1 تَلَا تل تلا He followed; or went, or walked, behind, or after. (IAar, T.) You say, تَلَوْتُهُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. تَلُوَ , (S, Msb, K,) inf. n. تُلُوٌّ (S, M, Msb, K) and تَلْوٌ, (Er-Rághib, MF,) I followed him or it; or went, or walked, behind, or after, him or it; (S, M, Msb, K;) namely, a man [&c.]; (S, Msb;) immediately, or without intervention; and sometimes it means bodily [or in reality]; and sometimes, virtually, or in effect: (Er-Rághib:) and so تَلَيْتُهُ; (K;) and ↓ تَلَّيْتُهُ , (As, * T, * K,) inf. n. تَتْلِيَةٌ. (K.) The phrase, in the Kur xci. 2, وَالقَمَرِ إِِذَا تَلَاهَا means By the moon when its rising follows the rising thereof; i. e., the rising of the sun; at the beginning of the lunar month: (Bd:) or, when it follows in rising the setting thereof, (Bd, Jel,) on the night of the full moon: (Bd:) or, when it follows it in becoming round, and in fullness of light; (M, * Bd;) i. e., when it follows it in the way of imitation, and in respect of rank; for the moon borrows its light of the sun, and is to it in the place of a successor. (Er-Rághib.) Here, Ks pronounced تلاها with imáleh, [either because تَلَيْتُ is a dial. var. of تَلَوْتُ, or] because, although it has و for its last radical letter, it occurs with words that may be so pronounced, namely, يَغْشَاهَا and بَنَاهَا. (M.) ― -b2- تَلَوْتُ الأِبِلَ (tropical:) I drove, or brought, or gathered, the camels together, from their several quarters: because the driver follows the driven. (A, TA.) ― -b3- هُوَ يَتْلُو فُلَانًا He imitates such a one, and follows what he does; he follows him in action. (T.) ― -b4- تَلَا, (T,) first pers. تَلَوْتُ, (S, M, Msb, K,) aor. تَلُوَ , (T,) inf. n. تِلَاوَةٌ, (T, S, M, Msb, K,) He read, or perused, or he recited, (T, M, K,) the Kur-án, (S, M, Msb, K,) or any discourse, or piece of language: (M, K:) or he followed it, (I'Ab, T, S, * M,) and did according to it; (I'Ab, Mujáhid, T;) namely, the Scripture: (I'Ab, Mujáhid, T, M:) or the inf. n. specially signifies the following God's revealed Scriptures, sometimes by reading, or perusing, or by reciting, and sometimes by conforming therewith [as well as by reading, &c., but not otherwise, for] every تِلَاوَة is قِرَآءَة, but the reverse is not the case. (Er-Rághib, TA.) [You say also, تَلَا عَلَيْهِ He recited, or related, to him a narrative &c.: see Kur v. 30, &c.] And فُلَانٌ يَتْلُو عَلَى فُلَانٍ, and يَقُولُ عَلَيْهِ, Such a one lies, or says what is false, against such a one. (TA.) وَاتَّبَعُوا مَا تَتْلُوالشَّيَاطِينُ, in the Kur ii. 96, means [And they followed] what the devils related, or rehearsed, ('Atŕ, T,) or spoke; (A'Obeyd, T;) or, what the devils of the Jinn, or of mankind, or of both, read, or recited, or what they followed, of the writings of enchantment: (Bd:) some here read ↓ تُتَلِّى . (T.) Hence the saying, لَا دَرَيْتَ وَلَا تَلَيْتَ: (T:) or, accord. to Yoo, it is ↓ ولا أَتْلَيْتَ : (T, S:) and others say that it is ولا ائْتَلَيْتَ, from أَلَوْتُ. (T. [See these three readings explained in the latter part of the first paragraph of art. الو.]) -A2- He remained behind, or held back. (IAar, ISk, T.) You say, تَلَا بَعْدَ قَوْمِهِ He held back, or lagged behind, after his people, or company, and remained. (TA.) And تَلَوْتُهُ, (AZ, A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K,) and تَلَوْتُ عَنْهُ, (AZ, T, M, K,) aor. تَلُوَ , (AZ, T,) inf. n. تُلُوٌّ, (AZ, T, M,) I left him, and held back from going with him: (AZ, T:) I