1 سَوْمٌ  , inf. n. of سَامَ, primarily signifies The going, or going away, engaged, or occupied, in seeking, or in seeking for or after, or in seeking to find and take or to get, a thing: and sometimes it is used as meaning the going, or going away; as when it is said of camels [or the like]: and sometimes, as meaning the seeking, or seeking for or after, or seeking to find and take or to get; as when it relates to selling or buying. (Er-Rághib, TA.) ― -b2- You say, سَامَتِ المَاشِيَةُ (S, Mgh, Msb, TA) or النَّعَمُ (M) or المَالُ, (K,) aor. تَسُومُ, (S, M, Msb,) inf. n. سَوْمٌ, (S, M, Mgh, Msb,) The cattle pastured (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K, TA) by themselves (Msb) where they pleased; and in like manner, الغَنَمُ [the sheep or goats]: or went away at random, or roved, pasturing where they pleased. (TA.) ― -b3- [Hence, سام, inf n as above, He did as he pleased.] You say, خَلَّيْتُهُ وَسَوْمَهُ I left him to do as he pleased. (S, M, K * [In the CK, خَلّاهُ وَسَوَّمَهُ لِمَايُرِيدُهُ is put for خَلَّاهُ وَسَوْمَهُ لِمَا يُرِيدُهُ; and the like is done in one of my copies of the S. See also 2.]) ― -b4- And سَامَ, (S,) or سَامَتِ الإِِبِلُ, and الرِّيحُ, (M, K,) or الرِّيَاحُ, (S,) inf. n. as above, (S, M,) He, or it, (S,) or the camels, and the wind, (M, K,) or the winds, (S,) passed, went, or went on or along: (S, M, K:) or سَوْمٌ signifies the passing, &c., quickly; one says of a she camel, سَامَت, aor. and inf. n. as above, she passed, &c., quickly; (As, TA;) and hence the saying of Dhu-l-Bijádeyn cited in art. عرض, voce تَعَرَّضَ: or the passing, &c., quickly, with the desire of making a sound in going along. (TA.) ― -b5- And سَامَتِ الطَّيْرُ عَلَى الشَّىْءِ, (M, K,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (M,) The birds went, [or hovered,] or circled, round about the thing: (M, K:) or, as some say, سَوْمٌ signifies any going, [or hovering,] or circling, round about. (M.) -A2- [As mentioned in the first sentence of this art.,] سَوْمٌ is also in selling and buying. (S.) You say, سام السِّلْعَةَ, (Mgh, Msb,) aor. and inf. n. as above, (Msb,) He (the seller) offered the commodity, or article of merchandise, (Mgh, Msb:) and it is also said of the purchaser, like ↓ اِسْتَامَهَا , (Mgh, Msb,) meaning he sought to obtain the sale of the commodity, or article of merchandise: and one says also of the seller, and of the purchaser, سام بِالسِّلْعَةِ, meaning he mentioned the price of the commodity [in offering it for sale, and in offering to purchase it]: (Msb:) and in like manner, سُمْتُ فُلَانًا سِلْعَتِى, inf. n. as above, I said to such a one,Wilt thou take [or purchase] my commodity for such a price? ” (TA:) and سَامَنِى بِسِلْعَتِهِ he (the seller, Msb) mentioned to me the price of his commodity [in offering it for sale]: (Msb, TA:) [and, agreeably with these explanations,] Kr says that السَّوْمُ signifies العَرْضُ [i. e. the act of offering, &c.]: (M, TA:) or سُمْتُ بِالسِّلْعَةِ, inf. n. سَوْمٌ (M, K) and سُوَامٌ, with damm; (K, TK; [in the former only said to be syn. with سَوْمٌ in selling and buying;]) and ↓ سَاوَمْتُ , (M, K,) inf. n. سِوَامٌ; (TA;) and بِهَا اِسْتَمْتُ and