1 نَعِمَ عَيْشُهَُ  His life was, or became, plentiful and easy: (Msb:) was, or became, good, or pleasant. (Mgh.) See عَوْفٌ. ― -b2- نَعِمَ, aor. نَعُمَ , is like فَضِلَ, aor. نَعُمَ , and حَضِرَ, aor نَعُمَ . See the latter. ― -b3- اِنْعِمْ ضَبَاحًا, and عِمْ صَباحًا: see تَرِبَ and صَبَاحٌ. ― -b4- نَعُمَ, inf. n. نُعُومَةٌ; (S, Msb;) and نَعِمَ; (S;) It was, or became, soft, or tender, (S, Msb,) to the feet. (Msb.) 2 نَعَّمَهُ ذ , (S, Msb, K,) and ↓ نَاعَمَهُ , (S, K,) He (God, S, Msb,) made him to enjoy, or lead, a plentiful, and a pleasant or an easy, and a soft, or delicate, state, or life; a state, or life, of ease and plenty. (S, Msb, K.) ― -b2- نَعَّمَهُ He nourished well him, or it; pampered him. 3 نَاْعَمَ see 2. 4 أَنْعَمَ عَلَيْهِ بِشَىْءٍِ ذ He conferred, or bestowed, upon him a thing as a favour. See أَحْسَنَ. ― -b2- أَنْعَمَ عَجْنَهُ He kneaded it well, thoroughly, or soundly. (TA, voce رَيْعٌ.) ― -b3- أَنْعَمَ الدَّقَّ He bruised or powdered finely: see دَقَّقَ. ― -b4- أَنْعَمَ طَبْخَهُ He cooked it well; syn. أَجَادَ طَبْخَهُ. (IbrD.) The verb is often used in this sense. ― -b5- أَنْعَمَ ا@للّٰهُ بِكَ عَيْنًا: see أَبْغَضَ. 5 تَنَعَّمَ ذ he enjoyed, or led, an easy, a pleasant, a soft, or a delicate, life, with ampleness of the means of subsistence; a life of ease and plenty. (K.) ― -b2- تَنَعَّمَ It (a tree) became flourishing and fresh, (TK, art. روى, &c.,) luxuriant, succulent, sappy, soft, tender, and supple. See رَوِىَ. ― -b3- تَنَعَّمَ i. q. تَمَتَّعَ. (Msb. *) نُعْمٌ ذ contr. of بُؤْسٌ, (S,) [like ↓ نَعْمَآءُ and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَةٌ and ↓ نَعِيمٌ :] pl. أَنْعُمٌ. (S.) See نِعْمَةٌ. نَعَمْ ذ Even so; yes; yea. (Msb, &c.) See أَجَلْ and بَجَلْ. نَعَمٌ ذ Pasturing مَال [or cattle]; mostly applied to camels, and neat, and sheep and goats: or applied to all these, and to camels when alone, but neat and sheep or goats when alone are not thus termed; (Msb;) therefore, cattle, consisting of camels or neat or sheep or goats, or all these, or camels alone. نِعْمَ الرَّجُلُ زَيْدٌ ذ Excellent, or most excellent, or excellent above all, is the man, Zeyd; or [very or] superlatively good, &c. (Msb.) ― -b2- See بئْسَ. نَعْمَةٌ ذ subst. of تَنَعُّمٌ (Msb, K) in the sense of تَرَفُّةٌ subst. of تَمَتُّعْ (Msb:) or i. q. ― -b2- تَنَعُّمٌ: (S: in F's smaller copy, تَنَعِيمٌ, an evident mistake:) i. e. plentifulness, and pleasantness or easiness, and softness or delicacy, of life: ease and plenty. ― -b3- نَعْمَةٌ A living in [or rather enjoyment of a life of] softness, daintiness, or delicacy, and ease, comfort, or affluence: (KL:) i. q. نَعِيمٌ ; (Msb;) and مُتْعَةٌ: (Jel in xliv. 26:) it is from التَّنَعُّمُ; and ↓ نِعْمَةٌ is from الإِِنْعَامُ. (Ksh, cited in Kull, p. 364.) See نِعْمَةٌ: and see تُرْفَةٌ. ― -b4- نَعْمَةُ الشَّباَبِ [The flourishing freshness, softness, tenderness, or blooming loveliness or graces, of youth. See