
1 هَزَأَ مِنْهُ  , (K,) and بِهِ; (S, K;) and هَزِئَ (S, K) followed by منه and به; (Akh, S;) but accord. to Yoo, we should say هزئ به only; not منه; (TA;) aor. هَزَاَ , inf. n. هُزْءٌ and هُزُؤٌ (S, K) and هُزُوْءٌ (TA) and مَهْزَأَةٌ; (S, K;) and به تهزّأ , (AZ, S, K,) and به استهزأ ; (S, K;) He mocked at, scoffed at, laughed at, derided, or ridiculed, him. (S, K.) ― -b2- The most approved reading of ↓ مُسْتَهْزِئُونَ in the Kur, ii. 13, is with the ' fully pronounced: some alleviate it: and some read مُسْتَهْزِيُرنَ: and some مُسْتَهْزُونَ; (but this pronunciation is of weak authority;) and say إِِسْتَهْزَيْتُ for إِِسْتَهْزَأْتُ. (Zj.) ― -b3- السَّرَابُ يَهْزَأُ بِالرَّكْبِ (tropical:) [The mirage mocks the company of riders]. (A.) -A2- هَزَأَ, (K,) inf. n. هَزْءٌ, (TA,) He, or it, broke a thing. (K.) ― -b2- A poet says, describing a coat of mail, “ لَهَا عُكَنْ تَرُدُّ النَّبْلَ خَنْسًا
وَتَهْزَأُ بِالْمَعَابِلِ وَالقِطَاعِ
” [It has creases that repel the arrows, making them to recede, and break the broad and long arrow-heads, and those which are small and broad]. The ب in بالمعابل is redundant. This is the opinion of the lexicologists, except ISd, who thinks that this is an error, and that تهزأ here means “ mocks. ” (TA.) -A3- هَزَأَ إِِبِلَهُ (K; but it is thought that this may be a mistake for هَرَأَ, TA,) inf. n. هَزْءٌ; (TA;) and ↓ اهزأ ها ; (K;) He killed his camels with cold. IAar says, that اهزأهُ البَرْدُ and اهرأهُ both signify The cold killed him. (TA.) -A4- هَزَأَ He put in motion, [or excited,) the beast on which he rode. (As, K.) -A5- هَزَأَ and هَزِئَ He died (K) in his place, or on the spot; i. e. unexpectedly, or suddenly: (Z:) improperly objected against by Ibn-Es-Sáïgh. ('Ináyeh, MF.) 4 اهزأ  He entered upon the time of severe cold. (K.) See also اهرأ, which is the word commonly known. (TA.) ― -b2- See 1. -A2- اهزأتْ بِهِ نَاقَتُهُ His she-camel hastened with him. (K.) 5 تَهَزَّاَ see 1. 10 إِِسْتَهْزَاَ see 1. هُزْأَةٌ  One who is mocked at, scoffed at, laughed at, derided; a ridiculous person. (S, K.) هُزَأَةٌ  One who mocks at, scoffs at, laughs at, derides, or ridicules, others. (S, K.) غَدَاةٌ هَازِئَةٌ  (tropical:) A morning intensely cold: as though mocking men when they shrug and shiver. (A.) مَفَازَةٌ هَازِئَةٌ بِالرَّكْبِ  , and with هُزَأَةٌ for هازئة, (tropical:) [A desert that mocks the company of riders]. (A.) Credit: Lane Lexicon