1 طَغَى , aor. يَطْغَى; (S, M, Msb, TA, &c.;) not mentioned in the K [in art. طغى, but in some copies thereof mentioned in art طغو]; perhaps dropped by the copyist; (TA;) and طَغَا, aor. يَطْغُو; and طَغِىَ, aor. يَطْغَى; (S, Msb, K;) inf. n. طَغْىٌ, which is of the first, though mentioned in the K as being of the last; (TA;) and طُغْيَانٌ, (S, K,) which is also of the first, and second, (S,) or of the last, as also طِغْيَانٌ, (K,) mentioned by Ks as from some of the tribe of Kelb; (TA;) or طُغْيَانٌ is a simple subst.; (Msb;) and طَغْيَا, mentioned by Az as an inf. n. [app. of the first]; (TA;) and the inf. n. of the second is طَغْوٌ, (Msb,) or طُغُوٌّ, (K accord. to the TA,) like عُلُوٌّ, (TA,) or طَغْوَى, (so in some copies of the K,) and طَغْوَى, mentioned as an inf. n. by Az, (TA,) and طُغْوَانٌ; (K, and mentioned in the S as syn. with طُغْيَانٌ;) and the inf. n. of طَغِىَ is طَغًى; (Msb, TA;) He exceeded the just, or common, limit or measure; was excessive, immoderate, inordinate, or exorbitant; (S, Msb, K, TA;) [and particularly] in disobedience: (S, * Msb, * TA:) he exalted himself, and was inordinate in infidelity: he was extravagant in acts of disobedience and in wrongdoing: (K:) accord. to El-Harállee, الطُّغْيَانُ signifies the acting wrongfully in respect of the limits of things and the measures thereof. (TA.) ― -b2- [Hence,] طَغَى, in the K طَغِىَ, but the former is the right, (TA,) or طَغَا, (Msb,) said of a torrent, (Msb,) or of water, (K, TA,) (tropical:) It rose high, (Msb, K, TA,) so as to exceed the ordinary limit in copiousness: (Msb:) or طَغَى or طَغَا, (accord. to different copies of the S,) said of a torrent, (assumed tropical:) it brought much water: and, said of the sea, (assumed tropical:) its waves became raised, or in a state of commotion: and, said of the blood, (assumed tropical:) it became roused, or excited. (S.) [Hence also the phrase طَغَا مِرْقَمُكَ (assumed tropical:) Thy pen has exceeded its due limit: see art. رقم.] ― -b3- طَغَتِ البَقَرَةُ, (K,) aor. 1َ2َ3َ , (TA,) means The بَقَرَة [i. e. the bovine antelope called بَقَرَةُ الوَحْشِ (see طَغْيَا)] uttered a cry or cries. (K.) 4 اطغاهُ  It, (i. e. wealth, S,) or he, (a man, Msb,) made him to exceed the just, or common, limit or measure; to be excessive, immoderate, inordinate, or exorbitant. (S, Msb, K.) 6 تطاغى المَوْجُ  [app. The waves conflicted, or dashed together, with excessive vehemence]: a phrase mentioned by Z. (TA.) طَغًا  : see what next follows. طَغْىٌ  ; accord. to the copies of the K ↓ طَغًا , but this is incorrect; A sound, or voice; of the dial. of Hudheyl: one says, سَمِعْتُ طَغْىَ فُلَانٍ I heard the sound, or voice, of such a one: and, as in the “ Nawádir, ” سَمِعْتُ طَغْىَ القَوْمِ, and طَهْيَهُمْ, and دَغْيَهُمْ, I heard the sound, or voice, [or voices,] of the people, or party. (TA.) طَغْوَةٌ  : see what next follows. طَغْيَةٌ  The top, or upper part, of a mountain: (S, TA:) and any high, or elevated, place; as also ↓ طَغْوَةٌ . (TA as from the S: but only the latter word is mentioned in this sense in my copies of the S.) ― -b2- And (S) A small quantity (نُبْذَةٌ) of anything: (S, K: *) so says AZ. (S. [In this sense, and in the two senses following, erroneously written in the CK طَغِيَّة.]) ― -b3- And A smooth stone or rock. (K.) ― -b4- And, accord. to the copies of the K, الطَّغْيَةُ signifies المُسْتَصْعَبُ مِنَ الجَبَلِ [as though meaning What is deemed, or found, difficult, of the mountain]: but [SM says, though I think this doubtful,] it is correctly مِنَ الخَيْلِ [meaning what is refractory, or untractable, of horses], as in the M. (TA.) طَغْوَى  a subst. from the verb طَغَا, (K, TA,) [and] so is ↓ طُغْيَانٌ , (Msb,) or the latter is an inf. n., (S, K,) and, accord. to Az, so is طَغْوَى, and so too is ↓ طَغْيَا , which latter is said by Zj to be the original of طَغْوَى: (TA:) it is like طُغْوَانٌ and طُغْيَانٌ. (S.) Hence, in the Kur [xci. 11], كَذَّبَتْ ثَمُودُ بِطَغْوَاهَا [Thamood disbelieved by reason of their exorbitance]; (K, * TA;) meaning that