Index of /English Tafsir e Haqeeqat/00. Tabweeb/0001. Pronouns and Prepositions/Prepositions/

NameLast ModifiedSize
UpParent Directory
Directory0001. Be Harf Jarr2016-08-27 20:59-
Directory0002. Laam HarfJarr2016-08-27 21:00-
Directory0002. Lana For us2016-08-27 21:00-
Directory001. Bee Ba plus Ya2016-08-27 21:00-
Directory001. Fe place and time2016-11-13 21:19-
Directory01. Alaihi with Ain he him2016-10-17 18:53-
Directory01. Alaihinna with Ain2016-10-08 12:57-
Directory01. Alaika Upon you2016-08-27 21:01-
Directory01. Alaikum2016-08-27 21:01-
Directory01. Alaikum with Ain2016-10-23 11:41-
Directory01. AlaiNa2016-08-27 21:02-
Directory01. AlaiNa with ain upon us2016-08-27 21:02-
Directory01.A Ailaika with Ain Upon you2016-08-27 21:02-
Directory01.Alaiha with Ain2016-08-27 21:02-
Directory01.Alaihim2016-08-27 21:03-
Directory01.B Ala with Ain2016-10-28 11:53-
Directory01.Illa, allaihe, illayya2016-08-27 21:03-
Directory03. Hatta until2016-08-27 21:04-
Directory04. a La ha for her2016-08-27 21:04-
Directory04. b Lee for me2016-08-27 21:04-
Directory04. Lahu for him2016-08-27 21:04-
DirectoryAen with Ain from2016-08-27 21:05-
DirectoryAmma with Ain An plus Ma2016-11-13 13:21-
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