عَلَيْهَا; signify غَالَيْتُ [which means I offered the commodity for sale, mentioning its price, and was exorbitant in my demand: and also I purchased the commodity for a dear, or an excessive, price: and both these meanings are app. here intended]: (M, K, TA:) and in like manner, السِّلْعَةَ اِسْتَمْتُهُ [I offered to him the commodity for sale, &c.: and I purchased of him the commodity, &c.]: (TA:) or, as some say, (so in the TA, but in the M and K “ and, ”) this last, as also عَلَى السِّلْعَةِ, ↓ اِسْتَمْتُهُ , means ↓ سَأَلْتُهُ سَوْمَهَا [i. e. I asked him the price at which the commodity was to be sold]: (M, K, TA:) and سَامَنِيهَا, (M,) or ↓ سَاوَمَنِيهَا , (TA, [but the former is app. the right,]) means ↓ ذَكَرَ لِى سَوْمَهَا [i. e. he mentioned to me the price at which it was to be sold]: (M, TA:) you say also, عَلَيْهِ اِسْتَمْتُ بِسِلْعَتِى when you mention the price of the commodity [i. e. it means I mentioned to him the price at which I would sell my commodity]: and you say, مِنِّى سِلْعَتِى اِسْتَامَ when he is the person who offers to thee the price [i. e. it means he offered to me a price for my commodity; or he sought to obtain from me the sale of my commodity by offering a price for it]: (TA:) and عَلَىَّ اِسْتَامَ he contended [by bidding] against me in a sale: (S, * PS:) or عَلَىَّ السِّلْعَةَ اِسْتَامَ , which means استام عَلَى سَوْمِى [i. e. he sought to obtain the sale of the commodity in opposition to me, or to my seeking it]. (Msb. [See also 3.]) Hence, [Mo- hammad is related to have said,] لَا يَسُومُ الرَّجُلُ عَلَى سَوْمِ أَخِيهِ, (Mgh,) or لايسوم أَحَدُكُمْ على سوم اخيه, (Msb,) i. e. [The man, or any one of you,] shall not purchase [in opposition to his brother]: (Mgh, Msb:) and it may mean shall not sell; the case being that of a man's offering to the purchaser his commodity for a certain price, and another's then saying, “ I have the like thereof for less than this price: ” so that the prohibition relates in common to the seller and the buyer: (M:) and the saying is also related otherwise, i. e. ↓ لَايَسْتَامُ , meaning shall not purchase. (Mgh.) And it is said in a trad., نَهَى عَنِ السَّوْمِ قَبْلَ طُلُوعِ الشَّمْسِ, meaning, accord. to Aboo-Is-hák, أَنْ بِسِلْعَتِهِ يُسَاوِمَ [i. e. He (Mohammad) forbade the offering a commodity for sale before the rising of the sun]; because that is a time in which God is to be praised, and one should not be diverted by other occupation: or, he says, it may mean the pasturing of camels; because, before sunrise, when the pasturage is moist with dew, it occasions a fatal disease. (TA.) You say also, سُمْتُكَ حَسَنَةً بَعِيرَكَ سِيمَةً [I have mentioned to thee a good price for thy camel]. (S.) And فِيهِ اِسْتَامَ غَالِيَةً سِيمَةً [He demanded for it a dear price]. (TA in art. حثر.) And سَامَهُ بِعَمَلٍ [He made to him an offer of working, mentioning the rate of payment; or bargained, or contracted, with him for work]. (K in art. عمل. [See also 3.]) ― -b2- The Arabs also say, عَرَضَ عَلَىَّ سَوْمَ عَالَّةٍ [He offered to me in the manner of offering water to camels taking a second draught]; meaning like the saying of the vulgar, عَرْضَ سَابِرِىٍّ: (Ks, TA: [see