He manifested an excuse, [or asserted
himself to be clear or quit or irresponsible, like ↓
تبرّأ ,] and gave warning; syn.
أَعْذَرَ and
أَنْذَرَ. (T.) Hence, in the Kur [ix. 1],
وَرَسُولِهِ A manifestation of excuse, and a warning, from God and his
apostle. (T.) -A2-
الخَلْقَ, (Fr, T, S, M, K,) or
الخَلِيَقَةَ, (Msb,) aor.
بَرَاَ , (T, M, &c.,) inf. n.
بَرْءٌ (T, S, M, K) and
بُرُوْءٌ, (AZ, Lh, M, K,) God created mankind, or the beings,
or things, that are created, syn.
خَلَقَ, (Fr, T, M, Msb, K,) after no similitude, or model,
(TA,) [but, properly, though not always meaning so, out of
pre-existing matter; for] Bd says [in ii. 51] that the primary meaning of
the root
برء is to denote a thing's becoming clear, or free, of, or from, another
thing; either by being released [therefrom], as in
مَرَضِهِ and
دَينِهِ [both sufficiently explained above]; or by production [therefrom],
as in
الطِّينِ [God produced, or created, Adam, from, or out of,
clay]. (TA.) This verb relates to substances [as in the exs. given above]
and to accidents; and hence, [in the Kur lvii. 22,]
نَبْرَأَهَا [Before our creating it, if
ها refer to
مُصِيبَة, preceding it; but, as Bd says, it may refer to this, or to
الأَرْض, or to
أَنْفُس]: (M:) but
البَرْءُ has a more particular application than
الخَلْقُ; the former being particularly applied to the creation of animate
beings, with few exceptions: you say,
وَالأَرْضَ [God created, or produced, man, or the soul, and
He created the heavens and the earth]. (TA.) [To this verb, or perhaps to
بَرَي, or to both, בָּרָ is the Hebrew equivalent, properly (though
not necessarily always) signifying “ he created out of pre-existing matter, ” or
“ he fashioned. ”] 2
برّأهُ , inf. n.
تَبْرئَةٌ: see 4, in four places. [Hence,]
التَّبْرِئَةِ The
لا that denies in a general manner, absolutely, or to the
uttermost; i. e. the
لا that is a universal negative. (Mughnee &c.) ― -b2- Also He
verified his being free [from a thing], clear, or quit, [of
it,] guiltless [of it], or irresponsible [for it]. (Mgh, TA.) 3
بارأهُ , (T, S, M, Mgh, K,) inf. n.
مُبَارَأَةٌ (T, M, Mgh) and
بِرَآءٌ, (M,) He made him (his copartner) free, clear, quit,
or irresponsible, the latter doing to him the same: (Mgh:) he
compounded, or made a compromise, with him (his hired man, T, M)
for their mutual separation: (M:) he separated himself from him (his
copartner, S, O), the latter doing the same. (S, O, K.) And
الرَّجُلَ I became free, clear, quit, or irresponsible, to the
man, he becoming so to me. (M.) And
المَرْأَةَ, (T, M, K,) or
(S,) inf. n. as above, (M,) He compounded, or made a compromise, with
the woman (or his wife, S) for their mutual separation; (M,
K;) i. e. he divorced her for a compensation [which she was to make
him, such as her giving up a portion of her dowry remaining due to her,
in order that they might be clear, each of the other]: it occurs also
[without '] in art.
برى. (TA.) 4
ابرأهُ He (God, S, M, K) [recovered him, or] restored him to
convalescence, (M, K,)
المَرَضِ [from the disease, sickness, or malady]. (S.) ― -b2-
الأَمْرِ and ↓
بَرَّأَكَ (M, K *) He (i. e. God, TA) made thee, pronounced
thee, or held thee, or hath made thee, &c., or may He make
thee, &c., to be free from the thing or affair, or clear
or quit thereof, or guiltless thereof, or irresponsible for it;
(TA;) [or He acquitted thee, or hath acquitted thee, or may He
acquit thee, thereof; or He showed thee, or hath showed thee,
or may He show thee, to be free from it, &c.: see also 2, above:] said in
relation to [a fault or the like, and] a debt, and a claim, and religion [&c.].
(M.) You say,
العَيْبِ ↓
بَرَّأْتُهُ I made him, pronounced him, or held him, to be
free from the fault, defect, imperfection, blemish, or vice. (Msb.)
It is said in the Kur [xxxiii. 69], ↓
قَالُوا (M) But God showed him to be clear of that which they said.
(Bd.) You say also,
الدَّيْنِ I made him, pronounced him, or held him, to be clear,
or quit, of the debt; irresponsible for it; or in a state of immunity
with respect to it; i. e., exempt from the demand thereof: (Msb:) and
عَلَيْهِ; and ↓
بَرَّأْتُهُ , inf. n.
