o Beginning is with Allah's personal name Ar'Reh'maan Who is The Fountain of Infinite Mercy. |
Conjunction-حرف عطف Point in time-when a) Total occurrences: b) No of constructions:
This connector implies several different kinds of relationship with the previous text elements. It can have a sequential meaning, "and then"; a resultative meaning "and so"; [fa sababiya], a contrastive meaning "yet; but" a slight shift in topic " and also: moreover", or a conclusive meaning "and therefore, in conclusion". After Amma, Fa denotes a shift in topic from the previous sentence. It is in two parts, the first "Amma", signaling the new topic, and the second "fa" introducing the comment on that topic. In English the "as for" phrase is followed by a comma, which introduces the second part of the sentence, or comment. Therefore "fa" in this case fills the same function as the punctuation mark in English. Since Amma introduces a new topic, the noun following is in the nominative case, as subject of the sentence. Bal: "rather; but actually". It is termed as "adversative" because it introduces a clause whose semantic content conveys the idea of something additional but also different or contrastive from the main clause.
Iz [idh] "since, as much as". This small word is a resultative particle that introduces a clause providing a rationale or reason for the main clause. Izn [idhin] "therefore, then, so, thus, in that case". This connective word initiates a clause or question that comes as a result or conclusion from the previous statement. In more conversational style it may also come at the end of the clause. 1) (1)2:30 2) (1)2:60 3)