
Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy.
















a) Total occurrences: 33  

b) No of constructions: 2

This is the only Particle of Restriction, coined for the censor of speaker and his determent regarding that which he had spoken. It occurs 34 times in the Grand Qur'aan.

لها معانٍ، منها:

¨ الزَّجْر: ومنه قوله تعالى: ]واتَّخَذوا من دون اللهِ آلهةً ليكونوا لهم عزّاً كلاّ سيكفُرون بعبادتهم[ (مريم (19/81-82)

¨ والنفي، بمعنى: [لا]، ومنه قول الشاعر (اللسان 11/597):

قريشٌ جهازُ الناس حيّاً ومَيِّتاً فمَن قال: كلاّ، فالمكذِّبُ أكذَبُ

¨ والاستفتاح، بمعنى: [أَلاَ]، ومنه قوله تعالى: ]اِقرأْ وربُّك الأكرم. الذي علّم بالقلم. علّم الإنسان ما لم يعلم. كلاّ إنّ الإنسان ليطغى[ (العلق 96/3-6)

¨ وبمعنى: [حقّاً] ومنه قوله تعالى: ]كلاّ إنّ كتابَ الأبرار لَفِي عِلِّيِّين[

(المطففين 83/18)

حُكْم: إذا تَلَتْها [انّ] كانت همزتها مكسورة: [إنّ]، وقد تقدّم من أمثلة ذلك: [كلاّ إنّ الإنسان...] و[كلاّ إنّ كتابَ...].

Particle denoting turning away from or dismissing what precedes it and retrieving or confirming what follows. Since it is used in argumentative contexts in which ideas are subtly compared and set in contrast the exact meanings of particular occurrences of it are often difficult to pinpoint. Broadly speaking it functions in three ways; (1) negating or rejecting what precedes and confirming what follows "not that but this", "on the contrary"-21:62-63; (2) setting into contrast or comparing what precedes and what follows, "but, indeed, alas"; affirming what precedes and adding to it what follows, "not only that but also"-21:5 [this does not seem correct understanding]

  Particle of Restriction, coined for the censor of speaker and his determent regarding that which he had spoken/desired. (1)19:79(2)19:82(3)26:15(4)34:27(5)74:32(6)74:53(7)75:11(8)75:20(9)78:04(10)78:05(11)80:23(12)82:09(13)83:14(14)89:17(15)96:15(16)96:19(17)102:03(18)102:04(19)102:05(20)104:04=20                                                                 حرف ردع    
  Particle of Restriction, with prolongation sign; coined for the censor of speaker and his determent regarding that which he had spoken/desired. (1)23:100(2)26:62(3)70:15(4)70:39(5)74:16(6)74:54(7)75:26(8)80:11(9)83:07(10)83:15(11)83:18(12)89:21(13)96:06=13                                                                                                                                    حرف ردع