تَبْرِئَةٌ; [I acquitted him of that which he owed me:] (S:) and
أَبْرَأْتُهُ [alone] I made him, pronounced him, or held him, to
be clear, or quit, of a claim that I had upon him, or a due
or right that he owed me. (Mgh.) -A2-
ابرأ [in the T (as on the authority of Aboo-'Amr Esh-Sheybánee)
أَبْرَى] He entered upon [the night, or day, called]
البَرَآء, q. v. (K.) 5
تَبَرَّاَ see 1, in three places.
مِنْهُ also signifies He asserted himself to be free from it; or
clear, or quit, of it; namely, a fault, or the like. (Mgh.) [And
He declared himself to be clear of him; to be not connected, or
implicated, with him; he renounced him: see Kur ii. 161 and 162, &c:] 6
تَبَارَأْنَا We separated ourselves, each from the other. (TA.) [See 3.] 10
استبرأ , (T,) or
البَوْلِ, (Msb,) He took extraordinary pains, or the utmost pains,
in cleansing the orifice of his penis from the remains of urine, by shaking it
and pulling it and the like, until he knew that nothing remained in it: (T:)
or he purified, or cleansed, himself from urine; syn.
عَنْهُ: (Msb:) or
استبرأ, (M,) or
الذَّكَرَ, (K, TA,) signifies he took extraordinary pains, or the
utmost pains, in cleansing the penis from urine; or he cleansed it
entirely from urine; (M, * K, * TA;) and so
الفَرْجَ: and in like manner,
الفَرْجَ said of a woman: (El-Munáwee, TA:) but the lawyers make a
distinction between
اسْتِبْرَآءٌ and
اِسْتِنْقَآءٌ [which are made syn. in the M and K]: see the latter word.
(TA.) ― -b2- And
الجَارِيَةَ, (T, S, Mgh,) or
المَرْأَةَ, (M, Msb, K,) He abstained from sexual intercourse (T, M,
K) with the girl whom he had purchased or whom he had taken captive, (T,)
or with the woman, (M, K,) until she had menstruated (T, M, K)
at his abode, once, and then become purified: (T:) the meaning is, (T,)
he sought to find her free from pregnancy. (T, Mgh, Msb.) ― -b3- Hence, (Mgh,)
الشَّيْءِ, (Z, Mgh, Msb,) or
الأَمْرَ, (TA,) He searched, searched out, or sought to find
or discover, the uttermost of the thing, or affair, (Z, Mgh, Msb,
TA,) in order that he might know it, (Mgh,) to put an end to his
doubt. (Z, Mgh, Msb, TA.) You say,
عِنْدَكَ [I searched, or sought to find or discover, or
I have searched, &c., the uttermost of what thou hast, of
knowledge &c.]. (S, TA.) And
ضَالَّتَهُ [He searched the uttermost of such a land and found not his
stray beast]. (TA.) It is said in the Expos. of the Jámi' es-Sagheer that
اِسْتِبْرَآءٌ is an expression denoting The seeking, or seeking
leisurely and repeatedly, to obtain knowledge of a thing, until one knows
it; considering it with the endeavour to obtain a clear knowledge
of it; taking, in doing so, the course prescribed by prudence, precaution, or
good judgment. (Mgh.)
بُرُأَةٌ A hunter's lurking-place or covert: (T, S, M, K:) pl.
بُرَأٌ. (T, S, M.) El-Aashŕ says, “
” [At it (a source of water mentioned in the context) were hunters'
lurking-places, like young palmtrees covered over: for tender young
palm-trees are often covered over with a kind of coarse matting]. (T, S, M.)
برآء : see
بَرِىْءٌ, in six places. ― -b2-
البَرَآءٌ The first night of the [lunar] month; (El-Mázinee,
T, S, K;) called thus, (S,) or
البَرَآءِ, (M,) because the moon has then become clear of the sun: (S, M:)
or the first day of the month: (AA, T, K:) or the last night thereof:
(As, T, K:) or the last day thereof; (IAar, T, K;) a fortunate day;
every event happening therein being regarded as a means of obtaining a blessing;
(IAar, T;) but most hold that the last day of the month is termed
النَّحِيرَةٌ; (TA;) as also
البَرَآءِ: (K:) or this is the first day of the month: (IAar, T, TA:)
أَبْرِئَةٌ. (Th, M.)
برآء : see
بَرِىْءٌ, in two places.