art. سبر:]) a prov. applied to him who offers to thee that of which thou hast no need. (Sh, TA. [See also art. عل; and see Freytag's Arab. Prov. ii. 84.]) ― -b3- And you say, سَامَهُ الأمْرَ, (M, K,) aor. as above, (TA,) inf. n. سَوْمٌ, (M, TA,) He imposed upon him, or made him to undertake, the affair, as a task, or in spite of difficulty or trouble or inconvenience; or he ordered, required, or constrained, him to do the thing, it being difficult or troublesome or inconvenient: (M, K, TA:) or he brought upon him the affair, or event; (Zj, M, K, TA;) as also ↓ سَوَّمَهُ , (K,) inf. n. تَسْوِيمٌ: (TA:) or he endeavoured to induce him, or incited him, or made him, to do, or to incur, the affair, or event: (Sh, TA:) it is mostly used in relation to punishment, and evil, (Zj, M, K, TA,) and wrong-doing: and hence the saying in the Kur [ii. 46 and vii. 137 and xiv. 6], يَسُومُونَكُمْ سُوْءَ الْعَذَابِ They bringing upon you evil punish- ment or torment: (Zj, M, TA:) or seeking, or desiring, for you evil punishment: (Ksh and Bd in ii. 46:) or endeavouring to induce you to incur it: (Ksh ibid.:) from سَامَهُ خَسْفًا [expl. by what here follows]. (Ksh and Bd ibid.) You say, سُمْتُهُ خَسْفًا I brought upon him خَسْف [i. e. wrong, or wrong treatment, as expl. in the Ksh and by Bd ubi suprŕ]: or I endeavoured to induce him to incur it (أَرَدْتُهُ عَلَيْهِ): (S:) [see also خَسْفٌ: and سُمْتُهُ خُطَّةَ خَسْفٍ; expl. in art. خط:] and سِيمَ الخَسْفَ He was constrained to incur, or to do, what is termed الخَسْف [meaning abasement or ignominy, or that which was difficult]: (TA:) and سُمْتُهُ ذُلًّا I abased him. (Msb.) -A3- سَامَهُ, aor. as above, also signifies He kept, or clave, to it, not quitting it. (M, * TA.) -A4- See also 4. 2 سوّم الخَيْلَ  , (S, K,) or الإِِبِلَ, (M,) [inf n. تَسْوِيمٌ,] He sent forth (S, M, K) the horses, (S, K,) or the camels, (M,) [sometimes meaning] to the pasturage, to pasture where they would. (TA. [See also 4.]) ― -b2- [Hence,] سوّمهُ means خَلَّاهُ وَسَوْمَهُ, (AZ, S, M, K,) i. e. [He left him] to do as he pleased; namely, a man. (AZ, S, K. [In the CK is a mistranscription in this place, before mentioned: see 1, fourth sentence.]) Whence the prov., عَبْدٌ وَسُوِّمَ A slave, and he has been left to do as he pleases. (TA.) ― -b3- And سَوَّمْتُ فُلَانًا فِى مَالِى I gave such a one authority to judge, give judgment, pass sentence, or decide judicially, respecting my property. (AO, S: and in like manner سَوّمهُ فِى مَالِهِ is expl. in the M and K.) And سَوَّمْتُهُ أَمْرِى I made him to have the ordering and deciding of my affair, or case, to do what he would; like سَوَّفْتُهُ أَمْرِى. (TA in art. سوف.) ― -b4- And سوّم عَلَى القَوْمِ He urged his horses [خَيْلَهُ being understood] against the people, or party, and made havoc among them. (S, K.) ― -b5- And تَسْوِيمٌ signifies also The making a horse to sweat well. (KL.) ― -b6- See also 1, in the last quarter of the paragraph. -A2- And سوّم الفَرَسَ, (M, K,) inf. n. تَسْوِيمٌ, (K,) He put a mark upon the horse: (M, K:) he marked the horse with a piece of silk (بحريرة [perhaps a mistranscription for بِحَدِيدَةٍ i. e. with an iron such as is used for branding]), or with something whereby he should be known. (Lth, TA.) See also 5. [And see 4.] 