
























A Female Mosquito


          The basic purpose of a book is to preserve knowledge for the posterity of humanity. And if the knowledge/data/fact/information preserved in a book is for the entire humanity then it becomes all the more important that this book should be easy for comprehension since the level of intellect of human beings varies. One method to make things easier for perception is to explain a thing with an example. An example [مَثَلُ] is something that is representative by virtue of having typical features of the thing it represents. It is an illustration that supports or provides more information on an opinion, theory, or principle. An example is one that is visible/perceivable by senses.  Metaphor  is vividly different and distinct from the word example {مَثَلُ}. Metaphorical explanation is not easy to comprehend for men of lowly intellect but example [مَثَلُ] is conveniently understood by men of even ordinary prudence.

            The Grand Qur'aan has been made easy by giving examples since comparative study makes the long time storage in the memory safe and easy for retrieval/recalling and narrating by human beings. In giving example it is not the grandeur and loftiness of the thing equated with the exemplified but the similarity and matches is important to convey and make the perception vivid.

Certainly (what to say of explaining with gigantic similitude, given earlier) Allah does not feel shy/ reluctant/embarrassed/constrained in narrating a similitude/example of a female mosquito or even a smaller female than her; [Refer 2:26]

In Arabic the most conspicuous feminine mark is suffix Taa' MarbuTa (ـة/ة) as is in .