عَبْعَبٌ.] ― -b5- نَعْمَةٌ Softness; tenderness; bloom; or flourishing freshness (IbrD;) of a branch; and of youth, or youthfulness. (M, art. ملد; &c.) نِعْمَةٌ ذ and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ A benefit; benefaction; favour; boon; or good: (S, Msb:) a blessing; [bounty; gratuity;] or what God bestows upon one: and so ↓ نَعِيمٌ : (S:) [grace of God:] and ↓ نَعِيمٌ and ↓ نَعْمَةٌ , with fet-h, [and ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ and ↓ نُعْمٌ , ease and plenty,] enjoyment; (Msb;) [welfare; well being; weal:] ↓ نُعْمَى and ↓ نَعْمَآءُ are the contr. of بُؤْسَى and بَأْسَآءُ: (TA, art. بأس:) بَعْدَ ضَرَّآءَ نَعْمَآءُ , in the Kur [xi. 13,] is like health after sickness; and richness, or competence, after want. (Bd.) ― -b2- نِعْمَةٌ A blessing; (S;) a cause of happiness. (K.) A favour: a benefit; and the like. (S.) ― -b3- نِعْمَةٌ Wealth, or property. (K.) The first explanations given to it above are assigned in the K, not to this word, but to ↓ نَعِيمٌ and ↓ نُعْمَى . ― -b4- نِعْمَةٌ with the article seems generally to signify Wealth: and without the article, A benefit, benefaction, favour, boon, or blessing. نُعْمَةٌ ذ The act of rejoicing by a thing: and the state of rejoicing in a thing. (KL.) نُعْمَى ذ contr. of بُؤْسَى; (S, TA in art. بأس;) and نَعْمَآءُ contr. of بَأَسَآءُ. (TA in that art.) ― -b2- See نِعْمَةٌ. نَعْمَآءُ ذ : see نِعْمَةٌ. نَعِيمٌ ذ Enjoyment; [delight; pleasure;] as also ↓ نَعْمَةٌ , q. v.: (Msb:) plenty and ease. (K.) See نِعْمَةٌ. نَعَامَةٌ ذ The blackness of night. (S in art. سقط.) see an ex. voce سقْطٌ. ― -b2- نَعَامَةٌ The ostrich: it sometimes denotes the female. See مَخْزُومٌ and جَراَدٌ. ― -b3- شاَلَتْ نَعَامَتُهُمْ: see طَائِرٌ, زَأْلٌ, شَالَ, and a verse voce إِِمَّا. ― -b4- اِبْنُ النَّعَامَةِ The shank-bone: and a certain vein in the leg: and the middle, or beaten track, of the road: and the brisk, lively, or sprightly, horse: and the drawer of water (السَّانِى) who is at the head of the well. (T in art. بنى.) ― -b5- نَعَامَةٌ and نَعَامَتَانِ of a well see زُرْنُوقٌ. ― -b6- النَّعَائِمُ Nine stars [of Sagittarius], behind الشَّوْلَةُ, four in the Milky Way, [b, g, d, and ε ,] called النعائمُ الوَارِدَةُ, as though drinking; and four without the Milky Way β, γ, δ, ε, , [c, s, t, and f,] called النعائمُ الصَّادِرَةُ, as though returning from drinking; and the ninth, [ λ ,] [not mentioned by some,] high between them: each of the two fours forming the corners of a quadrilateral figure. The twentieth Mansion of the Moon. (El- Kazweenee.) عَيْشٌ نَاعِمٌ ذ [A plentiful and easy life. See نَعِمَ عَيْشُهُ.] A pleasant life. (Mgh.) [A soft, or delicate, life.] ― -b2- نَاعِمٌ Soft, or tender: applied to a plant or tree: (Mgh:) [smooth; sleek. And i. q. مُتَنِّعَمٌ.] مُنَعَّلٌ ذ , applied to a horse, white on the forelegs: see أَقْفَزُ. أَنَاعِيمُ ذ , pl. pl. of نَعَمٌ: see a verse cited voce دَانَى. [Lane Lexicon]