3 سَاوَمْتُهُ  (S, Msb) بِالسِّلْعَةِ (MA) [and فِى السِّلْعَةِ agreeably with what here follows and with an ex. in art. بكر], inf. n. سِوَامٌ (S, Msb) and مُسَاوَمَةٌ, (TA,) [I bargained, or chaffered, with him, or] I contended with him in bargaining, or chaffering, for the commodity, or article of merchandise, (MA, Msb, * TA,) and in deciding the price: (TA:) and ↓ تَسَاوَمْنَا (S, Msb, TA *) فِى السِّلْعَةِ (TA) [and بِالسِّلَعَةِ agreeably with what here precedes] We bargained, or chaffered, for the commodity, or article of merchandise, [or contended in doing so,] one offering it for a certain price, and another demanding it for a lower price. (Msb.) See also 1, in three places. 4 اسام المَاشِيَةَ  , (S, Mgh, Msb,) or الإِِبِلَ, (M, K,) inf. n. إِِسَامَةٌ, (Mgh,) He pastured the cattle, or the camels: (M, Mgh, K, TA:) or he sent forth, or took forth, the cattle, or the camels, to pasture: (S, TA:) or he made the cattle [or the camels] to pasture by themselves [where they pleased (see 1)]: (Msb:) and [in like manner] الإِِبِلَ سُمْتُ I left the camels to pasture [by themselves where they pleased]. (Th, TA. [See also 2.]) Hence, in the Kur [xvi. 10], فِيهِ تُسِيمُونَ (S) Upon which ye pasture your beasts. (Jel.) ― -b2- [And accord. to Freytag, اسام occurs in the Deewán of Jereer as meaning He urged a horse to run: or, as some say, he marked a horse with some sign. See also 2.] ― -b3- اسام إِِلَيْهِ بِبَصَرِهِ He cast his eye, or eyes, at him, or it. (K.) -A2- See also سَامَةٌ. 5 تسوّم  He set a mark, token, or badge, upon himself, whereby he might be known [in war &c.]. (S.) In a trad. (S, TA) respecting [the battle of] Bedr, (TA,) occur the words, تَسَوَّمُوا فَإِِنَّ المَلَائِكَةَ قَدع تَسَوَّمَتْ, (S, TA,) or فانّ الملائكة قد سَوِّمُوا سَوَّمَتْ, accord. to different relations; i. e. Make ye a mark, token, or badge, for yourselves, whereby ye may know one another [in the fight, for the angels that are assisting you have done so]. (TA.) 6 تَسَاْوَمَ see 3. 8 تُسْتَامُ  ↓ مُسْتَامَةٌ , (M,) or أَرْضٌ تُسْتَامُ فِيهَا الإِِبِلُ, (TA,) means A land in which the camels pasture by themselves where they please (تَسُومُ فِيهَا): (M:) or a land into which they go away [to pasture]. (TA.) [See also مَسَامٌ.] -A2- استام السّلْعَةَ: &c.: see 1, in ten places. سَامٌ  Death: (IAar, S, M, Mgh:) and سَامَةٌ [as its n. un.] a death: (IAar, TA:) but the former [signifies the same in Pers., and] is said to be not Arabic. (TA.) It is related in a trad., respecting the salutation of the Jews, that they used to say, السَّامُ عَلَيْكُمْ [Death come upon you, instead of السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ]; and that he [i. e. Mo- hammad] used to reply, عَلَيْكُمْ; accord. to the generality of the relaters, وَعَلَيْكُمْ, but correctly without the و, because the و implies participation: and it is related of 'Áďsheh that she used to say to them, عَلَيْكُمُ السَّأْمُ وَالذَّأْمُ وَاللَّعْنَةُ, as mentioned in art. سأم: (TA:) the Jews are also related to have said [to the Muslims], عَلَيْكُمُ السَّامُ الدَّامُ meaning المَوْتُ الدَّائِمُ. (TA in art. دوم: see دَائِمٌ in that art.) -A2- Also A kind of tree, of which are made the masts (أَدْقَال [pl. of دَقَلٌ]) of ships: (Kr, M, TA:) accord. to Sh, (TA,) the [tree called] خَيْزُرَان. (K, TA. [And accord. to some copies of the K, سَامَةٌ also has this signification, and the signification expl. in the sentence here next following: but accord. to the text of the K as given in the TA, وَالسَّامَةُ has been erroneously substistituted in the copies above referred to for وَالسَّاقَةُ, which, by reason of what precedes it, means that سَامَةٌ also signifies the same as سَاقَةٌ; and if the former reading were right, the context in the K would imply that السامة is also the name of a son of Noah, which is incorrect; the name of that son being only سَامٌ.]) -A3- Also A [hollow, or cavity, in the ground, such as is called] نُقْرَة, in which water remains, or stagnates, and collects. (K. [For the verb in this explanation, which is written يُنْقَعُ in the CK and in my MS. copy of the K, I read يَنْقَعُ.]) -A4- Also a pl. [or rather coll. gen. n.] of which the sing. [or n. un.] is سَامَةٌ: (M, K:) the former signifies Veins of gold: and the latter, a single vein thereof: (S:) or the latter, a vein in a mountain, differing from its [general] nature; (M, K;) if running from east to west, not failing of its promise to yield silver: (M:) or the former, (M,) or latter, (K, TA,) gold, and silver; (M, K, TA;) accord. to As and IAar: (M, TA:) or, as some say, an ingot of gold, and of silver: (TA:) or veins of gold, and of silver, in the stone [or rock]: (M, K:) En-Nábighah El-Jaadee, (M,) or Edh-Dhubyánee, (TA,) uses السام as meaning silver; for he likens thereto a woman's front teeth in respect of their whiteness: (M, TA:) and Aboo-Sa'eed says that silver is called in Pers. سِيمْ, and in Ar. سَامٌ: (TA:) but the meaning most commonly known is gold. (M, TA.) A poet says, (M,) namely, Keys Ibn-El-Khateem, (S,) “ لَوَ انَّكَ تُلْقِى حَنْظَلًا فَوْقَ بَيْضِنَا
تَدَحْرَجَ عَنْ ذِى سَامِهِ المُتَقَارِبِ
” (S, M,) [i. e. If thou threwest colocynths upon our helmets, they would roll along from what is gilded thereof, they being near together: لَوَ انَّكَ is for لَوْ أَنَّكَ: and] the ه in سَامِهِ relates to the بيض [which are described as] gilded therewith: (S:) the poet is describing the party as being close together in fight, so that colocynths, notwithstanding their smoothness and the evenness of their parts, if they fell upon their heads, would not reach the ground. (Th, S, * M.) سَوْمٌ ذ [is originally an inf. n.: see 1, passim: -A2- and is also used as a subst. signifying The price of any commodity, or article of merchandise; like ↓ سِيمَةٌ and ↓ سُومَةٌ ]. You say, سَأَلْتُهُ سَوْمَهَا, and ذَكَرَ لِى سَوْمَهَا, referring to a سِلْعَة [or commodity]: see 1, in the former half of the paragraph. And حَسَنَةً سُمْتُكَ بَعِيرَكَ سِيمَةً , and اِسْتَامَ غَالِيَةً فِيهِ سِيمَةً : see again 1, in the latter half of the paragraph. And ↓ إِِنَّهُ لَغَالِى السِّيمَةِ (S, M, K) and ↓ السُّومَةِ , meaning السَّوْمِ [i. e. Verily it is dear in price]. (M, K.) ↓ سِيمَةٌ and ↓ سُومَةٌ are both substs. from سَامَ as used in the phrase سَامَنِى الرَّجُلُ بِسِلْعَتِهِ [and the like]; (TA;) syn. with قِيمَةٌ. (Har p. 435 in explanation of the former.) سَامَةٌ  [as n. un. of سَامٌ: see the latter, first sentence, and last but one. -A2- Also] A حَفْر, (M, and so in copies of the K,) or حُفْرَة, (K accord. to the TA,) [i. e. hollow dug in the ground, app. to be filled with water for cattle,] by a well (عَلَى رَكِيَّةٍ): its pl. is سِيَمٌ [originally سِوَمٌ]: and you say, ↓ أَسَامَهَا , (M, K, TA,) inf. n. إِِسَامَةٌ, meaning He dug it [i. e. the سامة]. (TA.) -A3- Also i. q. سَاقَةٌ [q. v.], (K, accord. to the TA, [as mentioned above, see سَامٌ,]) on the authority of IAar. (TA.) سُومَةٌ ذ ; see سَوْمٌ, in three places. -A2- Also, (S, M, K,) and ↓ سِيمَةٌ (M, K) and ↓ سِيمَى , also written سِيمَا, (S, M, K, TA, but omitted in some copies of the K,) and ↓ سِيمَآءُ and ↓ سِيمِيَآءُ , (S, M, K,) the last mentioned by As, (TA,) [and it occurs with tenween by poetic license, being properly like كِبْرِيَآءُ, a rare form, q. v.,] A mark, sign, token, or badge, by which a thing is known, (S, * M, K,) or by which the good is known from the bad: (TA:) accord. to J, (TA,) the سُومَة is a mark, &c., that is put upon a sheep or goat, and such as is used in war or battle; (S, TA;) whence the verb تَسَوَّمَ [q. v.]: (S:) and accord. to IAar the ↓ سِيمَة is a mark upon the wool of sheep; and its pl. is سِيَمٌ: [see also سِمَةٌ, in art. وسم:] accord. to IDrd, one says, ↓ عَلَيْهِ سِيمَى حَسَنَةً, meaning Upon him, or it, is a good mark &c.; and it is from وَسَمْتُ, aor. أَسِمُ; being originally وِسْمَى; the و being transposed, and changed into ى because of the kesreh before it: (TA:) this form occurs in the Kur [xlviii. 29], where it is said, سِيمَا هُمْ فِى وُجُوهِهِمْ [Their mark is upon their faces; and in several other places thereof]. (S.) سِيمَةٌ  : see سَوْمٌ, in five places: -A2- and see also سُومَةٌ, in two places. [For the meanings “ pactus ” and “ pastum missus, ” assigned to it by Golius, as from the S, and copied by Freytag, I find no foundation.] سِيمَى  , also written سِيمَا: see سُومَةٌ, in two places. سِيمَآءُ  : see سُومَةٌ. سِيمِيَآءُ  : see سُومَةٌ. ― -b2- [In the present day it is applied to Natural magic: from the Pers. سِيمْيَا.] سَوَامٌ  : see سَائِمٌ. -A2- Also Two small hollows (نُقْرَتَانِ) beneath the eye of the horse. (K.) -A3- [And accord. to Freytag, it occurs in the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen in a sense which he explains by “ Malum ” (an evil, &c.).] سُوَامٌ  [The offering a commodity for sale, &c.: see 1. -A2- Also] A certain bird. (K.) لَاسِيَّمَا  : see art. سوى. سَائِمٌ  [Going, or going away, engaged, or occupied, in seeking, or in seeking for or after, or in seeking to find and take or to get, a thing: (see 1, first sentence:)] going away at random, or roving, wherever he will. (TA.) And [particularly], (S,) as also ↓ سَوَامٌ (As, S, M, K) and سَائِمَةٌ, (As, S, M, Mgh, Msb, K,) Cattle, (مَالٌ, S, TA, or مَاشِيَةٌ, Mgh, Msb,) or camels, (As, M, K, TA,) and sheep or goats, (TA,) pasturing (S, M, Mgh, Msb, K, TA) by themselves (Msb) where they please; (TA;) or sent forth to pasture, and not fed with fodder among the family [to whom they belong]; (As, Mgh, TA;) or