held back from him, or from aiding him, and left him: (AZ, A'Obeyd, T, S, M, K:) thus the verb bears two contr. significations. (K.) -A3- He bought a تِلْو, meaning the young one of a mule. (IAar, T, K.) -A4- تَلِيَتْ لِى مِنْ حَقِّى تَلِيَّةٌ, and تُلَاوَةٌ, aor. تَلَوَ , (ISk, S,) inf. n. تَلًا, (TA,) There remained to me, of my right, or due, a remainder. (ISk, S.) And تَلِيَتْ لِى عِنْدَهُ تَلِيَّةٌ There remained to me, with him, or there remained owing to me by him, a remainder. (As, T.) And تَلِىَ مِنَ الشَّهْرِ كَذَا, (M, K,) inf. n. تَلًا, (M,) There remained, of the month, such a portion. (M, K.) 2 تَلَّوَ see 1, in two places. ― -b2- هُوَ يُتَلَّى بَقِيَّةَ حَاجَتِهِ He demands, and seeks to obtain, the remainder of that which he wants. (T.) ― -b3- تلّى صَلَاتَهُ, (T, M, K,) inf. n. تَتْلِيَةٌ, (K,) He made his prayer to be followed by other prayer: (T:) or he made his prescribed prayer to be followed by supererogatory prayer. (Sh, M, K.) ― -b4- تلّىِ, inf. n. as above, [is also said to signify] He stood erect for prayer. (TA. [But see مِتَلٌّ, in art. تل.] ― -b5- Also He accomplished, or fulfilled, his vow. (IAar, M, K.) ― -b6- And He was at the last gasp. (AZ, S, M, K.) -A2- See also 4. 3 تالاهُ تالاه تالاة , inf. n. مُتَالَاةٌ, i. q. رَاسَلَهُ [meaning, فِى الغِنَآءِ, i. e. He relieved him, or aided him, in singing, by taking up the strain when the latter was unable to prolong his voice sufficiently for the accomplishing of the cadence; or he did so with a high voice: see مُتَالٍ, below]. (TA.) 4 أَتْلَيْتُهُ إِِيَّاهُ  I made him to follow him; or, it to follow it. (M, K.) Hence, (TA,) اتلاهُ اللّٰهُ أَطْفَالًا God made him, or may God make him, to have little children following him. (S, TA.) And أَتْلَتْ She (a camel) had her young one following her: (S, K:) whence the saying, لَا دَرَيْتَ وَلَا أَتْلَيْتَ; accord. to Yoo: (S:) but see 1, where two other readings are mentioned, with a reference to the explanations. ― -b2- [Hence also,] أَتْلَيْتُهُ I preceded him, outwent him, outstripped him, or got before him. (S.) And مَا زِلْتُ أَتْلُوهُ حَتَّى أَتْلَيْتُهُ I ceased not to follow him until I became before him. (S.) ― -b3- أَتْلَيْتُ حَقِّى عِنْدَهُ I left a remainder of my due with him. (S, K.) And أَتْلَيْتُ عِنْدَهُ تَليَّةً I left with him a remainder (T, M) of a thing, or of a debt, or of a needful thing. (M.) ― -b4- أَتْلَيْتُهُ عَلَى فُلَانٍ I referred him, or turned him over, for the payment of what was owing to him, to such a one, transferring the responsibility for the debt to the latter. (T, S, * K. *) ― -b5- اتلاهُ ذِمَّةً He gave him a bond, or an obligation, whereby he became responsible for his safety: (S, K:) and اتلاهُ alone (T, M, K) signifies the same; (T;) he gave him what is termed تَلَآء, (M, K,) i. e. ذِمَّةً, (K,) or جِوَارًا, (M, K,) and meaning also an arrow on which was written his (the giver's) name, (K, * TA,) in order that, when he went to a tribe, he might show it to them, and they would not harm him: (TA:) and اتلاهُ سَهْمًا (assumed tropical:) he gave him an arrow whereby to demand protection, (M, K, TA,) in order that he might not be harmed: and اتلاهُ نَعْلًا he gave him a sandal for that purpose: (TA:) and it means (tropical:) he made him his تِلْو [or follower], and his companion. (TA.) ↓ تلّى , also, signifies, like أَتْلَى, He gave him his bond, or obligation, by which he became responsible for his safety. (TA.) 5 تتلّى أتلى تلا تتلى تتلي He sought repeatedly, or in a leisurely manner, or by degrees, (T, S, M, K,) to obtain his right, or due, until he received it fully, or wholly, (T, S,) or to obtain a thing. (M, K.) ― -b2- He collected much wealth. (IAar, T.) ― -b3- تَتَلَّيْتُ حَقِّى عِنْدَهُ I left with him, or in his possession, somewhat remaining of my right, or due. (IAar, T.) -A2- Somewhat remained of his debt. (IAar, T.) 6 تَتَالَتِ الأُمُورُ  The things, or events, were consecutive; they followed one another. (M, K.) And جَآءَتِ الخَيْلُ تَتَالِيًا The horses, or horsemen, came consecutively. (S.) 10 استتلاهُ الشَّىْءَ  He, or it, invited him to follow the thing. (M, K.) ― -b2- اِسْتَتْلَيْتُ فُلَانًا I made such a one to follow me. (IAar, T.) ― -b3- And I looked for, expected, awaited, or waited for, such a one. (IAar, T.) -A2- استتلى فُلَانًا also signifies (tropical:) He sought, or demanded, of such a one, the arrow of protection [called تَلَآء, q. v.]. (TA.) تَلًا تل تلا : see تَلِيَّةٌ. تِلْوٌ ألوى لوى لوي تلو A thing that follows another thing: (K:) and a follower of another man. (TA.) See also تِلْوُ الشَّىْءِ تَالٍ means That which follows the thing: (S:) and هٰذَا تِلْوُ هٰذَا This is what follows this. (M.) [Hence,] تِلْوُ النَّاقَةِ The she-camel's young one that follows her: (S:) and تِلْوٌ [alone] a ewe's, or she-goat's, (M,) or she-camel's, (K,) young one when weaned, and following the mother; pl. أَتْلَآءٌ; and fem. with ة: (M, K:) and the young one of the ass; (M, K;) because he follows his mother: (M:) and the young one of a mule: (IAar, T, K:) and, accord. to En-Nadr, a kid, and a lamb, that has become large in the stomach or belly (استكرش) and in no need of his mother; fem. with ة: (T:) or the fem. signifies a she-kid that has passed beyond the limit of those that are termed أَجْفَار [pl. of جَفْرٌ, q. v.], (M, K,) until she has completed a year [from her birth] and so become a جَذَع. (M.) And a تِلْوَة of sheep or goats is One that is brought forth, or that brings forth, [the verb is تُنْتَجُ, which has both of these meanings,] before the صَفَرِيَّة [q. v.]. (S, K.) -A2- Also High, or lofty. (K.) One says, إِِنَّهُ لَتِلْوُ المِقْدَارِ Verily he, or it, is high, or lofty, in measure. (TA.) تَلَآءٌ تلآء A bond, or an obligation, by which one becomes responsible for the safety of another: (S, M, K:) and an arrow upon which the giver writes his name, (M, K, [in the CK, المَتْلِىْ is erroneously put for المُتْلِى,]) and which he gives to a man, who, when he goes to a tribe, and shows it to them, passes unmolested: (M:) and, accord. to IAmb, responsibility, or suretiship. (TA.) ― -b2- Also The transfer of a debt, or of a claim, by shifting the responsibility from one person to another. (Z, TA.) تَلُوٌّ ألوى لوى لوي تلو A man incessantly following: (IAar, M, K:) not mentioned by Yaakoob among the instances of this measure which he has limited; as حَسُوٌّ and فَسُوٌّ. (M.) تَلِىٌّ تل تلى تلي تليي ولي [accord. to the CK, erroneously, تِلْىٌ,] Using many oaths (كَثِيرُ الأَيْمَانِ): and Having much wealth. (IAar, T, K.) تَلِيَّةٌ تل تليه تلية ولي [accord. to the CK, erroneously, تِلْيَةق,] and ↓ تُلَاوَةٌ (ISk, T, S, M, K) and ↓ تَلًا (M, TA) A remainder (ISk, T, S, M, K) of a thing, (M,) or of a right or due, (ISk, S,) or of a debt, (S, M, K,) and of a thing wanted, (ISk and T in explanation of the second word, and M,) &c. (K.) One says also, ذَهَبَتْ تَلِيَّةُ الشَّبَابِ (tropical:) The remainder of youthfulness, or youthful vigour, departed. (TA.) And فُلَانٌ تَلِيَّةُ الأَحْرَارِ (tropical:) [Such a one is the last remaining of the ingenuous]. (TA.) ― -b2- وَقَعَ كَذَا تَلِيَّةَ كَذَا Such a thing happened after such a thing. (M.) تُلَاوَةٌ تلاوه تلاوة : see تَلِيَّةٌ. تَلَوَّى ألوى لوى لوي تلو تلوى تلوي A kind of boat: (M, K:) of the measure فَعَوَّلٌ, (M, TA,) or فَعَلْوَلٌ: (TA:) so called because it follows the larger vessel: mentioned by Aboo-'Alee in the Tedhkireh. (M.) تَلَّآءٌ لِلْقُرْآنِ تلآء للقرآن One who reads, peruses, or recites, the Kur-án, or who follows it, or acts according to it, much, or often. (Mgh.) تَالٍ ألا تأل تال تالي act. part. n. of تَلَا; Following; going, or walking, behind, or after; [immediately, or without intervention; either in reality, or only in effect; (see 1;)] (T, Msb;) as also ↓ تِلْوٌ . (Msb.) ― -b2- التَّالِى The fourth of the ten horses that are started together in a race. (TA voce سُكَّيْت &c., and Ham p. 46.) ― -b3- Also, (Sh, TA voce مِجْدَحٌ,) and تَالِى النَّجْمٍ [meaning The follower of the Pleiades], (Kzw,) the star called الدَّبَرَانُ. (Sh, Kzw.) ― -b4- And تَالِيَاتُ النُّجُومِ The last of the stars; [app. the last that are seen in the morningtwilight;] (TA;) as also التَّوَالِى. (M, TA.) [تَالِيَاتٌ and تَوَال are both pls. of تَالِيَةٌ, fem. of تَالٍ.] ― -b5- التَّوَالِى also signifies The last of women journeying in vehicles upon camels; (M, K;) and in like manner, of camels. (M.) ― -b6- Also Hinder parts, posteriors, or rumps: and the hinder parts of horses: or (of a horse, M) the tail and hind legs. (M, K.) One says, إِِنَّهُ لَحَثِيثُ التَّوَالِى and سَرِيعُ التَّوَالِى [app. meaning Verily he is quick in the hind legs]. (M.) And the Arabs say, لَيْسَ هَوَادِى الخَيْلِ كَالتَّوَالِى, i. e., The necks of horses are not like their hinder parts. (TA.) ― -b7- فَالتَّالَياتِ ذِكْرًا [in the Kur xxxvii. 3] means And those angels, or angels and others, that recite the praise of God. (M.) مُتْلٍ متل and مُتْلِيَةٌ (T, M) A mother, (T,) or a she-camel, and a female wild animal, (M,) having her young one following her: pl. مَتَالٍ. (T, M.) ― -b2- Also, both sings., A she-camel that brings forth in the last portion of the breeding-time: or the latter sing. signifies one that is late in bringing forth; and the former sing. has the first of the meanings explained in this paragraph: (M:) or, as some say, the latter sing. signifies one that has become heavy by pregnancy, so that the head of her fœtus has turned towards the tail and the vulva; a meaning not agreeing with the derivation: (IJ, M:) or, as some say, this word signifies [simply] pregnant: (Ham p. 688:) accord. to El-Báhilee, the pl. signifies she-camels of which some have brought forth, and others have not. (TA.) You say, إِِبِلُهُمْ مَتَالٍ, meaning Their camels have not brought forth until the season called the صَيْف, (K, TA,) which is the last part of the breeding-time. (TA.) مُتَالٍ متال One who relieves, or aids, another, in singing, and in work, by taking up the strain, or the work, when the latter is unable to continue it: (IAar, T:) or one who so relieves, or aids, the singer, with a high voice: (S, TA:) and one who sings to camels to urge them on, or excite them. (TA.) مُسْتَتْلٍ مستتل [act. part. n. of 10, q. v. It is said in the T to have a signification derived from تَلَآءٌ in the last of the senses assigned to the latter word above; so that it seems to mean Seeking, or demanding, the transfer of a debt, or claim, or the like, by shifting the responsibility from one person to another]. Credit: Lane Lexicon