Meanings, statistics and Root and perception infolded. [for detailed study open in separate window] [Under construction] 

o              021

  Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.           



































































21:68 Lesson 5 Madina









































































































































































And indeed We had earlier given to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] his faculty of rightfully understanding and about him We were fully knowledgeable,

when he said for [to] his father and his people;

[Similar probing 6:74;26:70;29:17,25;37:95]o

 "What are these statues, the one for which you people remain around attached"[21:52]

They replied, "We found our forefather as allegiants/worshippers for these statues" [21:53]

[Read with 6:74]

He said, "Certainly [I see and find] you people have been, you people and your forefathers, in manifest forgetfulness. [21:54]

They said, "Have you come to us with absolute fact or you are just from amongst playful ones" [21:55]

He replied, "No, I am not enjoying fun, the fact is that your Sustainer Lord is the Sustainer Lord of the Skies and the Earth, the One Who innovatively created them.

[He had seen the system-read with 6:75]o

And I am upon that for you from amongst those who witness/see" [21:56]

[and one night he made his intention public to men around him] "And I swear by Allah, certainly I will devise a plan for your statues after that time you people go away from me turning your backs" [21:57]

[In keeping with his public pronouncement, he went to temple] Therefore/for reason he made them/ statues pieces, except the one which was for them the bigger with the intention that they people return to him [for enquiry-to know reason for breaking smaller and leaving bigger one]. [21:58]

[when clergy men and worshippers came in the morning] They/clergy men said, "Who has done this act with our various iela'aha? Indeed he who has done this is certainly from amongst the unjustly cruel ones" [21:59]

Some people [who were present during night at the time of pronouncement] said, "We heard a young man mentioning them/statues; he is called Iebra'heim" [21:60]

They/clergy men imperatively asked them, "You go and then bring him before the eyes of the people for the purpose that they bear witness" [21:61]

[He came along with those men whom on way he told the true worth of statues-37:94-96] They/clergymen asked, "Are you the one who has done this [pointing towards the pieces on ground] with our various iela'aha, O Iebra'heim" [21:62]

He [replying from the angle of their intention to fix responsibility] said, "I am not responsible, in fact this is the act of their great one, this one [pointing towards the big statue], therefore ask them/smaller broken statues if they speak" [21:63]

[This shocked the people present and broke shackles on wisdom of some] In consequence/thereby they returned to their own selves [came out of others myths] whereby they said, "Indeed you people [clergy men, not he but] you are the people who are distorters/unjust" [21:64]

Afterwards they/clergy men were returned to their minds and said to Iebra'heim [علیہ السلام] "Certainly you have come to know conclusively recently [last night when you broke them] that these statues do not speak" [21:65]

He asked them/clergy men [drawing the attention of people to another fact] "Is it that you people worship other than Allah that which neither benefits you people anything and nor harms you people. [21:66]

Sorry state of affair for you people and for those you people worship apart from Allah.

[This query is also in  2:44,76;3:65;6:32;7:169;10:16;11:51;12:109;21:10,67;23:80;28:60;37:138]o

 Is it for reason that you people do not ponder/use intellect to differentiate?" [which is the basic job of intellect] [21:67]

They shouted imperatively, "You people burn him and help your various iela'aha if you are action takers" [21:68]

[They did it] We commanded, "O Fire! you be cool and of safety for Iebra'heim" [21:69]

[Similar pronouncement in 37:98]

And they intended with it a plan whereby [by saving Iebra'heim] We made them the greater losers. [since many people became believer]  [21:70]

And We delivered him as well as Luet [علیہ السلام] towards the land [Mecca] in which We had placed blessings for the humanity. [21:71]

[Same information in same words in 6:84;19:49;29:27]

And to him We gifted Ies'hauqe and Ya'qoob  [علیھم السلام] as unsolicited gift;


and all of them We declared that they were the perfectionists. [21:72]

[Similar pronouncement in 32:24]

And We had made/declared them Guides who guided people with Our Command/Book,

and We communicated-made obligatory upon them the acts of decent import and act of establishing/organizing Ass-sa'laat and act of regularly paying Az-Zaka'at.


And they were for Us sincere allegiants. [21:73]

And Luet [علیہ السلام] We had given him faculty of decision making/judgment and knowledge,

and We rescued him from the locality which used to perform abominable acts.


Indeed they were a people evil, deviants who get out of the bounds, restrains. [21:74]

And We admitted him/Luet [علیہ السلام] in Our Umbrella of Mercy.


Indeed he was from amongst the perfectionists. [21:75]

And Noah [alai'his'slaam] when he called in aforetimes whereupon We responded for him,

[Same pronouncement in 37:76]o

 thereby We rescued him and his family from great distress. [21:76]

And We helped him against the nation/people who publicly contradicted Our Aa'ya'at


Indeed they were a people evil, therefore, We drowned them, all together. [21:77]

And Da'ued and Sulie'maan [علیھم السلام] when they both were adjudging in the matter of  the sheep of people that scattered at night in [without owner's will, damaging] the crop field.


