Ruinous end of Qa'roon, one of the richest
Man is the
audience of Grand Qur'aan. Its purpose is to guide him in time line,
brief him about the Universe he lives in; and let him know his position, role
and relationship with all that exists in the created realm. It is
amazing that it is achieved by verbally mirroring Episodes of human
history as if it were a live telecast. This might
lead Men take lesson from the past and realize the objective of his creation, and urge a desire
to accomplish that objective. Therefore, Qur'aan pronounces:

We have not neglected
mention a relevant thing in the Book-Grand Qur'aan.. [Ref 6:38]
There are innumerable
phenomena that threaten human life. Many are in our knowledge, but many
will remain beyond our perception.
One such phenomenon is sudden formation
of a sinkhole.

Is it for reason that
they, who adopted deceptive manipulating techniques,
have felt secured against
the possibility that
Allah the Exalted might cave-in the Earth along with them.
Or that the
Infliction might seize them from a direction they perceive not? [16:45]

Is it for reason that they
have not yet reflected on that which happened in their past, and
that which is a threat in their future, originating from the Sky and the Earth?
Should We so decide
We would cave-in the Earth along with them;
or We would cause
fragments befall upon them from the Sky.
Indeed this
existential is certainly a source of caution for every such person
who turns to the Divine Providence and Will. [34:09]

Have you people
felt self secured from the One Who
governs the Sky
that He might cave-in the Earth
along with you people?
When it happens,
thereat, it convulses. [67:16]
Who was the Man engulfed
when the Earth was caved in?

It is a fact that Qa'roon was
a lineage of
the nation of Musa
He purposely
demonstrated insolence for them.
And We had given him treasures to such great
extent that the holding of their keys was certainly burdensome for men of
In that state when
people of his nation said to him,
"You should not rejoice
Surely, Allah
the Exalted does not appreciate and approve
those who are exulted boisterous boaster. [28:76]

[Similar pronouncement in
And diligently seek the abode of Hereafter
with that which Allah the Exalted has granted you;
though you should not forget your share of enjoyment
in the life of this lowly world.
And you do good to others like that Allah
the Exalted has done good to you;
and you should not seek and pursue imbalances and
distortions in the Land;
since it is certain that Allah
the Exalted does not approve-appreciate
who are distorter-creators
of imbalances-spread wicked unsound ideas".
He was not a man to
listen and turn to the Divine Providence and Will.

Qa'roon repudiated saying,
"I have been given all that only
because of the knowledge I have".
Did he not
know that Allah the Exalted has annihilated rich people of civilizations before
who were more strong in power
than him and were abundant in accumulated wealth?
And the
Criminals are not asked about their slanders and sins. [28:78]
Such people become more
arrogant and pompous,:

Thereat, he made his
appearance before his nation loaded in his pomp-ceremonial splendor.
Those who were desirous of
worldly life said,
"Oh! would that
be for us
like that which has been given to Qa'roon.
Truly, he is
certainly a holder
of a great fortune" [28:79]
He had boasted of his
knowledge. How knowledgably was he that he did not know what was
underneath his feet and what was happening there for quite sometime.

Thereafter, We cave-in the
Earth along with him and along with his House.
Thereupon, there were
none rescue teams who could rescue him
other than Allah the Exalted.
And neither was
he who could rescue himself. [28:81]
The Earth under his
house and feet sank taking him and his entire house in the Sinkhole.
Egypt was an advanced civilization. There were rescue teams and
organizations for natural disasters. None could come to his rescue.
Would someone take lesson and revert to Divine Providence and Will and
seek protection from all known and unknown natural phenomena!!

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