they did not believe when they were threatened with the punishment of their طُغْيَان: or, as is said in the Expos. of Bkh, the meaning is, by reason of their acts of disobedience. (TA.) طَغْيَا  : see the next preceding paragraph. -A2- It is also a proper name for [The bovine antelope called] بَقَرَةُ الوَحْشِ; (K, TA;) from طَغَتِ البَقَرَةُ [expl. above: see 1, last sentence]: (TA:) [or, as it appears from a citation in the TA, partly mistranscribed so as to be unintelligible, طَغْيَا or ↓ طُغْيَا signifies, accord. to IAar, a بَقَرَة uttering a cry or cries, or a loud cry or loud cries:] or ↓ طُغْيَا with damm accord. to As, or طَغْيَا with fet-h accord. to Th, signifies a youngling of the بَقَر الوَحْش. (S.) طُغْيَا  : see what next precedes, in two places. طُغْيَانٌ  : see طَغْوَى. طَاغٍ  Any exceeding his, or its, just limit [in an absolute sense or] in disobedience. (S, Msb.) طَاغِيَةٌ  i. q. جَبَّارٌ [i. e. Insolent, tyrannical, &c.]; (K, TA;) who deviates from the right way or course, or trangresses the just limit: (TA:) and stupid, or foolish; proud; (K, TA;) wrongful, unjust, or injurious, in conduct: (TA:) or one who cares not what he does, devouring [the property of] men, and oppressing them, and who is not turned from his course by a disposition to shun sin or crime, nor by fear. (Sh, TA.) [Hence,] الطَّاغِيَةُ is an appellation of The king of the رُوم [or Greeks of the Lower Empire]; (S, K, TA;) applied to him as a surname because of his much exorbitance, and corrupt conduct. (TA.) ― -b2- And A thunderbolt; syn. صَاعِقَةٌ. (S, K.) ― -b3- And The cry of punishment; by which Thamood were destroyed, as mentioned in the Kur [lxix. 5]: (S, TA:) or, accord. to Zj, it there means their طُغْيَان [or exorbitance]; being a subst. like عَافِيَةٌ and عَاقِبَةٌ. (TA.) ― -b4- Also The flood denoted by the words of the Kur [lxix. 11] إِِنَّا لَمَّا طَغَى المَآءُ. (Er-Rághib, TA.) طَاغُوتٌ  is of the measure فَلَعُوتٌ, from طَغَوْتُ; (M, K;) formed by transposition, though like لَاهُوتٌ which is not so formed: (S:) it is originally of the measure فَعَلُوتٌ, which is changed to فَلَعُوتٌ, so that it becomes طَوَغُوتٌ, and this is then altered to طَاغُوتٌ: (Msb, TA:) it is held to be altered from طَوَغُوت rather than from طَغَيُوت because the transposition of و is more common than that of ى, as in شَاكٍ &c.: (M, TA:) or, as some say, the ت is a substitute for و, and the measure is فَاعُولٌ: and some say that the measure is فَاعَلُوتٌ, and that it is originally طَاغَيُوتٌ: (TA:) the pl. is طَوَاغِيتُ (S, K) and طَوَاغٍ, (K,) the latter mentioned by ISd. (TA.) It signifies A devil; (S, Msb, K, TA;) thus expl. by Abu-l- 'Áliyeh and others, and said to be on the authority of 'Omar: (TA:) or one that is exorbitant in pride or corruptness or disbelief or disobedience, of the jinn, or genii: (Er-Rághib, TA:) or الطَّاغُوتُ means [the idol called] اللَّات and [that called] العُزَّى; (K;) or thus some expl. الجِبْت and الطَّاغُوت [together, in the Kur iv. 54]: (TA:) or whatever is worshipped instead, or to the exclusion, of God; (Zj, K, TA;) as also الجِبْتُ: (Zj, TA:) and the idols [in general]: (K:) or it is of the idols, and of the jinn, or genii, and of mankind: (Akh, TA:) or he who turns from the good way: (Er-Rághib, TA:) and the diviner: (S, K, TA:) and the enchanter: thus expl. by 'Ikrimeh; and said to mean thus in the Kur iv. 63: and so الجِبْتُ accord. to Zj: (TA:) and any head, or leader, of error: (S, K:) and the exorbitant in pride or corruptness or disbelief or disobedience, of the people of the Scripture: (K:) it is used as a sing., (S, K,) as in the Kur iv. 63; (S;) and as a pl., (S, K,) as in the Kur ii. 259; (S;) and masc. and fem., (Msb, TA,) as fem. in the Kur xxxix. 19: (TA:) or by الجِبْت is meant Hoyeí Ibn-Akhtab; and by الطَّاغُوت, Kaab Ibn-ElAshraf: (I'Ab, K:) and [the pls.] طَوَاغِيتُ and طَوَاغٍ signify [sometimes] idol temples: so says El-Háfidh in the preface to the “ Fet-h ” [i. e. his celebrated work entitled “ Fet-h el-Bári ”]. (TA.) Credit: Lane Lexicon