برئ Free, (Msb,)
مِنْهُ from it; namely a fault, defect, imperfection, blemish, or
vice; (Mgh, Msb;) and, also followed by
مِنْهُ, clear, or quit, of it; irresponsible for it; or in
a state of immunity with respect to it; i. e. exempt from the demand
thereof; namely a debt, (Msb,) or a claim, or due, or right; (Mgh;) as also
بَارِىٌ and ↓
بَرَآءٌ . (Msb.) You say,
مِنْهُ [I am free from it, &c.]; (T, * S, M, K; *) and ↓
بَرَآءٌ , used alike as sing. and dual and pl. (Fr, T, S, M, K) and
masc. and fem., (Fr, T, M, K,) because it is originally an inf. n.; (Fr, T, S;)
and ↓
بُرَآءٌ : (S, M:) the pl. of
بَرِىْءٌ is
بَرِيؤُونَ (T, S, K) and
بُرَأءُ (T, S, M, K) and
بُرَآءٌ, (T, M, K,) of the measure
فُعَالٌ, (T,) like
رُخَالٌ, (M, K,) of an extr. measure, disapproved by Suh, who says, in the
R, that it is a contraction of
بُرَأءُ, and has tenween because it resembles [words originally of the
فُعَالٌ, and that the rel. n. formed from it is ↓
بُرَاوِىٌّ , (TA,) but it is mentioned by AAF as a pl. of
بَرِىْءٌ, and as being like
رُخَالٌ, and Fr mentions
بُرَآءُ as a pl. of the same, imperfectly decl., with one of the two hemzehs
suppressed, (M,) and
بِرَآءٌ (S, M, K) and
أَبْرَآءٌ (S, K) and
أَبْرِئَآءُ, (T, S, K,) the last two anomalous: (TA:) the fem. of
بَرِيْءٌ is
بَرِيْئَةٌ; pl.
بَرِيْآتٌ (T, S, M, K) and
بَرِيَّاتٌ (Lh, M, K) and
بَرَايَا. (T, S, M, K.) You say,
مِنْهُ and
مِنْهُ [I am free from it; or, more commonly, I am clear, or
quit, of it, or him]; and
مِنْهُ ↓
بَرَآءٌ and
مِنْهُ; (S;) and
مِنْهُ ↓
البَرَآءُ : (M:) and ↓
البَرَآءُ and
الخَلَآءُ [We are clear, or quit, of you]; (Fr, T;) i. e.,
البَرَآءِ: so says Aboo-Is-hák; and As says the like of what Fr says. (T.)
It is said in the Kur [xliii. 25],
تَعْبُدُونَ ↓
بَرَآءٌ [Verily I am clear of that which ye worship]; (T, M;) or
بَرِىْءٌ, or ↓
بُرَآءٌ ; accord. to different readers. (Bd.)
بَرِىْءٌ occurs in several places in the Kur. (M.) Accord. to IAar, it
signifies Clear of evil qualities or dispositions; shunning what is
vain and false; remote from actions that occasion suspicion; pure in heart from
associating any with God: and it signifies sound in body and intellect.
(T.) See also
بَارِئٌ, in two places.
برآءة A writing of [i. e. conferring] immunity or
exemption: from
الدَّيْنِ and
العَيْب, of which it is the inf. n.: pl.
بَرَاآتٌ, with medd:
بَرَاوَاتٌ is [pl. of
بَرَاةٌ, and both of these are] vulgar. (Mgh.)
راوي : see
برية The creation; as meaning the beings, or things,
that are created; or, particularly, mankind; syn.
الخَلْقُ: (T, S, M:) pronounced without '; (T, S;) originally with ', like
نَبِىٌّ and
ذُرِّيَةٌ; (M;) and the people of Mekkeh differ from the other Arabs in
pronouncing these three words with ': (Yoo, T, M:) Lh says that the Arabs agree
in omitting the ' in these three instances; and he does not except the people of
Mekkeh: (M:) it is of the measure
فَعِيلَةٌ in the sense of
مَفْعُولَةٌ, (Msb,) from
الخَلْقَ, meaning
خَلَقَهُمْ: (Fr, T:) or, if derived from
البَرَى [“earth” or “dust”], it is originally without ': (Fr, T, S:) pl.
بَرَايَا and
بَرِيَّاتٌ. (S in art.
برو and
بَارِئٌ , (K,) or
مَرَضِهِ, (Lh, S, M,) [Recovering from his disease, sickness, or
malady: or] convalescent; or becoming sound, or healthy, at
the close of his disease, but being yet weak; or recovering, but not
completely, his health and strength: [see 1:] (M, K:) as also ↓
بَرِئْءٌ : (Lh, M, K:) but whether the latter be properly used in this
sense is disputed; while the former is said to be the act. part. n. of 1 in all
its senses: (TA:) pl.
بِرَآءٌ, (M, K,) like as
صِحَاحٌ is pl. of
صَحِيحٌ, accord. to Lh, so that he holds it to be pl. of
بَرِىْءٌ; or it may be pl. of
بَارِئٌ, like as
جِيَاعٌ is pl. of
جَائِعٌ, and
صِحَابٌ of
صَاحِبٌ. (M.) ↓
بَرِىْءٌ is sometimes written and pronounced
بَرِىٌّ [in all its senses]. (Kz.) ― -b2- See also
بَرِيْءٌ. -A2-
البَارِئُ, applied to God, The Creator; (T, S, Msb;) He who hath
created the things that are created, not after any similitude, or model;
(Nh;) or He who hath created those things free from any incongruity, or
faultiness, (Mgh, and Bd in ii. 51,) and distinguished, one from
another, by various forms and outward appearances: (Bd:) or the Former,
or Fashioner; syn.
[q. v.]. (M.) Credit: