
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.

In Grand Qur'aan other Roots with first two letters  خ ش

1) خ ش ب

2) خ ش ى



Lane Lexicon






































Root: خ ش ع

Words from this Root in the Grand Qur'aan:

a) Total occurrences: 17 

b) No of constructions: 12

It occurs in 16 Ayahs in 16 chapters

Nouns: 10; Recurrence: 15; Verb: 2 [Form-I]

خُشُوعًا fear; not only in heart, shows in face and limbs

Root: خ ب ت

  • And you the Messenger [Sal'lallaa'hoalaih'wa'salam] give glad tidings to those who are humble and content; [refer 22:34]

  • They are the people whose hearts blenched - trembled when Allah the Exalted is mentioned;

  • And they are coolly perseverant upon what adverse reached them;

  • And they are the steadfastly maintainers of Ass-sa'laat: Time Bound protocol of Servitude and allegiance to Allah the Exalted;

  • And they heartily spend part of the worldly resources for other's welfare which We have given them as sustenance. [only for seeking approval and attention of Allah the Exalted]. [22:35]



Active Participle: Definite; plural; feminine; accusative;  مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun. (1)33:35=1                                              اسم فاعل:معرفہ باللام- منصوب-جمع  مؤنث



Active Participle: Definite; sound plural; masculine; genitive/ accusative; مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun. (1)2:45(2)33:35=2

                                                                                       اسم فاعل:معرفہ باللام- مجرور/منصوب-جمع سالم مذكر



Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; masculine; accusative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun] (1)59:21=1                                                                          اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد  مذكر



Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; feminine; accusative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun]. (1)41:39(2)68:43(3)70:44=3                                               اسم فاعل: منصوب-واحد  مؤنث



Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; feminine; nominative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun].(1)79:09=1                                                                             اسم فاعل: مرفوع-واحد  مؤنث



Active Participle: Indefinite; singular; feminine; nominative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun]. (1)88:02=1                                                                            اسم فاعل: مرفوع-واحد  مؤنث



Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; nominative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun] (1)23:02=1                                             اسم فاعل: مرفوع -جمع سالم مذكر



Active Participle: Indefinite; sound plural; masculine; accusative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun] (1)3:199(2)21:90(3)42:45=3               اسم فاعل: منصوب -جمع سالم مذكر



Active Participle: Indefinite; broken plural; masculine; accusative; [مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun] (1)54:07=1                                                              اسم فاعل: منصوب -جمع  مذكر



Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. (1)17:109=1                             مصدر: منصوب


Verb Form-I


Verb: Imperfect; Second person; Singular; masculine; Mood: Subjunctive; مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun. (1)57:16=1

                                                                                              فعل مضارع منصوب بأَنْ/صيغة:واحد مذكر-حاضر



Verb: Perfect; Third Person; Singular; feminine;  ت feminine marker; Subject Pronoun hidden; with added vowel sign for reason اجتماع الساكنين of cluster of two vowel-less consonants; مصدر-خُشُوْعٌ Verbal noun (1)20:108=1

                                                               فعل ماضٍ مبنى على الفتح + تَاء التانيث الساكنة/صيغة:-واحد مؤنث غائب


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