Seven Layers of
Atmosphere Distinct from "Seven

Know the fact that
creation of Man
We had created
vertically seven layers-tracks in atmosphere above you:
Since We were never unmindful regarding all aspects:
safety + requirements of the Creation. [23:17]

Possessive Phrase;
Object of Verb. It denotes and refers to seven
is made from Root: "ط ر ق".
The primary signification is beating a thing to
flatten, layer, loosen or to separate it. Beating the ground so
as to render it even, or easy to be traversed and trodden. It
yields a slab - a path - a layer.
The information relevant to creation of seven
layers in the atmosphere is that Allah the Exalted was never
unmindful-negligent regarding all aspects of the Creation.
It signifies mindfulness for safety and
requirements of the Creation-human beings. Therefore,

"seven layers in
space-atmosphere" will
refer only those Layers which possess and mirror this objective
in relation to human beings and structurally meet all the
requirements associated with the word:
that is
they have the basic characteristics, qualities, manifestation as
infolded in its parent Root.
verbally mirror physical realities.
Information about the creation of seven
layers-slabs-tracks in the atmosphere is further updated in
these words:

Moreover, We have built
seven layers-tracks in the space-atmosphere
above you. These are strong and protective;
[for the reason]
Since We made the Sun as diffusing,
fiercely burning-violently hot. [78:13]
: It
is a Noun which refers seven
feminine objects and
is the first part of Possessive Phrase with elided second noun.
The elision is compensated as is evident by
It has an extra Noon at the end-tanwīn (تنوين) symbol
most commonly written in combination with (Alif),
. Grammarians call it
تنوين العوض
. It is defined as "هُوَ مَا يَكُونُ عِوَضًا عَنِ المُضافِ إِلَيهِ":
meaning it is that which is a replacement for
"muDâf ilaihi"-المُضافِ إِلَيهِ
second noun of Possessive Phrase.
denotes the same Phrase:

is the adjectival description of those seven layers, Adjective Resembling participle:
broken plural; feminine

"seven layers in the space-atmosphere"
should not be confused and equated with

"seven Skies-"heavens".
The Word:
has no relevance or similarity with the word:
the Skies.
To overlap these two phrases
to signify one and the same thing in translations amounts to negating the vastness of
vocabulary-concepts of Arabic Language
and that what Qur'aan calls about its Unitary Verbal Passages as “فصلت”,
everything segregated, demarcated and made distinct from each other.

is further adjectively qualified by:
It is
Adjective resembling participle or termed
Verbal Adjective. It is a noun derived from an intransitive verb in
order to signify the one who establishes an action
with the meaning of permanence.
When the governed word is accusative, then there is a pronoun in the
In the vicinity of:

, the given information is about the
characteristic nature assigned to the Sun. It is
Active participle denoting something
as diffusing,
fiercely burning-violently hot.

These two phrases, Possessive
Phrase + Adjectival Phrase will correspond only to such stratification
in seven layers that has the following characteristics mirrored by it:
1. Each Layer is distinct—has
its own mass-thickness-definite boundary as is human perception about
any Road-Path-Track structured for travel-movement.
2. Each Layer serves as path
for travel-movement of objects. Depending upon the peculiarities of a
track. traveling objects can move independently, or might collide also.
3. Each Layer must serve the
purpose of protection or meeting requirements of human beings.
4. Each Layer must be pressed,
compressed, or squeezed having characteristic of
vehemence, severity, strictness, or strength, force, or energy, as is
built in the Root "ش د د".
5. Its role and characteristics
must retain permanence.
6. It has relation of a barrier
between the Man and the dangerous violence of the Sun.
It is for the
atmospheric Scientists and Organization like NASA who might determine Seven Layers
in the atmosphere that correspond to the description verbally mirrored
by the above words. They will certainly, sooner or later, see these
seven layers categorically defined since it is promised by Allah the Exalted:

[Read with
We will henceforth keep visually exposing Our
tangible-physical realities prevalent in the Universe-horizons and in their own bodies to the eyes of those who do not accept
the Qur'aan.
The purpose of this visual manifestation is that the fact of Qur'aan
Infallible Doctrine-Statement of Established Fact
might become
self evident-manifest for them. [Refer
Grand Qur'aan informed that Allah the Exalted will keep bringing to human
visual access, the knowledge about universe and human body,
whereby the fact that Grand Qur'aan is a Statement of Proven
Fact/absolute reality might become self manifest to the people who keep
denying it.
Why a first time observation of hitherto unseen thing manifests
that the Qur'aan is a statement of proven fact? This is possible only
if the same thing finds mention of it in the Qur’aan. Verbal
specification and visual observation are two aspects of
identification of a tangible fact of real existence, as denoted by
Arabic word:
visual observation
of an earlier unseen fact by humans will manifest
a book written earlier in time as the Book of Facts which mirrors it
verbal presentation. This will establish that the Book really contains
verbal statements of physical/scientific facts and is not conjectural,
hypothetical and presumptive in its contents.

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