And We were watching for the command/decision to be given to them/owners of sheep, [21:78]

whereby We made Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] understand the judgment [to be given].

And to all of them We had given faculty of decision making/judgment and knowledge.

And We subjected along with Da'ued the mountains, they repetitively mentioned [echoed] praises of Allah as well as the birds mentioned praises.


And We were innovatively doer of these things. [21:79]

[Read with 34:11]

And We taught him the making of armor coats for you people so that it may protect you during battle of you people.


In response would you people be thankfully obliged? [21:80]

[Read with 34:12;38:36]

And for Sulie'maan [alai'his'slaam] We subjected the particular breeze, the grain producer.

It/this grain producing breeze moved under his command towards the Land [Jerusalem] the one in which We had placed blessings.


And We are always in complete know of each and every thing. [21:81]

[Read with 34:14]

And We subjected/enslaved for him from criminals of species Jinn who used to dive for him and apart from it they also carried out other acts.


And We were for them the guards. [21:82]

[Same information in 38:41]

And Ayub [alai'his'slaam] when he called his Sustainer Lord

[What was the cause, read with 38:41]

that "Indeed I [am in pain], the physical adversity has effected/touched me [by the bite of Cobra],

[Same pronouncement in same words in 7:151]o

and You are the Most Merciful of all those who are merciful" [21:83]

Whereupon We responded for him, thereby/for reason [of treatment told to him-38:42] We removed what was the cause of pain and distress.

[Same information in 38:43]

And We gave him his family and like of them along with them, mercy from Our Grace.

[Read with 38:43]o

And this is a piece of advice for allegiants who demonstrate servitude. [21:84]

And Iesma'eile and Ied'rees and Zal-Kif"le [علیھم السلام]


All were from amongst coolly perseverant and steadfast. [21:85]

And We admitted them all in Our Umbrella of Mercy.

{Same pronouncement about them in 6:85]o

Indeed they all were from amongst the perfectionists. [21:86]

[Read with 37:140]

And "the host of the fish" [Yunus alai'his'slaam] when he went away [from his nation] in the state of one in the grip/heightened feeling of anger/heavy heartedness

whereupon/for which reason he thought that We might never impose upon him a restrictive measure; for reason [having been swallowed in the sea by fish] he called in the layers of darkness,


that, "There is no iela'aha except You, Glory and praise is for You; You are the focus of all effort, indeed I acted like those who conduct without right/permission. [21:87] [Musa alai'his'slaam left his nation earlier than appointed day with full confidence that they are following him earnestly resulting his nation strayed by Samri, and the earlier without permission leaving of Yunus alai'his'slaam resulted in his nation's seeking forgiveness-10:98]

Whereupon We responded for him,

and We rescued him from the distress.


And like that We rescue the true believers. [21:88]

[Similar information in 19:03]

And Zakaria [alai'his'slaam] when he called his Sustainer Lord [prompted by reply of Syeda Maryam-19:38]


"My Sustainer Lord, You do not leave me as solitary individual, and You are the best of the inheritors" [21:89]

Whereupon We responded for him, and We bestowed for him Yahya;

and We perfected/cured for him his wife [from the problem of infertility].

Indeed they all used to hasten in performing good deeds and they used to supplicate Us with reverence and fear.


And they were for Us humbly submissive. [21:90]

[Same information in 66:12]

And Syeda Maryam Siddiqa/she who guarded her chastity/infallibility,

[Same pronouncement with masculine pronoun in 66:12]

whereupon/for reason [being أَمْرًا مَّقْضِيًّا a determined matter] We blew in her from "the word of Our command-life" [Life emerges only on "blowing" as Adam got existence after نَفَخْتُ فِيهِ مِن رُّوحِي]

[Same information in 23:50]o

And We made her and her son an unprecedented demonstrative sign for the humanity [that We are not subject to laws/system of causality devised for created ones]. [21:91]

[Messengers were told to pronounce] "Indeed this humanity, your species, is one species


and I am the Sustainer Lord of you all people, therefore, you people should be subject/subservient/ allegiant to Me". [21:92]

And they people cut their affair amongst themselves [for various worldly considerations/vested interests]


All are to return to Us for accountability. [21:93]

[Same pronouncement in 4:124;16:97;20:112;21:94;40:40]

Thereupon the one who acted/performed from the righteous/moderate deeds/acts of perfect import and/provided he or she is a true believer/one who accepted,

in response there will absolutely be no disrespect/non recognition for his effort made.


And indeed for him We are the recorder to put in writing. [21:94]