pasturing in the deserts, left to go and pasture where they will: (TA:) the pl. of سَائِمٌ and of سَائِمَةٌ is سَوَائِمُ: (S:) the pass. part. n. مُسَامٌ is not used. (Msb.) It is said in a trad., فِى سَائِمَةِ الغَنَمِ زَكَاةٌ [In the case of pasturing sheep or goats, there is a poor-rate]. (TA.) And in another trad., السَّائِمَةُ جُبَارٌ, i. e. The beast (دَابَّة) that is sent away into its place of pasture, if it hurt a human being, the injury committed by it is a thing for which no mulct is exacted. (TA.) And it is related in a trad. respecting the emigration to Abyssinia, that the Nejáshee said to those who had emigrated to his country, اُمْكُثُوا فَأَنْتُمْ سُيُومٌ بِأَرَضِى, i. e. [Tarry ye, and ye will be] secure [in my land]: IAth says that thus it is explained: and سيوم is [said to be] an Abyssinian word: it is related also with fet-h to the س: and some say that سُيُومٌ is pl. of سَائِمٌ [like as شُهُودٌ is said to be of شَاهِدٌ]; i. e., ye shall rove (تَسُومُونَ) in my country like the sheep, or goats, pasturing where they please (كَالغَنَمِ السَّائِمَةِ), no one opposing you: (TA:) or, as some relate the trad., it is شُيُومٌ. (TA in art. شيم.) [ مَسَامٌ  A place where cattle pasture by themselves where they please; a place where they rove about, pasturing: like أَرْضٌ مُسْتَامَةٌ. ― -b2- Freytag explains it as meaning A place of passage: ― -b3- and A quick passage: from the Deewán el-Hudhaleeyeen.] مَسَامَةٌ  A wide and thick piece of wood at the bottom of the قَاعِدَتَانِ [or two side-posts] of the door. (K.) ― -b2- And A staff in the fore part of the [women's camel-vehicle called] هَوْدَج. (K.) الخَيْلُ المُسَوَّمَةُ  means The pastured horses: (S, Msb, TA:) or the horses sent forth with their riders upon them: (AZ, Az, Msb, TA:) or it means, (TA,) or means also, (S, Msb,) the marked horses; (S, Msb, TA;) marked by a colour differing from the rest of the colour; or by branding: (TA:) or the horses of goodly make. (Ham p. 62, and TA. [See the Kur iii. 12.]) ― -b2- مُسَوَّمِينَ, in the Kur [iii. 121], may mean, accord. to Akh, either Marked [by the colours, or the like, of their horses, so as to be distinguished from others], or sent forth; and is thus with ي and ن [because applied to rational beings, namely, angels, and] because the horses were marked, or sent forth, and upon them were their riders. (S.) ― -b3- And حِجَارَةً مِنْ طِينٍ مُسَوَّمَةً عِنْدَ رَبِّكَ, (S, * M, K, *) in the Kur [li. 33 and 34], (S, M,) means [Stones of baked clay] having upon them the semblance of seals [impressed in the presence of thy Lord], (S, K, Er-Rághib,) in order that they may be known to be from God: (Er-Rághib:) or marked (Zj, M, Bd, K, Jel) with whiteness and redness, (Zj, M, K,) as is related on the authority of El-Hasan, (Zj, M,) or with a mark whereby it shall be known that they are not of the stones of this world (M, K) but of the things wherewith God inflicts punishment, (M,) or [each] with the name of him upon whom it is to be cast: (Jel:) or sent forth: (Bd, TA:) but Er-Rághib says that the first is the proper way of explaining it. (TA.) مُسْتَامَةٌ  , applied to a land (أَرْضٌ): see 8. Credit: Lane Lexicon